Topic: Combat sports

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to-page-topResearch Articles

Dahlén, Peter Svarta idrottsstjärnor och rasismens diskurs: Mohammad Ali, Michael Jordan och Mike Tyson i jämförande belysning (051019 [del 1]051102 [del 2]051116 [del 3])
Grene, Gudrun Tokle Se min kjole… En analyse av framstillingen av kvinnelig tøffhet og maskulinitet i norsk ukepresse (100310)
Kavoura, Anna, Tatiana V. Ryba, Marja Kokkonen Psychological Research on Martial Artists: A Critical View from a Cultural Praxis Framework (published in Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum Vol. 3, 2012)
Pereira Martins, Constantino Broken body: A philosophical anthropology inquiry into fighting (published 240129)
Thomsen, Ragnhild Boksesporten runde for runde: En sammenligning av svensk og amerikansk radiosport (031111)
Tjønndal, Anne Idrett, innovasjon og sosial inkludering: Fremveksten av Mixed Martial Arts i Norge (publicerad i Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum, Vol 9, 2018)

to-page-topFeature Articles

Erdoğan, Sanna Tensions in the sociocultural identifications of sports coaching (240618)
Imbrišević, Miroslav The Art of Pushing: Olympic Taekwondo (ENG 190523)
Imbrišević, Miroslav What can we learn from Cobra Kai? (201117)
Imbrišević, Miroslav Is there a Future for Olympic Karate? (210818)
Lewandowski, Joseph D.  Between rounds: the aesthetics and ethics of sixty seconds (scholarly article summary, published 201027)
Pekkola, Kristiina Slag mot huvudet krymper hjärnan (040224)
Tjønndal, Anne ”Kvinnliga tränare säger som det är.” Henrik Stub intervjuar Anne Tjønndal (150624)

to-page-topBook Reviews

Being Sugar Ray: The Life of Sugar Ray Robinson, America’s Greatest Boxer and First Celebrity AthleteKenneth Shropshire Jackson, TN: Basic Civitas Books 2007 (Peter Dahlén 111214)
Blows to the Head: How Boxing Changed My Mind Binnie Klein Albany, NY: State University of New York Press 2010 (Birger Hedén 101103)
Boxing: A Concise History of the Sweet Science Gerald R. Gems Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2014 (Anne Tjønndal 150522)
Boxing: A Cultural History Kasia Boddy London: Reaktion Books 2009 (Wendy Varney 110309)
Boxing, Masculinity and Identity: The ‘I’ of the Tiger Kath Woodward Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (Wendy Varney 080903)
Counterpunch: The Cultural Battles over Heavyweight Prizefighting in the American West Meg Frisbee Seattle: University of Washington Press 2016 (Anne Tjønndal 170131)
Deconstructing Martial Arts Paul Bowman Cardiff: Cardiff University Press 2019 (review in English by Anne Tjønndal, published 191204)
Fight Pictures: A History of Boxing and Early Cinema Dan Streible Berleley, CA: University of California Press 2008 (Peter Dahlén 110608)
Global Perspectives on Women in Combat Sports: Women Warriors around the World Alex Channon & Christopher R. Matthews (red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2015 (Anne Tjønndal 160624)
Globalizing Boxing Kath Woodward London: Bloomsbury 2015 (Anne Tjønndal 160104)
The Great White Hopes: The Quest to Defeat Jack Johnson Graeme Kent Stroud, Gloucs: Sutton Publishing 2005 (Birger Hedén 070314)
Harry Haft: Survivor of Auschwitz, Challenger of Rocky Marciano Alan Scott Haft Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press 2020 (review in English by Joseph Lewandowski, published 230227)
I fight for a Living: Boxing and the battle for black manhood 1880–1915 Louis Moore Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2017 (Anne Tjønndal 181009)
Knockout: The Boxer and Boxing in American Cinema Leger Grindon Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi 2011 (Peter Dahlén 111214)
Kraftkarlar och knockouts: Kraftsporter, kropp och klass i Sverige 1920–1960 Emma Pihl Skoog Stockholm: Historiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet 2017 (Leif Yttergren 190410)
Martial Arts as Embodied Knowledge: Asian Traditions in a Transnational WorldD. S. Farrer & John Whalen-Bridge (red) Albany, NY: State University of New York Press 2011 (Anna Kavoura 120509)
Martial Arts: The step-by-step companion to the Martial Arts genre PTJ Rance London: Virgin Books 2005 (Anna Kavoura 121130)
On Boxing: Critical Interventions in the Bittersweet Science Joseph D. Lewandowski Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021 (review in English by Anne Tjønndal, published 220915)
Prizefighting: An American History Arne K. Lang Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2009 (Hans Bolling 100127)
Reinventing Martial Arts in the 21st Century: Eastern Stimulus, Western Response George Jennings Oxford, Oxon: Peter Lang Publishing 2023 (review in English by Anna Kavoura, published 231123)
Ringside: Den svenska professionella boxningens historia. Galor. Kommentarer. Resultat. Rekordlistor. Statistik. Christer Franzén Stockholm: CKM Media AB 2004 (Nils-Olof Zethrin 050208)
Striking Distance: Bruce Lee and the Dawn of Martial Arts in America Charles Russo Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press 2016 (Brian Burmeister 160907)
The Urban Geography of Boxing: Race, Class, and Gender in the Ring Benita Heiskanen Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Anne Tjønndal 160331)
When Boxing Was a Jewish Sport Allen Bodner Albany, NY: Excelsior Editions (Suny Press) 2011 (Birger Hedén 111214)
Women and Martial Art in Japan Kate Sylvester Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2023 (review in English by Anna Kavoura, published 240403)
Writing the Prizefight: Pierce Egan’s Boxiana World David Snowdon Bern: Peter Lang Publishing Group 2013 (Birger Hedén 150104)

to-page-topMiscellaneous Resocurces

Hedén, Birger Boxning i roman Svensk Idrottsforskning nr 2, 2005
Mitra, Payoshni  Challenging Stereotypes: The Case of Muslim Female Boxers in Bengal The International Journal of the History of Sport Vol. 26 Issue 12, 2009