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12 säsonger: Hammarby IF Fotboll 1991–2002 Hasse Gänger Västerås: Sportförlaget 2003 (Torbjörn Andersson 040219)
100 MFF:are Håkan Malmström Västerås: Sportförlaget 2010 (Ulf Svenning 101103)
100 Trailblazers: Great Women Athletes Who Opened Doors for Future Generations Richard Lapchick et al Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2009 (Anders Östnäs 101215)
100 år med allsvensk fotboll Martin Alsiö Västerås: Idrottsförlaget 2011 (David Olsen 120307)
1001 fotbollsminnen Sam Pilger et al (Översättning Katarina Kuick & Sven Fridén) Stockholm: Albert Bonniers Förlag 2008 (Frank Östergren 081126)
The 1908 Olympics: The First London Games Keith Baker Cheltenham, Glos: SportsBooks 2008 (Frank Östergren 080606)
1917: En berättelse om Sigfrid Edström, Asea, Västerås och revolutionen Anders Lif Västerås: Affidavit 2004 (Leif Yttergren 051214)
The 1929 Bunion Derby: Johnny Salo and the Great Footrace Across America Charles B. Kastner Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press 2014 (Diane McManus 140903)
The 1936 Berlin Olympics: Race, Power, and Sportswashing Jules Boykoff Champaign, IL: Common Ground 2023 (review in English by Martin Friis Andersen, published 230901)
The 1940 Tokyo Games: The Missing Olympics: Japan, the Asian Olympics and the Olympic Movement Sandra Collins Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (Björn Sandahl 081112)
1958: När folkhemmet fick fotbolls-VM Arne Norlin Lund: Roos & Tegnér 2008 (Frank Östergren 081001)
1979: När Malmö FF var näst bäst i Europa Mats Weman Stockholm: Offside Press 2004 (Mickael Möller 041026)
200 år av kroppsbildning: Gymnastiska centralinstitutet/Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan 1813–2013 Hans Bolling & Leif Yttergren (red) Stockholm: Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH 2013 (Jørn Hansen 131219)
The 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup: Politics, Representation, and Management Adam Beissel, Verity Postlethwaite, Andrew Grainger & Julie E. Brice (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2024 (review in English by Bente Skogvang, published 241122)
21st Century Jocks: Sporting Men and Contemporary Heterosexuality Eric Andersson Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2014 (Marie Larneby 141113)
21st Century Sports: How Technologies Will Change Sports in the Digital Age Sascha L. Schmidt (ed.) Dordrecht: Springer 2021 (review in English by Siv Stavang Aune, Anne Tjønndal, Stian Røsten og Sigbjørn Børreson Skirbekk, published 230525)
31 år på gress Arild Stavrum Oslo: Oktober 2008 (Ørnulf Seippel 081112)


‘A Proper Spectacle’: Women Olympians 1900–1936 Stephanie Daniels & Anita Tedder Houghton Conquest, Beds.: ZeNaNA Press 2000 (Åsa Änghede 070418)
A Companion to Sport David L. Andrews & Ben Carrington (red) Oxford, Oxon.: Wiley Blackwell 2013 (Alan Bairner 140425)
A Contemporary History of Women’s Sport, Part One: Sporting Women, 1850–1960 Jean Williams Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Greta Bladh 150322)
A Critical Realist Theory of Sport Graham Scambler Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2023 (review in English by Kalle Jonasson, published 241114)
A Legacy of African American Resistance and Activism Through Sport Joseph N. Cooper Oxford, Oxon: Peter Lang Publishing 2021 (review in English by Russell Holden, published 240503)
A Life in Sport and Other Things: A Memoir John Bale Crewe: MMU Centre for Research into Coaching 2013 (Erkki Vettenniemi 141210)
A Nordic sport social work in the context of refugee reception Tony Blomqvist Mickelsson Stockholm: Södertörn University 2023 (review in English by Maddie Brockbank, published 241031)
A Political History of Sport in Sweden Jens Ljunggren Cham, CH: Palgrave Macmillan 2024 (review in English by Alan Bairner, published 240904)
A Wider Social Role for Sport: Who’s Keeping the Score? Fred Coalter Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Mats Franzén 110309)
A Wilder West: Rodeo in Western Canada Mary-Ellen Kelm Vancouver, BC: UBC Press 2011 (Susanna Hedenborg 140204)
Aboriginal Peoples and Sport in Canada: Historical Foundations and Contemporary Issues Janice Forsyth & Audrey R. Giles (red) Vancouver, BC: UBC Press 2013 (Helge Chr. Pedersen 150121)
Aboriginal Stars of the Turf: Jockeys of Australian Racing History John MaynardCanberra: Aboriginal Studies Press 2003 (Susanna Hedenborg 051116)
Aborigines in Sport Colin Tatz Bedford Park, SA: The Australian Society for Sports History 1987 (Susanna Hedenborg 051116)
Action Sports and the Olympic Games: Past, Present, Future Belinda Wheaton & Holly Thorpe Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Anna-Maria Strittmatter, published 231205)
Adapted Physical Education and Sport: Fifth Edition Joseph P. Winnick (red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2011 (Øyvind Førland Standal 111102)
The Administrative Side of Coaching: A Handbook for Applying Business Concepts to Coaching Athletics Richard Leonard Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2004 (Per Göran Fahlström 060215)
Advanced Analysis of Motor Development Kathleen M. Haywood, Mary Ann Roberton & Nancy Getchell Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2012 (Ingegerd Ericsson 150220)
Advanced Introduction to the Sociology of Sport Eric Anderson & Rory Magrath Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar 2022 (review in English by Alan Bairner, published 220829)
Advances in Sport Psychology: Third Edition Thelma S. Horn (red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2008 (Joakim Ingrell 090606)
Adventure and Society Simon Beames, Chris Mackie & Matthew Atencio London: Palgrave Macmillan 2019 (review in English by Anne Tjønndal, published 200417)
Africa’s World Cup: Critical Reflections on Play, Patriotism, Spectatorship, and Space Peter Alegi & Chris Bolsmann (red) Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 2013 (Maria  Zuiderveld 131104)
African Footballers in Sweden: Race, Immigration, and Integration in the Age of Globalization Carl-Gustaf Scott Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2015 (Peter Alegi 160226)
Against the Elements: The eruption of Icelandic football Matt McGinn Worthing, SX: Pitch Publishing 2020 (review in English by Daniel Alsarve, published 211103)
Ageing, Physical Activity, Recreation and Wellbeing Barbara Humberstone & Maria Konstantaki (red) Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2016 (Mark Brooke 170609)
Agent 001: Börje Lantz – ”Kingen från Tomelilla” Ken Olofsson (red) Helsingborg: Helsingborgs Idrottsmuseum 2019 (review in Swedish by Torbjörn Andersson, published 200327)
Aggression in the Sports World: A Social Psychological Perspective Gordon W. Russell Oxford: Oxford University Press 2008 (Lise Joern 081001)
AIK: En supporters handbok Lars Grimlund & Frederic PavlidisStockholm: Bokförlaget DN 2004 (Mickael Möller 041012)
Ajax, the Dutch, the War: Fotball in Europe during the Second World War Simon Kuper London: Orion 2003 (Mickael Möller 040113)
Aktiv Oslo-ungdom: En studie av idrett, minoritetsbakgrunn og kjønn Åse Strandbu & Anders Bakken Oslo: Nova 2007 (Ingela Kolfjord 070829)
Aktive liv: Idrettspedagogiske perspektiver på kropp, bevegelse og dannelse Kjetil Steinsholt & Kirsti Pedersen Gurholt (red) Trondheim: Tapir Akademisk Forlag 2010 (Ingegerd Ericsson 110921)
Alkohol i den danske idrætsverden – mellem vision og virkelighed Solveig Skovmose Vinther Århus: Aarhus Universitet 2011 (Henning Eichberg 130322)
All-Around Men: Heroes of a Forgotten Sport Frank Zarnowski Oxford: Scarecrow Press 2005 (Hans Bolling 060201)
All-Stars and Movie Stars: Sports in Film and History Ron Briley, Michael K. Schoenecke & Deborah A. Carmichael (red) Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky 2008 (Peter Dahlén 100606)
Allsvenskan enligt Lundh: Makten, pengarna och tystnaden i svensk klubbfotboll [The Swedish Premier League according to Lundh: Power, money and silence in Swedish club football] Olof Lundh Stockholm: Albert Bonniers Förlag 2018 (review in Norwegian by Mads Skauge, published 200220)
Allt jag förlorade genom att vinna Albin Tingsvall Göteborg: Offside 2018 (Jesper Fundberg 190129)
Alpe d’Huez: Cykelsportens største bjerg Peter Cossins (Translated by Jesper Ralbjerg) Aarhus: Turbine 2016 (Poul Porskær Poulsen 160913)
Amasoner på planen – svensk damfotboll 1965–1980 Jonny Hjelm Umeå: Boréa Bokförlag 2004 (Ingela Kolfjord 040928)
Amateurism in British Sport: It Matters Not Who Won Or Lost? Dilwyn Porter & Stephen Wagg (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Christer Ericsson 080507)
Amatör eller professionist? Studier rörande amatörfrågan i svensk tävlingsidrott 1903–1967 Karin WikbergStockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2005 (Christer Ericsson 050405)
America’s Game(s): A Critical Anthropology of Sport Benjamin Eastman, Michael Ralph & Sean Porter (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Tobias Stark 121204)
American Indian Lacrosse: Little Brother of War Thomas Vennum Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press 2008 [1994] (Halvdan Haugsbakken 090923)
American Sport in the Shadow of a Pandemic: Communicative Insights Andrew C. Billings, Lawrence A, Wenner & Marie Hardin (ed.) Oxford, Oxon: Peter Lang Publishing 2022 (review in English by Britt-Marie Ringfjord, published 230509)
Anatomi för idrotten Robert S. Behnke (Översättning Anette Glad) Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2008 (Fredrik Offerlind 100127)
Anatomy of Sports Fans: Reflections on Fans & Fanatics, The Pierre D. Bognon Charleston, SC: BookSurge 2008 (Lise Joern 100331)
The Ancient Olympics Nigel Spivey Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012 (Paavo Roos 121213)
Animals, Work, and the Promise of Interspecies Solidarity Kendra Coulter Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2015 (Susanna Hedenborg 160526)
Ansats till övertramp: Allt om friidrott Arne Norlin & Jens Andersson (bild) Stockholm: LL-förlaget 2008 (Frank Östergren 090408)
The Anthropology of Sport: Bodies, Borders, Biopolitics Niko Besnier, Susan Brownell & Thomas F. Carter Berkeley, CA: University of California Press 2018 (review in English by Sepandarmaz Mashreghi, published 211207)
The Anthropology of Sport and Human Movement: A Biocultural Perspective Robert R. Sands & Linda R. Sands (red) Lanham, MD: Lexington Books 2010 (Kalle Jonasson 140523)
Anti-doping – a legitimate effort?: Elite athletes’ perspectives on policy and practice Anna Qvarfordt Stockholm: Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH 2018 (Sigmund Loland 190306)
Anti-doping: Policy and Governance Barrie Houlihan & Mike McNamee (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Björn Sandahl 160422)
The Anti-Doping Crisis in Sport: Causes, consequenses, solutions Paul Dimeo & Verner Møller Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (review by Björn Sandahl, published 190607)
Anti-Sport Sentiments in Literature: Batting for the Opposition John Bale Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Anders Ohlsson 080917)
Applied Ethics for Sport Managers Kadence Otto Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press 2019 (review in English by Hallgeir Gammelsæter, published 200527)
Applied Exercise and Sport Physiology Terry J. Housh, Dona J. Housh & Herbert A. deVries Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway 2006 (Lottie Olsson 070214)
Applied Exercise & Sport Physiology, With Labs: Third Edition Terry J. Housh, Dona J. Housh & Herbert A. deVries Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway 2012 (Torsten Buhre 131031)
Applied Sport Psychology: Personal Growth to Peak Performance Jean M. Williams (red) Dubuque, IA: McGraw Hill 2006 (Magnus Lindwall 061101)
Applying Cognitive Behavioural Therapeutic Approaches in Sport Martin J. Turner, Marc V. Jones & Andrew G. Wood (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2023 (review in English by Stuart Carrington, published 230927)
Applying Educational Psychology in Coaching Athletes Jeffrey J. Huber Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2013 (Johan Fallby 140403)
Applying Sport Psychology: Four Perspectives Jim Taylor & Gregory Wilson (red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2005 (Erwin Apitzsch 060503)
AproPOS – Arkitektur, pædagogik og sundhed René Kural, Bjarne Bruun Jensen & Inge Mette Kirkeby (red) København: Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole 2010 (Else Trangbæk 110216)
Arbete på stallbacken: Nittonhundratalets svenska galoppsport ur genus- och generationsperspektiv Susanna Hedenborg Malmö: 2008 (Eva Ramel 081029)
The Art of the Dialogue in Coaching: Towards Transformative Exchange Reinhard Stelter Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (Anne Tjønndal 190213)
The Art of Tifo: Identity, Representation, and Performing Fandom in Football/Soccer Jeffrey W. Kassing & Lindsey J. Meân New York: Peter Lang Publishing 2022 (review in English by Sara Karlén, published 221214)
Artistic Impressions: Figure Skating, Masculinity, and the Limits of Sport Mary Louise Adams Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press 2011 (Anna Maria Hellborg 111012)
Assessment in Physical Education: A sociocultural perspective Peter Hay & Dawn Penney Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2013 (Claes Annerstedt 150106)
Association Football and Society in Pre-Partition Ireland Neal Garnham Belfast: Ulster Historical Foundation 2004 (Mats Greiff 060118)
Association Game: A History of British Football, The Matthew Taylor Harlow, Essex: Pearson Longman 2008 (Arve Hjelseth 091216)
Det assyrisk-syrianska fotbollsundret Robert Erickson Stockholm: GML Förlag 2010 (Torbjörn Andersson 110420)
Athlete Activism: Contemporary Perspectives Rory Magrath (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Steph Doehler, published 230119)
Athlete First: A History of the Paralympic Movement Steve Bailey Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing 2008 (Hans Bolling 090606)
Athlete Learning in Elite Sport: A Cultural Framework Natalie Barker-Ruchti (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (review in English by Benjamin Moreland, published 211102)
Athlete Transitions into Retirement: Experiences in Elite Sport and Options for Effective Support Deborah Agnew (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Christian Augustsson, published 230203)
Athletes’ Careers Across Cultures Natalia B.  Stambulova & Tatiana V. Ryba (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2013 (Sepand Mashreghi 141211)
Athletic Intruders: Ethnographic Research on Women, Culture, and Exercise Anne Bolin & Jane Granskog (red) Albany, NY: State University of New York Press 2003 (Åsa Bäckström 110216)
Athletics and Philosophy in the Ancient World: Contests of Virtue Heather L. Reid Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Gunnar Breivik 120328)
Att (lära sig) vara lärare i idrott och hälsa Claes Annerstedt Göteborg: Multicare 2007 (Lars-Magnus Engström 071024)
Att göra och erfara friluftsliv: En etnografisk studie om läroprocesser i gymnasieelevers friluftsundervisning Åsa Tugetam Växjö: Linnaeus University Press 2020 (review in Norwegian by Eivind Sæther & Idar Lyngstad, published 211208)
Att göra tudelning: Om att synliggöra och diskutera ämnet idrott och hälsa för de yngre åldrarna ur ett genusperspektiv Inga Oliynyk Malmö: Malmö högskola 2014 (Owe Stråhlman 161122)
Att lära sig hälsa Mikael Quennerstedt Örebro: Örebro universitetsbibliotek 2006 (Håkan Larsson 071024)
Att träna och tävla är komiskt: Sport enligt svenska fiktionsfilmer 1930–2015 Margareta Rönnberg Visby: Filmförlaget 2015 (Birger Hedén 160413)
Att utveckla handlingskraft: Om flickors identitetsskapande processer i stallet (Elektronisk resurs) Lena Forsberg Luleå: Luleå tekniska universitet 2007 (Helena Tolvhed 090211)
Att vara idrottslärare: Om de själva får berätta Sofia Sebelius Malmö universitet: Malmö 2018 (review by Lena Larsson, published 190517)
Attachment in Sport, Exercise, and Wellness Sam Carr Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Torbjörn Josefsson 120418)
Authentischer Sport – inszenierte Politik: Zum Verhältnis von Mediensport, Symbolischer Politik und Populismus in Österreich Georg Spitaler Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2005 (Mats Franzén 060517)
Autonomy of Sport in Europe Jean-Loup Chappelet Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing 2010 (Anders Östnäs 110420)


Backe upp och backe ner: Svensk cykelsport och cykelhistoria i ett internationellt perspektiv Bill Sund Malmö: 2012 (Klaus Nielsen & Aage Hoffman 130221)
The Ball Game Biz: An Introduction to the Economics of Professional Team Sports David George Surdam Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2010 (Kjetil Haugen 110608)
The Balotelli Generation: Issues of Inclusion and Belonging in Italian Football and Society Max Mauro Bern: Peter Lang Publishing Group 2016 (Mattias Melkersson 180126)
Barn – bevegelse – oppvekst: Betydningen av fysisk aktivitet for småskolebarns fysiske, motoriske, sosiale og kognitive utvikling Per Egil Mjaavatn & Kari Aasen Gundersen Oslo: Akilles 2005 (Ingegerd Ericsson 060315)
Barn i rörelse: Om förutsättningar för utveckling i alternativa (?) idrottsaktiviteter Johan Högman Karlstad: Karlstad universitet 2021 (review in Swedish by Johan Norberg, published 220601)
Baseball and American Culture: Across the Diamond Edward J. RiellyNew York: The Haworth Press 2003 (Ørnulf Seippel 050503)
Baseball and Country Music Don CusicMadison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press 2003 (Peter Dahlén 050503)
Baseball and Cricket: The Creation of American Team Sports, 1838–72 George B. Kirsch Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2007 (Mats Greiff 080521)
Baseball and Philosophy: Thinking Outside the Batter’s Box Eric Bronson(red) Chicago, IL.: OpenCourt (Kutte Jönsson 041109)
Basketball and Philosophy: Thinking Outside the Paint Jerry L. Walls & Gregory Bassham (red) Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky 2007 (Kutte Jönsson 080903)
Baseball Over the Air: The National Pastime on the Radio and in the Imagination Tony Silvia Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2007 (Peter Dahlén 101103)
A Beautiful Game: International Perspectives on Women’s Football Jean Williams Oxford: Berg Publishers 2007 (Hans Bolling 081212)
The Beautiful Game is Over: The Globalisation of Football John Samuels Brighton, Sx: Book Guild 2008 (Matti Goksøyr 090311)
Becoming a Physical Education Teacher Gary Stidder Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Håkan Larsson 151210)
Becoming a True Champion: Achieving Athletic Excellence from the Inside Out Kirk Mango & Daveda Lamont Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2012 (Stefan Wagnsson 130926)
Becoming-place: (Re)conceptualising friluftsliv in the Swedish physical education and health curriculum Jonas Mikaels Stockholm: Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH 2017 (lisahunter  180912)
Becoming Centaur: Eighteenth-Century Masculinity and English Horsemanship Monica Mattfeld University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press 2017 (Susanna Hedenborg 170901)
Becoming Native in a Foreign Land: Sport, Visual Culture and Identity in Montreal 1840–85 Gillian Poulter Vancouver, BC: UBC Press 2009 (Johnny Wijk 100606)
Beer, Babes, and Balls: Masculinity and Sports Talk Radio David Nylund Albany, NY: State University of New York Press 2007 (Peter Dahlén 080903)
Before the Eyes of the World: Mexico and the 1968 Olympic Games Kevin B. Witherspoon DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press 2008 (Jon Helge Lesjø 091216)
The Beginnings of a Commercial Sporting Culture in Britain, 1793–1850 Adrian Harvey Aldershot, Hamps.: Ashgate Publishing 2004 (Daniel Arvidsson 070214)
Beijing 2008: Preparing for Glory – Chinese Challenge in the ‘Chinese Century’ J.A. Mangan & Dong Jinxia (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Jørn Hansen 091007)
Beijing’s Games: What the Olympics Mean to China Susan Brownell Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2008 (Marina Svensson 080606)
Being Sugar Ray: The Life of Sugar Ray Robinson, America’s Greatest Boxer and First Celebrity Athlete Kenneth Shropshire Jackson, TN: Basic Civitas Books 2007 (Peter Dahlén 111214)
Bending Mainstream Definitions of Sport, Gender and Ability: Representations of Wheelchair Racers Kim Wickman Umeå: Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet 2008 (Oskar Krantz 080903)
Beryl Maxine Peake London: Bloomsbury 2014 (review in English by Russell Holden, published 231019)
Beryl: In Search of Britain’s Greatest Athlete Jeremy Wilson London: Pursuit Books 2022 (review in English by Russell Holden, published 231019)
Between exhausting sports and swinging rhythm: An inquiry into medical knowledge production about women’s sports and women’s gymnastics in Norway, Denmark and Germany in the interwar years Kerstin Bornholdt Oslo: University of Oslo, Faculty of Humanities 2011 (Helena Tolvhed 130129)
Bevægelse i festen: Idrætshistorie som festhistorie Henning Eichberg Slagelse: Bavnebanke 2006 (Leif Yttergren 070228)
Bevægelse i rum og rammer Bo Vestergård Madsen, Jens-Ole Jensen & Signe Højbjerre Larsen (red) Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2013 (Kolbjørn Rafoss 140606)
Bevægelsens poetik: Om den æstetiske dimension i bevægelse Lis Engel et al (red) København: Museum Tusculanum 2006 (Frans Oddner 070606)
Bevægelsespsykologi: Kroppens sprog og bevægelsens psykologi med udgangspunkt i danseterapiformen Dansergia Helle Winther København: Institut for Idræt 2009 (Torun Mattsson 120606)
Bevægende rammer: Omgivelsernes betydning for fysisk aktivitet og sundhed Jens Troelsen (red) Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2010 (Karin Book 110921)
Bicycling beyond the Divide: Two Journeys into the West Daryl Farmer Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press 2012 (Bill Sund 141024)
Bidding for the 1968 Olympic Games: International Sport’s Cold War Battle with NATO Heather L. Dichter Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press 2021 (review in English by Kristian Gerner, published 230309)
Bike Battles: A history of sharing the American road James Longhurst Seattle: University of Washington Press 2017 (Duncan Jamieson 171213)
Bioethics, Genetics and Sport Silvia Camporesi & Mike McNamee Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (review in English by Matija Mato Škerbić, published 191120)
Bio-social aspects of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Neurophysiology, maturity, motor function and how symptoms relate to family interaction Peik Gustafsson Lund: Lund University, Faculty of Medicine 2008 (Ingegerd Ericsson 081001)
Bislett: En arena for mangfold og glede Per Jorsett Oslo: Akilles 2005 (Jesper Thiborg 060830)
Black and Asian Athletes in British Sport and Society: A Sporting Chance? Patrick Ismond London: Palgrave Macmillan 2003 (Jesper Fundberg 040406)
The Black Athlete Revolt: The Sport Justice Movement in the Age of #BlackLivesMatter Shaun M. Anderson Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2022 (review in English by Steph Doehler, published 230927)
Black Cyclists: The Race for Inclusion Robert J. Turpin Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2024 (review in English by Duncan R. Jamieson, published 240522)
Black Maestro: The Epic Life of an American Legend Joe Drape New York: William Morrow/HarperCollins 2006 (Susanna Hedenborg 071212)
Black Mercuries: African American Athletes, Race, and the Modern Olympic Games David K. Wiggins, Kevin B. Witherspoon & Mark Dyreson Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2023 (review in English by Christoph Wagner, published 240430)
Black Winning Jockeys in the Kentucky Derby James Robert Saunders & Monica Renae Saunders Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2003 (Susanna Hedenborg 060913)
Blekaste aning Per Planhammar Stockholm: Wahlström & Widstrand 2008 (Aage Radmann )
Blodig alvor. Eller: Hva er toppidrett Harald Henmo Oslo: Gyldendal 2003 (Peter Dahlén 040127)
”Blohm står när dom andra faller” Pelle Blohm Örebro: Shane Media & Communication 2017 (Jesper Fundberg 180118)
Blomstermålaren …och andra berömda män som varit i Åtvidaberg Åke Stolt Malmö: Arx Förlag 2020 (review in Swedish by Birger Hedén, published 210325)
Bloomer Girls: Women Baseball Pioneers Debra A. Shattuck Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2017 (Hans Bolling 181010)
The Bloomsbury Companion to the Philosophy of Sport Cesar R. Torres (red) London: Bloomsbury 2014 (Kenneth Aggerholm 141017)
Blows to the Head: How Boxing Changed My Mind Binnie Klein Albany, NY: State University of New York Press 2010 (Birger Hedén 101103)
Blå Boken 100 år: 1908–2008 Lars-Gunnar Björklund et al (red) Stockholm: Sveriges Centralförening för Idrottens Främjande 2008 (Frank Östergren 090606)
Blågult: Fotbollslandslaget genom 100 år Jesper Högström Göteborg: Offside 2008 (Annika Eliasson 081212)
Bodies of Discourse: Sports Stars, Media and the Global Public Cornel Sandvoss, Michael Real & Alina Bernstein (red) Bern: Peter Lang Publishing Group 2012 (John Hellström 130502)
Bodily Democracy: Towards a Philosophy of Sport For All Henning Eichberg Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Kalle Jonasson 101215)
The Body and Everyday Life Helen Thomas Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2013 (Mats Franzén 140530)
The Body and Social Theory: Third Edition Chris Shilling London: Sage Publications 2012 (Henning Eichberg 141110)
Body by Weimar: Athletes, Gender, and German Modernity Erik N. Jensen Oxford: Oxford University Press 2010 (Jens Ljunggren 120328)
The Body in Question: A Socio-Cultural Approach Alan Petersen Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (Henning Eichberg 080319)
Body Panic: Gender, Health, and the Selling of Fitness Shari L. Dworkin & Faye Linda Wachs New York, NY: New York University Press 2009 (Inge Kryger Pedersen 101013)
Body Shots: Hollywood and the Culture of Eating Disorders Emily Fox-Kales Albany, NY: Excelsior Editions (Suny Press) 2011 (Henning Eichberg 111123)
Body, town planning, and participation: The roles of young people and sport Antonio Borgogni Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä 2012 (Henning Eichberg 130307)
Boken om 500 AIK:are: AIK:s alla allsvenska fotbollsspelare 1924–2007 Anders Johrén Stockholm: AIK Fotboll 2007 (Hans Bolling 080319)
Boken om vinterspelen: Del 1, Från Chamonix 1924 till Calgary 1988; Del 2, Från Albertville 1992 till Pyeongchang 2018 Lars Ingels Stockholm: Sportförlaget i Norden 2017 (Anders Östnäs 180209)
Bolden i spil: Teambold i teori og praksis Anders Halling et al Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2005 (Hans Hinic 061011)
Boldspil for livet: Spil sammen om sundhed og velvære Peter Krustrup & Jens Bangsbo København: Frydenlund 2017 (Torsten Buhre 181107)
Bollen i rörelse: Tjejfotboll, fostran och normkritik i den urbana periferin David Ekholm, Ulrika Wernesjö & Magnus Dahlstedt Linköping: Linköping University 2022 (review in Swedish by Anders Östnäs, published 250114)
The Book of Cool Fred Rees & Dominic Sheridan Enfield, Middx: Ocelot Productions 2004 (Kalle Jonasson 061011)
Born on the Links: A Concise History of Golf John Williamson Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2018 (Johnny Wijk 190207)
Bosse Larsson: En skånsk samuraj Jonny Ambrius Västerås: Sportförlaget 2007 (Torbjörn Andersson 080220)
Boston’s Cycling Craze, 1880–1900: A story of race, sport and society Lorenz J. Finison Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press 2014 (review in English by Duncan Jamieson, published 200528)
Boston’s Twentieth-Century Bicycling Renaissance: Cultural Change on Two Wheels Lorenz J. Finison Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press 2019 (review in English by Duncan Jamieson, published 200528)
Bosöns kokbok Petra Lundström, Emma Lindblom & Katarina Löfgren (foto) Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2012 (Lotta Wendel 171207)
Bowl the Maidens Over: Our First Women Cricketers Louise Zedda-Sampson Melbourne, Victoria: Lzs Press 2021 (review in English by Rafaelle Nicholson, published 211208)
Boxing: A Concise History of the Sweet Science Gerald R. Gems Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2014 (Anne Tjønndal 150522)
Boxing: A Cultural History Kasia Boddy London: Reaktion Books 2009 (Wendy Varney 110309)
Boxing, Masculinity and Identity: The ‘I’ of the Tiger Kath Woodward Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (Wendy Varney 080903)
Breaking the Ice: The Black Experience in Professional Hockey Cecil HarrisToronto, Ont.: Insomniac Press 2003 (Tobias Stark 041214)
A Brief History of American Sports: Second Edition Elliott J. Gorn & Warren Goldstein Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2013 (Tobias Stark 160128)
Britain’s Olympic Women: A History Jean Williams Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021 (review in English by Gerd von der Lippe, published 230118)
The British Horseracing Film: Representations of the ‘Sport of Kings’ in British Cinema Stephen Glynn London: Palgrave Macmillan 2019 (review in Swedish by Peter Dahlén, published 201223)
The British Olympics: Britain’s Olympic Heritage 1612–2012 Martin Polley Swindon, Wilts: English Heritage 2011 (Björn Sandahl 120509)
British Sporting Literature and Culture in the Long Eighteenth Century Sharon Harrow (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2016 (Katarina Tornborg 160908)
Broderskap i näringslivet: En studie om homosocialitet i Kung Orres Jaktklubb 1890–1960 Therese Nordlund Edvinsson Lund: Sekel Bokförlag 2010 (Leif Yttergren 101124)
Broken Dreams: Vanity, Greed and the Souring of British Football Tom Bower London: Pocket Books 2003 (Jan Olsson 041002)
Brottaren från Vilshult Henrik Schönbeck Sandared: Recito Förlag 2013 (Bode Janzon 150605)
Brytningstid i Bajen: Från svänggäng till big business Ulf Roosvald (red) Stockholm: Offset Press 2004 (Mickael Möller 041026)
Building Europe with the Ball: Turning Points in the Europeanization of Football, 1905–1995 Philippe Vonnard, Grégory Quin & Nicolas Bancel (red) Bern: Peter Lang Publishing 2016 (review in Swedish by Hans Bolling, published 191031)
Built to Win: The Female Athlete as Cultural Icon Leslie Heywood & Shari L. Dworkin Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press 2003 (Torunn G. Saunes 040504)
Bulldogs on Ice: Yale University Men’s Ice Hockey Daniel K. FleschnerCharleston, SC.: Arcadia 2003 (Tobias Stark 041214)
Burying Don Imus: Anatomy of a Scapegoat Michael Awkward Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2009 (David Leonard 110126)
Business Leadership and the Lessons from Sport Hans Westerbeek & Aaron Smith London: Palgrave Macmillan 2005 (Bo Carlsson 051116)
The Business of Sports: A Primer for Journalists Mark Conrad Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (Marit Nybelius 090902)
Børn, fysisk aktivitet og læring Vivian Grønfeldt København: Institut for Idræt, Københavns Universitet 2007 (Ingegerd Ericsson 071212)
The Business of Sports Scott R. Rosner & Kenneth L. Shropshire Sudbury, MA.: Jones and Bartlett Publishers 2004 (Harry Arne Solberg 051005)


