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<i>Topic:</i> Health, physical activity, and physical culture
Health, physical activity, and physical culture
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Research Articles
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Book Reviews
(Shutterstock/Studio Romantic)
Research Articles
Andersen, Tanja Thinggaard &
Malene Norup Stolpe
Kropsbevidsthed på skemaet
Andersen, Tanja Thinggaard
Malene Norup Stolpe
Body Awareness on the School Timetable
Andreasson, Jesper
& Thomas Johansson
From exercise to “exertainment”: Body techniques and body philosophies within a differentiated fitness culture
(published 150513 in
Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum
, Vol 6, 2015)
Baumgarten, Louise Gottlob, Maise Johansen &
Helle Winther
Bevægelsesglæde, legelyst og kærlighedsenergi mellem udsatte børn og forældre: Når familieidræt understøtter livsvigtige tilknytningsprocesser i flygtningefamilier
The Joy of Movement, Delight in Play, and the Energy of Love Between Children at Risk and Their Parents: When family sports support vitally important attachment processes in refugee families
] (DAN 200616)
Bennike, Søren, René Andersen, Henriette Folkmann Hansen & Laila Ottesen
The management and preparation of ‘street ministers of health’ are essential: An interview with a practitioner on the process of preparing instructors who are about to implement team sport on prescription in a Danish municipally organised prevention centre
Bredahl, Thomas Gjelstrup & Kirsten Kaya Roessler
Prescribed Exercise and Behavioural Change: The Influence of Self-efficacy, Stages of Change, and Social Relations
Ericsson, Ingegerd
& Magnus K. Karlsson
Daily Physical Education Improves Motor Skills and School Performance: A Nine-Year Prospective Intervention Study
Ericsson, Ingegerd
& Magnus K. Karlsson
Daglig undervisning i idrott och hälsa förbättrar motorik och skolprestationer: En nioårig interventionsstudie
Ericsson, Ingegerd
Betydelsen av fysisk aktivitet och motorisk kompetens för lärande
Gerth, Julius, Anders Raustorp &
Andreas Fröberg
Physical Activity Intensity Distribution during Physical Education among Swedish Upper Secondary School Students
. Published in Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum Vol. 10, 2019 (190923)
Graffman-Sahlberg, Marie, Gunilla Brun Sundblad & Suzanne Lundvall
Learning health in Swedish physical education: A critical case study of students’ encounters with physical fitness and health as a learning object
(published in Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum 191118)
Hemstad, Hanna &
Marie Öhman
”Jag har ansträngt mig så himla mycket och mår så himla dåligt och ändå är det ingen som ser” Elever med anorexia nervosa möter skolämnet idrott och hälsa
Hjelm, Jonny
The Aristocratic Taste for Sport among Swedish Sport Researchers
(published in Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum Vol 8 2017, 2017-03-02)
Håman, Linn
, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Göran Patriksson & Eva-Carin Lindgren
The framing of orthorexia nervosa in Swedish daily newspapers: A longitudinal qualitative content analysis
(published in
Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum
Vol. 7, 2016)
Janzon, Ellis, Hannele Piirainen & Ingrid Bolmsjö
Fysiskt aktiva utrikesfödda kvinnor i Sverige: Vad motiverar dem att börja och att fortsätta?
Janzon, Ellin & Jennie Holgersson
Hur medvetna är företrädarna för idrottsorganisationerna om invandrarkvinnors behov och synsätt
när det gäller fysisk aktivite
t? En kvalitativ intervjustudie med representanter från Malmö stads motions- och idrottsorganisationer
Jonsson, Linus, Natalia Stambulova,
Karin Weman-Josefsson
& Athanasios G. Papaioannou
Exploring exercise behavior and well-being of Swedish university students: A self-determination perspective
Mau, Martin, Kirstine Wehner Rasmussen, Mikkel Jacobsen & Kirsten K. Roessler
Walking against depression – a brief report
Ottesen, Claus Løgstrup & Jesper von Seelen
Physically Active Lessons in Secondary School: An Intervention Study
Skille, Eivind Å.
