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<i>Topic</i> | Adapted physical education and activity, and Parasport
| Adapted physical education and activity, and Parasport
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Research Articles
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Research Articles
Ahrends, Helle & Kurt Curth
Det handlingsduelige menneske i den usædvanlige krop: En case med hjerneskadede kursister
Apelmo, Elisabet
”Shit, jag kan också lyckas”: Om genus, funktionshinder och idrottande kroppar
Bentzen, Marte & Kristin Vindhol Evensen
“I bow down in awe of them…”: Sports awards for Paralympic athletes and Olympic athletes
Published in Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum Vol. 12, 2021 (210419)
Bergem, Svein & Eva K. Robertson
Barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser, foresatte og tjenesteytere sine erfaringer og kunnskap med aktivitetshjelpemidler
Children and young people with disabilities, guardians, and service providers’ experiences and knowledge related to adaptive equipment
] (published in Norwegian 230918. English abstract available.)
Ericsson, Ingegerd
Golfträning för barn och unga med funktionsnedsättning: En motorikstudie i Oxie golfklubb
Fellers, Joakim
På egna ben: En motivanalytisk studie av Svenska handikappidrottsförbundets bildande
Nordlund, Madelene, Kim Wickman, Staffan Karp& Lotta Vikström
Equal Abilities – The Swedish Parasport Federation and the Inclusion Process
(published in
Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum
, Vol. 13, 2022, 221012)
Vinther, Sidsel Brædder & Lone Friis Thing
Krop og Træning i Kilo Killers
Wickman, Kim
Genus och funktionshinder: Några nedsalg i forskningen kring handikappodrott
Winther, Helle
, Anne-Merete Kissow & Carsten Sandahl
Når bevægelse bevæger: Hvordan kan inkluderende løbeaktiviteter skabe positive kropsoplevelser og livsforandrende fællesskaber for mennesker med svære bevægelseshandicaps?
([When Movement Moves: How can inclusive running activities create positive body experiences and life-changing fellowships for people with serious movement handicaps?], published in Danish 191203; English abstract
Östnäs, Anders
Handikapp som socialt fenomen
Feature Articles
Bentzen, Marte, Danielle Alexander, Gordon A. Bloom & Göran Kenttä
What do we know about research on parasport coaches? A scoping review | A summary
Bo Carlsson
Rätten är progressiv och idrotten är konservativ i fallet Oscar Pistorius
Ingegerd Ericsson
Paralympic School Days: En workshop under EASS-konferensen i Umeå 18–22 maj 2011
Kutte Jönsson
Fallet Oscar Pistorius – om diskriminering, normalitet och anständighet
Owton, Helen
Paralympians makes waves on the world stage but disability reform is badly needed
(Conversation piece 151028)
Book Reviews
Adapted Physical Education and Sport: Fifth Edition
Joseph P. Winnick
(red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2011 (Øyvind Førland Standal 111102)
Athlete First: A History of the Paralympic Movement
Steve Bailey
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing 2008 (Hans Bolling 090606)
Bending Mainstream Definitions of Sport, Gender and Ability: Representations of Wheelchair Racers
Kim Wickman
Umeå: Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet 2008 (Oskar Krantz 080903)
Bio-social aspects of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Neurophysiology, maturity, motor function and how symptoms relate to family interaction
Peik Gustafsson
Lund: Lund University, Faculty of Medicine 2008 (Ingegerd Ericsson 081001)
‘Cultural Life’, Disability, Inclusion and Citizenship: Moving Beyond Leisure in Isolation
Simon Darcy & Jerome Singleton
(red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Elisabet Apelmo 160615)
De Paralympiske Lege – set med danske øjne
Jens Boe Nielsen
Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2021
(review in Swedish by Björn Sandahl, published 220907)
Design for Sport
Anxo Cereijo Roibás, Emmanuel Stamatakis & Ken Black
(red) Farnham, Surrey: Gower 2011 (Karl Palmås 121121)
Disability, Sport and Society: An Introduction
Nigel Thomas & Andy Smith
Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (Hans Bolling 090902)
Disability and Youth Sport
Hayley Fitzgerald
(red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (Anne-Merete Kissow 100421)
Disability Sport (2nd ed.)