Can We Have Our Balls Back, Please: How the British Invented Sport (and then almost forgot how to play it) Julian Norridge London: Penguin Books 2009 (Leif Yttergren 091216)
Canada’s Game: Hockey and Identity Andrew C. Holman (red) Montreal, QC: McGill-Queen’s University Press 2009 (Tobias Stark 110126)
Cantona: The Rebel who would be King Philippe Auclair London: Pan Books 2009 (Mickael Möller 101103)
Capitalism, Sport Mega Events and the Global South Billy Graeff Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2020 (review in English by Christian Tolstrup Jensen, published 211025)
Capitalism and Sport: Politics, Protest, People and Play Michael Lavalette (red) London: Bookmarks Publication 2013 (Russell Holden 140923)
Case Studies in Sport Socialisation Mark Brooke Champaign, IL: Common Ground 2019 (review by Alan Bairner, published 190903)
Casuals: Football, Fighting and Fashion – the Story of a Fashion Cult Phil Thornton Lytham: Milo Books 2003 (Torbjörn Andersson 040323)
Celebration Capitalism and the Olympic Games Jules Boykoff Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Christian Widholm 131210)
Celtic Minded: Essays on Religion, Politics, Society, Identity… and Football Joseph M. Bradley(red)Glendaruel: Argyll Publishing 2004 (Magnus Sjöholm 041123)
Celtic Minded 2: Essays on Celtic Football Culture and Identity Joseph M. Bradley (red) Glendaruel, Argyll: Argyll Publishing 2006 (Henning Eichberg 070228)
Changing on the Fly: Hockey through the voices of South Asian Canadians Courtney Szto New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press 2021 (review in English by Tobias Stark, published 230126)
Cheerleader! An American Icon Adams, Nathalie Guice & Pamela J. Bettis New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2003 (Bo Carlsson 040831)
Child Development Through Sports James H. Humphrey Binghampton, NY: Haworth Press (Karin Redelius 050606)
Child Welfare in Football: An Exploration of Children’s Welfare in the Modern Game Celia Brackenridge et al Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (Bo Carlsson 071003)
Children and Organised Sport Kate Alexander & Anne Stafford Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press 2011 (Karin Redelius 130906)
Children, Obesity and Exercise: Prevention, Treatment and Management of Childhood and Adolescent Obesity Andrew P. Hills, Neil A. King & Nuala M. Byrne (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (Örjan Ekblom 081126)
Children’s Daily Physical Activity: Patterns and the influence of socio-cultural factors Glen Nielsen København: Institut for Idræt 2011 (Kristin Fransson 130823)
Children’s Exercise Physiology: Second Edition Thomas W. Rowland Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2005 (Torsten Buhre 051214)
Children Moving: A Reflective Approach to Teaching Physical Education (Eighth Edition) George Graham, Shirley Ann Holt/Hale & Melissa Parker Dubuque, IA: McGraw Hill (Higher Education) 2008 (Charlotte Svendler Nielsen 100901)
Choreographing Empathy: Kinesthesia in Performance Susan Leigh Foster Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Susanne Ravn 110511)
Choreographing From Within: Developing the Habit of Inquiry as an Artist Diana F. Green Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2010 (Helle Winther 131010)
Choreography: A Basic Approach Using Improvisation (Third Edition) Sandra Cerny Minton Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2007 (Lis Engel 090211)
The Cinema of Hockey: Four Decades of the Game on Screen Iri Cermak Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2017 (Tobias Stark 170831)
The Circus is in Town: Sport, Celebrity, and Spectacle Lisa Doris Alexander & Joel Nathan Rosen (ed.) Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi 2021 (review in English by Steph Doehler, published 221020)
Climbing: Because It’s There Stephen E. Schmid (red) Oxford, Oxon.: Wiley Blackwell 2010 (Åke Nilsén 120125)
Clinical Sport Psychology Frank Gardner & Zella Moore Champaign, IL.: Human Kinetics 2006 (Johan Fallby 060830)
Coaching Children in Sport Ian Stafford (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (PG Fahlström 120125)
Coaching for the Inner Edge Robin S. Vealey Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2005 (Per Göran Fahlström 070912)
Coaching Soccer for Dummies National Alliance for Youth Sports & Greg Bach Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing 2006 (Ørnulf Seippel 100331)
Coffee First, Then the World: One Woman’s Record-Breaking Pedal Around the Planet Jenny Graham London: Bloomsbury Sport 2023 (review in English by Duncan R. Jamieson, published 231004)
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in Sport and Performance: An Applied Practice Guide Paul McCarthy, Sahen Gupta & Lindsey Burns Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2023 (review in English by Stuart Carrington, published 230927)
The Cold War and the 1984 Olympic Games: A Soviet-American Surrogate War Philip A. D’Agati Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2013 (Kristian Gerner 140221)
Cold War Games: Propaganda, the Olympics, and U.S. Foreign Policy Toby C. Rider Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2016 (Kristian Gerner 170913)
Collective Action and Football Fandom: A Relational Sociological Approach Jamie Cleland, Mark Doidge, Peter Millward & Paul Widdop Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2018 (Arve Hjelseth 181024; in Norwegian)
Collective Action and Football Fandom: A Relational Sociological Approach Jamie Cleland, Mark Doidge, Peter Millward & Paul Widdop Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2018 (Arve Hjelseth 181115; in English)
Coming on Strong: Gender and Sexuality in Women’s Sport (2nd ed.) Susan K. Cahn Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2015 (Helena Tolvhed 160921)
Communication and Sport: Surveying the Field Andrew C. Billings, Michael L. Butterworth & Paul D. Turman London: Sage Publications 2012 (Marit Nybelius 130222)
Comparative Elite Sport Development: Systems, Structures and Public Policy Barrie Houlihan & Mick Green (red) Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2007 (Rasmus Storm 080220)
Complete Cheerleading Justin Carrier & Donna McKay Champaign, IL.: Human Kinetics 2006 (Bo Carlsson 061101)
The Concussion Crisis in Sport Dominic Malcolm Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2020 (review in English by Tobias Stark, published 210302)
Consumer Behaviour in Sport and Events: Marketing Action Daniel C. Funk Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2008 (Gun Normark 100901)
Consumer Behavior Knowledge for Effective Sports and Event Marketing Lynn R. Kahle & Angeline G. Close (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Gun Normark 110921)
Consuming Football in Late Modern Life Kevin Dixon Aldershot, Hamps.: Ashgate Publishing 2013 (Arve Hjelseth 140917)
Contemporary Issues in Physical Education: International Perspectives Ken Hardman & Ken Green (red) Maidenhead, Berks.: Meyer & Meyer Sport  (Claes Annerstedt 130614)
Contemporary Issues in Sport Economics: Participation and Professional Team Sports Wladimir Andreff (red) Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar 2011 (Harry Arne Solberg 110921)
Contemporary Issues in Sport Management: A Critical Introduction Terri Byers (red) London: Sage Publications 2016 (Søren Bennike 160916)
Contemporary Sport Management: Third Edition Janet B. Parks, Jerome Quarterman & Lucie Thibault (red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2007 (Josef Fahlén 071003)
Contemporary Sport Management: Fourth Edition Paul M. Pedersen, Janet B. Parks, Jerome Quarterman & Lucie Thibault (red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2011 (Magnus Forslund 120509)
Contesting Identities: Sports in American Film Aaron Baker Chicago: University of Illinois Press 2003 (Peter Dahlén 040113)
Coping and Emotion in Sport: Second Edition Joanne Thatcher, Marc Jones & David Lavallee (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Christian Augustsson 120919)
Counseling and Psychological Services for College Student-Athletes Edward F. Etzel (red) Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2009 (Urban Johnson 101013)
Counseling College Student-Athletes: Issues and Interventions Edward F. Etzel, A. P. Ferrante & James W. Pinkney (red) Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2002 (Sverker Bengtsson 081126)
Counterpunch: The Cultural Battles over Heavyweight Prizefighting in the American West Meg Frisbee Seattle: University of Washington Press 2016 (Anne Tjønndal 170131)
The Court of Arbitration for Sport and Its Jurisprudence: An Empirical Inquiry into Lex Sportiva Johan Lindholm Haag: TMC Asser Press 2019 (review in English by Jack Anderson, published 190925)
Cricket, Capitalism and Class: From the Village Green to the Cricket Industry Chris McMillan Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2024 (review in English by Russell Holden, published 240117)
Cricket, Race and the 2007 World Cup Jon Gemmell & Boria Majumdar (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Guy Osborn 100901)
Cricket and Contemporary Society in Britain: Crisis and Continuity Russell Holden Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Daniel Norcross, published 221123)
Cricket and Society in South Africa, 1910–1971: From Union to Isolation Bruce Murray, Richard Parry & Jonty Winch (eds.) London: Palgrave Macmillan 2018 (review in English by Russell Holden, published 200604)
Cricket and the Law: The Man in White is Always Right David Fraser London: Routledge 2005 (Bo Carlsson 060412)
Cricketing Lives: A characterful history from pitch to page Richard H. Thomas London: Reaktion Books 2021 (review in English by Russell Holden, published 220216)
Crime and NO punishment: Thoughts on the Use and Abuse of Performance-Enhancing Drugs Kjetil K. Haugen Chișinău, Republic of Moldova: Eliva Press 2022 (review in English by Alexis Sossa, published 240412)
Critical Geographies of Sport: Space, power and sport in global perspective Natalie Koch (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Karin Book 170908)
Critical Issues in Football: A Sociological Analysis of the Beautiful Game Will Roberts, Stuart Whigham, Alex Culvin & Daniel Parnell (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2023 (review in English by Arve Hjelseth, published 240424)
Critical Perspectives on Esports Annette R. Hofmann & Pascal Mamudou Camara (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2024 (review in English by Egil Rogstad, published 241010)
Critical Readings in Bodybuilding Adam Locks & Niall Richardson (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Jesper Andreasson 140311)
Critical Research in Sport, Health and Physical Education: How to make a difference Richard Pringle, Håkan Larsson & Göran Gerdin (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (review in English by lisahunter , published 201120)
Critical Thinking for Sports Students Emily Ryall London: Sage Publications 2010 (Kutte Jönsson 130829)
Cultural History of Association Football in Scotland, 1865-1902: Understanding Sports as a Way of Understanding Society Matthew L. McDowell Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press 2013 (Torbjörn Andersson 140206)
‘Cultural Life’, Disability, Inclusion and Citizenship: Moving Beyond Leisure in Isolation Simon Darcy & Jerome Singleton (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Elisabet Apelmo 160615)
The Cultural Politics of Lifestyle Sports Belinda Wheaton Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2013 (Kalle Jonasson 170426)
The Cultural Politics of Post-9/11 American Sport: Power, Pedagogy and the Popular Michael Silk Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Rasmus Storm 121010)
Cultural Sport Psychology Robert J. Schinke & Stephanie J. Hanrahan (red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2009 (Joakim Ingrell 100127)
Cultural Turn in Sport Psychology, The Tatiana V. Ryba, Robert J. Schinke & Gershon Tenenbaum (red) Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2010 (Karin Josefsson 100606)
Culture, Politics and Sport: Blowing the Whistle Revisited Garry Whannel Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Joakim Åkesson 090225)
Culture, Sport, and Physical Activity: Issues, Impact and Challenges Karin Volkwein-Caplan Aachen: Meyer & Meyer 2004 (Frans Oddner 050606)
The Culture and Sport of Skiing: From Antiquity to World War II E. John B. Allen Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press 2007 (Leif Yttergren 080305)
Culture on Ice: Figure Skating and Cultural Meaning Ellyn Kestnbaum Middleton, CT: Wesleyan University Press 2003 (Helle Winther 060118)
Cycling: A Sociology of Vélomobility Peter Cox Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (review in English by Duncan Jamieson, published 191016)
Cycling: A Philosophical Tour De Force Jesús Ilundáin-Agurruza & Michael W. Austin (red) Oxford, Oxon.: Wiley Blackwell 2010 (Ask Vest Christiansen 120125)
Cycling and Society Dave Horton, Paul Rosen & Peter Cox (red) Aldershot, Hamps.: Ashgate Publishing 2007 (Peter Schantz 081126)
Cycling and the British: A Modern History Neil Carter London: Bloomsbury 2021 (review in English by Duncan R. Jamieson, published 211216)
Cycling Diplomacy: Undemocratic Regimes and Professional Road Cycling Teams Sponsorship Jiří Zákravský Oxford, Oxon: Peter Lang Publishing 2021 (review in English by Heather Dichter, published 230914)


Da fagbevegelsen inntok idretten: Historien om NISO Jens Olav Simensen, Morgan Andersen & Jan Erik Mustad Bergen: Vigmostad Bjørke 2004 (Anders Östnäs 060315)
Dagen efter Lionel Shriver (Översättning Cajsa Mitchell) Stockholm: Ordfront 2007 (Annika Eliasson 080917)
Dagbok från Berlinolympiaden 1936: Redigerad och kommenterad av Rolf Yrlid Barbro Alving Stockholm: Atlantis 2008 (Emma Tornborg 080606)
Damelvan: Ett porträtt av svensk damfotboll Jennifer WegerupStockholm: Bokförlaget Forum 2005 (Ingela Kolfjord 050914)
Dance About Anything Marty Sprague , Helene Scheff & Susan McGreevy-Nichols Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2006 (Helle Winther 070829)
Dance Composition: An Interrelated Arts Approach Janice Pomer Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2009 (Lis Engel 100922)
Dance Education Around the World: Perspectives on dance, young people and change Charlotte Svendler Nielsen & Stephanie Burridge (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (review in Swedish by Torun Mattsson, published 200129)
Dance in a World of Change: Reflections on Globalization and Cultural Difference Sherry B. Shapiro (red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2008 (Helle Winther 090225)
Dance Spaces: Practices of Movement Susanne Ravn & Leena Rouhiainen (red) Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2012 (Torun Mattsson 170530)
Dans 22: Bevægelse, koreografi og performance Mie Lykke Nielsen (red) København: Frydenlund 2019 (review in Swedish by Märtha Gripson, published 200401)
dans dans dans: Ideer i teori og praksis Lis Engel København: Frydenlund 2007 (Britt-Marie Styrke 090325)
Dans i idræt: Øvelser og koreografier Solveig Løvendahl Gustafsson København: Frydenlund 2012 (Torun Mattsson 130920)
Dans i skolan: Om genus, kropp och uttryck Anna Lindqvist Umeå: Institutionen för estetiska ämnen, Umeå universitet 2010 (Torun Mattsson 140430)
Dansk Håndbold: Bredde, elite og kommercialiseringens konsekvenser Rasmus K. Storm (red) Slagelse: Bavnebanke 2008 (Daniel Arvidsson 090902)
Dansk idrætspolitik: Idrætten i Kulturministeriet gennem 50 år Claus Bøje & Søren Riiskjær København: Gads Forlag 2023 (review in Danish by Christian Tolstrup Jensen, published 240322)
Darby McCarthy: Against All Odds Lauren CallawayMelbourne: Melbourne Books 2004 (Susanna Hedenborg 051116)
Dark Sides of Sport Jörg Krieger & Stephan Wassong (eds.) Champaign, IL: Common Ground 2019 (review in English by Mark Brooke, published 200930)
Data Analysis and Research for Sport and Exercise Science Craig Williams & Chris Wragg London: Routledge 2004 (Anna Maria Holmbäck 041214)
De Danske Skytteforeninger gennem 150 år: Del III 1992–2011. Under konstant forandring Erling Madsen Vingsted: De Danske Skytteforeninger 2011 (Therese Nordlund Edvinsson 120418)
De första 116 åren: Boken om AIK Fotboll 1897–2012 Hans Bolling & Anders Johrén Stockholm: AIK Fotboll AB 2012 (David Holt Olsen 130925)
De kalde lekene: Norge, skisporten og de olympiske vinterlekene Halvor Kleppen Oslo: Akilles 2014 (Daniel Svensson 190320)
De nordiska lekarna: Grannländer i pressen under olympiska vinterspel Martin Johansson Huddinge: Södertörns högskola 2023 (review in Swedish by Peter Dahlén, published 231220)
De Paralympiske Lege – set med danske øjne Jens Boe Nielsen Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2021 (review in Swedish by Björn Sandahl, published 220907)
The Decadent Sportsman Medlar Lucan & Durian Gray Satry, Cambs.: Deadalus Press 2013 (Malcolm MacLean 140516)
Decolonial Re-existence and Sports: Stories of Afghan youth in Sweden Sepandarmaz Mashreghi Malmö: Malmö University 2021 (review in English by Kristin Walseth, published 220510)
Deconstructing Martial Arts Paul Bowman Cardiff: Cardiff University Press 2019 (review in English by Anne Tjønndal, published 191204)
Deconstructing Sport History: A Postmodern Analysis Murray G. Phillips (red) Albany, NY: State University of New York Press 2006 (Mats Franzén 061115)
Defending the American Way of Life: Sport, Culture, and the Cold War Toby C. Rider & Kevin B. Witherspoon (eds.) Fayetteville, Ark.: The University of Arkansas Press 2018 (review in English by Kristian Gerner, published 210428)
Defining Physical Education: The Social Construction of a School Subject in Postwar Britain David Kirk Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 [1992] (Håkan Larsson 130315)
Defining Sport: Conceptions and Borderlines Shawn E. Klein (red) Lanham, MD: Lexington Books 2017 (Anne Tjønndal 170517)
Degerfors IF – hela Sveriges lag: 100 år Gerhard Jansson (red) Degerfors: Degerfors IF 2006 (Christer Ericsson 071212)
Degrees of Difficulty: How women’s gymnastics rose to prominence and fell from grace Georgia Cervin Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2021 (review in English by Laura Misener, published 221007)
Deleuze and the Physically Active Body Pirkko Markula Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (review in English by Kalle Jonasson, published 200422)
Delivering Olympic and Elite Sport in a Cross Cultural Context: From Beijing to London Fan Hong & Lu Zhouziang (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Jon Helge Lesjø 170119)
Demystifying Talent Management: A Critical Approach to the Realities of Talent Billy Adamsen Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2016 (Inge Kryger Pedersen 160608)
Den allvarlga leken: Krönikor från idrottens värld Åke Stolt Malmö: Arx Förlag 2018 (review in Swedish by Birger Hedén, published 191018)
Den döende bandyn? En säregen historia om svensk natur, nationalism och nostalgi Torbjörn Andersson Malmö: Arx Förlag 2019 (review in Swedish by Ansgar Molzberger, published 191024)
Den forsvunne diamanten: Historien om fotballens mørke side Lars Backe Madsen & Jens M. Johansson Oslo: Tiden 2008 (Kristin Fransson 091007)
Den inre ryttaren: Tänk rätt och rid bättre Cecilia Löfgren Västerås: ICA Bokförlag 2009 (Susanna Hedenborg 100512)
”Den kvindelige Kvinde”: Kampen om kvindelighed, medborgerskab og professionalisering i dansk kvindegymnastik 1886–1940 Anne Lykke Poulsen København: Institut for Idræt, Københavns Universitet 2005 (Gerd von der Lippe 060830)
Den moralske stedfortræder – og andre historier om idræt og politik Jørn Hansen Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2008 (Kalle Jonasson 100127)
Den nya världsfotbollen Erik Niva Stockholm: Modernista 2008 (Frank Östergren 100310)
Den sista utposten: En berättelse om svensk fotboll Noa Bachner Stockholm: Mondial 2023 (review in Swedish by Sara Karlén, published 240227)
Den utställda drotten: Idrott som kulturarv på idrottsmuseer i Sverige John Berg Malmö: Bokförlaget 2022 (review in Swedish by Daniel Alsarve, published 220927)
Derbydags: Vänskaper och rivaliteter i Göteborgs fotbollshistoria Martin Alsiö Malmö: Arx Förlag 2014 (Lennart K. Persson 151203)
Design for Sport Anxo Cereijo Roibás, Emmanuel Stamatakis & Ken Black (red) Farnham, Surrey: Gower 2011 (Karl Palmås 121121)
Det er ikke ballen det kommer an på, det er målene: Internasjonalt arbeid for bærekraftig sosial utvikling Anders Krystad (red) Oslo: Norges Fotballforbund 2004 (Kristin Fransson 060315)
Det riktiga landslaget Moa Svan Stockholm: Leopard Förlag 2015 (Torbjörn Andersson 160127)
Det stora sveket: Den olympiska rörelsen i diktaturens tjänst Sverker Lindström Stockholm: Atlas 2008 (Lars-Erik Alkvist 080606)
Det viktigste av alt uviktig Egil Olsen, Nils Arne Eggen & Otto Ulseth Oslo: Aschehoug 2010 (Arve Hjelseth 110216)
Det är väl typiskt tjejer: Om basket, kropp och femininitet Julia Rönnbäck Malmö: Bokförlaget 2015 (Karin Lindelöf 160301)
Detecting Doping in Sport Stephen Moston & Terry Engelberg Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Anna Qvarfordt 181122)
Developing Sport Expertise: Researchers and coaches put theory into practice Damian Farrow, Joseph Baker & Clare MacMahon (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2013 (Anne Tjønndal 150922)
Developing Successful Sport Marketing Plans: Third Edition David K. Stotlar Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2009 (Björn Anders Larsson 101124)
The Development of Women’s Soccer: Legacies, Participation, and Popularity in Germany Henk Erik Meier Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2020 (review in English by Jean Williams, published 210916)
Deviance and Social Control in Sport Michael Atkinson & Kevin Young Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2008 (Inge Kryger Pedersen 091216)
Dictionary of Sports and Games Terminology Adrian Room Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2010 (Ulf Svenning 110511)
A Dictionary of Sports Studies Alan Tomlinson Oxford: Oxford University Press 2010 (Arve Hjelseth 101124)
Diego Maradona: A Socio-Cultural Study Pablo Brescia & Mariano Paz (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2023 (review in English by Russell Holden, published 230517)
Different Class: The Untold Story of English Cricket Duncan Stone London: Repeater Books 2022 (review in English by Daniel Norcross, published 230503)
Digital Football Cultures: Fandom, Identities and Resistance Stefan Lawrence & Garry Crawford (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (review in English by Lise Joern, published 191114)
Digital Wellness, Health and Fitness Influencers: Critical Perspectives on Digital Guru Media Stefan Lawrence (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2023 (review in English by Aurélien Daudi, published 231026)
Digitale bevægelser: Idræt, historie og formidling (Idrætshistorisk Årbog 2005) Bo Vestergård Madsen & Thomas Skovgaard (red) Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2005 (Bill Sund 070117)
Digitale forskningsmetoder Anne Tjønndal & Ingrid Fylling Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk  2021 (review in Swedish by Martin Berg, published 220217)
Disability and Youth Sport Hayley Fitzgerald (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (Anne-Merete Kissow 100421)
Disability Sport (2nd ed.) Karen P. DePauw & Susan J. Gavron Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics 2005 (Anders Östnäs 050831)
Disability, Sport and Society: An Introduction Nigel Thomas & Andy Smith Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (Hans Bolling 090902)
Disamore: Makten, maffian och fotbollen Malena Johansson & Mats Lerneby Stockholm: Forum 2010 (Mats Greiff 110921)
The Discipline of Leisure: Embodying Cultures of ‘Recreation’ Simon Coleman & Tamara Kohn (red) New York, NY: Berghahn Books 2007 (Halvdan Haugsbakken 0809017)
Discourses of Olympism: From the Sorbonne 1894 to London 2012 Dikaia Chatziefstathiou & Ian P. Henry Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2012 (Jon Helge Lesjø 140605)
Discovering Dance Gayle  Kassing Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2014 (Torun Mattsson 160922)
Dispute Resolution in Sport: Athletes, law and arbitration David McArdle Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Bo Carlsson 150901)
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Sport and Leisure Katherine Dashper & Thomas Fletcher (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Anne Tjønndal 150507)
Diversity in Sport Organizations George B. Cunningham Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway 2007 (David Cardell 080903)
Diversity in Sport Organizations: Second Edition George B. Cunningham Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway 2011 (Sine Agergaard 111012)
Djurgården: En supporters handbok Lars Grimlund & Frederic PavlidisStockholm: Bokförlaget DN 2004 (Mickael Möller 041012)
Doing Sensory Ethnography Sarah Pink London: Sage Publications 2009 (Åsa Bäckström 100217)
Dolda utmaningar: Om unga idrottare med osynliga funktionsnedsättningar Suzanne Rosendahl & Lars Sandberg Stockholm: Centrum för idrottsforskning 2013 (Jonny Hjelm 130911)
Doping: A sporting history April Henning & Paul Dimeo London: Reaktion Books 2022 (review in English by Andrew J. Bloodworth, published 230321)
Doping and Public Health Nader Ahmadi, Arne Ljungqvist & Göran Svedsäter (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2016 (Ask Vest Christiansen 170518)
Doping in Elite Sports: Voices of French Sportspeople and Their Doctors, 1950–2010 Christophe Brissonneau & Jeffrey Montez de Oca Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (Björn Sandahl 180926)
Doping in Sport: A Defence Thomas Søbirk Petersen Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021 (review in English by Erkki Vettenniemi, published 221201)
Doping in Sport and the Law Ulrich Haas & Deborah Healey (red) Oxford, Oxon.: Hart Publishing 2016 (Paul Dimeo 180927)
Dopingjägaren Arne Ljungqvist Göran Lager Stockholm: Ersatz 2008 (Dag Vidar Hanstad 090408)
Dream Shot: The Journey to a Wheelchair Basketball National Championship Josh Birnbaum Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2017 (review in Swedish by Oskar Krantz, published 190919)
Drugs and Doping in Sports: Socio-Legal Perspectives John O’Leary(red) London: Cavendish Publishing 2001 (David Hoff 040518)
Drugs in Sport (Third edition) David R. Mottram (red) London: Routledge 2003 (David Hoff 040309)
Drugs in Sport: 5th edition David R. Mottram (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Ask Vest Christiansen 110420)
Drugs in Sport: Eighth edition David Mottram & Neil Chester (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Ask Vest Christiansen, published 230405)
Drugs, Alcohol and Sport Paul Dimeo (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2006 (David Hoff 080305)
Drömelvan: Det spelades bättre fotboll på Charlie Georges tid Petter Karlsson Stockholm: Volante 2004 (Peter Dahlén 061129)
Drømmen om England Johansson, Jens M. & Lars Backe Madsen Horten: Publicom 2005 (Peter Dahlén 061129)
Drömmen om Europa: Djurgården vill mer… Henrik Ystén Stockholm: Offside Press 2004 (Mickael Möller 041026)
Du och jag och vi Pia Hagmar Stockholm: Damm förlag 2012 (Susanna Hedenborg 130411)
Dual Careers of Swedish University Student-Athletes: A Synthesis of Holistic Developmental and Ecological Approaches Lukas Linnér Halmstad: Halmstad University Press 2021 (review in English by Marie Larneby, published 230620)
Dubbelfel Lionel Shriver (Översättning Cajsa Mitchell) Stockholm: Ordfront 2009 (Annika Eliasson 100310)
Duelism: Confronting Sport Through Its Doubles Brittany Reid & Taylor McKee (eds.) Champaign, IL: Common Ground 2021 (review in English by Steph Doehler, published 220311)
Dying to Win: Doping in Sport and the Development of Anti-doping Policy Barrie HoulihanStrasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing 2002 (David Hoff 040518)


Early Specialising Aesthetic Performance: An investigation of conceptualisation, motivation, and context Charlotte Downing Stockholm: Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH 2023 (review in English by Joe Baker, published 230613)
East African Running: Towards a Cross-Disciplinary Perspective Yannis Pitsiladis et al (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (Peter Schantz 071024)
East Plays West: Sport and the Cold War Stephen Wagg & David L. Andrews (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (Kristian Gerner 071024)
Eating Disorders in Sport Ron A. Thompson & Roberta Trattner Sherman Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Magnus Lindwall 101124)
Ecological Task Analysis and Movement Walter E. Davis & Geoffrey D. Broadhead (red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2007 (Ingegerd Ericsson 080423)
The Economic Theory of Professional Team Sports: An Analytical Treatment Stefan Késenne Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar 2007 (Kjetil Haugen 080409)
Economics of Sport: Second Edition Mark J. Eschenfelder & Ming Li Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2007 (Hans Lundberg 071107)
The Economics of Sport: An International Perspective Robert Sandy, Peter Sloane & Mark Rosentraub London: Palgrave Macmillan 2004 (Harry Arne Solberg 040504)
The Economics of Sport and the Media Claude Jeanrenaud & Stefan Késenne (red) Cheltenham, Gloucs: Edward Elgar 2006 (Göran Eriksson 070314)
The Economics of Sports Broadcasting Chris Gratton & Harry Arne Solberg Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (Brad Schultz 071121)
The Economics of Staging the Olympics: A Comparison of the Games 1972–2008 Holger Preuss Cheltenham, Glos.: Edward Elgar 2004 (Tommy Andersson 060201)
Education in Sport and Physical Activity: Future Directions and Global Perspectives Karen Petry & Johan de Jong (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Joacim Andersson, published 221125)
Education through Sport: An Overview of Good Practices in Europe Jan Janssens et al (red) Nieuwegein, Holland: Arko Sports Media 2004 (Karin Redelius 060517)
Egypt’s Football Revolution: Emotion, Masculinity, and Uneasy Politics Carl Rommel Austin, TX: University of Texas Press 2021 (review in English by Mahfoud Amara, published 220208)
Elementary Dance Education: Nature-Themed Creative Movement and Collaborative Learning Janice Pomer Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2023 (review in English by Torun Mattsson, published 230619)
Elite Sport Development: Policy Learning and Political Priorities Mick Green & Barrie Houlihan London: Routledge 2005 (Hallgeir Gammelsæter 060830)
Elite-Bildung: An Existential-Phenomenological Study of Talents Developing in Football Kenneth Aggerholm Århus: Århus University 2012 (Gunnar Breivik 140318)
Eliteidrættens kanon Else Trangbæk, Rasmus Bech & Rama Pryce (red) Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2007 (John Hellström 090429)
Elitesportens virkelighed: Ti udøvere og otte forskere om livet i og uden for arenaen Steen Brock (red) Århus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2007 (Birger Hedén 090429)
Embodied Masculinities in Global Sport Jorge Knijnik & Daryl Adair (red) Morgantown, WV: FiT Publishing 2015 (Anna Maria Jennerheim Hellborg 160218)
En kramgo knalle: … eller konsten att bygga en klubb Mikael Hjerpe Västerås: Idrottsförlaget 2010 (Torbjörn Andersson 110831)
En kritisk blikk på sportsjournalistikk: Medier og idrett i en globalisert verden Gerd von der Lippe Kristiansand: IJ-forlaget 2010 (Birger Hedén 110330)
En massa planer: Från AIK-vallen till Övrevi Björn Risén Göteborg: B4PRESS 2008 (Torbjörn Andersson 090902)
En vinnande väg: Idrottspsykologi för gymnasiet Sofia Bunke, Anna Lohmann & Charlotte Wennberg Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2013 (Joakim Ingrell 140306)
Encyclopedia of International Sports Studies Roger Bartlett, Chris Gratton & Christer G. Rolf (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Bill Sund 100922)
Encyclopedia of Sport Management Paul M. Pedersen (ed.) Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar 2021 (review in English by Derrick Charway, published 241112)
The End of the Obesity Epidemic Michael Gard Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Gisela Nyberg 120606)
Endurance Running: A socio-cultural examination William Bridel, Pirkko Markula & Jim Denison (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2016 (Øyvind Førland Standal 160428)
Energiske faciliteter: Bæredygtig idrætsarkitektur Vibeke Grupe Larsen København: Lokale- & Anlægsfonden 2009 (Karin Book 100606)
The Encyclopedia of Exercise, Sport and Health Peter Brukner, Karim Kahn & John Kron St Leonards, NSW: Allen & Unwin 2004 (Torsten Buhre 041214)
Encyclopedia of Sports Films K. Edgington & Thomas L. Erskine, with James M. Welsh Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press 2011 (Peter Dahlén 120509)
English National Identity and Football Fan Culture: Who Are Ya? Tom Gibbons Aldershot, Hamps.: Ashgate Publishing 2014 (Torbjörn Andersson 150929)
Equestrian Cultures in Global and Local Contexts Miriam Adelman & Kirrilly Thompson (red) Dordrecht: Springer 2017 (Susanna Hedenborg 181017)
Equine Cultures in Transition: Ethical Questions Jonna Bornemark, Petra Andersson & Ulla Ekström von Essen (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (review in English by Susanna Hedenborg, published 191212)
Equity and Difference in Physical Education, Youth Sport and Health: A Narrative Approach Fiona Dowling, Hayley Fitzgerald & Anne Flintoff (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (review by Mads Skauge, published 190502)
Eros and Greek Athletics Thomas F. Scanlon Oxford: Oxford University Press 2002 (Lena Halldenius 030921)
ESPN: The Making of a Sport Media Empire Travis Vogan Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2015 (Matthew Teutsch 160414)
Esports Insights Emily Hayday, Holly Collison-Randall & Sarah Kelly Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Egil Rogstad, published 230130)
The Essentials of Teaching Health Education: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Sarah Benes & Holly Alperin Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2016 (Erwin Apitzsch 160831)
Et praksisbasert perspektiv på dynamiske læringsnettverk i toppidretten Kjell-Åge Gotvassli Steinkjer: Høgskolen i Nord-Tröndelag 2005 (Hallgeir Gammelsæter 070214)
Ethical Concerns in Sport Governance Souvik Naha & David Hassan (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (review by Pam R. Sailors, published 190618)
Ethical Expertise, Phronesis and Moral Education: Special Issue of Moving Bodies, No. 2 2006 Vol. 4 Ejgil Jespersen, Matti Goksøyr & Lars Tore Ronglan (red) Oslo: Norges Idrettshøgskole 2006 (Kenneth Aggerholm 071024)
Ethics, Dis/Ability and Sports Ejgil Jespersen & Mike McNamee (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (Kenneth Aggerholm 100310)
Ethics, Knowledge and Truth in Sports Research: An Epistemology of Sport Graham McFee Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Mikael Lindfelt 110309)
Ethics, Money and Sport: This Sporting Mammon Adrian Walsh & Richard Giulianotti Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2006 (Arve Hjelseth 070829)
Ethics and Governance in Sport: The future of sport imagined Yves Vanden Auweele, Elaine Cook & Jim Parry (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Pam R. Sailors 171220)
Ethics and Morality in Sport Management Joy T. DeSensi & Danny Rosenberg Morgantown, WV.: Fitness Information Technology (Bo Carlsson 041012)
Ethics and Sport in Europe Dominique Bodin & Gaëlle Sempé Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing 2011 (Kutte Jönsson 121031)
Ethics in Sport: Second Edition William J. Morgan (red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2007 (Mikael Lindfelt 080423)
The Ethics of Doping and Anti-Doping: Redeeming the Soul of Sport Verner Møller Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (Kutte Jönsson 101013)
The Ethics of Sport: Essential Readings Arthur L. Caplan & Brendan Parent (red) Oxford: Oxford University Press 2017 (Shawn E. Klein 170906)
Ethics of Sport & Athletics: Theory, Issues, and Application Robert C. Schneider Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2009 (Mikael Lindfelt 100310)
The Ethics of Sports: A Reader Mike McNamee (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Ørnulf Seippel 110831)
The Ethics of Sports Coaching Alun R. Hardman & Carwyn Jones (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Kutte Jönsson 111214)
Ethnicity, Sport, Identity: Struggles for Status J. A. Mangan & Andrew Ritchie (red) London: Frank Cass 2004 (Helena Tolvhed 041214)
Ethnicity and Race in Association Football: Case Study Analyses in Europe, Africa and the USA David Hassan (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (David Holt Olsen 140423)
An ethnography of English football fans: Cans, cops and carnivals Geoff Pearson Manchester: Manchester University Press 2012 (Lise Joern 131113)
Ethnomethodology at Play Peter Tolmie & Mark Rouncefield (red) Aldershot, Hamps.: Ashgate Publishing 2013 (Björn Sjöblom 140821)
Ethnosport: The End of Decline Alexey Kylasov Münster: Lit Verlag 2015 (Henning Eichberg 160519)
Etikprofessorn Torbjörn Tännsjö Fri Tanke Förlag: Stockholm 2018 (Roger Melin 190404)
Ett ämne för alla? Normer och praktik i grundskolans idrottsundervisning 1962–2002 Björn Sandahl Stockholm: Carlssons 2005 (Mats Johnsson 060118)
Etta på bollen: Historien om Öxabäcks damlag Daniel Svensson & Florence Oppenheim Landvetter: Oppenheim Förlag 2015 (Jonny Hjelm 151119)
European Cultures in Sport James Riordan & Arnd Kruger (ed.) Bristol: Intellect 2001 (review in Swedish by Annika Eliasson, published 030726)
European Football and Collective Memory Wolfram Pyta & Nils Havemann (red) London: Palgrave Macmillan 2015 (review by Matthew L. McDowell, published 190517)
European Football During the Second World War: Training and Entertainment, Ideology and Propaganda Markwart Herzog & Fabian Brändle (eds.) (Translated by Karina Berger) Oxford: Peter Lang 2018 (review by Alon K. Raab, published 190918)
European Football in Black and White: Tackling Racism in Football Christos Kassimeris Lanham, MD: Lexington Books 2008 (Allan Bennich Grønkjær 091216)
The European Game: The Sectrets of European Football Success Daniel Fieldsend Edinburgh: Arena Sport 2017 (Arve Hjelseth 171011)
European Sports Law: A Comparative Analysis of the European and American Models of Sport Lars Halgreen København: Forlaget Thomson 2004 (Bo Carlsson 060329)
Events Management: Second Edition Glenn A. J. Bowdin et al Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2006 (Gun Normark 060913)
Everyday Masculinities and Extreme Sport: Male Identity and Rock Climbing Victoria Robinson Oxford: Berg Publishers 2008 (Åke Nilsén 090606)
Evolutionary Playwork: Second Edition Bob Hughes Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Lars H Gustafsson 140220)
Examining Sports Development Mike Collins (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Björn Sandahl 121010)
Exercise and Eating Disorders: An Ethical and Legal Analysis Simona Giordano Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Gunnar Breivik 101124)
Exercise and Young People: Issues, Implications and Initiatives Lorraine Cale & Jo Harris London: Palgrave Macmillan 2005 (Suzanne Lundvall 050606)
Exercise Dependence John H. Kerr, Koenraad J. Lindner & Michelle Blaydon Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (Karin Josefsson 081001)
Exercise Pychology: Second Edition Janet Buckworth, Rod K. Dishman, Patrick J. O’Connor & Phillip D. Tomporowski Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2013 (Erwin Apitzsch 131214)
Exploring Perceptions of Route Environments in Relation to Walking Dan Andersson Stockholm: Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH 2024 (review in English by Sarah Spooner, published 241124)
The Exercising Female: Science and Its Application Jacky Forsyth & Claire-Marie Roberts (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (review in English by Kajsa Gilenstam, published 200403)
Existential Psychology and Sport: Theory and Application Mark Nesti London:Routledge 2004 (Kirsten Kaya Roessler 050831)
Experiential Learning and Outdoor Education: Traditions of Practice and Philosophical Perspectives Jim Parry & Pete Allison (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021 (review in English by Jonas Mikaels, published 220406)
Exploring Research in Sports Coaching and Pedagogy: Context and Contingency Charles L. T. Corsby & Christian N. Edwards (red) Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2019 (review in English by Marie Hedberg, published 210603)
Exploring Sports and Society: A critical introduction for students Karl Spracklen Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2015 (Håvard Bergesen Dalen 160203)
Expressiva dansuppdrag: Utmanande läruppgifter i ämnet idrott och hälsa Torun Mattsson Malmö: Bokförlaget 2016 (Britt-Marie Styrke 171025)
Extreme Landscapes of Leisure: Not a Hap-Hazardous Sport Patrick Laviolette Aldershot, Hamps.: Ashgate Publishing 2011 (Halvdan Haugsbakken 110511)
Extreme Sports, Extreme Bodies: Gender, Identities and Bodies in Motion Jesper Andreasson & Thomas Johansson London: Palgrave Macmillan 2019 (review in Swedish by Oskar Krantz, published 201111)