& Tor Solbakken
The relationship between adolescent sport participation and lifelong participation in physical activity in Norway A Critical Analysis
(published in
Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum
Vol. 5, 2014)
Sara Emborg &
Helle Winther
Krop, sansning og bevidstgørelse – vejen til bæredygtig forandring
Tjønndal, Anne
Offentlig folkehelsearbeid og idretts- og helseideologien: Folkehelsekoordinatorers erfaringer av samarbeid med frivillige idrettslag
[Public health work and the sport-health ideology: The experiences of public health coordinators on collaborating with volunteer sport organizations] (published in Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum, Vol 11, 200608)
Tolvhed, Helena
Oregerliga kroppar: Fetma som situation, motstånd och kritik i Roxane Gays kroppsbiografi
([Unruly Bodies: Obesity as Situation, Resistance and Critique in Roxane Gay’s Body Memoir
], published in Swedish 190603; English abstract
Wahlgren, Lina
Upplevelser av färdvägsmiljöer vid arbetspendling med cykel
Winther, Helle
, Anne-Merete Kissow & Carsten Sandahl
Når bevægelse bevæger: Hvordan kan inkluderende løbeaktiviteter skabe positive kropsoplevelser og livsforandrende fællesskaber for mennesker med svære bevægelseshandicaps?
When Movement Moves: How can inclusive running activities create positive body experiences and life-changing fellowships for people with serious movement handicaps?
] (191203)
Winther, Helle
Susanne Næsgaard Gröntved
Dans på sygeplejerskeuddannelserne? Innovative uddannelses- og klinikforløb med fokus på kroppens sprog, egenkontakt, kommunikation og lederskab
Dancing on the nursing degree programs? Innovative educational and clinic courses focusing on body language, self-contact, communication and leadership
] (200602)
Wendt, John T.
From Top Hats to Helmets: The Accident that Changed Dressage
Østergaard, Lars Domino, Robert Juul Jønsson, Anders Bern Kronborg & Christian Lund Nørgaard Strasze
Fysisk aktivitet inkluderet som en del af esportstræning: Et pilotstudie om hvordan spillere og trænere oplever fysiske aktivitet implementerede i træning
(published in Danish 220408)
Feature Articles
Andersson, Karin
Finding fun in the fatigue: Exploring healthism among group fitness instructors | A Summary
Ericsson, Ingegerd
Fysisk aktivitet och muskelfunktion bland skolbarn: Om Susanna Stenevi Lundgrens avhandling
Ericsson, Ingegerd
Motorikträning utomhus för vuxna
Ericsson, Ingegerd
, Patrik Grahn & Erik Skärbäck
Värna närmiljön för fysisk och psykisk hälsa
Ericsson, Ingegerd
Key issues in childhood physical activity science
(feature 121212)
Ericsson, Ingegerd
Hälsoekonomiska argument för mer idrottsundervisning i skolan
Ericsson, Ingegerd
MUGI i Sydafrika
Ericsson, Ingegerd
MUGI-modellen för motorisk träning
Ericsson, Ingegerd
Öppet brev till Sveriges utbildningsminister Gustav Fridolin från Ingegerd Ericsson
Ericsson, Ingegerd
Aktuella rekommendationer för fysisk aktivitet
Ericsson, Ingegerd
Motoriklek, fysisk aktivitet och lärande – en forskningsöversikt
Ericsson, Ingegerd
Movement 2017: Brain, Body and Cognition – en sommarkonferens i Oxford om relationer mellan rörelse och kognition
Ericsson, Ingegerd
Aerobic or motor skills exercise? What about their impact on academic achievements?
Ericsson, Ingegerd
et al.
