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    Diversiteten i dansk fodbold har både fremskridt og fortsatte udfordringer

    Et udpluk af undersøgelsens konklusioner er blandt andet, at 90 procent føler sig godt behandlet i deres fodboldklub, mens 86 procent oplever, at der er plads til alle. Derudover er 18 procent af alle trænere kvinder, mens der er kommet flere kvinder på de politiske poster, hvor de nu står for 20 procent. Det er en stigning fra 16 procent siden den seneste diversitetskortlægning, der blev gennemført i 2019 og offentliggjort i 2020.

    International Journal of Sport Communication, Volume 17, 2024, No. 4

    The mission of IJSC is to provide a platform for academics and practitioners to disseminate research and information from diverse fields such as critical studies, sport management, advertising, etc. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Throwing Them Under the Bus: The Framing of a Critical Incident at the Tour de France by Ryan Snelgrove, Laura Wood, Larena Hoeber, Orland Hoeber.

    Call for Papers | “Of borders, borderlands, and crossings: The poetics and politics of...

    By addressing what leisure domains say and do, do and make throughout the borders, borderlands and crossings that traverse unequal global geographies of power, this special issue aims to connect/bring together issues that tend to be addressed as separated in and beyond interdisciplinary leisure studies (leisure and forced migration, Indigenous knowledges and sovereignties, disability, intersecting urban exclusions, settler colonialism, climate change).

    STADION. International Journal of the History of Sport, Vol. 48, 2024, Issue 1

    STADION serves as scholarly platform for well-known historians, and is aimed both at experts and at all those who strive for a deeper and more differ entiated understanding of sport, play, physical education and physical culture from an historical perspective. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Olympische Spiele Paris 1924: „Wunderläufer“ machen das kleine Finnland zu einer sportlichen Großmacht by Volker Kluge.

    Väl genomförd studie av ett intressant idrottsligt integrationsprojekt

    I Bollen i rörelse: Tjejfotboll, fostran och normkritik i den urbana periferin av David Ekholm, Ulrika Wernesjö & Magnus Dahlstedt (Linköpings universitet) studeras ett integrationsinitiativ, Bollen, i en mellansvensk stad, vars syfte och ambition handlar om att integrera unga invandrartjejer genom fotbollsspel. I boken presenteras och analyseras Bollen-initiativet utifrån en diskussion om idrottens potential för att lösa samhällsproblem. Vår recensent Anders Östnäs imponeras av såväl integrationsinitiativet som forskningsstudien av det.

    Inbjudan | IMS webbinarium: Religion och etnicitet i skolans idrottsundervisning | 22 januari 2025,...

    I centrum för webbinariet står Kalle Janssons nyligen publicerade avhandling från 2024, ”Gud vad jobbigt: religion och etnicitet i ämnet idrott och hälsa”. I avhandlingen undersöks vilka utmaningar och värdekonflikter med koppling till religion och etnicitet som uppstår i skolans idrottsundervisning samt hur dessa hanteras. Exemplen handlar bland annat om värdekonflikter kring islam och skolans simundervisning, kristendom och yoga samt vilken musik som spelas under idrottslektionerna.

    ”Över 400 trespaltiga sidor med berättelser som bubblar av engagemang och viljan att använda...

    För drygt 50 år sen bildades Proletären FF av ett gäng unga killar från Göteborg, starkt influerade av vänstertankar, politiska visioner och solidaritet. Nu har drygt 90 medförfattare skrivit klubbens historia. Boken är på ca 400 sidor och innehåller personliga betraktelser, historiska tillbakablickar och omvärldsanalyser, fördelat i ca 150 olika artiklar. Vår recensent är vald med omsorg – Torbjörn Andersson, landets främste fotbollshistoriker – och han kallar boken ”svensk idrotts mest ambitiösa jubileumsbok”.

    Sports Coaching Review, Volume 13, 2024, Issue 3

    Sports Coaching Review is an international peer-reviewed medium for the publication of articles related to sports coaching. It aspires to be a major focal point for the publication of sports coaching research throughout the world. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: An evaluation of the transition from an amateur to professional culture within Hong Kong’s Elite Rugby Programme by Andrew J. A. Hall, Cedric English, Leigh Jones, Tony Westbury & Russell Martindale (open access).