Facing Social Justice in Sports Adam J. Kuban (ed.) Muncie, IN: The Facing Project Press 2022 (review in English by Bo Carlsson, published 231208)
Fagdidaktik i idræt Kasper Lasthein Madsen & Annemari Munk Svendsen (ed.) København: Frydenlund 2022 (review in Swedish by Joacim Andersson, published 230919)
Fair and Foul: Beyond the Myths and Paradoxes of Sport D. Stanley Eitzen Lanham, MD.: Rowman & Littlefield 2002 (Ingela Kolfjord 040620)
Fair and Foul: Beyond the Myths and Paradoxes of Sport (Third Edition) D. Stanley Eitzen Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2006 (Bill Sund 080917)
Fair Game: Lessons from Sport for a Fairer Society & a Stronger Economy Andrew Leigh Clayton, Victoria: Monash University Publishing 2022 (review in English by Malcolm MacLean, published 240319)
Fair Play in Sport: A Moral Norm  Sigmund Loland Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2002 (review in Swedish by David Hoff, published 030706)
Fame to Infamy: Race, Sport, and the Fall from Grace David C. Ogden & Joel Nathan Rosen (red) Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi 2010 (Wendy Varney 120215)
Families, Sport, Leisure and Social Justice: From Protest to Progress Dawn E. Trussell & Ruth Jeanes (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021 (review in English by Solveig Straume, published 220503)
The Fantasy Sport Industry: Games within games Andrew C. Billings & Brody J. Ruihley Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Shawn E. Klein 141003)
Fascination og forretning i dansk tv-sport Kirsten Frandsen Århus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2013 (Marit Stub Nybelius 140925)
Fastest, Highest, Strongest: A Critique of High-Performance Sport Rob Beamish & Ian Ritchie Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2006 (Lars-Erik Alkvist 080305)
The Fastest Game in the World: Hockey and the globalization of sports Bruce Berglund Berkeley, CA: University of California Press 2021 (review in English by Bo Carlsson, published 220602)
A Fateful Love: Essays on Football in the North-East of England 1880–1930 Gavin Kitching Oxford, Oxon: Peter Lang Publishing 2021 (review in English by Hans Bolling, published 230505)
Fathering Through Sport and Leisure Tess Kay (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (Ingela Kolfjord 100127)
FC Barcelona: History, Politics and Identity Jim O’Brien, Xavier Ginesta & Jordi de San Eugenio (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2024 (review in English by Jan Ludvigsen, published 240529)
Female Fans, Gender Relations and Football Fandom: Challenging the Brotherhood Culture Honorata Jakubowska, Dominik Antonowicz & Radosław Kossakowski Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021 (review in English by Payam Ansari & Gary Sinclair, published 230404)
Female Football Players and Fans: Intruding into a Man’s World Gertrud Pfister & Stacey Pope (red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2018 (Lise Joern 180906)
Female Gladiators: Gender, Law, and Contact Sport in America Sarah K. Fields Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press 2005 (Bo Carlsson 050914)
Female Olympian and Paralympian Athlete Activists: Breaking Records, Glass Ceilings, and Social Codes Linda K. Fuller Oxford, Oxon: Peter Lang Publishing 2023 (review in English by Alan Bairner, published 240607)
Feminist New Materialisms, Sport and Fitness: A Lively Entanglement Holly Thorpe, Julie Brice & Marianne Clark London: Palgrave Macmillan 2020 (review in English by Pam R. Sailors, published 211019)
Feminist Sport Studies: Sharing Experiences of Joy and Pain Pirkko Markula (red) Albany, NY: State University of New York Press 2005 (Helena Tolvhed 110216)
The Feminization of Sports Fandom: A Sociological Study Stacey Pope Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Aage Radmann 171221)
Fictional Representations of English Football and Fan Cultures: Slum sport, slum people Cyprian Piskurek London: Palgrave Macmillan 2018 (review by Arve Hjelseth, published 190531)
FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association): The Men, the Myths and the Money Alan Tomlinson Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Arve Hjelseth 150326)
The FIFA World Cup: A History of the Planet’s Biggest Sporting Event Clemente A. Lisi Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2022 (review in English by Hans Bolling, published 240201)
The FIFA World Cup 1930–2010: Politics, Commerce, Spectacle and Identities Stefan Rinke & Kay Schiller (red) Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag 2014 (Birger Hedén 190322)
Fight Pictures: A History of Boxing and Early Cinema Dan Streible Berleley, CA: University of California Press 2008 (Peter Dahlén 110608)
Fighting the Current: The Rise of American Women’s Swimming, 1870–1926 Lisa Bier Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2011 (Therese Nordlund Edvinsson 121129)
Fiks fotballen Jon Morten Melhus & Morten Eriksen-Deinoff Oslo: Melhus Communication 2018 (Mads Skauge 190214)
Financial Management in the Sport Industry Matthew T. Brown et al Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway 2010 (Björn Anders Larsson 110330)
First Taste of Freedom: A Cultural History of Bicycle Marketing in the United States Robert J. Turpin Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press 2018 (Duncan Jamieson 181114)
Fit for Consumption: Sociology and the Business of Fitness Jennifer Smith Maguire Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Henning Eichberg 081001)
Fit for America: Major John L. Griffith and the Quest for Athletic Fitness Matthew Lindaman Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press 2018 (review by Susan J. Rayl, published 190613)
Fitness, Technology and Society: Amusing Ourselves to Life Brad Millington Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (Inge Kryger Pedersen 180918)
Fitness Doping: Trajectories, Gender, Bodies and Health Jesper Andreasson & Thomas Johansson London: Palgrave Macmillan 2020 (review in English by Anders Schmidt Vinther, published 211007)
Fitness Philanthropy: Sport, Charity and Everyday Giving Catherine Palmer Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2020 (review in English by Aurélien Daudi, published 210610)
Fitnessrevolutionen: Kropp, hälsa och gymkulturens globalisering Jesper Andreasson & Thomas Johansson Stockholm: Carlssons 2015 (Morten Renslo Sandvik 161207)
Flerfarget idrett: Nasjonalitet, migrasjon og minoritet Mette Andersson Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2008 (Anders Östnäs 080917)
Flickor och pojkar i idrottens läromedel: Konstruktioner av genus i ungdomstränarutbildningen Karin Grahn Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet 2008 (Suzanne Lundvall 090606)
Fodbold, fair play og forretning: Dansk klubfodbolds historie Allan Grønkjær & David Holt Olsen Århus: Turbine Forlaget 2007 (Arve Hjelseth 080305)
Fodbold med fjenden: Dansk idræt under hagekorset Hans Bonde Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2006 (Hans Bolling 070829)
Fodbold uden grænser: Om transnationale passioner Jakob Genz & Jonas Havelund (red) Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2015 (Arve Hjelseth 161109)
Fodboldbilleder: Fodboldspillet set med billedkunstnerens øje Mogens Eilertsen København: Frydenlund 2008 (Torbjörn Andersson 081112)
Fodboldhæren: Englands hooligankultur set og fortalt indefra Peter Grønlund Danmark: Herreværelset 2013 (Aage Radmann 140416)
Fodfæste og himmelkys: Undevisningsbog i bevægelse, rytmisk gymnastik og dans Helle Winther, Lis Engel, Maj-Britt Nørgaard & Mia Herskind Værløse: Billesø & Baltzer 2015 (Torun Mattsson 161006)
Folkhemmet på is: Ishockey, modernisering och nationell identitet i Sverige 1920-1972 Tobias Stark Malmö: 2010 (Johnny Wijk 101215)
Following the Ball: The Migration of African Soccer Players across the Portuguese Colonial Empire, 1949–1975 Todd Cleveland Athens, OH: Ohio University Press 2017 (Peter Alegi 180525)
Football: The Philosophy Behind the Game Stephen Mumford Cambridge: Polity Press 2019 (review in English by Kutte Jönsson, published 200604)
Football, Corruption and Lies: Revisiting Badfellas, the Book FIFA Tried to Ban John Sugden & Alan Tomlinson Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Rasmus Storm 171213)
Football, Ethnicity and Community: The Life of an African-Caribbean Football Club Paul Ian Campbell Bern: Peter Lang Publishing Group 2016 (Mattias Melkersson 180509)
Football, Fandom and Consumption Oliver Brooks Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (review in English by Andy Fuller, published 191218)
Football and Colonialism: Body and Popular Culture in Urban Mozambique Nuno Domingos Athens, OH: Ohio University Press 2017 (Peter Alegi 180525)
Football and Diaspora: Connecting Dispersed Communities through the Global Game Jeffrey W. Kassing & Sangmi Lee (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2024 (review in English by Hans Kristian Hognestad, published 240122)
Football and European Identity: Historical Narratives Through the Press Liz Crolley & David Hand Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2006 (Matti Goksøyr 080305)
Football and Fascism: The National Game Under Mussolini Simon Martin Oxford: Berg Publishers 2004 (review in Swedish by Torbjörn Andersson, published 060201)
Football and Fascism: The Politics of Popular Culture in Portugal Rahul Kumar Berlin: De Gruyter 2023 (review in English by Torbjörn Andersson, published 240223)
Football and Management: Comparison between Sport and Enterprise Sten Söderman Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2013 (Hallgeir Gammelsæter 130508)
Football and Manliness: An Unauthorized Feminist Account of the NFL Thomas P. Oates Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2017 (Britt-Marie Ringfjord 180117)
Football and Nation Building in Colombia: The Only Thing That Unites Us Peter J. Watson Liverpool: Liverpool University Press 2022 (review in English by Torbjörn Andersson, published 230911)
Football and National Identities in Spain: The Strange Death of Don Quixote Alejandro Quiroga Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2013 (Matti Goksøyr 150213)
Football and Supporter Activism in Europe: Whose Game Is It? Borja García & Jinming Zheng (red) London: Palgrave Macmillan 2017 (Daniel Alsarve 190206)
Football as Medicine: Prescribing Football for Global Health Promotion Peter Krustrup & Daniel Parnell (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2020 (review in English by Dominic Malcolm, published 200429)
Football Brands Sue Bridgewater Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2010 (Bo Carlsson 110511)
Football Days: Classic Football Photographs Peter Robinson London: Mitchell Beazley 2003 (Kjell E. Eriksson 040224)
Football Delirium Chris Oakley London: Karnac Books 2007 (Johan Fallby 080521)
Football Fandom, Protest and Democracy: Supporter Activism in Turkey Dağhan Irak Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (review in English by Lise Joern, published 200225)
Football Fandom and Migration: An Ethnography of Transnational Practices and Narratives in Vienna and Istanbul Nina Szogs London: Palgrave Macmillan 2017 (Lise Joern 190228)
Football Fans, Rivalry and Cooperation Christian Brandt, Fabian Hertel & Sean Huddleston (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Lise Joern 171205)
Football Fans Around the World: From Supporters to Fanatics Sean Brown (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (Arve Hjelseth 081126)
Football Hooliganism in Europe: Security and Civil Liberties in the Balance Anastassia Tsoukala Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2009 (Aage Radmann 110216)
Football in Asia: History, Culture and Business Younghan Cho (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Bill Sund 151221)
Football in Fiction: A History Lee McGowan Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2020 (review in English by Daniel Alsarve, published 200903)
Football in France: A Cultural History Geoff Hare Oxford: Berg Publishers 2003 (Jan Olsson 031009)
Football in the Nordic Countries: Practices, Equality and Influence Mihaly Szerovay, Arto Nevala & Hannu Itkonen (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2023 (review in English by Payam Ansari, published 240614)
Football Landscapes [Jalkapallon jäljet] Mikko Auerniitty & Harri Heinonen Helsinki: Suomen Urheilumuseosäätiö 2011 (Torbjörn Andersson 120418)
Football Lexicon John Leigh & David Woodhouse London: Faber and Faber 2004 (Bill Sund 060606)
Football Management Sue Bridgewater Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2010 (Magnus Forslund 110330)
The Football Manager: A History Neil Carter Oxford: Routledge 2006 (Jørn Hansen 061129)
Football Murals: A celebration of soccer’s greatest street art Andy Brassell London: Bloomsbury 2022 (review in English by Jacob Kimvall, published 230410)
Football Nation: The Playing Fields of German Culture, History, and Society Rebeccah Dawson, Bastian Heinsohn, Oliver Knabe & Alan McDougall (ed.) New York, NY: Berghahn Books 2023 (review in English by Mats Franzén, published 230615)
Football Psychology: From Theory to Practice Erkut Konter, Jürgen Beckman & Todd M. Loughead (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (review in English by Karl Marius Aksum, published 211118)
Football With the Foe: Danish Sport under the Swastika Hans Bonde Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2008 (Wendy Varney 090606)
Footballers’ Haircut: The Illustrated History Cris Freddi London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2003 (Frans Oddner 060606)
Footnotes: How Running Makes Us Human Vybarr Cregan-Reid London: Ebury Press 2016 (Diane McManus 171109)
Foreign Players and Football Supporters: The Old Firm, Arsenal, Paris Saint-Germain David Ranc Manchester: Manchester University Press 2012 (Arve Hjelseth 131015)
The Forgotten Legacy of Stella Walsh: The Greatest Female Athlete of Her Time Sheldon Anderson Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2017 (Sarah Teetzel 190328)
Forskning i bevægelse: Et nyt forskningsfelt i et 100-årigt perspektiv Anne Lykke Poulsen et al (red) København: Museum Tusculanum 2009 (Pia Lundquist Wanneberg 091111)
Fortellinger om doping og kroppskultur Bjørn Barland Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2016 (Morten Renslo Sandvik 160427)
Forty Years of Sport and Social Change, 1968–2008: “To Remember is to Resist” Russell Field & Bruce Kidd (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Mats Franzén 111012)
Forum for idræt 2014 Sport Management Ulrik Wagner, Rasmus K. Storm & Peter Juul Jacobsen (red) Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2014 (Simon Junström 150306)
Fotball!:  Norges Fotballforbund 100 år Matti Goksøyr & Finn Olstad Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2002 (review in Swedish by Bill Sund, published 030706)
Fotballens etikk: Idealer og realiteterOve Olsen Sæle Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2021 (review in English by Lise Joern, published 220317)
Fotboll. En kärlekshistoria Petter Karlsson & Lars Fahlén Stockholm: Bokförlaget Max Ström 2004 (Kjell E. Eriksson 050118)
Fotboll: Hur världens största sport växte fram Åke Jönsson Lund: Historiska Media 2006 (Jørn Hansen 060606)
Fotboll, bandy och makt. Idrott i brukssamhället Christer Ericsson Stockholm: Carlssons 2004 (Bill Sund 040323)
Fotboll, kommersialisering, demokrati [Football, Commercialization, Democracy] Christer Ericsson, Björn Horgby & Bill Sund Malmö: Bokförlaget 2019 (review in Swedish by Jens Ljunggren, published 191127)
Fotboll förklarar världen: En [osannolik] teori om globaliseringen Franklin Foer (Översättning Henrik Grundenäs) Stockholm: Ordfront 2006 (Torbjörn Andersson 060606)
Fotboll från Mielke till Merkel: Kontinuitet, brott och förändring i supporterkultur i östra Tyskland Joakim Glaser Malmö: Arx Förlag 2015 (Arve Hjelseth 160407)
Fotboll och religion: Vad finns det i fotboll? Magnus EngstrandStockholm: Proprius 2003 (Ingela Kolfjord 040420)
”Fotboll är livet”: En medieetnografisk studie om fotbollstjejer och TV-sport Britt-Marie Ringfjord Lund: Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, Lunds universitet 2006 (Elisabet Apelmo 070606)
Fotbollens höga visa Pierre Mens & Björn Ranelid Malmö: We Are Sailing 2009 (Mickael Möller 100512)
Fotbollens kuriosakabinett: Svensk fotbolls kulturarv i ord och bild Torbjörn Andersson & Edvard Koinberg (foto) Malmö: Arx Förlag 2021 (review in Swedish by John Berg, published 211209)
Fotbollens strateger: Spelsystem och ledarskap i ett internationellt och svenskt historiskt perspektiv Bill Sund Malmö: Bokförlaget 2015 (Robert Svensson 151008)
Fotbollsfrisyrer: En hårresande historia… Tomas Ekman, Annika Grälls & Thomas Nordahl Västerås: Sportförlaget 2004 (Frans Oddner 060606)
Fotbollsindustrin: Andra upplagan Bill Sund Visby: Nomen Förlag 2008 (Rasmus Storm 081015)
Foul Play: The inside story of the biggest corruption trial in British sporting history David Thomas London: Bantam Press 2003 (Mickael Möller 040113)
Foul Play: What’s Wrong with Sports Joe Humphreys Cambridge, Cambs.: Icon Books 2008 (Lars-Erik Alkvist 100127)
Foundations of Exercise and Mental Health: Second Edition Larry M. Leith Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2010 (Erwin Apitzsch 100606)
Foundations of Exercise Psychology Bonnie G. Berger, David Pargman & Robert S. Weinberg Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2007 (Magnus Lindwall 071024)
Foundations of Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Sport: Sixteenth Edition Deborah A. Wuest & Charles A. Bucher Dubuque, IA: McGraw Hill (Higher Education) 2008 (Helle Rønholt & Lis Engel 091216)
Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology: Fourth Edition Robert S. Weinberg & Daniel Gould Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2007 (Erwin Apitzsch 080123)
Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology: Fifth Edition Robert S. Weinberg & Daniel Gould Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2011 (Sverker Fryklund 130108)
Foundations of Sport Management Andy Gillentine & R. Brian Crow (red) Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2005 (Hans Lundberg 061213)
Foundations of Sport Management: Second Edition Andy Gillentine & R. Brian Crow (red) Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2009 (Joacim Larsson 110309)
Foundations of Sports Coaching Paul E. Robinson Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Per Göran Fahlström 101013)
The Four-Minute Mile: Historical and Cultural Interpretations of a Sporting Barrier John Bale & P. David Howe (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Mats Greiff 081126)
Fra borgerdyd til kompetenceudvikling: Idrætten i latin- og gymnasieskolen gennem 200 år Per Jørgensen Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2014 (Pia Lundquist Wanneberg 170427)
Fra muskelmasse til massebevægelse: Indblik i den kommercielle fitness-sektors historie Kasper Lund Kirkegaard København: Idrættens Analyseinstitut 2007 (Anne-Lene Bakken Ulseth 080123)
Fra udkant til forkant: Kampen om gymnastikken gennem 100 år Hans Bonde Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2020 (review in Swedish by Pia Lundquist Wanneberg, published 201009)
Framtidas håp: Barneidrettsdiskursar i Noreg 1920–1976 Oskar Solenes Oslo: Norges idrettshøgskole 2009 (Susanna Hedenborg 090923)
Fred er ei det beste: Festskrift. Hans B. Skaset 70 år Dag Vidar Hanstad & Matti Goksøyr (red) Oslo: Gyldendal 2005 (Kolbjørn Rafoss 060329)
Fred og krig: Festskrift til Matti Goksøyr Gudmund Skjeldal & Allan Bennich Grønkjær (ed.) Oslo: Norges idrettshøgskole 2022 (review in English by Christian Tolstrup Jensen, published 240307)
A Friendly Business? A critical evaluation of the globalisation and commercialisation of the preseason friendly Steve Menary Neuchâtel: Editions CIES 2018 (review by Jørn Hansen, published 190911)
Friidrottens främsta män Jonas Hedman Trångsund: TextoGraf Förlag 2007 (John Hellström 080423)
Friluftshistoria: Från «härdande friluftslif» till ekoturism och miljöpedagogik Klas Sandell & Sverker Sörlin (red) Stockholm: Carlssons 2008 (Erik Backman 110126)
Friluftsliv: Natur, samfund og pædagogik Peter Bentsen, Søren Andkjær & Niels Ejbye-Ernst København: Munksgaard Danmark 2009 (Erik Backman 111012)
Friluftsliv i Danmark: Unges deltagelse i organisert friluftsliv set i kulturelt perspektiv Søren Andkjær Odense: Syddansk Universitet 2008 (Kirsti Pedersen Gurholt 110511)
Friluftslivspedagogikk Linda Hallandvik & Jannicke Høyem (red) Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk  2019 (review in Swedish by Jonas Mikaels, published 201002)
Fringe Nations in World Soccer Kausik Bandyopadhyay & Sabyasachi Mallick (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Bill Sund 090225)
From Ballroom to DanceSport: Aesthetics, Athletics, and Body Culture Caroline Jean S. Picart Albany, NY: State University of New York Press 2006 (Sanna Nordin 070131)
From Bonn to Athens Single and Return: The Diary of John Pius Boland, Olympic Champion Athens 1896 Heiner Gillmeister (red) St. Augustin: Academia Verlag 2008 (Björn Sandahl 090311)
From Boot Money to Bosman: Football, Society and the Law David McArdle London: Cavendish Publishing 2000 (Bosse Carlsson 030622)
From Football to Soccer: The Early History of the Beautiful Game in the United States Brian D. Bunk Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2021 (review in English by Matthew L. McDowell, published 220303)
From the Ballfield to the Boardroom: Management Lessons from Sports Brian Goff Westport, CT: Praeger 2005 (Lars Lagergren 060412)
From the Privileged to the Professionals: The Early Years of the FA Cup Graham Curry Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2024 (review in English by Mats Greiff, published 241018)
Frontlöparen: Gunder Hägg – hans uppgång och fall Björn Lundberg Lund: Historiska Media 2020 (review in Swedish by Björn Horgby, published 200611)
Från norra ståplats till cyberspace: En beskrivning av en diskussion på internet om ishockey utifrån ett offentlighetsperspektiv Anders Svensson Göteborg: JMG, Institutionen för journalistisk och masskommunikation, Göteborgs universitet 2007 (Arve Hjelseth 071024)
Från tredje våningen: Samlade krönikor oktober 05 – november 06 Jonas Svensson Stockholm: 2006 (Bill Sund 070912)
Från träningsoverall till trenchcoat: Tränarpositionens förändring inom svensk herrelitfotboll mellan 1960- och 2010-talet [From tracksuit to trench coat: The changing position of the Swedish male elite soccer coach between the 1960s and the 2010s] Robert Svensson Örebro: Örebro universitet 2019 (review in Danish by Jørn Hansen, published 191211)
Full-Court Quest: The Girls from Fort Shaw Indian School, Basketball Champions of the World Linda S. Peavy & Ursula Smith Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press 2008 (Malcolm MacLean 121220)
Fullt hus: Eventyret norsk skiskyting Dag Vidar Hanstad Oslo: Akilles 2005 (Lars-Erik Alkvist 060830)
Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Psychology Alan S. Kornspan Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2009 (Karin Josefsson 100217)
Fundamentals of Sport Marketing: Third Edition Brenda G. Pitts & David K. Stotlar Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2007 (Björn Anders Larsson 080319)
Fútbol, Jews, and the Making of Argentina Raanan Rein (Översättning Martha Grenzeback) Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press 2015 (Johnny Wijk 150908)
Fútbol in the Park: Immigrants, Soccer, and the Creation of Social Ties David Trouille Chicago, IL.: University of Chicago Press 2021 (review in English by Nicole Hernandez, published 220131)
The Future of Motorsports: Business, Politics and Society Hans Erik Næss & Simon Chadwick (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2123 (review in English by Alex Twitchen, published 240220)
Fysisk aktivitet, folkhälsa, beteendeförändringar: En beteendevetenskaplig betraktelse Staffan Hultgren Uppsala: Kunskapsföretaget i Uppsala 2008 (Anders Östnäs 080507)
Fysisk aktivitet för unga med Downs syndrom Gerth Hedov & Ann-Christin Sollerhed (eds.) Lund: Studentlitteratur 2024 (book in Swedish, review in English by Lars Kristén, published 241210)
Färdväg mot stjärnorna: Umeå IK:s damfotbollslag 1985–2005 Susanne Granberg Umeå: h:ström 2007 (Torbjörn Andersson 081029)
Förbannade GAIS: Trettio år av underprestation. GAIS 1976–2006 Robert Lindberg & Patrik Persson Göteborg: april78 2006 (Torbjörn Andersson 070516)
Föreställningar om kroppen: Kropp och kroppslighet i pedagogisk praktik och teori Håkan Larsson & Birgitta Fagrell Stockholm: Liber  2010 (Charlotte Svendler Nielsen 130418)
Først i løypa. Historien om langrenn i Norge Thor Gotaas Oslo: Andresen & Butenschøn Forlag 2003 (Knut Helland 040323)
Försummat kulturarv: Det närliggande förflutna och fotbollens platser Håkan KarlssonRanered: Bricoleur Press 2004 (Torbjörn Andersson 041214)