Idrott och hälsa i Malmös skolor: Idrottsundervisning varje dag i skolan förbättrar enligt vetenskaplig utvärdering elevers motorik, skelett och skolprestationer
(SWE 210816)
Ericsson, Ingegerd
& Helene Rafstedt Johnsson
Idrottslärare och skolsköterskor kan samverka kring barns motoriska utveckling och lärande
(SWE 220218)
Ericsson, Ingegerd
Motorik, kognition och lärande:Öppet brev till politiker, skolledare, elever och föräldrar
(SWE 230227)
Fröberg, Andreas
Physical activity during the Covid-19 pandemic
Fröberg, Andreas
Physical distance, lockdown and… physical activity? A brief summary of reviews investigating physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic
Hansen, Jørn
Fra fritidsidræt til sundhedsaktivitet: Hvorledes idræt (på ny) blev til folkesundhed
Heffernan, Conor
‘A strong woman’s troubles’: Victorina and the strong woman in Victorian Britain | A summary
Ladefoged, Mathias
Selvorganiserede facebookbaserede idrætsfællesskaber – med SICK Project som case
(DAN 171110)
Martin &
Kirsten K. Roessler
Det handler ikke om at løbe længst: Et projekt med alkoholpatienter
Momoh, Danjuma Moudo
The importance of physical activity and staying healthy during the Covid-19 pandemic
Skauge, Mads
Ørnulf Seippel
Where do They all Come From? Youth, Fitness Gyms, Sport Clubs and Social Inequality | A Summary
Book Reviews
Ageing, Physical Activity, Recreation and Wellbeing
Barbara Humberstone & Maria Konstantaki
(red) Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2016 (Mark Brooke 170609)
AproPOS – Arkitektur, pædagogik og sundhed
René Kural, Bjarne Bruun Jensen & Inge Mette Kirkeby
(red) København: Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole 2010 (Else Trangbæk 110216)
Barn i rörelse: Om förutsättningar för utveckling i alternativa (?) idrottsaktiviteter
Johan Högman
Karlstad: Karlstad universitet 2021
(review in Swedish by Johan Norberg, published 220601)
Between exhausting sports and swinging rhythm: An inquiry into medical knowledge production about women’s sports and women’s gymnastics in Norway, Denmark and Germany in the interwar years
Kerstin Bornholdt
Oslo: University of Oslo, Faculty of Humanities 2011 (Helena Tolvhed 130129)
Bevægelse i rum og rammer
Bo Vestergård Madsen, Jens-Ole Jensen & Signe Højbjerre Larsen
(red) Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2013 (Kolbjørn Rafoss 140606)
Bevægende rammer: Omgivelsernes betydning for fysisk aktivitet og sundhed
Jens Troelsen
(red) Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2010 (Karin Book 110921)
Boldspil for livet: Spil sammen om sundhed og velvære
Peter Krustrup & Jens Bangsbo
København: Frydenlund 2017 (Torsten Buhre 181107)
Bosöns kokbok
Petra Lundström, Emma Lindblom & Katarina Löfgren (foto)
Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2012 (Lotta Wendel 171207)
Children’s Daily Physical Activity: Patterns and the influence of socio-cultural factors
Glen Nielsen
København: Institut for Idræt 2011 (Kristin Fransson 130823)
The Concussion Crisis in Sport
Dominic Malcolm
Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2020
(review in
by Tobias Stark, published 210302)
Education in Sport and Physical Activity: Future Directions and Global Perspectives
Karen Petry & Johan de Jong
(ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022
(review in English by Joacim Andersson, published 221125)
The Essentials of Teaching Health Education: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Sarah Benes & Holly Alperin
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2016 (Erwin Apitzsch 160831)
Equity and Difference in Physical Education, Youth Sport and Health: A Narrative Approach
Fiona Dowling, Hayley Fitzgerald & Anne Flintoff
(red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014
(review by Mads Skauge, published 190502)
Exercise Pychology: Second Edition
Janet Buckworth, Rod K. Dishman, Patrick J. O’Connor & Phillip D. Tomporowski
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2013 (Erwin Apitzsch 131214)
Exploring Perceptions of Route Environments in Relation to Walking
Dan Andersson
Stockholm: Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH 2024
(review in English by Sarah Spooner, published 241124)
Fitness Philanthropy: Sport, Charity and Everyday Giving
Catherine Palmer
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2020
(review in English by Aurélien Daudi, published 210610)
Football as Medicine: Prescribing Football for Global Health Promotion
Peter Krustrup & Daniel Parnell
(red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2020
(review in English by Dominic Malcolm, published 200429)
Footnotes: How Running Makes Us Human
Vybarr Cregan-Reid
London: Ebury Press 2016 (Diane McManus 171109)
Foundations of Exercise and Mental Health: Second Edition
Larry M. Leith
Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2010 (Erwin Apitzsch 100606)
Getting Our Bodies Back: Recovery, Healing and Transformation Through Body-centered Psychotherapy
Christine Caldwell
Boston: Shambhala 1996 (Helle Winther 140307)
Gym Bodies: Exploring Fitness Cultures
James Brighton, Ian Wellard & Amy Clark
Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021
(review in English by Greta Bladh, published 230116)
Health and Elite Sport: Is High Performance Sport a Healthy Pursuit?