    Call for Papers | 6th European Association for the Philosophy of Sport Conference |...

    Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa (IUC) and the Faculty of Sport Sciences are delighted to invite scholars to the 6th Conference of the European Association for the Philosophy of Sport, April 28-30, 2025. This joint event, hosted by the European Association for the Philosophy of Sport (EAPS) and the British Philosophy of Sport Association (BPSA), is part of a distinguished series of conferences organised in various European cities over the years.

    Sports Coaching Review, Volume 13, 2024, Issue 2

    Sports Coaching Review is an international peer-reviewed medium for the publication of articles related to sports coaching. It aspires to be a major focal point for the publication of sports coaching research throughout the world. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: “It’s just been learning on the job”: becoming and developing as a ParaHockey coach by Amy Elizabeth Hardwick, Tabo Huntley, Anthony Maher & Amy Whitehead (open access).

    Call for Book Chapters | Esports and Crisis Communication, Emerging Insights into Esports and...

    This book aims to provide a way for readers to understand the history and development of communication in esports, differences within transnational fandom, and how these issues may influence the future of esports. This book will investigate the portrayal of esports characters within the games, use of crisis communication among gamers, investors, broadcasts, and fans to list a few categories. Examples of chapter topics could include issues like the rise of Twitch and crisis communication coverage, character selection and self-identification or any issue that includes crisis communication.

    Sports Coaching Review, Volume 13, 2024, Issue 1 | Ethnomethodological and conversation analytic (EMCA)...

    Sports Coaching Review is an international peer-reviewed medium for the publication of articles related to sports coaching. It aspires to be a major focal point for the publication of sports coaching research throughout the world. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: “Five” or “ten”: analysing a co-operative correction in Muay Thai coaching by Junichi Yagi.

    Sports Coaching Review, Volume 12, 2023, Issue 3

    Sports Coaching Review is an international peer-reviewed medium for the publication of articles related to sports coaching. It aspires to be a major focal point for the publication of sports coaching research throughout the world. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Contending with vulnerability and uncertainty: what coaches say about coaching by Charles L. T. Corsby, Robyn Jones & Andrew Lane (open access).

    Call for Papers | WCSS 2025, World Congress on Science and Soccer | Glasgow,...

    This event will bring together scientists, students and practitioners working within soccer from all over the world for three days of wonderful opportunities for learning, professional growth and collaboration all taking place in a unique football environment. Submissions to present at  WCSS 2025 are invited for either oral or poster presentation and they must be made online via the Online Submission Platform. All submissions should be in English and authors of accepted abstracts are required to pay the full registration fee.

    Ledig stilling | Førsteamanuensis eller professor i pedagogikk/fagdidaktikk, Norges idrettshøgskole | Søknadsfrist 2. februar...

    Det søkes etter en person med solid oversikt over nasjonal og internasjonal pedagogisk eller didaktisk forskning på skole og utdanning. Den som ansettes må over tid ha bidratt internasjonalt på forskningsfeltet kroppsøving og/eller idrettsfag i skolen, pedagogikk og lærerutdanning eller annen tematikk som angår pedagogiske og/eller fagdidaktiske problemstillinger innenfor instituttets fagfelt. Personen som ansettes må ha erfaring med og interesse for empirisk og anvendt forskning, samt eksternt finansierte søknader og prosjekter.

    Universitetslektor i kroppsøving og idrettsfag til Norges idrettshögskole. Søknadsfrist januar 12, 2025

    Institutt for lærerutdanning og friluftslivsstudier (ILF) er ett av fire institutter ved NIH. Ansatte på ILF driver med forskning og undervisning innen generell pedagogikk, kroppsøving/idrettsfag, friluftslivsfag, fagdidaktikk, og tilpasset opplæring. Det søkes etter en person som på selvstendig grunnlag kan bidra til å videreutvikle kvaliteten i lærerutdanningene som ILF har ansvaret for. Stillingen er tillagt 20 % forsknings- og utviklingsarbeid og 80% undervisning. 