Gaelic Games on Film: From silent films to Hollywood hurling, horror and the emergence of Irish cinema Seán Crosson Togher, Cork: Cork University Press 2019 (review in English by Dilwyn Porter, published 210520)
GAIS: Vägen tillbaka Hasse Andersson Västerås: Sportförlaget 2006 (Torbjörn Andersson 070516)
Game Faces: Sport celebrity and the laws of reputation Sarah K. Fields Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2016 (John S. Hellström 171205)
A Game for Rough Girls? A History of Women’s Football in Britain Jean Williams London: Routledge 2003 (Ingela Kolfjord 040224)
A Game of Two Halves: Football, Television and Globalisation Cornel Sandvoss London: Routledge 2003 (Peter Dahlén 050606)
Game Skills: A Fun Approach to Learning Sport Skills Stephanie J. Hanrahan & Teresa B. Carlson Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2006 (Åsa Bäckström 070912)
Games and Sport in Everyday Life: Dialogues and Narratives of the Self Robert Perinbanayagam Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers 2006 (Jan O. Tangen 090408)
Games of the Past – Sports for the Future: Globalisation, Diversification, Transformation Gertrud Pfister (red) Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag 2004 (Tobias Stark 060830)
Games People Played: A Global History of Sport Wray Vamplew London: Reaktion Books 2021 (review in English by Jens Ljunggren, published 211201)
The Gay Games: A History Caroline Symons Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Björn Sandahl 110309)
GB United: British Olympic Football and the End of the Amateur Dream Steve Menary Worthing, SX: Pitch Publishing 2010 (review in Norwegian by Arve Hjelseth, published 111214)
Gender, Sport, and the Role of Alter Ego in Roller Derby Colleen Arendt Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (Greta Bladh 190312)
Gender, Sport and Society: An Introduction Hanya Pielichaty Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2024 (review in English by Anna Maria  Hellborg, published 241212)
Gender and Equestrian Sport: Riding Around the World Miriam Adelman & Jorge Knijnik (red) Dordrecht: Springer 2013 (Petra Andersson 140304)
Gender and Physiology in Ice Hockey: A multidimensional study Kajsa Gilenstam Umeå: Umeå University, Department of Surgical and Perioperative Sciences 2010 (Torsten Buhre 110608)
Gender and Sport: A Reader Sheila Scraton & Anne Flintoff (red) London: Routledge 2001 (Håkan Larsson 030921)
Gender and Sport: Changes and Challenges Gertrud Pfister & Mari Kristin Sisjord (red) Münster: Waxmann 2013 (Helena Tolvhed 140313)
Gender Testing in Sport: Ethics, cases and controversies Sandy Montañola & Aurélie Olivesi (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2016 (Sarah Teetzel 170614)
Gender, Athletes’ Rights, and the Court of Arbitration for Sport Helen Jefferson Lenskyj Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing 2018 (review in English by Mikael Hansson, published 200520)
Genetic Technology and Sport: Ethical Questions Claudio Tamburrini & Torbjörn Tännsjö (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2005 (Kutte Jönsson 060329)
Genetically Modified Athletes: Biomedical Ethics, Gene Doping and Sport Andy Miah London: Routledge 2004 (Kutte Jönsson 041026)
George Seward: America’s First Great Runner Edward S. Sears Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press 2008 (Björn Sandahl 091021)
Getting in the Game: Title IX and the Women’s Sports Revolution Deborah L. Brake New York, NY: New York University Press 2011 (Annika Staaf 120418)
Getting Our Bodies Back: Recovery, Healing and Transformation Through Body-centered Psychotherapy Christine Caldwell Boston: Shambhala 1996 (Helle Winther 140307)
Girls With Balls: The Secret History of Women’s Football Tim Tate London: John Blake Publishing 2013 (Jean Williams 140219)
Glitch i Idrottslandet: En kritiskkreativ undersökning av queeranden inom svensk idrott(svetenskap) [Glitching sport (science): a criticalcreative inquiry of queerings in Swedish sport (science)] Eva Linghede Stockholm: Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH 2019 (review in English by Anna Adlwarth, published 200618)
Global and Local Football: Politics and Europeanisation on the Fringes of EU Gary Armstrong & Jon P. Mitchell Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Torbjörn Andersson 100606)
The Global Football League: Transnational Networks, Social Movements and Sport in the New Media Age Peter Millward Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2011 (David Holt Olsen 130131)
The Global Gym: Gender, Health and Pedagogies Jesper Andreasson & Thomas Johansson Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2014 (Morten Renslo Sandvik 161207)
A Global History of Doping in Sport: Drugs, Policy, and Politics John Gleaves & Thomas M. Hunt (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Björn Sandahl 160422)
The Global Horseracing Industry: Social, Economic, Environmental and Ethical Perspectives Phil McManus, Glenn Albrecht & Raewyn Graham Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2013 (Mats Greiff 160120)
The Global Impact of Olympic Media at London 2012 Andrew C. Billings & Marie C. Hardin (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Henk Erik Meier 151209)
Global Media Sport: Flows, Forms and Futures David Rowe London: Bloomsbury 2013 (Marit Stub Nybelius 150429)
Global Perspectives on Football in Afrika: Visualising the Game Susann Baller, Giorgio Miescher & Ciraj Rassool (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Bill Sund 151221)
Global Perspectives on Women in Combat Sports: Women Warriors around the World Alex Channon & Christopher R. Matthews (red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2015 (Anne Tjønndal 160624)
The Global Politics of Sport: The Role of Global Institutions in Sport Lincoln Allison (red) London: Routledge 2005 (Bjarne Ibsen 060412)
Global Sport Business: Community Impacts of Commercial Sport Hans Westerbeek (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Björn Anders Larsson 121010)
Global Sport Marketing: Contemporary issues and practice Michel Desbordes & André Richelieu (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Björn Anders Larsson 150604)
Global Sport Sponsorship John Amis & T. Bettina Cornwell (red) Oxford: Berg Publishers 2005 (Rasmus Storm 060830)
Global Sports Fandom in South Korea: American Major League Baseball and Its Fans in the Online Community Younghan Cho London: Palgrave Macmillan 2020 (review in English by Mark Brooke, published 211216)
Globalising Women’s Football: Europe, Migration and Professionalization Jean Williams Bern: Peter Lang Publishing Group 2013 (Mattias Melkersson 140228)
Globalized Sport Management in Diverse Cultural Contexts James J. Zhang & Brenda G. Pitts (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (review in English by Derrick Charway, published 230524)
Globalizing Boxing Kath Woodward London: Bloomsbury 2015 (Anne Tjønndal 160104)
Globalization and Football Richard Giulianotti & Roland Robertson London: Sage Publications 2009 (Bo Carlsson 101103)
Globalization and Sport Richard Giulianotti & Roland Robertson (red) Oxford, Oxon.: Blackwell Publishing 2007 (Bo Carlsson 080305)
Globalizing Cricket: Englishness, Empire and Identity Dominic Malcolm London: Bloomsbury 2013 (Russell Holden 130417)
Globetrotting: African American Athletes and Cold War Politics Damion L. Thomas Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2017 (Anders Östnäs 171011)
”Godispengar” eller ”överdådig lyx” – om elitidrott, ekonomi och jämställdhet Anna Maria Hellborg Malmö: Bokförlaget 2019 [“Candy money” or “lavish luxury” – about elite sports, economics and gender equality] (review in Swedish by Johnny Wijk, published 191007)
The Gold in the Rings: The People and Events that Transformed the Olympic Games Stephen R. Wenn & Robert K. Barney Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2020 (review in English by Martin Friis Andersen, published 210323)
Golf and Philosophy: Lessons from the Links Andy Wible (red) Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky 2010 (Erik Jönsson 130517)
Golf as Meaningful Play: A Philosophical Guide W. Thomas Schmid Lanham, MD: Lexington Books 2017 (Jens Ljunggren 180516)
Good Governance in Sport: Critical Reflections Arnout Geeraert & Frank von Eekeren (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Thomas Persson, published 240910)
Good Sport: Why Our Games Matter – and How Doping Undermines Them Thomas H. Murray Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018 (Andrew J. Bloodworth 180618)
Governance, Citizenship and the New European Football Championship: The European Spectacle Wolfram Manzenreiter & Georg Spitaler (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Hallgeir Gammelsæter 120328)
Governance Relationships in Football Between Management and Labour: Players, Clubs, Leagues & National Associations Kevin Tallec Marston, Camille Boillat & Fernando Roitman Neuchâtel: Editions CIES 2017 (Bill Sund 180624)
The Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia Bernard Suits Peterbourough, ON: Broadview Press 2014 (Henning Eichberg 160115)
Grassroots Coaching: Using Sports Psychology and Coaching Principles Effectively Peter J. McGahey & Peter S. Pierro Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2022 (review in English by Nicholas Zoroya, published 241025)
Great Expectations: The Sociology of Survival and Success in Organized Team Sports Christopher B. Doob Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (review in English by Anders Östnäs, published 200430)
Great Lengths: The Historic Indoor Swimming Pools of Britain Ian Gordon & Simon Inglis Swindon, Wilts: English Heritage 2009 (Hans Bolling 101103)
The Great White Hopes: The Quest to Defeat Jack Johnson Graeme Kent Stroud, Gloucs: Sutton Publishing 2005 (Birger Hedén 070314)
The Greatest Fight of Our Generation: Louis vs. Schmeling Lewis Erenberg New York: Oxford University Press 2006 (Johnny Wijk 060830)
Group Dynamics in Sport: Third Edition Albert V. Carron, Heather A. Hausenblas & Mark A. Eys Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2005 (Sverker Bengtsson 071212)
Growing Up With the Trinity: An Englishman, a Scotsman and an Irishman Walked Onto a Football Pitch… Brendon McGuire Worthing, SX: Pitch Publishing 2019 (review in English by Hans Bolling, published 210407)
The Growth and Development of Sport in County Tipperary, 1840–1880 Pat Bracken Togher, Cork: Cork University Press 2018 (Hans Bolling 190313)
Grundbog i idrætssociologi Lone Friis Thing & Ulrik Wagner (red) København: Munksgaard Danmark 2011 (Arve Hjelseth 121119)
Gruppedynamikk i idrett Rune Høigaard Kristiansand: Høyskoleforlaget 2008 (Sverker Bengtsson 100922)
Guds hand: Om röda djävlar och glidtacklande helgon Petter Karlsson Stockholm: Verbum Cordia 2008 (Frank Östergren 081015)
Gullracet: Medaljer, makt og mysterier i norsk langrenn Lars Backe Madsen Oslo: Gyldendal 2017 (Arve Hjelseth 171219)
Gym Bodies: Exploring Fitness Cultures James Brighton, Ian Wellard & Amy Clark Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021 (review in English by Greta Bladh, published 230116)
Gymnastics, A Transatlantic Movement: From Europe to America Gertrud Pfister (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Pia Lundquist Wanneberg 110921)
Gymnastics and Politics: Niels Bukh and Male Aesthetics Hans Bonde København: Museum Tusculanum 2006 (Wendy Varney 070516)
Gör det bättre själv om du kan! Forskning och praktiska råd till föräldrar med idrottande barn Johan Fallby Saltsjö-boo: Pintxo förlag 2015 (Thomas Westerberg 160825)
Gör det bättre själv om du kan: Stötta ditt barn till hållbar och framgångsrik idrott Johan Fallby Täby: 7 Tapas Publishing 2020 (review in Swedish by Erik Andersson, published 210316)


Hammarby: En supporters handbok Lars Grimlund & Frederic Pavlidis Stockholm: Bokförlaget DN 2004 (Mickael Möller 041012)
Handbook of Disability Sport & Exercise Psychology Jeffrey J. Martin Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018 (Marit Sørensen 181004)
A Handbook of Leisure Studies Chris Rojek, Susan M. Shaw & A. J. Veal (red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2006 (Bo Carlsson 070328)
Handbook of Physical Education David Kirk, Doune Macdonald & Mary O’Sullivan (red) London: Sage Publications 2006 (Claes Annerstedt 090606)
Handbook of Research in Applied Sport an Exercise Psychology: Inernational Perspectives Dieter Hackfort, Joan L. Duda & Ronnie Lidor (red) Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2005 (Johan Fallby 071212)
Handbook of Research on Sport and Business Sten Söderman & Harald Dolles (red) Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar 2013 (Hans Lundberg 140910)
Handbook of Sport and International Development Nico Schulenkorf, Jon Welty Peachey, Ramón Spaaij & Holly Collison-Randall (eds.) Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar 2023 (review in English by Derrick Charway, published 250123)
Handbook of Sports and Media Arthur A. Raney & Jennings Bryant (red) Mahwah, NJ: Laurence Erlbaum Associates 2006 (Peter Dahlén 070117)
Handbook on International Sports Law James A.R. Nafziger & Stephen F. Ross (red) Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar 2011 (Mikael Hansson 151029)
Handbook on the Economics of Sport Wladimir Andreff & Stefan Szymanski (red) Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar 2006 (Harry Arne Solberg 080206)
Handbuch Sportgeschichte Michael Krüger & Hans Langenfeld (red) Schorndorf: Hofmann 2010 (Jens Ljunggren 111102)
Harry Haft: Survivor of Auschwitz, Challenger of Rocky Marciano Alan Scott Haft Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press 2020 (review in English by Joseph Lewandowski, published 230227)
Hasse Borg: Ett liv för fotbollen – En säsong i himmelriket Konstantis FoussianisVästerås: Sportförlaget 2004 (Mickael Möller 050222)
Hawk: Occupation Skateboarder Tony Hawk & Sean Mortimer New York: HarperCollins Publishers 2001 (Åsa Bäckström 080206)
Head Game: Mental Health in Sports Media Andrew C. Billings & Scott Parrott Oxford, Oxon: Peter Lang Publishing 2023 (review in English by Britt-Marie Ringfjord, published 240321)
Health and Elite Sport: Is High Performance Sport a Healthy Pursuit? Joseph Baker, Parissa Safai & Jessica Fraser-Thomas (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Suzanne Lundvall 160407)
Health Fitness Management: A Comprehensive Resource for Managing and Operating Programs and Facilities Mike Bates (red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2008 (Kasper Lund Kirkegaard 081212)
Hearts of Lions: The History of American Bicycle Racing (2nd ed.) Peter Joffre Nye Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press 2020 (review in English by Duncan R. Jamieson, published 210304)
Hegemony and Sport: Power Through Culture in Theory and Practice April Henning & Jesper Andreasson Champaign, IL: Common Ground 2022 (review in English by Hallgeir Gammelsæter, published 230607)
”Heja judarna!” IK Makkabi 1933–2003 Mattias Grosin & Urban Orzolek Stockholm: Hillelförlaget 2003 (Torbjörn Andersson 040113)
Heja Persson! Samisk triumf i Vasaloppet Isak Lidström Malmö: Arx Förlag 2018 (Helge Chr. Pedersen 190124)
Helt i mål: Lær statistisk tenkning med tall fra sportens verden Christer Thrane Oslo: Humanist Forlag 2024 (review in Norwegian by Mads Skauge, published 240925)
Helter i sort og hvitt: Historien om Odds Ballklubb og byen gjennom 125 år Finn Olstad & Eivind Blikstad Skien: Odds ballklubb 2018 (review by Torbjörn Andersson, published 190912)
Helvetet tur och retur Andreas Haddad & Max Bergander Stockholm: Bladh by Bladh 2014 (Torbjörn Andersson 150925)
Highbury: The Story of Arsenal Stadium Bruce Smith Edinburgh: Mainstream Publishing 2005 (Christer Ericsson 060315)
Higher Education in Sport in Europe: From Labour Market Demand to Training Supply Karen Petry & al (red) Maidenhead, Berks: Meyer & Meyer Sport 2008 (Anders Östnäs 090923)
Historic Traditions and Future Directions of Research on Teaching and Teacher Education in Physical Education Lynn D. Housner et al (red) Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2009 (Claes Annerstedt 100922)
Historien om norsk idrett Matti Goksøyr Oslo: Abstrakt Forlag 2008 (Susanna Hedenborg 090606)
History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Activity R. Scott Kretchmar, Mark Dyreson, Matthew P. Llewellyn & John Gleaves Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2017 (Gunnar Breivik 180214)
A History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education: From Ancient Civilizations to the Modern World Robert A. Mechikoff & Steven G. Estes Dubuque, IA: McGraw Hill 2006 (Björn Sandahl 060927)
The History and Politics of Sport-for-Development: Activists, Ideologues and Reformers Simon C. Darnell, Russell Fields & Bruce Kidd London: Palgrave Macmillan 2019 (review in English by Derrick Charway, published 230207)
A History of Bradford City AFC in Objects: The definitive record of memorabilia from a hundred seasons of League football, 1903–1914 John Dewhirst Shipley: Bantamspast 2014 (review in English by Torbjörn Andersson, published 190927)
A History of British Sports Medicine Vanessa Heggie Manchester: Manchester University Press 2011 (Susanna Hedenborg 120307)
History of Dance: An Interactive Arts Approach Gayle Kassing Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2007 (Helle Winther 080123)
A History of Drug Use in Sport 1876–1976: Beyond Good and Evil Paul Dimeo Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Björn Sandahl 080220)
A History of Hurling: Second Edition Seamus J. King Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 2005 (Terry Goldie 060517)
A History of Organizational Change: The case of Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), 1946–2020 Hans Erik Næss London: Palgrave Macmillan 2020 (review in English by Cecilia Stenling, published 210928)
The History of Physical Culture Conor Heffernan Champaign, IL: Common Ground 2022 (review in English by Greta Bladh, published 230608)
The History of Physical Culture in Ireland Conor Heffernan London: Palgrave Macmillan 2020 (review in English by Hans Bolling, published 210504)
A History of Sport in Europe in 100 Objects Daphné Bolz & Michael Krüger (eds.) Hildesheim: Arete Verlag 2023 (review in English by Conor Curran, published 231020)
A History of Sport in Wales Martin Johnes Cardiff: University of Wales Press 2005 (Hans Bolling 080206)
A History of Sports Coaching in Britain: Overcoming amateurism Dave Day & Tegan Carpenter Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Robert Svensson 190405)
A History of Sports Highlights: Replayed Plays from Edison to ESPN Raymond Gamache Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2010 (Marit Nybelius 110608)
A History of the U.S. Men’s National Soccer Team Clemente A. Lisi Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2017 (Jørn Hansen 190131)
Hit by Pitch: Ray Chapman, Carl Mays and the Fatal Fastball Molly Lawless Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2011 (Malcolm MacLean 130927)
Hjältarna: Historien om Åtvidabergs FF Mats Samuelsson Västerås: Sportförlaget 2004 (Torbjörn Andersson 051019)
Hockey: A Global History Stephen Hardy & Andrew C. Holman Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2018 (review in English by Tobias Stark, published 191010)
Hockey as Religion: The Montreal Canadians Olivier Bauer Champaign, IL: Common Ground 2011 (Tobias Stark 131001)
Hockeyns heraldik: Klubbmärkenas historia Leonard Jägerskiöld Velander Stockholm: Modernista 2021 (review in Swedish by Tobias Stark, published 220330)
The Holy Trinity of American Sports: Civil Religion in Football, Baseball and Basketball Craig A. Forney Macon, GA: Mercer University Press 2007 (Halvdan Haugsbakken 090225)
Home, Draw and Away: Bland vinnare och förlorare i fotbollens hemland Tobias Regnell & Henrik Ystén (red) Göteborg: Offside 2008 (Frank Östergren 090225)
Homo Fanaticus: Passionerede fodboldssupportere Lise Joern Slagelse: Bavnebanke 2006 (Rasmus Storm 061129)
Home Ice: Reflections of a Reluctant Hockey Mom Angie Abdou ECW Press: Toronto, ON 2018 (review by Tobias Stark, published 190531)
Hooligan – de danske broderskaber: Respekten, æren, rusen Jonas Nyrup & Tom Carstensen København: Lindhardt og Ringhof 2011 (Martin Alsiö 110921)
Hoop Dreams on Wheels: Disability and the Competitive Wheelchair Athlete Ronald J. Berger Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (Oskar Krantz 100310)
The Horse and Jockey from Artemision: A Bronze Equestrian Monument of the Hellenistic Period Seán Hemingway Los Angeles: University of California Press 2004 (Susanna Hedenborg 050606)
Horse Nations: The Worldwide Impact of the Horse on Indigenous Societies Post-1492 Peter Mitchell Oxford: Oxford University Press 2015 (Susanna Hedenborg 160817)
Horse Racing and British Society in the Long Eighteenth Century Mike Huggins Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell Press 2018 (review by Mats Greiff, published 190618)
Horse Racing the Chicago Way: Gambling, Politics, and Organized Crime, 1837-1911  Steven A. Riess Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press 2022 (review in English by Duncan R. Jamieson, published 221116)
Horseracing and the British 1919–39 Mike Huggins Manchester: Manchester University Press 2003 (Carl Johan Stolt 050118
How College Athletics Are Hurting Girls’ Sports: The Pay-to-Play Pipeline Rick Eckstein Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2023 (review in English by Nicholas Zoroya, published 240426)
How Football Began: A Global History of How the World’s Football Codes Were Born Tony Collins Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (review in English by Bente Skogvang, published 210312)
How the Game was Played: Essays in Sports History Wray Vamplew Brighton, SX: Edward Everett Root 2016 (Hans Bolling 170330)
Hugo Levin: Den store eldsjälen i den unga svenska idrottsvärlden Bengt Göthberg Göteborg: Idrottsmuseet 2018 (review by Lennart K. Persson, published 190426)
Huliganlandskapet: Medier, våld och maskuliniteter Aage Radmann Malmö: Malmö högskola 2013 (Hans Kristian Hognestad 130320)
Human Rights in Youth Sport: A Critical Review of Children’s Rights in Competitive Sports PauloDavid Oxford: Routledge 2004 (Bo Carlsson 050308)
Human–Animal Relationships in Equestrian Sport and Leisure Katherine Dashper Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Susanna Hedenborg 170901)
Humanistisk og samfundsvidenskabelig idrætsteori Hans Bonde et al København: Frydenlund 2007 (Mats Franzén 081112)
Humans. Horses and Events Management Katherine Dashper, Guðrún Helgadóttir & Ingibjörg Sigurðardóttir (ed.) Wallingford, Oxon: CABI 2021 (review in English by Susanna Hedenborg, published 220317)
Hunting: In Search of the Wild Life Nathan Kowalsky (red) Oxford, Oxon.: Wiley Blackwell 2010 (Kim Wickman 111102)
Hur är det i praktiken? Lärare utforskar ämnet idrott och hälsa Håkan Larsson, Suzanne Lundvall, Jane Meckbach, Tomas Peterson & Mikael Quennerstedt (red) Stockholm: Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH 2016 (Ingegerd Ericsson 170214)
hva er FOTBALL Matti Goksøyr Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 2014 (Bill Sund 150213)
Hvordan er idrett mulig? Skisse til en idrettssosiologi Jan Ove TangenKristiansand: Høyskoleforlaget 2004 (David Hoff 050914)
Hvorfor har vi ingen Zlatan i dansk fodbold? Martin Treumer Gregersen København: Frydenlund 2011 (Mickael Möller 111214)
Hyllade kroppar: Idrotten i arkiven Åsa Karlsson (red) Stockholm: Riksarkivet 2012 (Poul Porskær Poulsen 130605)
Den hårda kampen: Fotboll i Sverige, särskilt Göteborg, före första världskriget Lennart K Persson Lindome: Bricoleur Press 2011 (Hans Bolling 121010)
Hälsoarbete i rörelse: Ett aktionsforskningsprojekt inom etableringsreformens samhälls- och hälsoinformation Anna Bergenfeldt Fabri Malmö: Malmö universitet 2019 (review in Swedish by Michaela Pörn, published 191106)
Hälsofrämjande arbete för barn och ungdomar Ann-Cathrine Bramhagen & Anna Carlsson (red) Lund: Studentlitteratur 2013 (Mikael Londos 140529)
Hälsosam motion: Lindrar nedstämdhet och depression Peter Hassmén & Nathalie Hassmén Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2005 (Magnus Lindwall 060329)
Hästar, män och andra djur Nina Lekander Stockholm: Norstedts 2012 (Susanna Hedenborg 130411)
Hästens kroppsspråk Susan McBane (Översättning Ulla-Märta Westerstål) Västerås: ICA Bokförlag 2009 (Susanna Hedenborg 100512)
Hästkarlar, hästjejer, hästälskare: 100 år med Svenska Ridsportförbundet Susanna Hedenborg Strömsholm: Svenska Ridsportförbundet 2013 (Petra Andersson 140424)
Hög standard? En studie om kommunal anläggningspolitik och elitfotbollens standardiserande arenakrav Jens Alm Malmö: Malmö högskola 2017 (Kolbjørn Rafoss 180320)
Hösten 70 Jonas Cederquist & Magnus Hagström Västerås: Idrottsförlaget 2020 (review in Swedish by Hanserik Tönnheim, published 210616)


I det vita och det blå: Malmö FF:s matchtröjor genom tiderna Ole Törner & David Ellerth Malmö: Memory Lane 2022 (review in Swedish by Torbjörn Andersson, published 221114)
I fight for a Living: Boxing and the battle for black manhood 1880–1915 Louis Moore Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2017 (Anne Tjønndal 181009)
I fotbollens tjänst Lennart Johansson & Ken Olofsson Stockholm: Albert Bonniers Förlag 2008 (Hans Bolling 081126)
“I have a pacemaker and hip replacement, but I’m up and running”: Rural Norwegian men’s meanings related to health. body and physical activity Stein Egil Kolderup Hervik Oslo: Norges idrettshøgskole 2017 (Suzanne Lundvall 180315)
I huvudet på John McEnroe Tim Adams (Översättning Olov Hyllienmark) Stockholm: Pan 2004 (Peter Dahlén 070314)
I huvudet på Zlatan Ibramhimovic Simon Bank (red) Stockholm: Scampi Förlag 2005 (Kalle Jonasson 060606)
I idrætsforeningernes tjeneste: En undesøgelse af ledelse af danske idrætsanlæg Peter Forsberg København: Idrættens Analyseinstitut 2020 (review in Norwegian by Eivind Å. Skille, published 210507)
I tjejers spår – för framtids segrar: Om tjejlopp och villkor för kvinnors motionsidrottande Karin S. Lindelöf & Annie Woube Stockholm: Makadam Förlag 2019 (review in Norwegian by Gerd von der Lippe, published 200205)
I och ur spår! En studie om konflikter och hjältar i svensk skidsport under 1900-talet Leif Yttergren Lund: KFS i Lund 2006 (Jan Samuelson 070117)
I ständig strävan efter framgång? Föreningsdemokratins innehåll och villkor i Örebro Sportklubb 1908–89 Daniel Alsarve Örebro: Örebro universitet 2014 (Leif Yttergren 141030)
I sulky och sadel: Trav- och galoppsportens 1900-talshistoria Mats Greiff & Susanna Hedenborg (red) Stockholm: Carlssons 2007 (Leif Yttergren 090606)
I takt med tiden?: Perspektiv på idrottslärarutbildning i Skandinavien Erik Backman & Lena Larsson (red) Lund: Studentlitteratur 2013 (Øyvind Førland Standal 141008)
The Ideals of Global Sport: From Peace to Human Rights Barbara J. Keys (red) Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press 2019 (review in English by Andreas Tullberg, published 200325)
Idéer för idrottsutveckling Josef Fahlén & Staffan Karp (red) Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2015 (Jørn Hansen 160901)
Identities and Images in Football: A case study of brands and the organisational settings in the development of Scandinavian women’s club football Mattias Melkersson Malmö: Bokförlaget 2017 (Jean Williams 171005)
Idrett og anlegg i endring: Oppslutning om idrettsaktiviteter og bruk av idrettsanlegg i den norske befolkningen Kolbjørn Rafoss & Gunnar Breivik Oslo: Akilles 2010 (Jens Høyer-Kruse 120919)
Idrett og bærekraft: Perspektiver på miljø- og samfunnsansvar i idrettens organisasjoner [Sport and Sustainability: Perspectives on Environmental and Societal Responsibilities in Sport Organizations] Dag Vidar Hanstad, Morten Renslo Sandvik & Anna-Maria Strittmatter Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2021 (book in Norwegian, review in English by Daniel Svensson, published 220519)
Idrett og juss Gunnar-Martin Kjenner (red) Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 2004 (Jyri Backman 070912)
Idrett, kjønn, kropp og kultur: Minoritetsjenters møte med norsk idrett Åse Strandbu Oslo: Nova 2006 (Jesper Fundberg 080123)
Idrett, kjønn og ledelse: Festskrift til Jorid Hovden Anne Tjønndal (red.) Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2021 (review in Swedish by Leah Monsees, published 211123)
Idrett, politikk og menneskerettigheter Hans Erik Næss Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2021 (review in Swedish by Karin Zackari, published 220405)
Idrettens dilemmaer: Rapport fra forskningsprogrammet «Idrett, samfunn og frivillig organisering» Andreas Hompland (red) Olso: Akilles (Thomas Persson 081015)
Idrettens helter: Temanummer av Moving Bodies, No. 1–2 2008 Vol. 4 Peter Dahlén (red) Oslo: Norges Idrettshøgskole 2008 (Kalle Jonasson 090606)
Idrettsdemokratiet: Makt og styring i idretten Bernard Enjolras & Ragnhild Holmen Waldahl Olso: Akilles 2009 (Bjarne Ibsen 091216)
Idrettspolitikkens maktspill: Endring og stabilitet i den idrettspolitiske syringsmodellen Nils Asle Bergsgard Oslo: Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo 2005 (Henning Eichberg 060201)
Idrettspsykologi: Motivasjon, ledelse og prestasjon Elsa Kristiansen & Hedda Berntsen Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 2021 (review in Swedish by Peter Carlman, published 220426)
Idrettssosiologi: Sportens ekspansjon i det moderne samfunn Jon Helge Lesjø Oslo: Abstrakt Forlag 2008 (Hallgeir Gammelsæter 090606)
Idrettsvitenskap: Perspektiver og praksis Stig Arve Sæther (red) Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 2019 (review in Danish by Ulrik Wagner, published 200910)
Idrott: Hundra år i Göteborg Cege Berglund & Gudrun Nyberg (red) Stockholm: Carlssons 2019 (review in Swedish by Bode Janzon, published 191206)
Idrott för kung och fosterland: Den svenska idrottens fader Viktor Balck 1844–1928 Jan Lindroth Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2007 (Jørn Hansen 071121)
Idrott i poesin, poesi i idrotten: En antologi Lars Wolf (red) Göteborg: B4PRESS 2009 (Oscar Nilsson Tornborg 121010)
Idrott och hälsa, åk 7–9: Digitalt läromedel Mikael Gardestrand Bengtsson & Stina Gardestrand Stockholm: Liber 2022 (review in Swedish by Viktor Elm & Adam Nilfors, published 230526)
Idrott som medel – inte som mål: Förutsättningar för socialt entreprenörskap inom idrotten Daniel Bjärsholm Malmö: Malmö universitet 2020 (review in Norwegian by Solveig Straume, published 200424)
Idrott under 5000 år Jan Lindroth Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2011 (Kristian Gerner 120307)
Idrott under 5000 år Jan Lindroth Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2011 (Anders Östnäs 120307)
Idrott, borgerlig fostran och frihet: Torsten Tegnér som opinionsbildare 1930–1960 Rolf HaslumStockholm: Stockholms universitet 2006 (Acta universitatis Stockholmiensis, Stockholm Studies in History. New Series 84) (Eva Queckfeldt 060927)
Idrott, krig och nationell gemenskap: Om riksmarscher, fältsport och Gunder Hägg-feber Johnny Wijk Stehag: Brutus Östlings Bokförlag Symposion 2005 (Matti Goksøyr 060503)
Idrott, tävling och allvar: En kritisk granskning av svensk idrottsforskning Jonny Hjelm Malmö: Bokförlaget 2015 (Erkki Vettenniemi 160217)
Idrott – och helst lite mer idrott: Idrottslärarstudenters möte med utbildningen Lena Larsson Stockholm: Institutionen för utbildningsvetenskap med inriktning mot tekniska, estetiska och praktiska kunskapstraditioner, Stockholms universitet 2009 (Torun Mattsson 120307)
Idrottarens matbok: recept för prestationer Christine Helle Malmö: SISU 2003 (Daniel Svensson 030921)
Idrottarens återhämtningsbok: Fysiologiska, psykologiska och näringsmässiga fakta för snabb och effektiv återhämtning Göran Kenttä & Michael Svensson (red) Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2008 (Johan Fallby 091021)
Idrottarnas kostbok Anki Sundin Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2009 (Graciela Pfannenstill 100606)
Idrottens akademisering: Idrottsvetenskaplig kunskap inom forskning, utbildning och på arbetsmarknaden Joakim Wirén Åkesson Malmö: Malmö högskola 2014 (Bjarne Ibsen 151014)
Idrottens anläggningar: Ägande, driftsförhållanden och dess effekter Josef Fahlén & Paul Sjöblom Stockholm: RiksidrottsFörbundet 2008 (Hans Lundberg 100331)
Idrottens föreningsrätt: Andra upplagan Krister Malmsten & Christer Pallin Solna: Svenska FotbollFörlaget 2005 (Jyri Backman 060301)
Idrottens karriärövergångar Sverker Bengtsson & Johan Fallby Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2011 (Johan Wikman 121230)
Idrottens kraft? Ungas livsvillkor och ojämlikhetens problem i en segregerad stad Magnus Dahlstedt & David Ekholm (red.) Lund: Studentlitteratur 2021 (review in Danish by Jørn Hansen, published 211111)
Idrottens kön: Genus, kropp och sexualitet i lagidrottens vardag Jesper Andreasson Lund: Sociologiska institutionen, Lunds universitet 2006 (Ingela Kolfjord 070418)
Idrottens olösta gåtor Christian Carlsson Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2009 (Katarina Schenker 100922)
Idrottens riskzoner: Om vägar till trygg och trovärdig idrott Johan R. Norberg, Christine Dartsch Nilsson & Johan Faskunger (ed.) Stockholm: Centrum för idrottsforskning 2021 (review in Norwegian by Kolbjørn Rafoss, published 211130)
Idrottens rättskulturer: Rättssociologiska och idrottsvetenskapliga essäer och exkurser Bo Carlsson Malmö: 2009 (Göran Lambertz 101013)
Idrottens spelberoende: Idrottsrörelsens offentliga stöd via spelmarknaden 1990–2009 och dess idrottspolitisks konsekvenser Johan R. Norberg Malmö: Arx Förlag 2016 (Jørn Hansen 171208)
Idrottens väg till folkhemmet. Studier i statlig idrottspolitik 1913–1970 Johan R. Norberg Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2004 (Göran Ahrne 040831)
Idrottsanläggningar – i dag och i morgon: Om behov, tillgänglighet och konkurrerande intressen Johan R. Norberg, Christine Dartsch Nilsson & Johan Pihlblad (ed.) Stockholm: Centrum för idrottsforskning 2022 (review in Danish by Jens Høyer-Kruse, published 221013)
Idrottsarvet: Årets bok 2018, 2019, 2020 Cege Berglund (red) Göteborg: Idrottsmuseet i Göteborg 2018–20 (review in Swedish by Anders Östnäs, published 210519)
Idrottsarvet: Årets bok 2021 Cege Berglund (ed.) Göteborg: Idrottsmuseet i Göteborg 2021 (review in Swedish by Anders Östnäs, published 220621)
Idrottsarvet: Årets bok 2022 Cege Berglund (ed.) Göteborg: Idrottsmuseet i Göteborg 2022 (review in Swedish by Anders Östnäs, published 240218)
Idrottsdidaktik för lärar- och tränarutbildningar [Sports didactics for teachers and coaches] Katarina Schenker Stockholm: Liber 2022 (book in Swedish, review in Danish by Andreas Schiørring, published 230213)
Idrottsdidaktiska utmaningar Håkan Larsson & Jane Meckbach (red) Stockholm: Liber 2007 (Charlotte Svendler Nielsen 081212)
Idrottshistoriskt symposium 2005: Idrottens attraktivitet – idealism, kommersialism, politik Rolf Edling, Anders Hammer, Jan Lindroth, Johan R. Norberg & Hanserik Tönnheim (red) Malmö: Sveriges Centralförening för Idrottens Främjande 2006 (Lars-Erik Alkvist 070502)
Idrottsjuridik Johan Lindholm Stockholm: Norstedts Juridik 2014 (Mikael Hansson 150327)
Idrottsledarskap Peter Hassmén & Nathalie Hassmén Stockholm: Natur & Kultur 2010 (Karin Josefsson 101124)
Idrottsplatsen i våra hjärtan: En k-spaning på genuina idrottsplatser från söder till norr Göran Willis, Ronald Åman & Mats Tallkvist Malmö: Arx Förlag 2016 (Nils-Olof Zethrin 171214)
Idrottspsykologi Peter Hassmén, Nathalie Hassmén & Johan Plate Stockholm: Natur & Kultur 2003 (Sverker Bengtsson 040210)
Idrottsutövandets estetik: En narrativ studie av meningsskapande och lärande Ninitha Maivorsdotter Örebro: Örebro universitet 2011 (Torun Mattsson 121031)
Idrottsvetenskap: En introduktion Susanna Hedenborg (red) Lund: Studentlitteratur 2016 (Lone Friis Thing 160503)
Idrottsvetenskaplig forskning och utbildning vid Göteborgs universitet: Personliga betraktelser Claes Annerstedt & Göran Patriksson Göteborg: Multicare Förlags AB 2022 (review in Swedish by Joakim Åkesson, published 230224)
Idrottsvetenskapliga forskningsmetoder Nathalie Hassmén & Peter Hassmén Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2008 (Joakim Åkesson 090520)
Idræt, oplevelse og identitet Jørgen Hinsby Slagelse: Bavnebanke 2006 (Suzanne Lundvall 070328)
Idræt og køn. Temanummer av Dansk Sociologi Nr. 2/15. Årg. juli 2004 Inge Kryger Pedersen(red) København: Dansk sociologförening 2004 (Ingela Kolfjord 040914)
Idræt og sport i den danske oplevelsesøkonomi: Mellem forening och forretning Rasmus K. Storm & Henrik H. Brandt (red) Fredriksberg: Imagine.. 2008 (Harry Arne Solberg 090606)
Idræt som fest: Bogen om landsstævnet Henning Eichberg & Bo Vestergård Madsen Århus: Forlaget Klim 2006 (Ørnulf Seippel 070131)
Idræt som kommunal velfærd: Mentalitet, velfærd og idrætspolitik i København, Ballerup og Skive 1870–1970 Morten Mortensen København: Institut for Idræt, Københavns Universitet 2004 (Christer Ericsson 061011)
Idrætsanlæg i Herlev gennem 100 år Per Leon Jørgensen Herlev: Herlev Kommune 2009 (Bode Janzon 101124)
Idrætspolitik i komparativ belysning: National og international Henning Eichberg Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2012 (Johan Norberg 140130)
Idrætspædagogisk Årbog 2003 Kurt Lüders & Niels Vogensen (red) Århus: Klim 2003 (Suzanne Lundvall 040620)
Idrætspædagogisk Årbog 2004/05 Kurt Lüders & Niels Vogensen (red) Slagelse: Forlaget Bavnebanke 2005 (Suzanne Lundvall 060517)
Idrætsundervisning: En grundbog i idrætsdidaktik Helle Rønholt & Birger Peitersen (red) København: Museum Tusculanum 2008 (Jane Meckbach 081015)
Idrættens illusoriske intimitet Jan Toftegaard Nielsen Købehavn: Institut for Idræt, Københavns Universitet 2004 (Ingela Kolfjord 041214)
Idrættens kulturelle pol: En analyse af idrætsfeltets autonomi belyst ved Pierre Bourdieus metode Martin D. Munk & Jakob B. Lind København: Museum Tuscalanums Forlag 2004 (Joakim Åkesson 051102)
Ikke for pengenes skyld: Et indblik i moderne cykelsport Ask Vest Christiansen Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2005 (Bill Sund 051214)
An Illustrated History of the GAA Eoghan Corry Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 2005 (Leif Yttergren 060830)
Image, Power and Space: Studies in Consumption and Identity Alan Tomlinson & Jonathan M. Woodham (red) Oxford, Oxon: Meyer & Meyer Sport 2008 (Mats Franzén 090902)
Imagery in Sport Tony Morris, Michael Spittle & Anthony P. Watt Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2005 (Sverker Bengtsson 061129)
Imagined Olympians: Body Culture and Colonial Representation in Rwanda John Bale Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2002 (Henning Eichberg 070606)
Immaterial Bodies: Affect, Embodiment, Mediation Lisa Blackman London: Sage Publications 2012 (Ørnulf Seippel 131015)
The Impact and Evaluation of Major Sporting Events Holger Preuss (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (Karin Book 091021)
In Depth Sport Psychology: Reclaiming the Lost Soul of the Athlete David Burston Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (review in English by Urban Johnson, published 200304)
In Praise of Athletic Beauty Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press/Harvard University Press 2006 (Ørnulf Seippel 070829)
In the Game: Race, Identity, and Sports in the Twentieth Century Amy Bass (red) Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2005 (Jesper Fundberg 060517)
Inclusion and Exclusion Through Youth Sport Symeon Dagkas & Kathleen Armour (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Karin Redelius 120509)
Inclusive Creative Movement and Dance Karen A. Kaufmann Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2006 (Helle Winther 060830)
Inclusive Masculinities in Contemporary Football: Men in the Beautiful Game Rory Magrath Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Marie Larneby 170405)
Ind i bevægelsen: Et performativt fænomenologisk feltstudie om kropslighed. mening og kreativitet i børns læreprocesser i bevægelsesundervisning i skolen Charlotte Svendler Nielsen København: Institut for Idræt 2008 (Jane Meckbach 100331)
Indian Club Swinging and the Birth of Global Fitness: Mugdars, Masculinity and Marketing Conor Heffernan London: Bloomsbury 2024 (review in English by Hans Bolling, published 240617)
Indetermination in creative dance: On creative dance teaching in physical education teacher education Christopher Engdahl Stockholm: Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH 2023 (review in English by Torun Mattsson, published 240911)
Infant Motor Development Jan P. Piek Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2006 (Ingegerd Ericsson 060913)
Ingen lek utan eld: En olympisk krönika från Aten till Aten Åke StoltStockholm: Albert Bonniers Förlag 2004 (Jan Larsson 041123)
Ingenting är omöjligt: Mora IK 75 år Stellan Kvärre & Anders Norin Västerås: Idrottsförlaget 2010 (Tobias Stark 110608)
Inkluderende kroppsøving Øyvind Førland Standal & Gro Rugseth (red) Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2015 (Lars Kristén 160511)
Innebandy Marcus Nilsson & Eivind Tysdal Olso: Akilles 2008 (Mikael Jeppsson 090311)
Innføring i klatring Stein Tronstad Oslo: Akilles 2005 (Åke Nilsén 060517)
Inside the Ropes Arthur Mercante with Phil Guarnieri Ithaca, NY: McBooks Press 2006 (Birger Hedén 080423)
Inspiration til talentudvikling: Et psykologisk perspektiv Kristoffer Henriksen (red) Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2008 (Joakim Ingrell 081029)
Den institutionaliserade tävlingsidrotten: Kommuner, idrott och politik i Sverige under 1900-talet Paul Sjöblom Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International 2006 (Björn Horgby 060503)
International and Comparative Sports Justice Michele Colucci & Karen L. Jones (red) Rome: Sports Law and Policy Centre 2013 (Jyri Backman 141205)
Instructional Models for Physical Eduaction Michael W. Metzler Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway 2005 (Jane Meckbach 060830)
International Diplomacy and the Olympic Movement: The New Mediators Aaron Beacom Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2012 (Björn Sandahl 140305)
International Handbook on the Economics of Mega Sporting Events Wolfgang Maennig & Andrew Zimbalist (red) Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar 2012 (Harry Arne Solberg 130430)
International Perspectives on the Management of Sport Milena M. Parent & Trevor Slack (red) Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2007 (Per Göran Fahlström 080521)
International Sport Business: Current Issues, Future Directions Hans Westerbeek & Adam Karg Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Giuseppe Telesca, published 240924)
International Sport Business Management: Issues and New Ideas James J. Zhang, Brenda G. Pitts & Lauren M. Johnson (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021 (review in English by Hans Lundberg, published 220127)
The Internationalization of European Sports Teams and the Issue of National Citizenship: Can Sports Transcend Political Borders? Heike C. Alberts & Kazimierz J. Zaniewski Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press 2011 (Anders Östnäs 130808)
Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Exercise and Sport Martin S. Hagger & Nikos L. D. Chatzisarantis (red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2007 (Sanna Nordin 080917)
An Introduction to Drugs in Sport: Addicted to Winning Ivan Waddington & Andy Smith Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (Ask Vest Christiansen 091125)
Introduction to Equestrian Sports Kate Luxmoore Collingwood, VIC: Landlinks Press 2008 (Susanna Hedenborg 090520)
Introduction to Physical Education, Fitness, and Sport: Sixth Edition Daryl Siedentop Dubuque, IA: McGraw Hill 2006 (Karin Redelius 070328)
Introduction to Recreation and Leisure Human Kinetics (red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2006 (Mikael Annersten 080917)
Introduction to Sport Law John O. Spengler et al Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2009 (Jyri Backman 091111)
Introduction to Sport Marketing: A Practical Approach Aaron C. T. Smith Oxford, Oxon: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2008 (Viktor Magnusson 100421)
Introduction to Sport Marketing: Third edition Aaron C.T. Smith, Constantino Stavros, James Skinner, Andrea N. Geurin & Lauren M. Burch Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2024 (review in English by Viktor Magnusson, published 241108)
Introduction to Teaching Physical Education: Principles and Strategies Jane M. Shimon Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2011 (Jane Meckbach 111102)
Introduction to the Philosophy of Sport Heather L. Reid Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2012 (Kutte Jönsson 131205)
Inverting the Pyramid: A History of Football Tactics Jonathan Wilson London: Orion Books 2008 (Hans Bolling 090429)
Irish Sporting Lives Terry Clavin & Turlough O’Riordan (ed.) Dublin: Royal Irish Acdemy 2022 (review in English by Conor Curran, published 230504)
Iscensättandet av Solskensolympiaden: Dagspressens konstruktion av föreställda gemenskaper vid Stockholmsolympiaden 1912 Christian Widholm Umeå: h:ström 2008 (Jørn Hansen 100217)
Iscensättningen av kön i idrott: En nutidshistoria om idrottsmannen och idrottskvinnan Håkan Larsson Stockholm: HLS Förlag 2001 (review in Swedish by Hans-Eric Olson, published 030726)
Ishockeyns amerikanisering: En studie av svensk och finsk elitishockey Jyri Backman Malmö universitet: Malmö 2018 (Leif Yttergren 181205)
It’s All for the Kids: Gender, Families and Youth Sports Michael A. Messner Berleley, CA: University of California Press 2009 (Susanna Hedenborg 090902)
Italian Fascism and the Female Body: Sport, Submissive Women and Strong Mothers Gigliola Gori Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2004 (Kutte Jönsson 141217)