Joseph Baker, Parissa Safai & Jessica Fraser-Thomas
(red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Suzanne Lundvall 160407)
The History of Physical Culture
Conor Heffernan
Champaign, IL: Common Ground 2022
(review in English by Greta Bladh, published 230608)
The History of Physical Culture in Ireland
Conor Heffernan
London: Palgrave Macmillan 2020
(review in English by Hans Bolling, published 210504)
Hälsoarbete i rörelse: Ett aktionsforskningsprojekt inom etableringsreformens samhälls- och hälsoinformation
Anna Bergenfeldt Fabri
Malmö: Malmö universitet 2019
(review in Swedish by Michaela Pörn, published 191106)
Hälsofrämjande arbete för barn och ungdomar
Ann-Cathrine Bramhagen & Anna Carlsson
(red) Lund: Studentlitteratur 2013 (Mikael Londos 140529)
“I have a pacemaker and hip replacement, but I’m up and running”: Rural Norwegian men’s meanings related to health. body and physical activity
Stein Egil Kolderup Hervik
Oslo: Norges idrettshøgskole 2017 (Suzanne Lundvall 180315)
Idrottarnas kostbok
Anki Sundin
Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2009 (Graciela Pfannenstill 100606)
Indian Club Swinging and the Birth of Global Fitness: Mugdars, Masculinity and Marketing
Conor Heffernan
London: Bloomsbury 2024
(review in English by Hans Bolling, published 240617)
Jakten på et bedre liv: Fysisk aktivitet i den norske befolkningen 1985–2011
Gunnar Breivik
Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 2013 (Maja Pilgaard 140314)
Katt bland hermeliner: Örebrogymnastiken utmanar Linggymnastiken under mellankrigstiden
Margaret Damm
Malmö: Bokförlaget 2023
(review in Swedish by Margareta Ljung, published )
Knäböj: Om kvinnor och styrketräning
Sara Martinsson
Stockholm: Weylers Förlag 2021
(review in Swedish by Helena Tolvhed, published 211117)
Lifelong Engagement in Sport and Physical Activity: Participation and performance across the lifespan
Nicholas L. Holt & Margaret Talbot
(red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Josefin Eman 120328)
Medicine, Sport and the Body: A Historical Perspective
Neil Carter
London: Bloomsbury 2012 (Susanna Hedenborg 141105)
Men and the War on Obesity: A Sociological Study
Lee F. Monaghan
Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Inge Kryger Pedersen 081126)
Mennesket i bevægelse: Krop, læring, aktivitet og deltagelse
Anne-Merete Kissow & Hanne Pallesen
København: Munksgaard 2016 (Lars Kristén 180222)
Motivating People to Be Physically Active: Second Edition
Bess H. Marcus & LeighAnn H. Forsyth
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2009 (Erwin Apitzsch 091216)
Motorik, koncentrationsförmåga och skolprestationer: En interventionsstudie i skolår 1-3
Ingegerd Ericsson
Malmö: Malmö högskola 2003
(review in Swedish by Ingemar Wedman, published 031125)
Muscle Works: Physical Culture and the Performance of Masculinity
Broderick D. V. Chow
Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press 2024
(review in English by Claire Warden, published 250206)
Nationens väl och kroppens fostran: En biografi om idrottsledaren, militären och radiomannen Bertil Uggla
Peter Dahlén
Malmö: Bokförlaget 2016 (Johnny Wijk 160512)
The Nordic Model and Physical Culture
Mikkel B. Tin, Frode Telseth, Jan Ove Tangen & Richard Giulianotti
(red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2020
(review in English by Joe Piggin, published 201016)
Ordination motion: Vägen till bättre hälsa
Jon Karlsson, Agneta Ståhle & Eva Jansson
(red) Stockholm: Brombergs 2009 (Fredrik Offerlind 110216)
Ortorexi: Fixering vid mat och träning
Yvonne Lin & Anatoli Grigorenko
Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2014 (Linn Håman, Eva-Carin Lindgren, Christina Berg & Stefan Pettersson 140910)
The Oxford Handbook of Exercise Psychology
Edmund O. Acevedo
(red) Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012 (Erwin Apitzsch 130125)
Physical Activity in 6–10 Year Old Children: Variations over time, associations with metabolic risk factors and role in obesity prevention
Gisela Nyberg
Solna: Karolinska Institutet 2009 (Ingegerd Ericsson 090923)
The Politics of Physical Activity
Joe Piggin
Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019
(review in English by Karin Redelius, published 211013)
The Routledge Handbook of Youth Physical Activity
Timothy A. Brusseau, Stuart J. Fairclough & David R. Lubans
(eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022
(review in English by Andreas Fröberg, published 240216)
Smak för motion: Fysisk aktivitet som livsstil och social markör
Lars-Magnus Engström
Stockholm: Stockholms universitets förlag 2010 (Charlotte Østergaard 110608)
The Social Geography of Healthy Aging: The Importance of Place and Space
Jasmin Tahmaseb McConatha & Karin Volkwein-Caplan
Maidenhead, Berks.: Meyer & Meyer Sport 2012 (Josefin Eman 140522)
Sociocultural Examinations of Sports Concussions
Matt Ventresca & Mary G. McDonald
(red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2020
(review in English by Tobias Stark, published 210302)
Sport, Medicine and Health: The Medicalization of Sport?