Karen P. DePauw & Susan J. Gavron
Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics 2005 (Anders Östnäs 050831)
Dolda utmaningar: Om unga idrottare med osynliga funktionsnedsättningar
Suzanne Rosendahl & Lars Sandberg
Stockholm: Centrum för idrottsforskning 2013 (Jonny Hjelm 130911)
Dream Shot: The Journey to a Wheelchair Basketball National Championship
Josh Birnbaum
Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2017
(review in Swedish by Oskar Krantz, published 190919)
Ecological Task Analysis and Movement
Walter E. Davis & Geoffrey D. Broadhead
(red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2007 (Ingegerd Ericsson 080423)
Ethics, Dis/Ability and Sports
Ejgil Jespersen & Mike McNamee
(red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (Kenneth Aggerholm 100310)
Fysisk aktivitet för unga med Downs syndrom
Gerth Hedov & Ann-Christin Sollerhed
(eds.) Lund: Studentlitteratur 2024
(book in Swedish, review in English by Lars Kristén, published 241210
Handbook of Disability Sport & Exercise Psychology
Jeffrey J. Martin
Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018 (Marit Sørensen 181004)
Hoop Dreams on Wheels: Disability and the Competitive Wheelchair Athlete
Ronald J. Berger
Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (Oskar Krantz 100310)
Inclusive Creative Movement and Dance
Karen A. Kaufmann
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2006 (Helle Winther 060830)
Inkluderende kroppsøving
Øyvind Førland Standal & Gro Rugseth
(red) Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2015 (Lars Kristén 160511)
Kroppen som deltager: Idræt og bevægelse i rehabiliteringen
Anne-Merete Kissow & Bo Therkildsen
(red) Roskilde: Handicapidrættens Videnscenter 2006 (Anders Östnäs 080220)
Making Connections: From Theory to Practice in Adapted Physical Education
(Second Edition)
Janet A. Seaman, Karen P. DePauw, Kimble B. Morton & Kathy Omoto
Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway 2007 (Anders Östnäs 071003)
Paraeducators in Physical Education: A Training Guide to Roles and Responsibilities
Lauren J. Lieberman
(red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2007 (Anne-Merete Kissow 090211)
Paralympic Games: Empowerment or Side Show?, The
Keith Gilbert & Otto J. Schantz
(red) Maidenhead, Berks.: Meyer & Meyer Sport 2008 (Oskar Krantz 100331)
Paralympic Legacies
David Legg & Keith Gilbert
(red) Champaign, IL: Common Ground 2011 (Oskar Krantz 130515)
Passa mig: Inkluderad idrottsundervisning
Eva Fors
(red) Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2004 (Anders Östnäs 061101)
Reframing Disability? Media, (Dis)Empowerment and Voice in the 2012 Paralympics
Daniel Jackson, Caroline E. M. Hodges, Mike Molesworth & Richard Scullion
(red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Elisabet Apelmo 160615)
Som vem som helst: Kön, funktionalitet och idrottande kroppar
Elisabet Apelmo
Göteborg: Daidalos 2013 (Marie Larneby 131101)
Sport, Coaching and Intellectual Disability
David Hassan, Sandra Dowling & Roy McConkey
(red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Anders Östnäs 150923)
Sport and the Female Disabled Body
Elisabet Apelmo
Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Anne-Merete Kissow 180907)
Sport Media Vectors: Gender and Diversity, Reconstructing the Field
Laurel Walzak, Danica Vidotto & Francesco Collura
(eds.) Champaign, IL: Common Ground 2023
(review in English by Christoph Wagner, published 241002)
Strategies for Inclusion: A Handbook for Physical Educators
Lauren J. Lieberman & Cathy Houston-Wilson
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2009 (Anne-Merete Kissow 110126)
Träningslära för rullstolsåkning
Kennet Fröjd & al
Bollnäs: Svenskt Utvecklingscentrum för Handikappidrott (SUH) 2007 (Oskar Krantz 080319)
Wheelchair Sport: A Complete Guide for Athletes, Coaches, and Teachers
Vicky Goosey-Tolfrey
(red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2010 (Oskar Krantz 110330)
Wheelchair Warrior: Gangs, Disability and Basketball
Melvin Juette & Ronald J. Berger
Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press 2008 (Kim Wickman 081212)
European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity
Sport Science Review
(De Gruyter)
Therapeutic Recreation Journal
Miscellaneous Resocurces
Sport in Society
Vol 14 No 9 2011 (Routledge) TEMA:
Disability in the global sport arena: a sporting chance
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