Jackie Robinson and the Integration of Baseball Scott Simon Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley and Sons 2002 (Peter Dahlén 031028)
Jag hör till de få som kan leva: En bok om supporterkultur Katarina Kuick & Björn Qvarfordt Stockholm: Ordblandning Förlag 2013 (Torbjörn Andersson 141007)
Jag tvivlar på idrotten Ivar Lo-Johansson Malmö: Arx Förlag 2014 (Birger Hedén 150611)
Jag är fotboll Zlatan Ibrahimovic & Mats Olsson Stockholm: Bonnier Fakta 2018 (Bill Sund 190307)
Jacob Lund: Sponsorkongen Jørn Lekve Bryne: Jæren Forlag 2021 (review in Norwegian by Arve Hjelseth, published 220301)
Jakten på den perfekta hästen: En bok om avel och uppfödare Lisa Hoff & Eva Gudmundsson Stockholm: Perfectbook 2007 (Susanna Hedenborg 080521)
Jakten på et bedre liv: Fysisk aktivitet i den norske befolkningen 1985–2011 Gunnar Breivik Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 2013 (Maja Pilgaard 140314)
Japanese Imperialism: Politics and Sport in East Asia: Rejection, Resentment, Revanchism J.A. Mangan, Peter Horton, Tianwei Ren & Gwang Ok (red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2018 (Kristian Gerner 180608)
Japanese Women and Sport: Beyond Baseball and Sumo Robin Kietlinski London: Bloomsbury 2013 (Anders Östnäs 170124)
The Jewish Olympics: The History of the Maccabiah Games Ron Kaplan New York, NY: Skyhorse Publishing 2015 (Joseph L. Price 160212)
Jews and Baseball, Volume 1: Entering the American Mainstream, 1871–1948 Burton A. Boxerman & Benita W. Boxerman Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2007 (Hans Bolling 071121)
Jews and the Olympic Games: The Clash Between Sport and Politics (With a Complete Review of Jewish Olympic Medallists) Paul Taylor Brighton: Sussex Academic Press 2004 (Björn Sandahl 060412)
Joining the Clubs: The Business of the National Hockey League to 1945 J. Andrew Ross Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press 2015 (Tobias Stark 160930)
Julmatchen på västfronten: Fotboll i Ingen mans land 1914 Pehr Thermaenius Stockholm: Atlantis 2014 (Torbjörn Andersson 141127)
Justice for Trans Athletes: Challenges and Struggles Ali Durham Greey & Helen Jefferson Lenskyj (ed.) Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing 2023 (review in English by Miroslav Imbrišević, published 20328)


Kamp om bollen: Brukslagen, arbetarlagen och kamratklubbarna Tomas Ekman & Gerhard Jansson Stockholm: Bilda Förlag 2008 (Martin Alsiö 090520)
Kampen om idrettsanleggene: Planleggning, politikk og bruk Kolbjørn Rafoss & Jan Ove Tangen (red) Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2009 (Jens Høyer-Kruse 100127)
Kampen om idrættens kulturpolitik: Mere mening – mere skønhed Claus Bøje Hellerup: Forlaget Spring 2021 (review in Swedish by Kalle Jonasson, published 221124)
Kampen om tribunen: Fotball, identitet & makt Hans K. Hognestad & Arve Hjelseth (red) Trondheim: Akademika Forlag 2012 (Rasmus Storm 131009)
De kanadensiska bombflygarna och Leksands IF Lars Ingels Västerås: Idrottsförlaget 2019 (review in Swedish by Tobias Stark, published 200902)
Katt bland hermeliner: Örebrogymnastiken utmanar Linggymnastiken under mellankrigstiden Margaret Damm Malmö: Bokförlaget 2023 (review in Swedish by Margareta Ljung, published )
Kend din krop, mand: Sundhed Sex Sport Sind Kaare Christensen et al København: Aschehoug 2006 (Håkan Larsson 061011)
Key Concepts in Body & Society Kate Cregan London: Sage Publications 2012 (Henning Eichberg 141110)
Key Concepts in Sport and Exercise Research Methods Michael Atkinson London: Sage Publications 2012 (Jens Troelsen 140212)
Key Concepts in Sport Psychology John Kremer, Aidan Moran, Graham Walker & Cathy Craig London: Sage Publications 2011 (Joakim Ingrell 121031)
Key Concepts in Sports Studies Stephen Wagg et al London: Sage Publications 2009 (Lars-Erik Alkvist 100901)
Key Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology David Lavallee, Jean M. Williams & Marc V. Jones Dubuque, IA: McGraw Hill (Higher Education) 2008 (Erwin Apitzsch 081126)
Key Themes in Youth Sport Ken Green Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Åsa Bäckström 120125)
KHL – en hockeyresa i öst Jonas Fahlman Västerås: Idrottsförlaget 2010 (Tobias Stark 110330)
Kicking Center: Gender and the selling of women’s professional soccer Rachel Allison New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press 2018 (review in English by Anna Maria  Hellborg, published 191128)
Kicking Off the Week: A History of Monday Night Football on ABC Television, 1970–2005 Wesley Hyatt Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2007 (Peter Dahlén 110126)
King of Russia: A Year in the Russian Super League Dave King & Eric Duhatschek Toronto, ON: McClelland & Stewart 2007 (Tobias Stark 080507)
King of the Court: Bill Russell and the Basketball Revolution Aram Goudsouzian Berkeley, CA: University of California Press 2010 (Hans Bolling 131106)
KIOSK: Idéer och praktik Lars Antin & Tommy Karlsson Malmö: KFUK-KFUM 2007 (Katarina Schenker 080409)
Kjønnsmakt i idrett og friluftsliv Gerd von der Lippe & Hans K. Hognestad (red) Oslo: Novus forlag 2014 (Suzanne Lundvall 150508)
Klanen: Den kollektive kroppen Elisabeth Skoglund Johnsen Olso: Akilles 2007 (Arve Hjelseth 080917)
Klungan och barndomens sociala rum: Socialt gränsarbete och figurationer i rastfotbollen Kalle Jonasson Malmö: Malmö högskola 2009 (Julia Rönnbäck 111214)
Knockout: The Boxer and Boxing in American Cinema Leger Grindon Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi 2011 (Peter Dahlén 111214)
Knäböj: Om kvinnor och styrketräning Sara Martinsson Stockholm: Weylers Förlag 2021 (review in Swedish by Helena Tolvhed, published 211117)
Den koloniala simskolan Axel Andersson Göteborg: Glänta 2016 (Katarina Schenker 170202)
Kolstybb och metanol – svensk speedways historia Anders ÅbergStockholm: Leufstedt & Åberg 2004 (Kutte Jönsson 040928)
Kom igen, gubbar! Om pojkfotboll och maskuliniteter JesperFundberg Stockholm: Carlssons 2003 (Peter Dahlén 040620)
Kommunikativt entreprenörskap: Underhållningsidrott som totalupplevelse före, under och efter formeringen av den svenska upplevelseindustrin 1999–2008 Hans Lundberg Växjö: Växjö University Press 2009 (David Cardell 100217)
Kontrolsport: Big Brother blandt atleter og tilskuere Ask Vest Christiansen (red) Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2009 (David Hoff 100421)
Kreativ coaching: När det snurrar i bollen PG Fahlström & Carl-Axel Hageskog Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2010 (Frode Moen 110511)
Krop og bevægelse i idræt og sundhed: Kulturanalytiske tilgange Susanne Ravn & Signe Højbjerre Larsen (red.) Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2020 (review in English by Frida Wågan, published 211125)
Kroppen som deltager: Idræt og bevægelse i rehabiliteringenAnne-Merete Kissow & Bo Therkildsen (red) Roskilde: Handicapidrættens Videnscenter 2006 (Anders Östnäs 080220)
Kroppens apostlar: Kvinnliga gymnastikdirektörer 1864–2020 Leif Yttergren & Hans Bolling Stockholm: Stockholmia förlag 2022 (review in Danish by Jørn Hansen, published 240314)
Kroppens medborgarfostran: Kropp, klass och genus i skolans fysiska fostran 191–1962 Pia Lundquist Wanneberg Åkersberga: Pia Lundquist Wanneberg 2004 (Helena Tolvhed 050419)
Kroppens sprog i professionel praksis: Om kontakt, nærvær, lederskab og personlig kommunikation Helle Winther (red) Værløse: Billesø & Baltzer 2012 (Håkan Larsson 131107)
Kroppslig læring: Perspektiver og praksiser Tone Pernilla Østern, Øyvind Bjerke, Gunn Engelsrud & Anne Grut Sørum (ed.) Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 2021 (review in Danish by Helle Winther, published 220324)
Kroppsøving, læreren og eleven: Pedagogiske emner og forskningsinnsikter Knut Skjesol & Idar Lyngstad (ed.) Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2021 (review in Swedish by Gunn Nyberg, published 220505. Book in Norwegian)
Kung fotboll: Den svenska fotbollens kulturhistoria från 1800-talets slut till 1950 Torbjörn Andersson Malmö: Arx Förlag 2014 (David Holt Olsen 150227)
Kunst, krop og terapi Helle Winther, Jan Toft & Simo Køppe (ed.) København: Hans Reitzels Forlag 2023 (review in Swedish by Märtha Gripson, published 240125)
Kurre Hamrin: Udda finter – många mål Hans Bolling Västerås: Sportförlaget 2007 (Torbjörn Andersson 080220)
Kvinder, Køn og Forskning 2–3 2004. Tema: Idrættens og kønnets grænserJan Toftegaard Nielsen, Anne Lykke & Helle Poulsen (red) København: Koordinationen for kønsforskning 2004 (Håkan Larsson 050118)
Kvinder, køn og krop: Kulturelle fortællinger Anne Lykke Poulsen & Else Trangbæk (red) Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag (Idrætshistorisk Årbog 2006) 2005 (Gerd von der Lippe 070606)
Kvindernes idræt: Fra rødder til top Else Trangbæk Købehavn: Gyldendal 2005 (Gertrud Pfister 060315)
Kvinner i norsk idrett Per Jorsett Olso: Akilles 2008 (Anders Östnäs 101215)
Kvinnor i skånsk idrott 1908–2008 Anne-Lis Nilsson & Roger Gottfridsson Malmö: Skånes Idrottsförbund 2009 (Björn Sandahl 100310)
Kvinnor och män i Lönsboda Pistolskytteklubb 1963–2020: Ett lokalt perspektiv på skytterörelsen i Sverige Mats Greiff & Anders Lindh Malmö: Arx Förlag 2022 (review in Swedish by Hans Bolling, published 221111)
Kyrkan och idrotten under 2000 år: Antika, medeltida och moderna attityder till idrott Martin Nykvist & Alexander Maurits (red) Malmö: Universus Academic Press 2015 (Dagmar Dahl 160609)
Källa: internet: Att bedöma information utifrån källkritiska principer Torsten Thurén & George Strachal Malmö: Gleerups 2011 (Aage Radmann 130816)
Kändisskap och statuspassager: Idrottslig identitet i upplevelseindustrins tjänst Jonas Stier Lund: Studentlitteratur 2011 (John Hellström 140328)


La Vie Jamais Racontée: Alice Milliat, a French Heroine and Sporting Suffragette Nancy Gillen Worthing, SX: Pitch Publishing 2024 (review in English by Katie Taylor, published 241217)
The Laban Sourcebook Dick McCaw (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Susanne Ravn 120418)
Labour of Leisure: The Culture of Free Time, The Chris Rojek London: Sage Publications 2010 (Halvdan Haugsbakken 100922)
Ladies and Lords: A History of Women’s Cricket in Britain Rafaelle Nicholson Bern: Peter Lang Publishing 2019 (review in English by Russell Holden, published 200408)
The Lady Footballers: Struggling to Play in Victorian Britain James F. Lee Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Jonny Hjelm 091007)
Lagspill, læring og ledelse: Om lagspillenes didaktikk Lars Tore Ronglan Olso: Akilles 2008 (Anders Halling 090606)
Lance Armstrong’s War: One Man’s Battle Against Fate, Fame, Love, Scandal, and a Few Other Rivals on the Road to the Tour de France Daniel Coyle New York: HarperCollins Publishers 2006 (Ask Vest Christiansen 071121)
Lands of Lost Borders: A Journey on the Silk Road Kate Harris New York: HarperCollins Publishers 2018 (review by Duncan Jamieson, published 190614)
Landslaget: Fra verdenstoppen til fotballens bakgård Birger Løfaldli Oslo: Kagge Forlag 2017 (Arve Hjelseth 171101)
Law and Sport in Contemporary Society Steve Greenfield & Guy Osborn (red) London: Frank Cass Publishing 2000 (Bosse Carlsson 030622)
Law of the Olympic Games, The Alexandre Miguel Mestre Haag: TMC Asser Press 2009 (Jyri Backman 100512)
Le sport et la guerre: XIXe et XXe siècles Luc Robène (red) Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes 2012 (Kristian Gerner 130912)
The League of Ireland: An Historical and Contemporary Assessment Conor Curran (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2023 (review in English by Dilwyn Porter, published 230428)
The Leaguers: The Making of Professional Football in England, 1900–1939 Matthew Taylor Liverpool: Liverpool University Press 2005 (Hans Bolling 060830)
Learning Culture through Sports: Exploring the Role of Sports in Society Sandra Spickard Prettyman & Brian Lampman (red) Oxford, Oxon.: Rowman & Littlefield Education 2006 (Ørnulf Seippel 060927)
Learning Movements: New Perspectives of Movement Education Håkan Larsson (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Gunn Helene Engelsrud, published 240131)
Das Leben in 90 Minuten: Eine Philosophie des Fussballs Gunter Gebauer München: Pantheon Verlag 2016 (Mats Franzén 170920)
Ledning av idrottsföreningar: Berättelser från gräsrotsnivå Magnus Forslund Stockholm: Liber  2012 (Simon Junström 130905)
The Legacy of Bosman: Revisiting the Relationship between EU Law and Sport Antoine Duval & Ben Van Rompuy (eds.) Haag: TMC Asser Press 2016 (Mikael Hansson 161123)
Legal Responses to Football “Hooliganism” in Europe Anastassia Tsoukala, Geoff Pearson & Peter T.M. Coenen (red) Haag: TMC Asser Press 2016 (Aage Radmann 170406)
Legends Never Die: Athletes and Their Afterlives in Modern America Richard Ian Kimball Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press 2017 (Matthew Teutsch 180419)
Leisure, Sports & Society Karl Spracklen Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2013 (Erik Backman 141114)
Leisure Cultures and the Making of Modern Ski Resorts Philipp Strobl & Aneta Podkalicka (red) London: Palgrave Macmillan 2019 (review in English by Leif Yttergren, published 210608)
Leisure in Contemporary Society Ken Roberts Wallingford, Oxon: CABI 2006 (Karin Book 080220)
Lek med tanken: Mental träning för barn och ungdom Johan Plate & Anders Plate Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2008 (Christian Augustsson 091021)
Leka för livet Lars H Gustafsson Stockholm: Norstedts 2013 (David Wästerfors 140110)
Leksands IF 100 år: En kavalkad i ord och bild Elin Broman, Lars Ingels, Gunnar Persson (red) & Ronnie Rönnkvist Västerås: Idrottsförlaget 2019 (review in Swedish by Tobias Stark, published 200902)
Leve idrottspedagogiken! En vänbok tillägnad Lars-Magnus Engström Karin Redelius & Håkan Larsson (red) Stockholm: HLS Förlag 2005 (Lis Engel 060830)
Lex Sportiva: What is Sports Law? Robert C. R. Siekmann & Janwillem Soek (red) Haag: TMC Asser Press 2012 (Jyri Backman 130306)
License to Jump! A Story of Women’s Ski Jumping Marit Stub Nybelius & Annette R. Hofmann (red) Göteborg: Beijbom Books 2015 (Daniel Svensson 160601)
Lidenskab og livskvalitet gennem idræt Rasmus Bysted Møller & Jan Kahr Sørensen (ed.) Århus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2019 (review in Swedish by Anders Östnäs, published 231103)
Life Story Research in Sport: Understanding the experiences of elite and professional athletes through narrative Kitrina Douglas & David Carless Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (John Hellström 160309)
Lifelong Engagement in Sport and Physical Activity: Participation and performance across the lifespan Nicholas L. Holt & Margaret Talbot (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Josefin Eman 120328)
Ling – från storhet till upplösning: Studier i svensk gymnastikhistoria 1800–1950 Jan LindrothStehag: Symposion 2004 (Jørn Hansen 050405)
Litterære fortællinger om idræt i Norden: Helte, erindringer og identitet Vicki Bjerre & Susan J. Bandy (red) Århus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2011 (John Hellström 110608)
Liverpoolhjerter: Hva fotball gjør med fansen Ragnhild Lund Ansnes Trondheim: Trinity Mirror Sport Media 2010 (Arve Hjelseth 110309)
Livets mening? En bok om fotbollens roll i världen Karl-Erik Norrman Stockholm: Wahlström & Widstrand 2002 (Torbjörn Andersson 030907)
“Local Heroes”: The influence of place of early development in Danish handball and football talent development Niels Nygaard Rossing Aalborg: Aalborg University Press 2018 (review in English by Tor Söderström, published 201211)
Lords of the Rinks: The Emergence of the National Hockey League 1875–1936 John Chi-Kit Wong Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press 2005 (Tobias Stark 070117)
The Lost Art of Walking: The History, Science, Philosophy, Literature, Theory and Practice of Pedestrianism Geoff Nicholson Chelmsford, Essex: Harbour Press 2011 (Lotta Wendel 120328)
Love Game: A History of Tennis, From Victorian Pastime to Global Phenomenon Elizabeth Wilson London: Serpent’s Tail 2014 (Hans Bolling 150123)
Lärande av rörelseförmåga i idrott och hälsa ur ett praktikutvecklande perspektiv Heléne Bergentoft Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet 2019 (review in Swedish by Suzanne Lundvall, published 200409)
Lärarkulturer och professionskoder: En komparativ studie av idrottslärare i Sverige och Grekland Konstantin Kougioumtzis Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet 2006 (Jan-Eric Ekberg 090902)
Løvehjerte [Lionheart] Ståle Solbakken, with Peter Sloth & Knut Espen Svegaarden (Translated from Danish by Inge Ulrik Gundersen) Oslo: Aschehoug 2018 (review in Norwegian by Mads Skauge, published 200311)