Dominic Malcolm
Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017
(review by Anne Tjønndal, published 190510)
Sport, Mental Illness, and Sociology
Michael Atkinson
(red) Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing 2019
(review in English by Frida Wågan, published 210831)
Sport and Exercise Psychology: A Critical Introduction (Second Edition)
Aidan P. Moran
Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 [2004] (Karin Weman-Josefsson 121207)
Sport and Exercise Psychology
Joanne Thatcher, Melissa Day & Rachel Rahman
London: Sage Publications 2011 (Sofia Bunke 130409)
Sport and Health: Exploring the Current State of Play
Daniel Parnell & Peter Krustrup
(red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (Katarina Sjögren Forss 181018)
Sport and Physical Activity: The Role of Health Promotion
Jacqueline Merchant, Barbara L. Griffin & Anne Charnock
(red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2007 (Jørn Hansen 081126)
Sport and Physical Activity across the Life Span: Critical Perspectives
Rylee A. Dionigi & Michael Gard
(red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2018 (Mark Brooke 180607)
Sport og motion i danskernes hverdag
Maja Pilgaard
København: Idrættens Analyseinstitut 2009 (Mikael Londos 110511)
Sports Charity and Gendered Labour
Catherine Palmer
Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing 2021
(review in English by Solveig Straume, published 230614)
Strong, Beautiful and Modern: National Fitness in Britain, New Zealand, Australia and Canada, 1935–1960
Charlotte Macdonald
Vancouver, BC: UBC Press 2013 (Matthew L. McDowell 140514)
Sundhedsapostlen J.P. Müller: Bind 1: Det kropsligt moderne gennembrud 1864–1904
Hans Bonde
Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2020
(review in Swedish by Pia Lundquist Wanneberg, published 210218)
”The Body is Made to Move”: Gym and Fitness Culture in Sweden
Christina Hedblom
Stockholm: Stockholm University 2009 (Kasper Lund Kirkegaard 100310)
Träning som medicin
Åsa B. Tornberg & Stephen Garland
Lund: Studentlitteratur 2022
(review in Swedish by Tommy Lundberg, published 230619)
Understanding the Sociology of Health: 3rd edition
Anne-Marie Barry & Chris Yuill
London: Sage Publications 2012 (Inge Kryger Pedersen 130124)
Walt Whitman’s Guide to Manly Health and Training
Walt Whitman
Emeryville, CA: Ten Speed Press 2017 (Duncan Jamieson 180308)
Wanderlust: A History of Walking
Rebecca Solnit
London: Granta Books 2014
(review in English by Jörgen Andersson, published 220210)
Wanderlust: Att gå till fots
Rebecca Solnit
(Translated by Helena Hansson & Djordje Zarkovic) Göteborg: Bokförlaget Daidalos 2019
(review in Swedish by Jörgen Andersson, published 220210)
Women and Exercise: The Body, Health and Consumerism
Eileen Kennedy & Pirkko Markula
(red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Suzanne Lundvall 111214)
Young People, Physical Activity and the Everyday
Jan Wright & Doune Macdonald
(red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Suzanne Lundvall 120418)
Your Dieting Daughter: Antidotes Parents can Provide for Body Dissatisfaction, Excessive Dieting, and Disordered Eating
Carolyn Costin
Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2013 (Gisela Nyberg 131205)
American Journal of Health Education
Asia Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education
Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity
(De Gruyter)
Performance Enhancement & Health
Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport
Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach
(Sage Publications)
Sport Sciences for Health
The Global Journal of Health and Physical Education Pedagogy
Sport Science Review
(De Gruyter)
Therapeutic Recreation Journal
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