    That Was The Week That Was, December 16–22, 2024’s weekly newsletter gives you the past week’s on-site activities in your mailbox every Monday morning, in the form of a letter with a link to a web page presentation of new publications. Click below to access that page, which also offers you a chance to subscribe to the Monday morning mail in case you’re not already a subscriber. And do tell friends and colleagues about this invaluable service.

    International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Vol. 59, 2024, No. 8

    IRSS is a peer reviewed academic journal. Its main purpose is to disseminate research and scholarship on sport throughout the international academic community. The journal publishes research articles of varying lengths, as well as book and media reviews. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Studying professional women footballers: A reflexive commentary on being benched from recruitment by Laura Harris and Dawn E Trussell (open access).

    Vacancy | PhD Studentship in Sociology/Social Science – Sports technology at Nord University |...

    The research group RESPONSE has an active and cutting edge research environment in sociology of sport. The PhD position is part of the ongoing research on sports tech conducted by the group. In this PhD position, we invite candidates to conduct studies on sports technology from a sociological perspective. Sports technology encompasses the use of technology in all aspects of sports, including organized sports, esports, and self-organized sports.

    Opportunities and obstacles for women in football in Africa

    Women’s Football in Africa by Chuka Onwumechili (Routledge) is the first book to take an in-depth look at women’s football in Africa, exploring its history, contemporary landscape, and the future development of the women’s game on the African continent. Maria Zuiderveld finds that while the book would have benefitted from a more comprehensive analysis of the gender gap in African football, it still offers new perspectives on the situation of women in African football.

    A comprehensive exploration of the social, cultural, and political dimensions of mountain biking in...

    Jim Cherrington’s edited volume Mountain Biking, Culture and Society (Routledge) represents the first critical examination of the diverse, complex, and at times contradictory culture of MTB, an outsider action sport that achieved recognition with the inclusion into the Olympic family in Atlanta 1996. Our reviewer Christoph Wagner appreciates this academic study of a sport that deals with issues such as habitat destruction, climate change and land enclosure as well as social inequalities and the commodification, technologisation and datafication of outdoor spaces and sports.

    A sporting legend, all but forgotten, now brought to life

    Alice Milliat (1884–1957) shares the fate of women sporting greats, their legacies are lost among all the male histories. Thus, Nancy Gillen’s biography La Vie Jamais Racontée: Alice Milliat, a French Heroine and Sporting Suffragette (Pitch Publishing) is a welcome contribution to the growing body of women sport history. In her review for, Katie Taylor notes that it is a readable and accessible book, aimed at a general readership and also beneficial for academic scholars despite the lack of references.

    Call for Papers | The Stoke Sessions 2.0: A Conference on the Culture, History,...

    The Surf and Skate Studies Collaborative at San Diego State University (SSSC) is proud to announce its third biennial conference. Join us for our conference that aims to bring together scholars from all backgrounds and disciplines – humanities, social and natural sciences, cultural studies, ethnic studies, Indigenous studies, sports studies, etc. in a comprehensive examination of surfing and skateboarding.

    Sociology of Sport Journal, Volume 41, 2024, Issue 4 | Sports and the Limits...

    SSJ publishes original research, framed by social theory, on exercise, sport, physical culture, and the (physically active) body. The journal publishes peer-reviewed empirical, theoretical, and position papers; book reviews; and critical essays. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: “Quinn, Who Goes by One Name”: Examining the Media Coverage of the First Openly Trans Nonbinary Athlete to Win an Olympic Medal by Barbara Ravel (open access).

    A very high quality and detailed history of surfing in California

    In his new book Waikīkī Dreams: How California Appropriated Hawaiian Beach Culture (University of Illinois Press), Patrick Moser uses surfing to open a door on the cultural appropriation practiced by Depression-era Californians against a backdrop of settler colonialism and white nationalism. Michael Roberts is our knowledgeable reviewer, and he is impressed and appreciative of Moser’s grand effort to fill embarrassing gaps in our understanding of the role of colonialism and racism in the historical relationship between Hawaiian and Californian surfing.
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