Magiske øyeblikk: Høydepunkter fra NRK Radiosporten gjennom 70 år Arve Fuglum Oslo: N.W. Damm & Søn 2003 (Ragnhild Thomsen 040113)
Major Problems in American Sport History: Second Edition Steven A. Riess (red) Andover, Hants.: Wadsworth Publishing 2014 (Tobias Stark 160128)
Making Connections: From Theory to Practice in Adapted Physical Education (Second Edition) Janet A. Seaman, Karen P. DePauw, Kimble B. Morton & Kathy Omoto Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway 2007 (Anders Östnäs 071003)
Making Meaning out of Mountain: The Political Ecology of Skiing Mark C.J. Stoddart Vancouver, BC: UBC Press 2012 (Eivind Å. Skille 130426)
The Making of a Global FIFA: Cold War Politics and the Rise of João Havelange to the FIFA Presidency, 1950–1974 Luiz Guilherme Burlamaqui (Translated by John Ellis-Guardiola) Berlin: De Gruyter 2023 (review in English by Björn Horgby, published 230921)
The Making of Les Bleus: Sport in France, 1958–2010 Lindsay Sarah Krasnoff Lanham, MD: Lexington Books 2013 (Kristian Gerner 140124)
Making Sense of Sports: Fifth Edition Ellis Cashmore Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Lars-Erik Alkvist 121127)
Making Sport Great Again: The Uber-Sport Assemblage, Neoliberalism, and the Trump Conjuncture David L. Andrews London: Palgrave Macmillan 2019 (review in English by Paul Dimeo, published 191217)
Makt och antidoping: Den svenska cykelsportens kamp i ett modernhistoriskt och internationellt perspektiv Bill Sund Malmö: Bokförlaget 2019 (review in Swedish by Anders Östnäs, published 200303)
Makten og æren: I toppidrettens kulisser Bjørge Stensbøl Oslo: Kagge Forlag 2010 (Dag Vidar Hanstad 111102)
Man talar om jämställd idrott: Om jämställdhetssamtal med manliga idrottsledare och förutsättningar för jämställd idrott Matthis Kempe-Bergman Stockholm: Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH 2014 (Anna Maria Jennerheim Hellborg 161012)
Management of Sports Development Vassil Girginov (red) Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2008 (Josef Fahlén 091125)
Managing and Developing Sports Officials: Officiating Excellence Tom Webb, David J. Hancock, Pamm Phillips & Jacob K. Tingle (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2025 (review in English by Stuart Carrington, published 241209)
Managing Football: An International Perspective Sean Hamil & Simon Chadwick (red) Oxford, Oxon: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2009 (Magnus Forslund 100512)
Managing Organizations for Sport and Physical Activity: A Systems Perspective Packianathan Chelladurai Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway 2005 (Per Göran Fahlström 060830)
Managing Organizations for Sport and Physical Activity: A Systems Perspective (Third Edition) Packianathan Chelladurai Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway 2009 (Hans Lundberg 110309)
Managing People in Sport Organizations: A Strategic Human Resource Management Perspective Tracy Taylor, Alison Doherty & Peter McGraw Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2008 (Hallgeir Gammelsæter 080206)
Managing Sport Business: An Introduction Linda Trenberth & David Hassan (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Magnus Forslund 130331)
Managing Sport Development: An international approach Emma Sherry, Nico Schulenkorf & Pamm Phillips (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2016 (Anders Östnäs 170608)
Managing Sport Development: An International Approach Emma Sherry, Nico Schulenkorf, Pamm Phillips & Katie Rowe (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2024 (review in English by Derrick Charway, published 241127)
Managing Sport Facilities Gil Fried Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2005 (Hans Lundberg 061213)
Managing Sport Finance Robert Wilson Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Björn Anders Larsson 111102)
Managing Sports Organizations: Responsibility for Performance (Second Edition) Daniel Covell & al Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2007 (Josef Fahlén 080305)
Manchester City Women: An Oral History Gary James Halifax, W Yorkshire: James Ward 2019 (review in English by Jean Williams, published 210331)
Manchester United: A Thematic Study David L. Andrews (red) London: Routledge 2004 (Ola Johnsson 060301)
Manchester United Ruined My Wife David BlattManchester: The Parrs Wood Press 2004 (Mickael Möller 041214)
Mandom, mod och morske män: Anabola androgena steroider – medicinskt, rättsligt och socialt Tommy Moberg & Gunnar Hermansson Göteborg: Mediahuset 2006 (David Hoff 070131)
The Many Faces of Snow Sports: Ski Congress 2017 Heikki Roiko-Jokela & Piia Pöyhönen (red) Jyväskylä: Jyväskylä University Press 2017 (Daniel Svensson 180531)
Mario Balotelli forklarer Europa Peter Samdal Oslo: Libretto forlag 2015 (Daniel Alsarve 160504)
Marked Men: Sport and Masculinity in Victorian Popular Culture, 1866-1904 Shannon Rose Smith Kingston, ON.: Queen’s University 2012 (review in English by Matthew L. McDowell, published 200214)
Marketing & Football: An International Perspective Michel Desbordes (red) Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2007 (Hallgeir Gammelsæter 070912)
Marketing of Olympic Sport Organisations Alain Ferrand & Luggino Torrigiani Champaigne, Ill.: Human Kinetics 2005 (Gun Normark 051102)
Marrow of the Nation: A History of Sport and Physical Culture in Republican China Andrew D.Morris Berkeley: University of California Press 2004 (Kristian Gerner 050308)
Martas seger: En berättelse om fotbollspassion och krigarhjärta Emma Lindqvist Umeå: Holms Förlag 2008 (Torbjörn Andersson 090606)
Martial Arts: The step-by-step companion to the Martial Arts genre PTJ Rance London: Virgin Books 2005 (Anna Kavoura 121130)
Martial Arts as Embodied Knowledge: Asian Traditions in a Transnational World D. S. Farrer & John Whalen-Bridge (red) Albany, NY: State University of New York Press 2011 (Anna Kavoura 120509)
Marxism, Colonialism, and Cricket: C. L. R. James’s Beyond a Boundary David Featherstone, Christopher Gair, Christian Høgsbjerg & Andrew Smith (eds.) Durham, NC: Duke University Press 2018 (Russell Holden 190402)
Marxism, Cultural Studies and Sport Ben Carrington & Ian McDonald (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (Mats Greiff 100217)
Match of the Day: 40th Anniversary Martyn Smith London: BBC Books 2004 (Peter Dahlén 060606)
Matchen som aldrig ägde rum: och ytterligare åtta kapitel om idrott, etik och politik Kutte Jönsson Västerås: ICA Bokförlag 2010 (Ulf Svenning 111102)
Maximilian Stejskal: Folklig Idrott Marie-Isabel Vogel & Alan Rappaport Zürich: Edition Patrick Frey 2016 (Isak Lidström 170118)
”May the Best Man Win”: Sport, Masculinity and Nationalism in Great Britain and the Empire, 1880–1935 Patrick F. McDevitt London: Palgrave Macmillan 2004 (Helena Tolvhed 051214)
The Meaning of Sports: Why Americans Watch Baseball, Football, and Basketball and What They See When They Do Michael MandelbaumNew York: PublicAffairs 2004 (Ørnulf Seippel 050208)
Meaningful Physical Education: An Approach for Teaching and Learning Tim Fletcher, Déirdre Ní Chróinín, Douglas Gleddie & Stephanie Beni (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Peter Carlman, published 240308)
Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Activity Applications: Exercise Science, Physical Education, Coaching, Athletic Training, Health Philip A. Bishop Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway 2008 (Torsten Buhre 081126)
Measurement in Sport and Exercise Psychology Gershon Tenenbaum, Robert C. Eklund & Akihito Kamata (red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2012 (Erwin Apitzsch 140829)
Med kroppen ind i kulturen: Idrætshistoriske strejflys Hans Bonde, under medverkan av Stanis Elsborg Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2020 (review in Danish by Martin Friis Andersen, published 210930)
Media Relations in Sport: Fifth Edition Craig Esherick, Philip H. Caskey & Brad Schultz Morgantown, WV: FiT Publishing 2020 (review in English by Britt-Marie Ringfjord, published 210921)
Medicine, Sport and the Body: A Historical Perspective Neil Carter London: Bloomsbury 2012 (Susanna Hedenborg 141105)
Medlem i en idrottsförening: Om medlemmens rättigheter och skyldigheter Björn LindquistStockholm: Sisu Idrottsböcker (Jyri Backman 050222)
Mega-Events, City and Power Nelma Gusmão de Oliveira Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Christian Tolstrup Jensen, published 230222)
Mega-Events and Globalization: Capital and spectacle in a changing world order Richard Gruneau & John Horne (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Christian Tolstrup Jensen 181129)
Mellan fysisk bildning och aktivering: En studie av ämnet idrott och hälsa i skolår 9 Jan-Eric Ekberg Malmö: Malmö högskola 2009 (Birgitta Fagrell 091111)
Mellan heroism och idioti: Opinionsstämningar och idédebatt kring marathonlöpningens etablering i Sverige Christian Lindstedt Göteborg: Eget förlag 2005 (Jan Lindroth 051214)
Mellan masskonsumtion och folkrörelse: Idrottens kommersialisering under mellankrigstiden Nils-Olof Zethrin Örebro: Örebro University 2015 (Mats Greiff 160107)
Mellom børs, katedral og karneval: Norske supporters forhandlinger om kommersialisering av fotball Arve Hjelseth Bergen: Universitetet i Bergen 2006 (Rasmus Storm 070502)
Mellom meg og det andre er der stier: En avhandling om stier, mennesker og naturopplevelse Annette Bischoff Ås: Universitetet for miljø og biovitenskap (UMB) 2012 (Henning Eichberg 130212)
Men and the War on Obesity: A Sociological Study Lee F. Monaghan Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Inge Kryger Pedersen 081126)
Meningen med idretten Kari Steen-Johnsen & Iver B. Neumann (red) Oslo: Unipub 2009 (Anders Östnäs 100922)
Meningsskapande idrott: Livsåskådningsrelevanta perspektiv och empiriska kontraster Mikael Lindfelt Nora: Nya Doxa 2006 (Lars Magnus Engström 060913)
Mennesket i bevægelse: Krop, læring, aktivitet og deltagelse Anne-Merete Kissow & Hanne Pallesen København: Munksgaard 2016 (Lars Kristén 180222)
Mental Health in Sport and Physical Activity: Selected Writings from the ISSP Academy of Science Robert J. Schinke (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2024 (review in English by Marit Sørensen, published 241115)
Mental Toughness: The Mindset Behind Sporting Achievement Michael Sheard Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Magnus Lindwall 100217)
Mental trening i fotball Anne Marte Pensgaard & Per-Mathias Høgmo Oslo: Akilles 2004 (Sverker Bengtsson 060606)
Mental träning för unga idrottare Christian Augustsson Stockholm: Rabén & Sjögren 2008 (Johan Fallby 081126)
Mentoring in Physical Education and Sports Coaching Fiona C. Chambers (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Pia Lundquist Wanneberg 151215)
Methodology in Sports History Wray Vamplew & Dave Day (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (Robert Svensson 180612)
Metoder i idrætsforskning Lone Friis Thing & Laila Susanne Ottesen (red) København: Munksgaard Danmark 2013 (Anders Östnäs 140502)
Mestrene: Roman Malte Tellerup København: Lindhardt & Ringhof 2023 (review in Danish by Alice Riis Bach, published 241027)
The Metrosexual: Gender, Sexuality and Sport David Coad Albany, NY: State University of New York Press 2008 (Håkan Larsson 090325)
Midnight Basketball: Race, Sports, and Neoliberal Social Policy Douglas Hartmann Chicago, IL.: University of Chicago Press 2016 (David Ekholm 171102)
Midt i en surfertid: Den rekreative by mellem fast og flydende modernitet Klaus Eskelund Århus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2013 (Simon Junström 150423)
Milliardspillet: Kampen mellom TV 2 og NRK om TV-fotballen – sett fra insiden Bjørn Taalesen Oslo: Damm 2006 (Peter Dahlén 060606)
Min syn på Strand och vad gjorde farfar när seklet var ungt? Bengt Olof Eskilsson Hudiksvall: Strands Indrottsförening 2001 (Torbjörn Andersson 031009)
Mine kamper: Biografien om Drillo Alfred Fidjestøl Oslo: Gyldendal 2020 (review in Norwegian by Arve Hjelseth, published 201106)
Minnesluckor: Livsstycken och klacksparkar Lars-Gunnar Björklund Stockholm: Kulturhistoriska Bokförlaget 2006 (Peter Dahlén 080507)
Modern Sport: The Global Obsession: Politics, Religion, Class, Gender. Essays in Honor of J.A. Mangan Boria Majumdar & Fan Hong (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (Annika Eliasson 091111)
Modern Sports Law: A Textbook Jack Anderson Oxford, Oxon.: Hart Publishing 2010 (Bo Carlsson 111123)
More Power: The story of Jurgen Grobler, the most successful Olympic coach of all time Hugh Matheson & Christopher Dodd New York: HarperCollins Publishers 2018 (review by Göran R. Buckhorn, published 190412)
More Than Just a Game: Sports in American Life Since 1945 Kathryn Jay New York: Columbia University Press 2004 (Tobias Stark 051130)
Motion og bevægelse i skolen Jens-Ole Jensen, Henrik Taarsted Jørgensen & Esben Stilund Volshøj (red) København: Hans Reitzels Forlag 2018 (Ejgil Jespersen 180313)
Motionsdoping: Styrketræning, identitet og kultur Ask Vest Christiansen Århus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2018 (Jesper Andreasson 181025)
Motivating People to Be Physically Active: Second Edition Bess H. Marcus & LeighAnn H. Forsyth Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2009 (Erwin Apitzsch 091216)
Motor Control and Learning: A Behavioral Emphasis Richard A. Schmidt & Timothy D. Lee Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2011 (Ingegerd Ericsson 140122)
Motor Learning and Development Pamela S. Haibach, Greg Reid & Douglas H. Collier Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2011 (Ingegerd Ericsson 130404)
Motor Learning & Control for Practitioners Cheryl A. Coker Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway 2009 (Ingegerd Ericsson 100901)
Motorik, koncentrationsförmåga och skolprestationer: En interventionsstudie i skolår 1-3 Ingegerd Ericsson Malmö: Malmö högskola 2003 (review in Swedish by Ingemar Wedman, published 031125)
Motorik, lek och lärande G. Langlo-Jagtøien, K. Hansen & C. Annerstedt Göteborg: Multicare 2002 (Ingegerd Ericsson & Fredrik Offerlind 040309)
Mountain Biking, Culture and Society Jim Cherrington (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2024 (review in English by Christoph Wagner, published 241218)
Moving Bodies 2004:2, Tema Sport og medier Peter Dahlén, Matti Goksøyr & Lars Tore Ronglan (red) Oslo: Norges Idrettshøgskole 2004 (Göran Eriksson 050503)
Mr. Deeds Goes to Yankee Stadium: Baseball Films in the Capra Tradition Wes D. Gehring Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2004 (Peter Dahlén 091216)
Mud, Sweat and Beers: A Cultural History of Sport and Alcohol Tony Collins & Wray Vamplew Oxford: Berg Publishers 2002 (Torbjörn Andersson 040620)
Muligheder og begrænsninger for friluftsliv: Et studie fra Det Sydfynske Øhav Jakob Haahr Odense: Syddansk Universitet 2016 (Jonas Mikaels 180328)
Munich 1972: Tragedy, Terror, and Triumph at the Olympic Games David Clay Large Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2012 (Björn Sandahl 130528)
Muscle on Wheels: Louise Armaindo and the High-Wheel Racers of Nineteenth-Century America M. Ann Hall Montreal, QC: McGill-Queen’s University Press 2018 (review by Duncan Jamieson, published 190422)
Muscular Christianity in Colonial and Post-Colonial Worlds John J. MacAloon (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Paul Dimeo 090225)
The Muscular Ideal: Psychological, Social, and Medical Perspectives J. Kevin Thompson & Guy Cafri (red) Washington, DC: American Psychological Association 2007 (Magnus Lindwall 080409)
Muslim Women and Sport Tansin Benn, Gertud Pfister & Haifaa Jawad (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Dagmar Dahl, Sine Agergaard 110831)
Muslim Women and Sports in the Malay World: The Crossroads of Modernity and Faith Wirdati Mohammad Radzi Chiang Mai, Thailand: Silkworm Books 2006 (Marit Nybelius 081001)
My Life at the Gym: Feminist Perspectives on Community Through the Body Jo Malin (red) Albany, NY: State University of New York Press 2010 (Henning Eichberg 100901)
Myths and Facts About Football: The Economics and Psychology of the World’s Greatest Sport Patric Andersson, Peter Ayton & Carsten Schmidt (red) Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2008 (Rasmus Storm 091111)
Myths and Milestones in the History of Sport Stephen Wagg (red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2011 (Jens Ljunggren 120919)
Mål, medicin og moral: Om eliteatleters opfattelse af sport, doping og fairplay Ask Vest Christiansen & Verner Møller Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2007 (David Hoff 081015)
Mænd og muskler: En bog om styrketræning og anabole steroider A. R. Bach København: Tiderne Skifter 2005 (Håkan Larsson 060215)


Nacka och drömmen om det goda livet Gunnar Persson Stockholm: Norstedt 2008 (Hans Bolling 081001)
Nakna män: Maskulinitet och kreativitet i svensk bildkultur 1900–1915 Patrik Steorn Stockholm: Norstedts Akademiska Förlag 2006 (Lis Engel 071107)
National Identity and Global Sports Events: Culture, Politics, and Spectacle in the Olympics and the Football World Cup Alan Tomlinson & Christopher Young (red) Albany, NY: State University of New York Press 2006 (Johnny Wijk 061129)
National Pastime: How the Americans Play Baseball and the Rest of the World Plays Soccer Stefan Szymanski & Andrew Zimbalist Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press 2005 (Göran Eriksson 060830)
Nationen på spel: Kropp, kön och svenskhet i populärpressens representationer av olympiska spel 1948–1972 Helena Tolvhed Umeå: h:ström 2008 (Johnny Wijk 090225)
Nationens väl och kroppens fostran: En biografi om idrottsledaren, militären och radiomannen Bertil Uggla Peter Dahlén Malmö: Bokförlaget 2016 (Johnny Wijk 160512)
Native Americans and Sport in North America: Other People’s Games C. Richard King (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Tobias Stark 121204)
Nederland Joseph O’Neill (Översättning Boo Cassel) Stockholm: Brombergs 2009 (Lotta Wendel 100606)
Nedsläpp: Från spolade uterinkar till hockeytempel. Berättelser om klubbarna i nordvästra Skåne Hasse Sjöström (red) Helsingborg: Helsingborgs Idrottsmuseum 2016 (Tobias Stark 170404)
The Neurocognition of Dance: Mind, Movement and Motor Skills Bettina Bläsing, Martin Puttke & Thomas Schack (red) Howe, ESX: Psychology Press 2010 (Lis Engel 120125)
New Approaches to Sport and Exercise Psychology Reinhard Stelter & Kirsten Kaya Roessler (eds) Aachen: Meyer & Meyer Sport 2004 (Sanna Nordin 050322)
New Directions in Sport History Duncan Stone, John Hughson & Rob Ellis (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Jens Ljunggren 150915)
New Perspectives on Sport and ‘Deviance’: Consumption, Performativity and Social Control Tony Blackshaw & Tim Crabbe London: Routledge 2004 (Tobias Stark 060201)
New Sporting Femininities: Embodied Politics in Postfeminist Times Kim Toffoletti, Holly Thorpe & Jessica Francombe-Webb (red) London: Palgrave Macmillan 2018 (Karin S. Lindelöf 190327)
NHL 2004 EA Sports 2004 (Victor Johansson 031209)
Nils Arne: Et liv i svart og hvittOtto Ulseth Oslo: Aschehoug 2018 (review in Norwegian by Mads Skauge, published 190329)
Nils Arne: Et liv i svart og hvitt Otto Ulseth Oslo: Aschehoug 2018 (review in English by Mads Skauge, published 190523)
No Slam Dunk: Gender, Sport, and the Unevenness of Social Change Cheryl Cooky & Mike A. Messner New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press 2018 (Alan Bairner 190409)
NOlympians: Inside the Fight Against Capitalist Mega-Sports in Los Angeles, Tokyo and Beyond Jules Boykoff Black Point, Nova Scotia: Fernwood Publishing 2020 (review in English by Jens Ljunggren, published 210727)
NOlympics: Tokyo 2020/1 in der Kritik Steffi Richter, Andreas Singler & Dorothea Mladenova (red) Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2020 (review in English by Jens Ljunggren, published 210727)
Non-levelled playing fields and the rise of fitness: Social inequality in late modern youth sport in Norway Mads Skauge Bodø: Nord University 2022 (review in English by Marie Larneby, published 221025)
Nordic Elite Sport: Same Ambitions – Different Tracks Svein S. Andersen & Lars Tore Ronglan (red) Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 2012 (Russell Holden 120606)
The Nordic Model and Physical Culture Mikkel B. Tin, Frode Telseth, Jan Ove Tangen & Richard Giulianotti (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2020 (review in English by Joe Piggin, published 201016)
Nordic Narratives in Sport and Physical Culture: Transdisciplinary Perspectives Susan J. Bandy (red) Århus: Aarhus Universitet, Center for Idræt (skriftserien Ludus 2004:2) (Peter Dahlén 060412)
Norsk idrett: Indre spenninger og ytre press Dag Vidar Hanstad (red) Olso: Akilles 2011 (Bjarne Ibsen 110921)
Norsk idrett: Organisering, fellesskap og politikk Bernard Enjolras, Ørnulf Seippel & Ragnhild Holmen Waldahl Oslo: Akilles 2005 (Anders Östnäs 060315)
Norway – the Cradle of Skiing Thor Gotaas (Översättning J. Basil Cowlishaw) Nesøya: Font Forlag 2011 (Erkki Vettenniemi 120125)
Not at Any Price: Integrity in Professional Sports Vincent J. Bartimo & Rosalind P. Muller Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse 2006 (Susanna Hedenborg 060830)
Nye stier i den kommunale idrætspolitik Bjarne Ibsen (red) København: Idrættens Analyseinstitut 2009 (Paul Sjöblom 091021)
Nyere perspektiv innen idrett og idrettspedagogikk Bjørn Tore Johansen, Rune Høigaard & John Besse Fjeld (red) Kristiansand: Høyskoleforlaget 2009 (Jan-Eric Ekberg 101013)
Når idræt gør ont… – skader, smerter, stress Kirsten Kaya Roessler Århus: Klim 2002 (Rolf Jonsson 040406)


Observing Sport: Modern System Theoretical Appoaches Ulrik Wagner, Rasmus K. Storm & John Hoberman (red) Schorndorf: Hofmann-Verlag 2010 (Kalle Jonasson 120215)
Offside Racism: Playing the White Man Colin KingOxford: Berg Publishers 2004 (Jesper Fundberg 041214)
Offside VM-special: Nr 5 2006 Tobias Regnell & Mattias Göransson (red) Göteborg: Offside Press 2006 (Joakim Åkesson 060606)
The ‘Olympic and Paralympic’ Effect on Public Policy Daniel Bloyce & Andy Smith (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Jon Helge Lesjø 170119)
Olympic Ceremonialism and the Performance of National Character: From London 2012 to Rio 2016 Rodanthi Tzanelli Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2013 (Björn Sandahl 141204)
Olympic Cities: City Agendas, Planning, and the World’s Games, 1896–2012 John R. Gold & Maragret M. Gold (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (Karin Book 080606)
Olympic Collision: The Story of Mary Decker and Zola Budd Kyle Keiderling Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press 2016 (Pam R. Sailors 170222)
Olympic Dreams: China and Sports, 1895–2008 Guoqi Xu Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2008 (Daniel Arvidsson 081126)
Olympic Education Roland Naul Oxford, Oxon: Meyer & Meyer Sport 2008 (Anders Östnäs 090429)
Olympic Ethics and Philosophy Mike McNamee & Jim Parry (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Kutte Jönsson 151103)
Olympic Event Organization Eleni Theodoraki Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2007 (Hallgeir Gammelsæter 080606)
Olympic Games, Mega-Events and Civil Societies: Globalization, Environment, Resistance Graeme Hayes & John Karamichas (red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2012 (Simon Junström 130218)
The Olympic Games: A Social Science Perspective (Second Edition) Kristine Toohey & A. J. Veal Wallingford, Oxon: CABI 2007 (Jørn Hansen 080606)
The Olympic Games and the Environment John Karamichas Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2013 (Erik Jönsson 140902)
Olympic Industry Resistance: Challenging Olympic Power and Propaganda Helen Jefferson Lenskyj Albany, NY: State University of New York Press 2008 (Peter Dahlén 090606)
Olympic Laws: Culture, Values, Tensions Mark James & Guy Osborn Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2023 (review in English by Jan Andre Lee Ludvigsen, published 241105)
Olympic Media: Inside the Biggest Show on Television Andrew C. Billings Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Knut Helland 080606)
The Olympic Odyssey: Rekindling the True Spirit of the Great Games Phil Cousineau Wheaton, IL.: Quest Books – Theosophical Publishing House (Kutte Jönsson 040620)
Olympic Tourism Mike Weed Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2008 (Mia Larson 080606)
Olympic Victor Lists and Ancient Greek History Paul Christesen Cambridge, Cambs: Cambridge University Press 2007 (Paavo Roos 140609)
Olympic Visions: Images of the Games Through History Mike O’Mahoney London: Reaktion Books 2012 (Birger Hedén 140117)
The Olympics: The Basics Andy Miah & Beatriz García Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Christian Widholm 130207)
The Olympics That Never Happened: Denver ’76 and the Politics of Growth Adam Berg Austin, TX: University of Texas Press 2023 (review in English by Jørn Hansen, published 230928)
Olympiske kvinder: Om topsport og kvindeliv gennem 100 år Else Trangbæk Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2018 (review by Martin Friis Andersen, published 190607)
Olympiske sommerleker 1896-2004 Åge Dalby, Jan Greve & Per Jorsett Olso: Akilles 2006 (Jørn Hansen 090606)
Olympiske vinterleker 1924-2006 Åge Dalby, Jan Greve & Per Jorsett Olso: Akilles 2006 (Jørn Hansen 090606)
Olympiske værdier og konflikter: Ivar Vind, en dansk frontkæmper Else Trangbæk, Søren Riiskjær & Morten Mølholm Hansen Brøndby: Danmarks Idrætsforbund 2021 (review in Norwegian by Jon Helge Lesjø, published 220125)
Olympic Women and the Media: International Perspectives Pirkko Markula (red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2009 (Helena Tolvhed 100922)
The Olympics: A Critical Reader Vassil Girginov (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Jon Helge Lesjø 110921)
Olympism: The Global Vision: From Nationalism to Internationalism Boria Majumdar & Sandra Collins (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Björn Sandahl 080606)
On and Off the Field Ed Smith London: Viking 2004 (Bosse Carlsson 050208)
On Boxing: Critical Interventions in the Bittersweet Science Joseph D. Lewandowski Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021 (review in English by Anne Tjønndal, published 220915)
On the Sidelines: Gendered Neoliberalism and the Female Sportscaster Guy Harrison Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press 2021 (review in English by Britt-Marie Ringfjord, published 220301)
On the Wrong Side of the Track? East London and the Post Olympics Phil Cohen London: Lawrence & Wishart 2013 (Malcolm MacLean 141121)
On Sport and the Philosophy of Sport: A Wittgensteinian approach Graham McFee Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Gunnar Breivik 160304)
One Night at the Palace: A Referee’s Story Alan Wilkie Manchester: The Parrs Wood Press 2002 (Martin Ingvarsson 031028)
Online Research Methods in Sport Studies Jamie Cleland, Kevin Dixon & Daniel Kilvington Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2020 (review in English by Daniel Bjärsholm, published 210511)
Only a Black Athlete Can Save Us Now Grant Farred Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2022 (review in English by Duncan R. Jamieson, published 230519)
Only With Passion: Figure Skating’s Most Winning Champion on Competition and Life Katarina Witt (med E. M. Swift) New York: PublicAffairs 2005 (Sanna Nordin 060503)
Onward to the Olympics: Historical Perspectives on the Olympic Games Gerald P. Schaus & Stephen R. Wenn (red) Waterloo, ON: Wilfried Laurier University Press 2007 (Leif Yttergren 071003)
Oplysning i bevægelse: Kultur, krop og demokrati i den folkelige gymnastik Bo Vestergård Madsen Århus: Klim 2003 (Lis Engel 031028)
Oplyst sport: Filosofiske refleksioner Poul Ferland København: Books on Demand 2010 (Mikael Lindfelt 111102)
Oprøret i parken: Dansk idræt under hagekorsets tegn Hans Bonde Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2008 (Mickael Möller 100217)
Ordination motion: Vägen till bättre hälsa Jon Karlsson, Agneta Ståhle & Eva Jansson (red) Stockholm: Brombergs 2009 (Fredrik Offerlind 110216)
Organisasjon og lederskap i idretten Dag Vidar Hanstad Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2019 (review in Swedish by Marie Hedberg, published 200305)
The Organisation and Governance of Top Football Across Europe: An Institutional Perspective Hallgeir Gammelsæter & Benoît Senaux (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (David Holt Olsen 120606)
The Organizational Psychology of Sport: Key issues and practical applications Christopher R. D. Wagstaff (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Sepand Mashreghi Blank 170825)
The Origins and History of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League Merrie A. Fidler Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2006 (Hans Bolling 060927)
Ortorexi: Fixering vid mat och träning Yvonne Lin & Anatoli Grigorenko Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2014 (Linn Håman, Eva-Carin Lindgren, Christina Berg & Stefan Pettersson 140910)
OS: Historia och statistik Sune Sylvén & Ove Karlsson Stockholm: Norstedts 2008 (Frank Östergren 080606)
Oss håller inga bojor, oss binder inga band!: På långritt i 1920-talets Europa med Linde Klinckowström-von Rosen Jan Mårtenson & Susanna Giraud Stockholm: Bonnier Fakta 2013 (Susanna Hedenborg 140204)
Out of Left Field: Social Inequality and Sports Gamal Abdel-Shehid & Nathan Kalman-Lamb Black Point, Nova Scotia: Fernwood Publishing 2011 (Russell Holden 131124)
Out of Nowhere: The Inside Story of How Nike Marketed the Culture of Running Geoff Hollister Oxford, Oxon: Meyer & Meyer Sport 2008 (Björn Anders Larsson 090211)
Out of Play: Critical Essays on Gender and Sport Michael A. Messner Albany, NY: State University of New York Press 2007 (Ingela Kolfjord 101124)
Out of Thin Air: Running Wisdom and Magic from Above the Clouds in Ethiopia Michael Crawley London: Bloomsbury 2020 (review in English by Erkki Vettenniemi, published 211215)
Outcasts!: The Lands That FIFA Forgot Steve Menary Studley, Warks.: Know the Score Books 2007 (Bill Sund 090225)
Outcome Uncertainty in Sporting Events: Winning, Losing and Competitive Balance Plácido Rodríguez, Stefan Kesenne & Brad R. Humphreys (red) Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar 2020 (review in English by Kjetil Haugen, published 201105)
Outdoor Leadership: Theory and Practice Bruce Martin, et al Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2006 (Mats Johnsson 070228)
Outdoor Teaching and Use of Green Space in Danish Schools Peter Bentsen København: University of Copenhagen 2010 (Birgitta Fagrell 110921)
Overblik over den danske fitness-sektor: En undersøgelse of danske fitnesscentre Kasper Lund Kirkegaard København: Idrættens Analyseinstitut 2007 (Anne-Lene Bakken Ulseth 080123)
Owning the Olympics: Narratives of the New China Monroe E. Price & Daniel Dayan (red) Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 2008 (Marina Svensson 080606)
The Oxford Handbook of Exercise Psychology Edmund O. Acevedo (red) Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012 (Erwin Apitzsch 130125)
The Oxford Handbook of Hip Hop Dance Studies Mary Fogarty & Imani Kai Johnson (eds.) Oxford: Oxford University Press 2023 (review in English by Jacob Kimvall, published 240615)
The Oxford Handbook of Sport and Society Lawrence A. Wenner (ed.) Oxford: Oxford University Press 2023 (review in English by Richard Giulianotti, published 230426)
The Oxford Handbook of Sport Economics, Vol. 1: The Economics of Sports Leo H. Kahane & Stephen Shmanske (red) Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012 (Harry Arne Solberg 141015)
The Oxford Handbook of Sport Economics, Vol. 2: Economics Through Sports Stephen Shmanske & Leo H. Kahane (red) Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012 (Harry Arne Solberg 141015)


