Forskarprofil | Karin Weman-Josefsson, Högskolan i Hamstad



  • Doktorand och adjunkt i psykologi
  • Ledamot i Svensk Idrottspsykologisk Förening



  • Motivation till motion och fysisk aktivitet

Pågående projekt

  • Avhandling om digitala interventioner för självbestämmande motivation till motion


Vetenskapliga publikationer

  • Weman Josefsson, A. K., Lindwall, M., & Ivarsson, A. (2013). The role of psychological need satisfaction and self-determined motivation for physical activity. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Self-Determination Theory. Rochester, NY.
  • Weman-Josefsson, A.K. (2013). Digital Interventions in Self-Determined Exercise Motivation. ENYSSP 9:th Annual International Workshop, Book of abstracts. Gothenburg 2013.
  • Jonsson, L.,Stambulova, N., Weman-Josefsson, A. K., & Papaioannou, A. G. (2013). Exploring exercise behavior and well-being of Swedish university students. A self-determination perspective., 2013-04-17.
  • Weman-Josefsson, A. K., Lindwall, M., & Ivarsson, A. (submitted). Psychological Need Satisfaction and Autonomous Motivation for Exercise: Moderating effects of gender and age.
  • Weman-Josefsson, A. K., Lindwall, M., Fröberg, K., & Karlsson, S. (submitted). The effect of a six-week self-determination intervention on exercise.
  • Weman-Josefsson, A. K., Halila F, Johnson U, Lindwall M, Wickström M, Wärnestål P. (2014) Digital innovations and self-determined exercise motivation: a person-centred perspective. VITALIS – Nordens ledande eHälsomöte; 2014; Göteborg. Göteborgs universitet; 2014.
  • Weman-Josefsson, A. K., Lindwall, M., Fröberg, K., & Karlsson, S. (2014). The effect of a six-week self-determination intervention on exercise. Paper presented at the 19:th ECSS Conference, Amsterdam, 2014.
  • Weman-Josefsson, A. K. (2014). Exploring motivational mechanisms in exercise behaviour. Applying Self-Determination Theory in a person-centred approach. Licentiate thesis, Department of Psychology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
  • Weman-Josefsson, A.K., Lindwall,M., & Ivarsson, A. (2014). Considering moderators and mediators in
    self-determined motivation and exercise behaviour.
    Proceedings of AASP annual conference, Las Vegas 2014.

Övriga publikationer


  • Weman-Josefsson, A. K., & Berggren, T. (2013). Psykosocial arbetsmiljö och hälsa. Lund: Studentlitteratur.


Uppdaterad 2015-01-05


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