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    Call for Paper | “Leisure in the lives of diasporic communities”, Special Issue of Leisure Studies | Call ends November 1, 2024

    This Special Issue would allow interdisciplinary, international, and Global South scholars working in Sociology of Leisure to present research which explores the diverse and different aspects of the diasporic phenomenon. We further invite scholarly work that critically explore the concept of ‘diaspora’ within Sociology of Leisure research. ‘Diaspora’ is an enigma, with its attendant questions of cultural, racial, and social identification and affiliation, of lineage and identity, of story and memory, and indeed, of participation, representation, and socialisation in multicultural societies.

    Call for Papers  | “Diversity in Aquatics: Building a Community of Champions”, Special Issue of The International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education (IJARE) | Call ends October 18,...

    The theme of this special issue is “Building a Community of Champions” highlighting and promoting a civic engagement perspective which engages, advocates, and supports communities of Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) in addressing the national, regional, and local evolving health-related issue of drowning. Aquatic Settings have been a pivotal focal point of social justice, water safety, and public health not only in the past but our present

    Call for Papers | “Critical Approaches to Youth Development through Sport”, Special Issue of Youth | Call ends February 15, 2025

    We are expecting submissions that counter the idea that positive development occurs simply through sport programs providing spaces where youth who have been othered can temporarily avoid the environments that place them at a disadvantage, or “stay out of trouble.” And we seek work that enacts discourse and informs theory to examine the problematic focus on the individual navigation of discriminatory systems as developmental. We encourage submissions that not only challenge the field to examine the sociopolitical environment youth inhabit, but also demonstrate how scholars can engage in the transformation of the field.

    Call for Papers | “Strongman sport: physical culture, masculinity, and political leadership”, Special Issue of International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics | Call ends October 31, 2024

    Given the popularity of sport, it is clear to see why strongman political leaders (e.g., Bolsonaro, Orbán, or Trump), who harken to hegemonic masculine forms, have looked to the sporting realm as a means of augmenting their popular appeal. However, beyond sport, in the broader realm of physical culture - encompassing traditional games, fitness and calisthenics, dance forms, and recreational activities - little has been explored or scrutinized.

    Call for Papers | “Work in sport, sport as work: Sociological perspectives”, Special Issue of Sport in Society | Call ends November 30, 2024

    This special issue of the Sport in Society journal is located at the crossroads of the sociology of sport and the sociology of work and aims to partially fill these gaps in knowledge. We welcome abstracts applying diverse theoretical and methodological approaches within the sociological discipline, as well as studies from the perspectives of other social sciences (anthropology, economics, philosophy).

    Call for Papers | Et Forum for idræt blandt mennesker med nedsat funktionsevne | Deadline 11. oktober 2024

    Gennem de sidste år har vi fået oparbejdet en større kvantitativ og kvalitativ national viden om, hvilke idræts-motiver og barrierer mennesker med nedsat funktionsevne oplever. Til trods for vores større viden, ser det ikke ud til, at forskere, forbund og praktikere endnu har løst de inklusions- og deltagelsesudfordringer som denne målgruppe og idrætslivet sammen står overfor. Derfor har vi på redaktionen for Forum for Idræt taget initiativ til et temanummer om idræt blandt mennesker med nedsat funktionsevne.

    Call for abstracts and manuscripts for the Topic ”Sustainability-Oriented Learning in Physical Education and Health (PEH)”. Call ends April 15, 2025

    The overall aim of this Topic is to showcase research that centers on sustainability-oriented teaching and learning in PE to consider the significance of challenges and contribution to education for sustainability. We welcome contributions that focus on sustainability-oriented teaching and learning in PE, including PE teacher education. Study designs may include empirical studies, theoretical studies (e.g., policy document analyses), and case studies, among others.

    Call for Papers | “Novel Insights into Sports History”, Special Issue of Histories | Call ends December 24, 2024

    This special issue belongs to the section "Historiography", and papers for the issue can address any aspect of the writing and researching of sports history. If you think you have something novel to present and are interested in submitting a paper please contact Dr Dave Day, the editor for this special issue, at to discuss your proposal. Agreed papers would be expected to be submitted for the first round of reviews by the end of December 2024.

    Call for Papers | “Governance and policymaking in the Western Balkans toward European Union integration”, Special Issue of NISPAcee Journal of Public Policy | Call ends October 21, 2024

    The NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy and Special Issue editor Marko Begović welcome individual submissions up to 8000 words (inclusive of references and notes) that discuss, examine, or review the governance and policymaking in the Western Balkans toward European Union integration.

    Call for Papers | “Sport and Politics: Contexts, Connections, Confrontations”, Special Issue of Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Studia Territorialia | Call ends July 15, 2024

    Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Studia Territorialia is a leading Czech peer-reviewed academic journal focusing on area studies. It covers the history and the social, political, and economic affairs of the nations of North America, Europe, and post-Soviet Eurasia in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The journal is published open access by the Institute of International Studies of Charles University, Prague. It is indexed in the SCOPUS, ERIH PLUS, EBSCO, DOAJ, CEEOL databases, among others.