Pain and Injury in Sport: Social and Ethical Analysis Sigmund Loland, Berit Skirstad & Ivan Waddington (red) Oxford: Routledge 2006 (Rolf Jonsson 061011)
The Palgrave Handbook of Olympic Studies Helen Jefferson Lenskyj & Stephen Wagg (red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2012 (Jon Helge Lesjø 130319)
The Palgrave International Handbook of Women and Outdoor Learning Tonia Gray & Denise Mitten (eds.) London: Palgrave Macmillan 2018 (review in Swedish by Jonas Mikaels, published 191115)
Paradoxes of Youth and Sport Margaret Jean Gatz, Michael A. Messner & Sandra Ball-Rokeach (red) Albany, NY: State University of New York Press 2002 (Karin Redelius 040420)
Paraeducators in Physical Education: A Training Guide to Roles and Responsibilities Lauren J. Lieberman (red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2007 (Anne-Merete Kissow 090211)
Paragrafer, pokaler och politiska inkast: Idrottsdistriktet Värmland 1900–1940, omvärld och formering Bode Janzon Malmö: Bokförlaget 2016 (Leif Yttergren 161214)
Paralympic Games: Empowerment or Side Show?, The Keith Gilbert & Otto J. Schantz (red) Maidenhead, Berks.: Meyer & Meyer Sport 2008 (Oskar Krantz 100331)
Paralympic Legacies David Legg & Keith Gilbert (red) Champaign, IL: Common Ground 2011 (Oskar Krantz 130515)
Parkour, Deviance and Leisure in the Late-Capitalist City: An Ethnography Thomas Raymen Bingley: Emerald 3019 (review in English by Jenny Hall, published 220421)
Parkour and the City: Risk, Masculinity. and Meaning in a Postmodern Sport Jeffrey L. Kidder New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press 2017 (Signe Højbjerre Larsen 181029)
Participation in Sport: International Policy Perspectives Matthew Nicholson, Russell Hoye & Barrie Houlihan (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Hallgeir Gammelsæter 110831)
Passa mig: Inkluderad idrottsundervisning Eva Fors (red) Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2004 (Anders Östnäs 061101)
The Passion of Tiger Woods: An Anthropologist Reports on Golf, Race, and Celebrity Scandal Orin Starn Durham, NC: Duke University Press 2011 (Jens Ljunggren )
Past Time: Baseball as History JulesTygiel New York: Oxford University Press 2001 (Peter Dahlén 031028)
Pastime Lost: The Humble, Original, and Now Completely Forgotten Game of English Baseball David Block Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press 2019 (review in English by Isak Lidström, published 200415)
Path Lit by Lightning: The Life of Jim Thorpe David Maraniss New York, NY: Simon & Schuster 2022 (review in English by Hans Bolling, published 241003)
Pathways: Exploring the Routes of a Movement Heritage Daniel Svensson, Katarina Saltzman & Sverker Sörlin (ed.) Winwick, Cambs.: The White Horse Press 2022 (review in English by Sarah Spooner, published 230413)
Pedagogies of Social Justice in Physical Education and Youth Sport Shrehan Lynch, Jennifer L. Walton-Fisette & Carla Luguetti Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Karin Redelius, published 230215)
Pedagogiska perspektiv på idrott Lars-Magnus Engström & Karin Redelius (red)Stockholm: HLS 2002 (Hans-Eric Olson 030726)
Pedagogy and Human Movement: Theory, practice, research Richard Tinning Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Gunn Nyberg 120215)
Pelle Lindbergh Thomas Tynander Saltsjö-boo: Pintxo förlag 2017 (Tobias Stark 171127)
The Pentathlon of the Ancient World Frank Zarnowski Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2013 (Paavo Roos 131023)
The People of Democracy: Understanding Self-Determination on the Basis of Body and Movement Henning EichbergÅrhus: Klim 2004 (Lena Halldenius 041109)
The People’s Game? Football, Finance and Society Stephen Morrow London: Palgrave Macmillan 2003 (Kutte Jönsson 051130)
A People’s History of Sports in the United States: 250 Years of Politics, Protest, People, and Play Dave Zirin New York: The New Press 2008 (Ian McDonald 090225)
A People’s History of Tennis David Berry London: Pluto Press 2020 (review in English by Robert J. Lake, published 201202)
Performance Cultures and Doped Bodies: Challenging categories, gender norms, and policy responses Jesper Andreasson & April Henning Champaign, IL: Common Ground 2021 (review in English by Alexis Sossa, published 220309)
Perspektiv på friluftslivets pædagogik Björn Tordsson (Översättning från norska till danska av Torbjørn Ydegaard) Haderslev: CVU Sønderjylland University College 2006 (Søren Andkjær 090311)
Phenomenological Approaches to Sport Irena Martínková & Jim Parry (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Henning Eichberg 140403)
Phenomenology and Pedagogy in Physical Education Øyvind Førland Standal Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Ejgil Jespersen 160616)
A Philosopher Looks at Sport Stephen Mumford Cambridge, Cambs: Cambridge University Press 2021 (review in English by Gunnar Breivik, published 211221)
Philosophical Perspectives on Gender in Sport and Physical Activity Paul Davis & Charlene Weaving (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Kutte Jönsson 110511)
Philosophical Perspectives on Play Malcolm MacLean, Wendy Russell & Emily Ryall (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2016 (Ejgil Jespersen 180418)
Philosophy, Risk and Adventure Sports Mike McNamee (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (Åke Nilsén 080409)
Philosophy, Sport, and the Pandemic Jeffrey P. Fry & Andrew Edgar (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Shawn E. Klein, published 230201)
Philosophy and Sport Anthony O’Hear (red) Cambridge, Cambs: Cambridge University Press 2013 (Pam R. Sailors 180425)
Philosophy and the Sciences of Exercise, Health and Sport: Critical Perspectives on Research Methods Mike McNamee(red) London: Routledge 2005 (Mikael Lindfelt 050831)
The Philosophy of Football Steffen Borge Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (review in English by Mats Franzén, published 200310)
The Philosophy of Physical Education: A new perspective Steven A. Stolz Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Øyvind Førland Standal 150116)
The Philosophy of Play Emily Ryall, Wendy Russell & Malcolm MacLean (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2013 (Lars H Gustafsson 140918 )
The Philosophy of Play Emily Ryall, Wendy Russell & Malcolm MacLean (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2013 (Ejgil Jespersen 180418)
The Philosophy of Play as Life Wendy Russell, Emily Ryall & Malcolm MacLean (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (Ejgil Jespersen 180418)
A Philosophy of Sport Steven Connor London: Reaktion Books 2011 (Kalle Jonasson 120509)
Physical Activity and its Effect on Bone in the Short- and Long-Term Perspective Christian Lindén Lund: Dept. of Orthopaedics, Lund University 2006 (Ingergerd Ericsson 070228)
Physical Activity in 6–10 Year Old Children: Variations over time, associations with metabolic risk factors and role in obesity prevention Gisela Nyberg Solna: Karolinska Institutet 2009 (Ingegerd Ericsson 090923)
Physical Activity Interventions in Children and Adolescents Dianne S. Ward, Ruth P. Saunders & Russell R. Pate Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2007 (Suzanne Lundvall 081126)
Physical Contact in Physical Education: New perspectives and future directions Annica Caldeborg Örebro: Örebo University 2021 (review in English by Gunn Helene Engelsrud, published 220512)
Physical Education and the Study of Sport: Fifth Edition Bob Davis et al St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby 2005 (Lottie Olsson 060830)
Physical Education for Young Children: Movement ABCs for the Little Ones Rae Pica Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2008 (Ingegerd Ericsson 100217)
Physical Education Futures David Kirk Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Håkan Larsson 120307)
Physical Education in Irish Schools, 1900–2000: A History Conor Curran Oxford, Oxon: Peter Lang Publishing 2022 (review in English by Björn Sandahl, published 221027)
Physical Literacy: Throughout the Lifecourse Margaret Whitehead (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Karin Redelius 110330)
Physiology of Sport and Exercise Jack Wilmore & David Costill Leeds: Human Kinetics Europe 2004 (Torsten Buhre 040914)
Pierre Bourdieu and Physical Culture  lisahunter, Wayne Smith & elke emerald (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Mats Franzén 151022)
Pillerplaneten: Om genvägar till lycka, styrka och skönhet med rusmedel och biokemiska preparat Hans A. Kann Helsingborg: Promise 2009 (David Hoff 091007)
Pitch Battles: Sport, Racism and Resistance Peter Hain & André Odendaal Oxford, Oxon.: Rowman & Littlefield Education 2021 (review in English by Wray Vamplew, published 210527)
The Pits: The Real World of Formula One Beverley Turner London: Atlantic Books 2005 (Kutte Jönsson 050606)
Play in Philosophy and Social Thought Henning Eichberg & Signe Højbjerre Larsen (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (Ejgil Jespersen 181030)
Playbooks and Checkbooks: An Introduction to the Economics of Modern Sports Stefan Szymanski Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 2009 (Kjetil Haugen 100901)
Playing as if the World Mattered: An Illustrated History of Activism in Sports  Gabriel Kuhn Oakland, CA: PM Press 2015 (Russell Holden 151001)
Playing Fair: Using student-invented games to prevent bullying, teach democracy, and promote social justice Joy I. Butler (with Linda L. Griffin, James Mandigo, Kevin Sandher, Tim Hopper, Steve Mitchell, Bobby Gibson) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2016 (review in English by Mikael Londos, published 200122)
Playing for Change: The Continuing Struggle for Sport and Recreation Russell Field (ed.) Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press 2016 (Alan Bairner 160928)
Playing for God: Evangelical Women and the Unintended Consequencies of Sports Ministry Annie Blazer New York, NY: New York University Press 2015 (Mikael Lindfelt 170303)
Playing on the Periphery: Sport, Identity and Memory Tara Brabazon Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2006 (Helena Tolvhed 100331)
Playing with Fire: The Autobiography Nasser Hussain(med Paul Newman) London: Michael Joseph (Bosse Carlsson 050208)
Playing with God: Religion and Modern Sport William J. Baker Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2007 (Dagmar Dahl 081126)
Playing with the Boys: Why Separate Is Not Equal in Sports Eileen McDonagh & Laura Pappano New York: Oxford University Press 2008 (Sara Edenheim 090325)
Poeng, penger og politikk: Et institusjonelt perspektiv på idrettsledelse Hallgeir Gammelsæter Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk  2016 (Cecilia Stenling 170914)
Policing Football: Social Interaction and Negotiated Disorder Megan O’Neill Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2006 (Bo Carlsson 070131)
Polo in Britain: A History Horace A. Laffaye Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2012 (Hans Bolling 130205)
Positioner i dans: Om genus, handlingsutrymme och dansrörelser i grundskolans praktik Märtha Pastorek Gripson Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet 2016 (review in Swedish by Tone Pernille Østern, published 201023)
Post-Olympism? Questioning Sport in the Twenty-first Century John Bale & Mette Krogh Christensen (red) Oxford: Berg Publishers 2004 (Anders Östnäs 040620)
Power and Politics in World Athletics: A Critical History Jörg Krieger Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021 (review in English by Malcolm MacLean, published 220316)
Power Games: A Critical Sociology of Sport John Sugden & Alan Tomlinson (red) London: Routledge 2002 (Åke Nilsén 040420)
The Power of Sports: Media and Spectacle in American Culture Michael Serazio New York, NY: New York University Press 2019 (review in English by Steph Doehler, published 210907)
Power Play: Sport, the Media and Popular Culture (Second Edition) Raymond Boyle & Richard Haynes Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2009 (Marit Nybelius 101013)
Power Played: A Critical Criminology of Sport Derek Silva & Liam Kennedy (eds.) Vancouver, BC: UBC Press 2022 (review in English by Tony B. Mickelsson, published 240617)
Power Players: Football in Propaganda, War and Revolution Ronny Blaschke Worthing, SX: Pitch Publishing 2022 (review in English by Mats Greiff, published 230411)
Practical Philosophy of Sport and Physical Activity R. Scott KretchmarLeeds: Human Kinetics Europe 2005 (Kutte Jönsson 051005)
Practical Sports Coaching Christine Nash (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Marie Hedberg 150528)
Praktisk idrottspsykologi Peter Hassmén, Göran Kenttä & Henrik Gustafsson Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2009 (Joakim Ingrell 101103)
The Precarity of Masculinity: Football, Pentecostalism, and Transnational Aspirations in Cameroon Uroš Kovač New York, NY: Berghahn Books 2022 (review in English by Daniel Alsarve, published 230324)
The Prehistories of Baseball Seelochan Beharry Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2016 (Isak Lidström 180426)
Pressure: Lessons from the psychology of the penalty shootout Geir Jordet London: New River Books 2024 (review in English by Kjetil Haugen & Alex Krumer, published 240926)
The Price of Football: Understanding Football Club Finance (2nd ed.) Kieran Maguire Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda Publishing 2020 (review in English by Kjetil Haugen, published 210430)
Prizefighting: An American History Arne K. Lang Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2009 (Hans Bolling 100127)
Professional Practice in Sport Psychology: A review Sheldon Hanton & Stephen D. Mellalieu (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Lukas Linnér 130305)
Professional Team Sports and the Soft Budget Constraint Rasmus K. Storm, Klaus Nielsen & Zsolt Havran (ed.) Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar 2022 (review in English by Giuseppe Telesca, published 230616)
The Professionalisation of Women’s Sport: Issues and Debates Ali Bowes & Alex Culvin (eds.) Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing 2021 (review in English by Alan Bairner, published 220608)
Professionals, Amateurs and Performance: Sports Coaching in England, 1789–1914 Dave Day Bern: Peter Lang Publishing Group 2012 (Leif Yttergren 150416)
Professionel fodbold Jacob Magnussen & Rasmus K. Storm (red) Århus: Klim 2005 (Torbjörn Andersson 060301)
Proffsliv och karriärslut: En sociologisk studie av identitet Jonas Stier Malmö: Liber 2005 (Hallgeir Gammelsæter 060118)
Proletären FF – en del av världen, 50 år Bengt Frejd & alia Göteborg: Proletären Fotboll Förening 2024 (review in Swedish by Torbjörn Andersson, published 250108)
Psychological Bases of Sport Injuries: Thirs Edition David Pargman (red) Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2007 (Urban Johnson 071024)
Psychological Dynamics of Sport and Exercise: Third Edition Diane L. Gill & Lavon Williams Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2008 (Karin Josefsson 090325)
Psychology for Physical Educators: Student in Focus (Second Edition) Jarmo Liukkonen al (red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2007 (Erwin Apitzsch 080917)
Psychology in Football: Working with Elite and Professional Players Mark Nesti Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Johan Fallby 120919)
Psychology in Sports Coaching: Theory and Practice Adam R. Nicholls Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Stuart Carrington, published 230511)
The Psychology of Enhancing Human Performance: The Mindfulness-Acceptance-Commitment (MAC) Approach Frank L. Gardner & Zella Moore New York: Springer Publishing Company 2007 (Henrik Lemel 120509)
The Psychology of Exercise: Integrating Theory and Practice Curt L. Lox, Kathleen A. Martin Ginis & Steven J. Petruzzello Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway 2006 (Erwin Apitzsch 070117)
The Psychology of Exercise: Integrating Theory and Practice. Fifth Edition Curt L. Lox, Kathleen A. Martin Ginis, Heather L. Gainforth & Steven J. Petruzzello Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2020 (review in English by Peter Carlman, published 200512)
The Psychology of Perfectionism in Sport, Dance, and Exercise: 2nd Edition Andrew P. Hill (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2023 (review in English by Sara Daniels, published 231117)
Psychology of Sport Excellence Tsung-Min Hung, Ronnie Lidor & Dieter Hackfort (red) Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2009 (Johan Fallby 101013)
The Psychology of Strength and Conditioning David Tod & David Lavallee (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Henrik Gustafsson 130308)
The Psychology of Teaching Physical Education: From Theory to Practice Bonnie Tjeerdsma Blankenship Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway 2008 (Magnus Lindwall 081001)
Public Dollars, Private Stadiums: The Battle over Building Sport Stadiums Kevin Delaney & Rick Eckstein Piscataway, NJ.: Rutgers University Press 2003 (Karin Book 060301)
Pure Sport: Practical Sport Psychology John Kremer & Aidan Moran Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2013 (Andreas Stenling 141106)
På damsidan: Femininitet, motstånd och makt i svensk idrott 1920–1990 Helena Tolvhed Göteborg: Makadam förlag 2015 (Gerd von der Lippe 160310)
På edra platser Nils-Olof Zethrin & Bengt A. Lundberg (foto) Stockholm: Riksantikvarieämbetet 2003 (Håkan Karlsson 041214)
På skidor i kulturella gränsland: Samiska spår i skidsportens historia Isak Lidström Malmö: Malmö universitet 2021 (review in Swedish by Jonny Hjelm, published 220203)
På spaning efter idrottsdidaktik Katarina Schenker Malmö: Malmö högskola 2011 (Håkan Larsson 110608)


Qualifying Times: Points of Change in U.S. Women’s Sport Jaime Schultz Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2014 (Jean Williams 141120)
Qualitative Methods in Sports Studies David L. Andrews, Daniel S. Mason & Michael L. Silk (red) Oxford: Berg Publishers 2005 (Frans Oddner 061101)
Qualitative Research for Physical Culture Pirkko Markula & Michael Silk Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2011 (Anne Tjønndal 160518)
Qualitative Research in Physical Activity and the Health Professions William A. Pitney & Jenny Parker Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2009 (Mette Krogh Christensen 100606)
Qualitative Research in Sport Management Allan Edwards & James Skinner Oxford, Oxon: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2009 (Christian Widholm 110126)
Queridas patrias: Un Testimonio de Ricardo Pizarro Ricardo Pizarro & Manuel Pizarro Stockholm: Editorial Senda/Senda Förlag 2009 (Enrique Pérez 100922)
Quest for Speed: A History of Early Bicycle Racing 1868–1903 Andrew Ritchie El Cerrito, CA: Andrew Ritchie 2011 (Bill Sund 120328)
Questioning Play: What play can tell us about social life Henning Eichberg Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2016 (Ejgil Jespersen 170113)


Race, Gender and Sport: The Politics of Ethnic ‘Other’ Girls and Women Aarti Ratna & Samaya Farooq Samie (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (Sepand Mashreghi Blank 180919)
Race, Sport and Politics: The Sporting Black Diaspora Ben Carrington London: Sage Publications 2010 (Wendy Varney 120215)
Race, Sport and the American Dream Earl Smith Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press 2007 (Jesper Fundberg 081001)
The Race Against the Stasi: The Incredible Story of Dieter Wiedemann, The Iron Curtain and The Greatest Cycling Race on Earth Herbie Sykes London: Aurum Press 2014 (Duncan Jamieson 150424)
Race and Sport: The Struggle for Equality on and off the Field Charles K. Ross (red) Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi 2004 (Jesper Fundberg 051019)
Racing Lexicon John Leigh & David Woodhouse London: Faber and Faber 2005 (Susanna Hedenborg 060503)
Racism and English Football: For Club and Country Daniel Burdsey Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021 (review in English by Mads Skauge, published 221206)
Rakas jalkapallo: Sata vuotta suomalaista jalkapalloa (Älskade fotboll: 100 år av finsk fotboll) Yrjö Lautela & Göran Wallén (red) Helsinki: Kustannusosakeyhtiö Teos 2007 (Arto Nevala 070829)
Raising Young Athletes: Parenting Your Children to Victory in Sports and Life Jim Taylor Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2018 (review in English by Johan Fallby, published 200320)
The Rational Practitioner: The Sport and Performance Psychologist’s Guide To Practicing Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy Martin Turner Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2023 (review in English by Stuart Carrington, published 230310)
Re-thinking Leisure in a Digital Age Michael Silk, Brad Millington, Emma Rich & Anthony Bush (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (review in English by Anne Tjønndal, published 191025)
The Rebirth of Professional Soccer in America: The strange days of the United States Soccer Association Dennis J. Seese Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2015 (Matthew L. McDowell 161020)
Reclaiming Tom Longboat: Indigenous Self-Determination in Canadian Sport Janice Forsyth Regina, SK: University of Regina Press 2020 (review in English by Malcolm MacLean, published 210914)
Recreational Sport Management: Fourth edition Richard F. Mull, Kathryn G. Bayless & Lynn M. Jamieson Champaign, IL.: Human Kinetics 2005 (Bo Carlsson 060215)
Red Nails, Black Skates: Gender, Cash, and Pleasure On and Off the Ice Erica Rand Durham, NC: Duke University Press 2012 (Anna Maria Hellborg 130301)
Referees, Match Officials and Abuse: Research and Implications for Policy Tom Webb, Mike Rayner, Jamie Cleland & Jimmy O’Gorman Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021 (review in English by Bo Carlsson, published 230210)
Reflections on Mexico ’68 Keith Brewster (red) Oxford, Oxon.: Wiley Blackwell 2010 (Jørn Hansen 110608)
Reframing Disability? Media, (Dis)Empowerment and Voice in the 2012 Paralympics Daniel Jackson, Caroline E. M. Hodges, Mike Molesworth & Richard Scullion (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Elisabet Apelmo 160615)
Regulating Football: Commodification, consumption and the law Steve Greenfield & Guy Osborn London: Pluto Press 2001 (Bosse Carlsson 030622)
The Regulation of Sport in the European Union Barbara Bogusz, Adam Cygan & Erika Szyszczak (red) Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar 2007 (Bo Carlsson 081029)
Reinventing Martial Arts in the 21st Century: Eastern Stimulus, Western Response George Jennings Oxford, Oxon: Peter Lang Publishing 2023 (review in English by Anna Kavoura, published 231123)
Religion and Sports: An Introduction and Case Studies Rebecca T. Alpert New York, NY: Columbia University Press 2015 (Dagmar Dahl 170323)
Religion and Sports: An Introduction and Case Studies Rebecca T. Alpert New York, NY: Columbia University Press 2015 [In English] (Dagmar Dahl 171005)
Replays, Rivalries, and Rumbles: The Most Iconic Moments in American Sports Steven Gietschier (red) Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2017 (Hans Bolling 180508)
(Re)Presenting Wilma Rudolph Rita Liberti & Maureen M. Smith Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press 2015 (Grace Butcher 151113)
Research Ethics in Exercise, Health and Sports Sciences Mike McNamee, Steve Olivier & Paul Wainwright Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (Kenneth Aggerholm 080206)
Research Handbook on EU Sports Law and Policy Jack Anderson, Richard Parrish & Borja García (red) Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar 2018 (David McArdle 190206)
Research Handbook on Sport and Society Elizabeth C.J. Pike (ed.) Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar 2021 (review in English by Alan Bairner, published 211214)
Research Methods for Sport Studies Chris Gratton & Ian Jones London: Routledge 2004 (Bosse Carlsson 040127)
Research Methods for Sport Studies: Second Edition Chris Gratton & Ian Jones Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (David Cardell 110330)
Research Methods in Physical Activity Jerry R. Thomas, Jack K. Nelson & Stephen J. Silverman Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2006 (Jens Troelsen 070516)
Research Methods in Physical Activity: Sixth Edition Jerry R. Thomas, Jack K. Nelson & Stephen J. Silverman Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2011 (Jens Troelsen 111102)
Research Methods in Physical Education and Youth Sport Kathleen Armour & Doune Macdonald (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Jane Meckbach 120919)
Research Methods in Sport Mark F. Smith Exeter: Learning Matters 2010 (Bill Sund 110330)
Research Methods in Sport Management Ming Li, Brenda Pitts & Jerome Quarterman Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2008 (PG Fahlström 110309)
Research Methods in Sports Coaching Lee Nelson, Ryan Groom & Paul Potrac (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Anne Tjønndal 181213)
The Research Process in Sport, Exercise and Health: Case Studies of Active Researchers Rich Neil, Sheldon Hanton, Scott Fleming & Kylie Wilson (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Andreas Ivarsson 140527)
Research with Children and Young People in Physical Education and Youth Sport Fiona C. Chambers, Rachel Sandford, Oliver Hooper & Lee Schaefer (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2024 (review in English by Karin Redelius, published 241205)
Restart: Sport After the Covid-19 Time Out Jörg Krieger, April Henning & Lindsay Parks Pieper (eds.) Champaign, IL: Common Ground 2022 (review in English by Jan Ove Tangen, published 230529)
Restoring Trust in Sport: Corruption Cases and Solutions Catherine Ordway (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021 (review in English by Mikael Hansson, published 220315)
Resurser, representation och ”riktig” idrott: Om jämställdhet inom idrotten Christine Dartsch, Johan R. Norberg & Johan Faskunger (red) Stockholm: Centrum för idrottsforskning 2018 (Jesper Fundberg 181002)
Rethinking Aggression and Violence in Sport John H. KerrOxford: Routledge 2004 (Bo Carlsson 050419)
Rethinking Gender and Youth Sport Ian Wellard (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (Karin Redelius 080423)
Rethinking Olympic Legacy Vassil Girginov Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (Jon Helge Lesjø 181207)
Rethinking Sports and Integration: Developing a Transnational Perspective on Migrants and Descendants in Sports Sine Agergaard Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (Sepand Mashreghi Blank 190116)
Rethinking the Olympics: Cultural Histories of the Modern Games Robert K. Barney (red) Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2010 (Jørn Hansen 101013)
Retorikk, idrett og samfunn Hans-Ivar Kristiansen & Odd Nordhaug (red) Oslo: forlag1 2010 (Anders Östnäs 121031)
Return of the Grasshopper: Games, Leisure and the Good Life in the Third Millennium Bernard Suits, Christopher C. Yorke & Francisco Javier López Frías Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2023 (review in English by Pam R. Sailors, published 231108)
Reversing the Obesogenic Environment Rebecca E. Lee, Kristen M. McAlexander & Jorge A. Banda Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2011 (Gisela Nyberg 120606)
The Revolt of the Black Athlete: 50th Anniversary Edition Harry Edwards Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2017 (Jorid Hovden 181128)
Revolt of the White Athlete: Race, Media and the Emergence of Extreme Athletes in America Kyle Kusz Bern: Peter Lang Publishing Group 2007 (Kalle Jonasson 070912)
Rhythmic Activities and Dance John Price Bennett & Pamela Coughenour Riemer Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2006 (Helle Winther 070912)
Ride With Your Mind Clinic: Rider Biomechanics – Basics to Brilliance Mary Wanless Shrewsbury, Salop: Kenilworth Press 2008 (Susanna Hedenborg 090520)
Ridlärares pedagogiska praktik: En verksamhetsteoretisk studie Susanne Lundesjö Kvart Uppsala: Uppsala universitet 2013 (Petra Andersson 161117)
Ringside: Den svenska professionella boxningens historia. Galor. Kommentarer. Resultat. Rekordlistor. Statistik. Christer FranzénStockholm: CKM Media AB 2004 (Nils-Olof Zethrin 050208)
The Rise and Fall of Olympic Amateurism Matthew P. Llewellyn & John Gleaves Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2016 (Susan J. Rayl 170223)
Risk Management in Sport and Recreation John O. Spengler, Daniel P. Connaughton & Andrew T. Pittman Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2006 (Josef Fahlén 090606)
Restart: Sport After the Covid-19 Time Out Jörg Krieger, April Henning & Lindsay Parks Pieper (ed.) Champaign, IL: Common Ground 2022 (review in English by Jan Ove Tangen, published 230529)
The Rivals Game: Inside the British Derby Douglas Beattie Studley, Warks.: Know the Score Books 2008 (Torbjörn Andersson 090408)
The Road to Excellence: The Acquisition of Expert Performance in the Arts and Sciences, Sports and Games K. Anders Ericsson (red) London: Psychology Press (Laurence Erlbaum Associates) 1996 (Sanna Nordin 090923)
Routledge Companion to Sport and Exercise Psychology: Global perspectives and fundamental concepts Athanasios G. Papaioannou & Dieter Hackfort (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Andreas Stenling 160113)
Routledge Companion to Sports History S. W. Pope & John Nauright (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Susanna Hedenborg 101103)
Routledge Handbook of Applied Sport Psychology: A Comprehensive Guide for Students and Practitioners Stephanie J. Hanrahan & Mark B. Andersen (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Karin Josefsson 110831)
Routledge Handbook of Ergonomics in Sport and Exercise Youlian Hong (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Michail Tonkonogi 140520)
Routledge Handbook of Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise Brett Smith & Andrew C. Sparkes (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2016 (Mark Brooke 190321)
Routledge Handbook of Sport, Gender and Sexuality Jennifer Hargreaves & Eric Anderson (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2016 (review by Benjamin Moreland, published 190425)
Routledge Handbook of Sport and New Media Andrew C. Billings & Marie Hardin (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2016 (Britt-Marie Ringfjord 190314)
Routledge Handbook of Sport and the Environment Brian P. McCullough & Timothy B. Kellison (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (review in English by Daniel Svensson, published 191217)
Routledge Handbook of Sport Management Leigh Robinson, Packianathan Chelladurai, Guillaume Bodet & Paul Downward (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Cecilia Stenling 140919)
Routledge Handbook of Sports Coaching Paul Potrac, Wade Gilbert & Jim Denison (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2013 (Robert Svensson 150130)
Routledge Handbook of Sports Development Barrie Houlihan & Mick Green (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Paul Sjöblom 111102)
Routledge Handbook of Sports Event Management Milena M. Parent & Jean-Loup Chappelet (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (review in English by Christian Tolstrup Jensen, published 190215)
Routledge Handbook of Sports Technology and Engineering Franz Konstantin Fuss, Alexandar Subic, Martin Strangwood & Rabindra Mehta (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Karl Palmås 140404)
Routledge Handbook of Tennis: History, Culture and Politics Robert J. Lake (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (review in English by Johnny Wijk, published 201202)
The Routledge Handbook of Youth Physical Activity Timothy A. Brusseau, Stuart J. Fairclough & David R. Lubans (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Andreas Fröberg, published 240216)
Routledge International Handbook of Outdoor Studies Barbara Humberstone, Heather Prince & Karla A. Henderson (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2016 (Daniel Svensson 171206)
Routledge International Handbook of Sport Psychology Robert J. Schinke, Kerry R. McGannon & Brett Smith (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2016 (Andreas Stenling 170505)
Routledge Physical Education Reader, The Richard Bailey & David Kirk (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (Karin Redelius 100421)
Running Lindsey A. Freeman Durham, NC: Duke University Press 2023 (review in English by Karin S. Lindelöf, published 240208)
Running, Identity and Meaning: The Pursuit of Distinction Through Sport Neil Baxter Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing 2021 (review in English by Lise Joern, published 220922)
Running: A Global History Thor Gotaas (Översättning Peter Graves) London: Reaktion Books 2009 (Björn Sandahl 101013)
Russia and the 2018 FIFA World Cup Richard Arnold (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021 (review in English by Kristian Gerner, published 211110)
Ruth, Greg Tennis: A History from American Amateurs to Global Professionals Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2021 (review in English by Johnny Wijk, published 220517)
Rör dig – lär dig: Motorik och inlärning Ingegerd Ericsson Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2005 (Thomas Moser 060830)
Rörelseförmåga i idrott och hälsa: En bok om rörelse, kunskap och lärande Gunn Nyberg & Håkan Larsson Lund: Studentlitteratur 2016 (Øyvind Førland Standal 170510)
Rörelser i rörelse: En bok om föreningars, förbunds och organisationers utveckling Andreas Hagström et al Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2008 (Cecilia Stenling 110831)


Safeguarding, Child Protection and Abuse in Sport: International perspectives in research, policy and practice Melanie Lang & Mike Hartill (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Lars H Gustafsson 151216)
The Same but Different: Hockey in Quebec Jason Blake & Andrew C. Holman (red) Montreal, QC: McGill-Queen’s University Press 2017 (Tobias Stark 180411)
Samisk idrott: Temanumer av Idrott, historia & samhälle [Sámi Sports] Isak Lidström & Helge Chr. Pedersen (ed.) Stockholm: Svenska idrottshistoriska föreningen 2023 (review in English by Ansgar Molzberger, published 240920)
Samtiden 4-2007 Cathrine Sandnes (red) Oslo: Aschehoug (Bo Carlsson 081112)
Saratoga Tales: Great Horses, Fearless Jockeys, Shocking Upsets and Incredible Blunders at America’s Legendary Race Track Bill Heller Albany, NY: Whitston Publishing 2004 (Susanna Hedenborg 060503)
School Physical Education and Teacher Education: Collaborative Redesign for the Twenty-First Century Ann MacPhail & Hal A. Lawson (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2020 (review in English by Joacim Andersson, published 220620)
The Science of Equestrian Sports: Theory, Practice and Performance of the Equestrian Rider Inga Wolframm Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Susanna Hedenborg 140204)
Science Meets Sports: When statistics are more than numbers Christophe Ley & Yves Dominicy (eds.) Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2020 (review in English by Mats Franzén, published 220422)
Seabiscuit: The true story of three men and a racehorse Laura Hillenbrand London: 4th Esate 2002 (review in Swedish by Carl-Johan Stolt, published 030907)
Sejren på Wembley Christian Tolstrup Jensen Århus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2022 (review in Swedish by Hans Bolling, published 230220)
The Self-Propelled Voyager: How the Cycle Revolutionized Travel Duncan R. Jamieson Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2015 (Bill Sund 161005)
Serious Leisure and Nature: Sustainable Consumption in the Outdoors Lee Davidson & Robert A. Stebbins Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2011 (Klas Sandell 130607)
‘Serious Sport’: J. A. Mangan’s Contribution to the History of Sport Scott A. G. M. Crawford (red) London: Frank Cass Publishers 2004 (Johnny Wijk 051116)
Serving Equality: Feminism, Media, and Women’s Sports Cheryl Cooky & Dunja Antunovic Oxford, Oxon: Peter Lang Publishing 2022 (review in English by Katie Taylor, published 230427)
Sex and Leisure: Promiscuous Perspectives Diana C. Parry & Corey W. Johnson (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Jack Lukkerz, published 240315)
Sex Integration in Sport and Physical Culture: Promises and Pitfalls Alex Channon, Katherine Dashper, Thomas Fletcher & Robert J. Lake (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Mark Brooke 171206)
Sex Testing: Gender Policing in Women’s Sports Lindsay Parks Pieper Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2016 (Sarah Teetzel 170614)
Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in Sport: Queer Inquiries Vikki Krane (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (review in English by Anna Adlwarth, published 200124)
Sex, Power and the Games Kath Woodward Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2012 (Helena Tolvhed 130827)
Sexual Abuse in Youth Sport: A socio-cultural analysis Michael J. Hartill Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (review in English by Anders Östnäs, published 210416)
The Sexual and Gender Politics of Sport Mega-Events: Roving Colonialism Heather Sykes Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (Maria  Zuiderveld 181212)
Sexual Assault in Canadian Sport Curtis Fogel & Andrea Quinlan Vancouver, BC: UBC Press 2023 (review in English by Maddie Brockbank, published 240616)
Sexual Harassment and Abuse in Sport: International Research and Policy Perspectives Celia Brackenridge & Kari Fasting (red) London: Whiting & Birch 2002 (Ingela Kolfjord 050419)
Sexual Minorities in Sports: Predudice at Play Melanie L. Sartore-Baldwin (red) New York & London: Lynne Rienner Publishers 2013 (Jesper Fundberg 150312)
Sexual Sports Rhetoric: Global and Universal Contexts Linda K. Fuller (red) Bern: Peter Lang Publishing Group 2010 (Gerd von der Lippe 110126)
“Shaking or Stirring”?: A case-study of physical education teacher education in Norway Kjersti Mordal Moen Oslo: Norges idrettshøgskole 2011 (Gunn Nyberg 121010)
Sharing Best Practices in Sport Marketing: The Sport Marketing Association’s Inaugural Book of papers Brenda G. Pitts (red) Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2004 (Hans Lundberg 050606)
Shifting Currents: A World History of Swimming Karen Eva Carr London: Reaktion Books 2022 (review in English by Dave Day, published 221004)
Shooting Action Sports: The Ultimate Guide to Extreme Filmmaking Todd Grossman St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Focal Press 2008 (Marit Nybelius 091125)
Sigge Bergman: Porträtt av en idrottsledare Mats Bergman & Anders Bergman Västerås: Sportförlaget 2008 (Christer Ericsson 090606)
Simklubben Neptun 100 år: 1906–2006 Owe Fröberg (red) Stockholm: SK Neptun 2006 (Ove Karlsson 071212)
Simmar-Emma: Min kamp mot bulimin Emma Igelström & Carina Olofsson Stockholm: Bokförlaget Forum 2006 (Jesper Thiborg 060927)
Sin egen hälsas smed: Idéer, initiativ och organisationer inom svensk motionsidrott 1945–1981 Hans Bolling Stockholm: Stockholms universitet 2005 (Jørn Hansen 060315)
Single-Case Research Methods in Sport and Exercise Psychology Jamie Barker, Paul McCarthy, Marc Jones & Aidan Moran Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Magnus Lindwall 111123)
The Sisterhood: The 99ers and the Rise of U.S. Women’s Soccer Rob Goldman Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press 2021 (review in English by Bente Skogvang, published 220412)
Sisterhood in Sports: How Female Athletes Collaborate and Compete Joan Steidinger Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2014 (Connie Ann Kirk 150218)
Sites of Sport: Space, Place, Experience Patricia Vertinsky & John Bale (red) London: Frank Cass Publishers 2004 (Jan Ove Tangen 050208)
Six Minutes in Berlin: Broadcast Spectacle and Rowing Gold at the Nazi Olympics Michael J. Socolow Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2016 (Christian Widholm 170928)
Six Weeks in Saratoga: How Three-Year-Old Filly Rachel Alexandra Beat the Boys and Became Horse of the Year Brendan O’Meara Albany, NY: Excelsior Editions (Suny Press) 2011 (Mats Greiff 140327)
Skaffa dig ett liv 2 Lasse Anrell & Stig Claesson (bild) Stockholm: Ordupplaget 2008 (Torbjörn Andersson 090902)
Skate Life: Re-Imagining White Masculinity Emily Chivers Yochim Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 2010 (David Cardell 120125)
Skateboarding: Subcultures, sites and shifts Kara-Jane Lombard (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2016 (Åsa Bäckström 161026)
Skateboarding, Space and the City: Architecture and the Body Iain Borden Oxford: Berg Publishers 2001 (Kalle Danielsson 040323)
Skateboarding and Urban Landscapes in Asia: Endless Spots Duncan McDuie-Ra Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press 2021 (review in English by Mark Brooke, published 221108)
Ski-VM 2011: Planleggning og gjennomføring Dag Vidar Hanstad (red) Oslo: Akilles 2012 (Josef Fahlén 121031)
Skills, Knowledge and Expertise in Sport Gunnar Breivik (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (review by Mikael Lindfelt, published 190503)
Skitstöveln som trejdade Wayne Gretzky: Och andra berättelser om NHL Jon Andersson Stockholm: Atlas 2023 (review in Swedish by Tobias Stark, published 240103)
Skjebnekamp: Norsk idrett under okkupasjonen 1940–1945 Matti Goksøyr & Finn Olstad Oslo: Aschehoug 2017 (Johnny Wijk 180404)
Skriftpraktiker i idrott och hälsa på högstadiet: En textetnografisk undersökning Anna-Maija Norberg Örebro: Örebro University 2021 (review in Swedish by Katarina Lundin, published 220310)
Skånsk idrottshistoria: Årsbok 2005 Åge Ramsby (red) Malmö: Idrottsmuseets Vänner 2005 (Johnny Wøllekær 060830)
Smak för motion: Fysisk aktivitet som livsstil och social markör Lars-Magnus Engström Stockholm: Stockholms universitets förlag 2010 (Charlotte Østergaard 110608)
Snowboarding Bodies in Theory and Practice Holly Thorpe Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2011 (Åsa Bäckström 150512)
Soccer, Women, Sexual Liberation – Kicking Off a New Era Fan Hong & J. A. Mangan London: Frank Cass 2004 (Ingela Kolfjord 041012)
Soccer and Disaster: International Perspectives Paul Darby, Martin Johnes & Gavin Mellor (red) London: Routledge 2005 (Bo Carlsson 060201)
Soccer and Society in Dublin: A History of Association Football in Ireland’s Capital Conor Curran Dublin: Four Courts Press 2023 (review in English by Hans Bolling, published 230921)
Soccer Diplomacy: International Relations and Football since 1914 Heather L. Dichter (ed.) Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky 2020 (review in English by Kristian Gerner, published 220119)
Soccer Empire: The World Cup and the Future of France Laurent Dubois Berkeley, CA: University of California Press 2010 (Christer Ericsson 110420)
Soccer in Mind: A thinking fan’s guide to the global game Andrew M. Guest New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press 2022 (review in English by Arve Hjelseth, published 221110)
Soccer in the Middle East Alon Raab & Issam Khalidi (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Bill Sund 151221)
Soccer vs. the State: Tackling Football and Radical Politics Gabriel Kuhn Oakland, CA: PM Press 2011 (Matti Goksøyr 111102)
The Sochi Predicament: Contexts, Characteristics and Challenges of the Olympic Winter Games in 2014 Bo Petersson & Karina Vamling (red) Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2013 (Jørn Hansen 141023)
Social Capital and Sport Governance in Europe Margaret Groeneveld, Barrie Houlihan & Fabien Ohl (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Bjarne Ibsen 130110)
Social Capital and Sport Organizations Richard Tacon Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Karsten Elmose-Østerlund, published 230828)
The Social Geography of Healthy Aging: The Importance of Place and Space Jasmin Tahmaseb McConatha & Karin Volkwein-Caplan Maidenhead, Berks.: Meyer & Meyer Sport 2012 (Josefin Eman 140522)
A Social History of English Rugby Union Tony Collins Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (Malcolm MacLean 130115) 
A Social History of Tennis in Britain Robert J. Lake Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Hans Bolling 151126)
Social Innovation in Sport Anne Tjønndal (ed.) London: Palgrave Macmillan 2021 (review in English by Alan Bairner, published 210903)
Social Issues in Sport Ronald B. Woods Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2007 (Björn Sandahl 070912)
Social Media in Sport: Evidence-Based Perspectives Gashaw Abeza & Jimmy Sanderson (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2024 (review in English by Anna Adlwarth, published 241129)
Social Psychology in Sport Sophia Jowett & David Lavallee (red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2006 (Jesper Thiborg 080220)
Social Psychology of Exercise and Sport, The Martin Hagger & Nikos Chatzisarantis Maidenhead, Berks.: Open University Press/McGraw Hill Education 2005 (Frans Oddner 051130)
Social Sciences in Sport Joseph Maguire (red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2014 (Alan Bairner 140930)
Social Support for Physical Activity Among Adolescents Sofia Bunke Lund: Lund University, Department of Psychology 2011 (Kirsten Kaya Roessler 120125)
Det sociala ledarskapet Johan von Essen & Martin Börjeson Stockholm: RiksidrottsFörbundet 2007 (Thomas Persson 080319)
Sociocultural Examinations of Sports Concussions Matt Ventresca & Mary G. McDonald (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2020 (review in English by Tobias Stark, published 210302)
Sociology for Physical Education and Sports Coaching Richard L. Light & Steve Georgakis Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2023 (review in English by Jan Ove Tangen, published 231110)
A Sociology of Football in a Global Context Jamie Cleland Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Torbjörn Andersson 160824)
Sociology of North American Sports: 8th Edition D. Stanley Eitzen & George H. Sage Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers 2009 (Steven Connolley & Jon Helge Lesjø 090923)
Sociology of Sport: Vol I: Core Theories and Perspectives; Vol II: Social Divisions and Conflicts in Sport; Vol III: Social Identities and Sites of Sport; Vol IV: Sport and Globalization Richard Giulianotti (red) London: Sage Publications 2011 (Bo Carlsson 120919)
Sociology of Sport and Social Theory Earl Smith (red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2010 (Inge Kryger Pedersen 111012)
Sociology of Sports: An Introduction, The Tim Delaney & Tim Madigan Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2009 (Jan O. Tangen 091021)
Softpower, Soccer, Supremacy: The Chinese Dream J.A. Mangan, Peter Horton & Christian Tagsold (ed.) Oxford, Oxon: Peter Lang Publishing 2020 (review in English by Oliver Rick, published 230602)
Som vem som helst: Kön, funktionalitet och idrottande kroppar Elisabet Apelmo Göteborg: Daidalos 2013 (Marie Larneby 131101)
Sorry I Don’t Dance: Why Men Refuse to Move Maxine Leeds Craig Oxford: Oxford University Press 2014 (Torun Mattsson 150618)
Souled Out? How Blacks are Winning and Losing in Sports Shaun Powell Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2008 (Wendy Varney 090902)
South Africa and the Global Game: Football, Apartheid and Beyond Peter Alegi & Chris Bolsmann (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Daniel Alsarve 120418)
Spanish Football and Social Change: Sociological Investigations Ramón Llopis-Goig London: Palgrave Macmillan 2015 (review by Matti Goksøyr, published 190509)
”Spela fotboll bondjävlar!”: En studie av svensk klubbkultur och lokal identitet från 1950 till 2000-talets början. Del 1 Helsingborg, Landskrona, Malmö, Listerlandet, Växjö och Göteborg Torbjörn Andersson Stehag: Symposion 2011 (Matti Goksøyr 120418)
”Spela fotboll bondjävlar!”: Svensk klubbkultur och lokal identitet från 1950 till 2000-talets början Torbjörn Andersson Stehag: Östlings Bokförlag Symposion 2016 (Matti Goksøyr 170308)
Spela vidare: En antologi om vad som får unga att fortsätta idrotta Johan R. Norberg et al Stockholm: Centrum för idrottsforskning 2013 (Jonny Hjelm 130911)
Spelarutveckling: Ett helhetsperspektiv Johan Fallby Solna: Svenska FotbollFörlaget 2006 (Anders Halling 061115)
Spelet på fältet: Relationen mellan ämnet idrott och hälsa i gymnasieskolan och idrott på fritid Mikael Londos Malmö: Malmö högskola 2010 (Øyvind Førland Standal 101013)
Spelförståelse och kommunikationsförmåga: En fenomenografisk studie över hur elittränare i fotboll söker bekräftelse på om spelare har förstått andemeningen i en instruktion Per Ohlsson Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication 2019 (review in Swedish by Anders Östnäs, published 211214)
Spenningssøkingens sosialitet: En sosiologisk undersøkelse av verdisystem i risikosport Tommy Langseth Oslo: Norges idrettshøgskole 2012 (Åke Nilsén 131129)
Spillet om FCK Christian Thye-Petersen & Kasper Steenbach København: JP Bøger 2002 (review in Swedish by Mattias Andersson, published 030706)
Sponsorship: For a Return on Investment Guy Masterman Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2007 (Viktor Magnusson )
Sport Colin McGinn Durham, Co. Durham: Acumen Publishing 2008 (Gunnar Breivik 100512)
Sport 2.0: Transforming Sports for a Digital World Andy Miah Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press 2017 (Anne Tjønndal 180601)
Sport: A Critical Sociology Richard GiulianottiCambridge: Polity Press 2005 (Kutte Jönsson 050606)
Sport: Race, Ethnicity and Identity: Building Global Understanding Daryl Adair (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Helge Chr. Pedersen 140131)
Sport, Active Leisure and Youth Cultures Peter Bramham & Jayne Caudwell (red) Eastbourne: Leisure Studies Association 2005 (Kristin Fransson 070829)
Sport, Alcohol and Social Inquiry: A Global Cocktail Sarah Gee (red) Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing 2020 (review in English by Alan Bairner, published 201119)
Sport, Beer, and Gender: Promotional Culture and Contemporary Social Life Lawrence A. Wenner & Steven J. Jackson (red) Bern: Peter Lang Publishing Group 2008 (Peter Dahlén 100217)
Sport, Coaching and Intellectual Disability David Hassan, Sandra Dowling & Roy McConkey (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Anders Östnäs 150923)
Sport, Culture and Advertising: Identities, Commodities and the Politics of Representation Steven J. Jackson & David L. Andrews (red) Oxford: Routledge 2005 (Peter Dahlén 070328)
Sport, Culture and History: Region, Nation and Globe Brian Stoddart Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Christer Ericsson 100127)
Sport, Culture and Society: An Introduction Grant Jarvie Oxford: Routledge 2006 (Henning Eichberg 060830)
Sport, Dance and Embodied Identities Noel Dyck & Eduardo P. Archetti (eds) Oxford: Berg Publishers 2003 (Lis Engel & Helle Winther 040831)
Sport, Ethics and Leadership Jack Bowen, Ronald S. Katz, Jeffrey R. Mitchell, Donald J. Polden & Richard Walden Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Shawn E. Klein 181003)
Sport, Exercise and Environmental Physiology Thomas Reilly & Jim Waterhouse London: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone 2005 (Björn Ekblom 050517)
Sport, Exercise and Environmental Physiology Thomas Reilly & Jim Waterhouse London: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone 2005 (Peter Schantz 060412)
Sport, Film and National Culture Seán Crosson (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021 (review in English by Garry Whannel, published 221121)
Sport, Gender and Mega-Events Katherine Dashper (ed.) Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing 2022 (review in English by Sepandarmaz Mashreghi, published 231013)
Sport, Gender and Power: The Rise of Roller Derby. Gender, Bodies and Transformation Adele Pavlidis & Simone Fullagar Aldershot, Hamps.: Ashgate Publishing 2014 (Greta Bladh 151028)
Sport, Globalisation and Identity: New Perspectives on Regions and Nations Jim O’Brien, Russell Holden & Xavier Ginesta (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Christer Ericsson, published 240404)
Sport, Health and Drugs: A Critical Sociological Perspective Ivan Waddington London: E & FN Spon 2000 (David Hoff 040518)
Sport, Leisure and Social Justice Jonathan Long, Thomas Fletcher & Beccy Watson (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Ørnulf Seippel 180125)
Sport, Masculinities and the Body Ian Wellard Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (Jesper Fundberg 111012)
Sport, Media and Mega-Events Lawrence A. Wenner & Andrew C. Billings (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Henk Erik Meier 171020)
Sport, Media and Society Eileen Kennedy & Laura Hills Oxford: Berg Publishers 2009 (Göran Eriksson 100421)
Sport, Medicine and Health: The Medicalization of Sport? Dominic Malcolm Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (review by Anne Tjønndal, published 190510)
Sport, Medicine, Ethics Mike McNamee Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Åke Andrén-Sandberg 170315)
Sport, medier og journalistikk: Med fotballandslaget til EM Knut HellandOslo: Fagbokforlaget 2003 (Göran Eriksson 051005)
Sport, Mental Illness, and Sociology Michael Atkinson (red) Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing 2019 (review in English by Frida Wågan, published 210831)
Sport, Militarism and the Great War: Martial Manliness and Armageddon Thierry Terret & J.A. Mangan (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (recension 130530)
Sport, Performance and Sustainability Daniel Svensson, Erik Backman, Susanna Hedenborg & Sverker Sörlin (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2023 (review in English by Benjamin Mole, published 240312)
Sport, Philosophy, and Good Lives Randolph Feezell Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press 2013 (Kutte Jönsson 140604)
Sport, Play, and Ethical Reflection Randolph Feezell Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2006 (Kutte Jönsson 080305)
Sport, Politics and Society in the Arab World Mahfoud Amara Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2012 (Halvdan Haugsbakken 121031)
Sport, Politics and Society in the Land of Israel: Past and Present Yair Galily & Amir Ben-Porat (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (Hans Bolling 111012)
Sport. Politics, and Society in the Middle East Danyel Reiche & Tamir Sorek (red) London: Hurst Publishers 2019 (review in English by Dan-Erik Andersson, published 200312)
Sport, Professionalism and Pain: Ethnographies of Injury and Pain P. David Howe London: Routledge 2004 (Rolf Jonsson 040620)
Sport, Protest and Globalisation: Stopping Play Jon Dart & Stephen Wagg (red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2016 (Russell Holden 170921)
Sport, Public Broadcasting and Cultural Citizenship: Signal Lost? Jay Scherer & David Rowe (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Britt-Mari Ringfjord 140610)
Sport, Race and Ethnicity: The Scope of Belonging Katie Liston & Paddy Dolan (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Helge Chr. Pedersen 160121)
Sport, Representation and Evolving Identities in Europe Philip Dine & Seán Crosson (red) Bern: Peter Lang Publishing Group 2010 (Christer Ericsson 120307)
Sport, Revolution and the Beijing Olympics Grant Jarvie, Dong-Jhy Hwang & Mel Brennan Oxford: Berg Publishers 2008 (Daniel Arvidsson 080606)
Sport, Rhetoric, and Political Struggle Daniel A. Grano & Michael L. Butterworth (ed.) Oxford, Oxon: Peter Lang Publishing 2019 (review in English by Alan Bairner, published 230417)
Sport, Rhetoric and Gender: Historical Perspectives and Media Representations Linda K. Fuller (red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2006 (Ingela Kolfjord 070214)
Sport, Rules and Values: Philosophical Investigations into the Nature of Sport Graham McFeeLondon: Routledge 2004 (Kutte Jönsson 050222)
Sport, Sexualities and Queer/Theory Jayne Caudwell (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (Terry Goldie 080917)
Sport, Social Media, and Digital Technology: Sociological Approaches Jimmy Sanderson (ed.) Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing 2022 (review in English by Stian Røsten, Anne Tjønndal, Sigbjørn Børreson Skirbekk, Frida Austmo Wågan & Egil Trasti Rogstad, published 221220)
Sport, sundhed og identitet Laila Ottesen et al København: Frydenlund 2009 (Pia Lundquist Wanneberg 100901)
Sport, Technology and the Body: The Nature of Performance Tara Magdalinski Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (Wendy Varney 100901)
Sport, Theory and Social Problems: A Critical Introduction Eric Anderson Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (David Hoff 111012)
Sport, Theory and Social Problems: A Critical Introduction (Second Edition) Eric Anderson & Adam White Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (Anne Tjønndal 180614)
Sport, Violence and Society Kevin Young Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (David Wästerfors 121010)
Sport and Adventure Tourism Simon Hudson(red) Binghampton, NY.: Haworth Press 2003 (Bosse Carlsson 040620)
Sport and Alcohol: An ethical perspective Carwyn Rh. Jones Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2016 (Kutte Jönsson 170524)
Sport and American Society: Exceptionalism, Insularity and ‘Imperialism’ Mark Dyreson & J.A. Mangan (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (Tobias Stark 121204)
Sport and Challenges to Racism Jonathan Long & Karl Spracklen (red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2011 (Christian Widholm 111123)
Sport and Character: Reclaiming the Principles of Sportmanship Craig Clifford & Randolph M. Feezell Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2010 (Ørnulf Seippel 101124)
Sport and Corporate Nationalisms Michael L. Silk, David L. Andrews & C.L. Cole (red) Oxford: Berg Publishers 2004 (Annika Eliasson 051019)
Sport and Crime Reduction: The Role of Sports in Tackling Youth Crime Geoff Nichols Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (Ingela Kolfjord 080206)
Sport and Discrimination in Europe William Gasparini & Clotilde Talleu (red) Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing 2010 (Anders Östnäs 110420)
Sport and Exercise Psychology: International Perspectives Tony Morris, Peter Terry & Sandy Gordon (red) Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2007 (Magnus Lindwall 080123)
Sport and Exercise Psychology Joanne Thatcher, Melissa Day & Rachel Rahman London: Sage Publications 2011 (Sofia Bunke 130409)
Sport and Gender Identities: Masculinities, Femininities and Sexualities Cara Carmichael Aitchison (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (Gunlög Fur 071107)
Sport and Health: Exploring the Current State of Play Daniel Parnell & Peter Krustrup (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (Katarina Sjögren Forss 181018)
Sport and International Relations: An Emerging Relationship Roger Levermore & Adrian Budd London: Frank Cass 2004 (Annika Eliasson 040914)
Sport and Migration: Borders, Boundaries and Crossings Joseph Maguire & Mark Falcous (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Isabella Grujoska 111012)
Sport and Modern Social Theorists: Theorizing Homo Ludens Richard Giulianotti(red) Basingstoke: Palgrave 2004 (Mats Franzén 050308)
Sport and Modernity Richard Gruneau Cambridge, Cambs.: Polity Press 2017 (Alan Bairner 180904)
Sport and Moral Conflict: A Conventionalist Theory William J. Morgan Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press 2020 (review in English by Shawn E. Klein, published 201217)
Sport and National Identity in the Post-War World Adrian Smith & Dilwyn Porter (red) London: Routledge 2004 (Johnny Wijk 041123)
Sport and Neoliberalism: Politics, Consumption, and Culture David L. Andrews & Michail L. Silk (red) Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press 2012 (Russell Holden 161013)
Sport and Physical Activity: The Role of Health Promotion Jacqueline Merchant, Barbara L. Griffin & Anne Charnock (red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2007 (Jørn Hansen 081126)
Sport and Physical Activity across the Life Span: Critical Perspectives Rylee A. Dionigi & Michael Gard (red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2018 (Mark Brooke 180607)
Sport and Postcolonialism John Bale & Mike Cronin (red) Oxford: Berg Publishers 2002 (Annika Eliasson 040504)
Sport and Public Policy: Social, Political and Economic Perspectives Charles A. Santo & Gerard C.S. Mildner (red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2010 (Anders Östnäs 131120)
Sport and Secessionism Mariann Vaczi & Alan Bairner (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021 (review in English by Matti Goksøyr, published 230331)
Sport and Social Capital Matthew Nicholson & Russell Hoye (red) Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2008 (Thomas Persson 091007)
Sport and Social Entrepreneurship in Sweden Tomas Peterson & Katarina Schenker (red) (Translated by Staffan Klinborg) London: Palgrave Macmillan 2018 (Anne Tjønndal 180913)
Sport and Social Exclusion Michael F. Collins London: Routledge 2002 (Anders Östnäs 031209)
Sport and Social Exclusion: Second Edition Mike Collins & Tess Kay Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Anne Tjønndal 150305)
Sport and Social Exclusion in Global Society Ramón Spaaij, Jonathan Magee & Ruth Jeanes Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Anders Östnäs 150408)
Sport and Social Identities John Harris & Andrew Parker (red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2009 (Mats Franzén 100606)
Sport and Social Mobility: Crossing Boundaries Ramón Spaaij Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2013 (Mats Franzén 161103)
Sport and Social Movements: From the Local to the Global Jean Harvey & et al. London: Bloomsbury 2014 (Anne Tjønndal 180201)
Sport & Society: A student introduction Barrie Houlihan (red) London: Sage Publications 2003 (Bosse Carlsson 031111)
Sport and Society: 3rd Edition Barrie Houlihan & Dominic Malcolm (red) London: Sage Publications 2016 (Jay Coakley 170127)
Sport and Society: History, Power and Culture Graham Scambler Maidenhead, Berks.: Open University Press 2005 (Joakim Åkesson 060315)
Sport and Society in the Global Age Timothy Marjoribanks & Karen Farquharson Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2012 (Malcolm MacLean 160601)
The Sport and Society Reader David Karen & Robert E. Washington (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Lars-Erik Alkvist 110126)
Sport and Sociology Dominic Malcolm Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Lars-Erik Alkvist 130516)
Sport and Spectacle in the Ancient World Donald G. Kyle Oxford, Oxon.: Blackwell Publishers 2007 (Hans Bolling 070228)
Sport and Sustainable Development: An Introduction Stavros Triantafyllidis & Cheryl Mallen (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Daniel Svensson, published 221018)
Sport and the British World, 1900–1930: Amateurism and National Identity in Australasia and Beyond Erik Nielsen Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2014 (Hans Bolling 150612)
Sport and the English 1918–1939 Mike Huggins & Jack Williams London: Routledge 2006 (Nils-Olof Zethrin 060830)
Sport and the Environment: Politics and Preferred Futures Brian Wilson & Brad Millington (red) Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing 2020 (review in English by Daniel Svensson, published 210310)
Sport and the Female Disabled Body Elisabet Apelmo Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Anne-Merete Kissow 180907)
Sport and the Law Edward Grayson London: Butterworths 1994 (Bosse Carlsson 030622)
Sport and the Literary Imagination: Essays in history, literature, and sport Jeffrey Hill Bern: Peter Lang Publishing Group 2006 (Birger Hedén 071107)
Sport and the Media: Managing the Nexus Matthew Nicholson Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2007 (Knut Helland 080409)
Sport and the Military: The British Armed Forces 1880-1960 Tony Mason & Eliza Riedi Cambridge, Cambs: Cambridge University Press 2010 (Jørn Hansen 111214)
Sport and the Transformation of Modern Europe: States, media and markets 1950–2010 Alan Tomlinson, Christopher Young & Richard Holt (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Christian Widholm 120509)
Sport & Tourism: A Reader Mike Weed (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Christian Widholm 090606)
Sport and Tourism: Globalization, Mobility and Identity James Higham & Tom Hinch Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2009 (Christian Widholm 100127)
Sport and Violence: A Critical Examination of Sport Lynn M. Jamieson & Thomas J. Orr Oxford, Oxon: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2009 (David Cardell 101103)
Sport and Women: Social Issues in International Perspective Ilse Hartmann-Tews & Gertrud Pfister (red) London: Routledge 2002 (Håkan Larsson 030921)
Sport as a Means of Responding to Social Problems: Rationales of Government, Welfare and Social Change David Ekholm Linköping: Linköping University 2016 (Alan Bairner 171122)
Sport as History: Essays in Honor of Wray Vamplew Tony Collins (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Johnny Wijk 111214)
Sport as Social Policy: Midnight Football and the Governing of Society David Ekholm & Magnus Dahlstedt Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2023 (review in English by Comfort Ankunda & Robert Menge, published 240611)
Sport as Symbol: Images of the Athlete in Art, Literature and Song Mari WomackJefferson, NC, and London: McFarlane 2003 (Birger Hedén 050322)
The Sport Business Future Aaron Smith & Hans Westerbeek London: Palgrave Macmillan 2004 (Bo Carlsson 041214)
Sport Business in the Global Marketplace Hans Westerbeek & Aaron Smith London: Palgrave Macmillan 2003 (Bosse Carlsson 031125)
Sport Consumer Behaviour: Marketing Strategies Daniel C. Funk, Kostas Alexandris & Heath McDonald Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2023 (review in English by Viktor Magnusson, published 240214)
Sport Education: International Perspectives Peter Hastie (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Gunn Nyberg 131031)
Sport Ethnography Robert R. Sands Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics (Magnus Wikdahl 040406)
Sport Facility Management: Organizing Events and Mitigating Risks RobertAmmon, Jr., Richard M. Southall & David A. Blair Morgantown, WV.: Fitness Information Technology (Bo Carlsson 041012)
Sport Facing the Test of Cultural Diversity William Gasparini & Aurélie Cometti (red) Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing 2010 (Anders Östnäs 110420)
Sport Finance: Second Edition Gil Fried, Steven J. Shapiro & Timothy D. DeSchriver Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2008 (Hans Lundberg 110330)
Sport for all’ in new settings: A study of the Norwegian Confederation of Sports’ Sport for All projects in Tanzania in the 1980s and Zimbabwe in the 1990s Solveig Straume Oslo: Norges idrettshøgskole 2013 (Henning Eichberg 140321)
Sport Funding and Finance Bob Stewart Oxford, Oxon: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2007 (Björn Anders Larsson 100421)
Sport Governance Russell Hoye & Graham Cuskelly Oxford, Oxon: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2007 (Josef Fahlén 100901)
Sport Governance: International Case Studies Ian O’Boyle & Trish Bradbury (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2013 (Hallgeir Gammelsæter 150409)
Sport Heritage Gregory Ramshaw (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Christian Widholm 151118)
Sport Histories: Figurational Studies of the Development of Modern Sport Eric Dunning, Dominic Malcolm & Ivan Waddington London: Routledge 2004 (Torbjörn Andersson 040914)
Sport History: The Basics Gerald R. Gems Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021 (review in English by Jens Ljunggren, published 220307)
Sport in a Changing World Howard L. Nixon II Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers 2008 (Hallgeir Gammelsæter 090606)
Sport in Aotearoa New Zealand: Contested Terrain Damion Sturm & Roslyn Kerr (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Rod Philpott, published 221216)
Sport in Australian National Identity: Kicking Goals Tony Ward Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Johnny Wijk 110309)
Sport in Capitalist Society: A Short History Tony Collins Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2013 (Tobias Stark 140207)
Sport in Consumer Culture John Horne Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2006 (Bo Carlsson 060503)
Sport in Contemporary Society: An Anthology D. Stanley Eitzen(red) Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publisher 2004 (Anders Östnäs 050118)
Sport in Films Emma Poulton & Martin Roderick (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Peter Dahlén 101215)
Sport in History: An Introduction Jeffrey Hill Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2011 (Hans Bolling 110420)
Sport in Iceland: How Small Nations Achieve International Success Vidar Halldorsson Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Eivind Å. Skille 171115)
Sport in Ireland, 1600-1840 James Kelly Dublin: Four Courts Press 2014 (Connie Ann Kirk 150129)
Sport in Prison: Exploring the role of physical activity in correctional settings Rosie Meek Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Lars-Erik Alkvist 140326)
Sport in the City: Cultural Connections Michael P. Sam & John E. Hughson (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Karin Book 120919)
Sport in the Lives of Young Australians Richard Light Sydney: Sydney University Press 2008 (Susanna Hedenborg 100606)
Sport in the Pacific: Colonial and Postcolonial Consequences C. Richard King (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Hans Bolling 181220)
Sport in the USSR: Physical Culture – Visual Culture Mike O’Mahony London: Reaktion Books 2006 (Kristian Gerner 060927)
Sport Law: A Managerial Approach Linda A. Sharp, Anita M. Moorman & Cathryn L. Claussen Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway 2006 (Bo Carlsson 070131)
Sport Law: A Managerial Approach (2nd ed.) Linda A. Sharp, Anita M. Moorman & Cathryn L. Claussen Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway 2010 (Jyri Backman 110216)
Sport Management George B. Cunningham (red) Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar 2013 (Josef Fahlén 141030)
Sport Management Cultures Vassil Girginov (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Cecilia Stenling 120307)
Sport Management: Del 1. Idrottens organisationer i en svensk kontext Åsa Bäckström, Karin Book, Bo Carlsson & PG Fahlström (red) Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2018 (review in Danish by Søren Bennike, published 191003)
Sport Management: Del 2. Styrning och samhällsengagemang inom svensk idrott Åsa Bäckström, Karin Book, Bo Carlsson & PG Fahlström (ed.) Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2019 (review in Swedish by Julius Zackarias Strömberg, published 221207)
Sport Management: Del 3. Idrottens marknader och konsumtionskultur Åsa Bäckström, Karin Book, Bo Carlsson & PG Fahlström (ed.) Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2020 (review in Swedish by Julius Zackarias Strömberg, published 221207)
Sport Management: Principles and Applications Russell Hoye et al Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann 2005 (Hans Lundberg 061213)
Sport Management: Principles and Applications (Second Edition) Russell Hoye et al Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2009 (Per Göran Fahlström 091021)
Sport Marketing Anders Ericsson & Jonas Persson Stockholm: JPC 2013 (Gun Normark 150113)
Sport Marketing: Third Edition Bernard J. Mullin, Stephen Hardy & William A. Sutton Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2007 (Björn Anders Larsson 071212)
Sport Marketing in the New Millenium: Selected Papers from the Third Annual Conference of the Sport Marketing Association Brenda G. Pitts (red) Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2007 (Hans Lundberg 071024)
Sport Marketing Paul Blakey London: Sage Publications 2011 (Björn Anders Larsson 131011)
The Sport Marriage: Women Who Make It Work Steven M. Ortiz Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2020 (review in English by Anne Tjønndal, published 220525)
Sport Media Vectors: Gender and Diversity, Reconstructing the Field Laurel Walzak, Danica Vidotto & Francesco Collura (eds.) Champaign, IL: Common Ground 2023 (review in English by Christoph Wagner, published 241002)
Sport Migrants, Precarity and Identity: Brazilian Footballers in Central and Eastern Europe José Hildo de Oliveira Filho Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2024 (review in English by Jan Andre Lee Ludvigsen, published 241009)
Sport och medier: En introduktion Peter Dahlén Kristiansand: IJ-forlaget 2008 (Göran Eriksson 090325)
Sport og etik: En moralfilosofisk analyse af sporten Rasmus Bysted Møller Århus: Aarhus Universitet 2013 (Gunnar Breivik 140411)
Sport og etik: En moralfilosofisk analyse af sporten Rasmus Bysted Møller Århus: Aarhus Universitet 2013 (Henning Eichberg 140411)
Sport og motion i danskernes hverdag Maja Pilgaard København: Idrættens Analyseinstitut 2009 (Mikael Londos 110511)
Sport Past and Present in South Africa: (Trans)forming the Nation Scarlet Cornelissen & Albert Grundlingh (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Hans Bolling 120418)
Sport Physiology for Coaches Brian J. Sharkey & Steven E. Gaskill Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2006 (Torsten Buhre 060913)
Sport Policy: A Comparative Analysis of Stability and Change Nils Asle Bergsgard & al Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2007 (Mats Franzén 080305)
Sport Policy and Development: An Introduction Daniel Bloyce & Andy Smith Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Anders Östnäs 100217)
Sport Policy and Governance: Local Perspectives Neil King Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2009 (Ørnulf Seippel 091021)
Sport Policy Systems and Sport Federations: A Cross-National Perspective Jeroen Scheerder, Annick Willem & Elien Claes (red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2017 (Hallgeir Gammelsæter 180222)
Sport Promotion and Sales Management: Second Edition Richard L. Irwin, William A. Sutton & Larry M. McCarthy Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2008 (Viktor Magnusson 090225)
The Sport Psych Handbook: A Complete Guide to Today’s Best Mental Training Techniques Shane Murphy (red) Champaign, IL.: Human Kinetics 2005 (Sverker Bengtsson 051214)
Sport Psychology: Concepts and Application (Sixth Ed.) Richard H. Cox Dubuque, IA: McGraw Hill 2006 (Sverker Bengtsson 070418)
Sport Psychology: Contemporary Themes David Lavallee et al London: Macmillan 2003 (Per Eisele 031209)
Sport Psychology: Contemporary Themes (Second Edition) David Lavallee, John Kremer, Aidan Moran & Mark Williams Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2012 (Magnus Lindwall 121010)
Sport Psychology: The Basics David Tod Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Andreas Ivarsson 150902)
Sport Psychology for Coaches Damon Burton & Thomas D. Raedeke Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2008 (Sverker Bengtsson 090408)
Sport Psychology for Youth Coaches: Developing Champions in Sports and Life Ronald E. Smith & Frank L. Smoll Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2012 (Johan Fallby 170316)
Sport Psychology in Practice Mark B. Andersen (red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2005 (Sverker Bengtsson 060517)
Sport Public Relations: Managing Organizational Communication G. Clayton Stoldt, Stephen W. Dittmore & Scott E. Branvold Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2006 (Hans Lundberg 061213)
Sport på dansk tv: En analyse af samspillet mellem sport og dansk tv, 1993–2005 Martin Hedal København: Idrættens Analyseinstitut 2006 (Marit Nybelius 071003)
Sport Realism: A Law-Inspired Theory of Sport Aaron Harper Lanham, MD: Lexington Books 2022 (review in English by Gunnar Breivik, published 230418)
Sport Sociology: Second Edition Peter Craig & Paul Beedie (red) London: Sage Publications 2010 (Lars-Erik Alkvist 140116)
Sport Sociology: 3rd Edition Peter Craig London: Sage Publications 2016 (Jay Coakley 170127)
The Sport Star: Modern Sport and the Cultural Economy of Sporting Celebrity Barry Smart London: SAGE Publications 2005 (John Hellström 060301)
Sport Startups: New Advances in Entrepreneurship Vanessa Ratten Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing 2020 (review in English by Daniel Bjärsholm, published 240326)
The Sport Studies Reader Alan Tomlinson (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (Inge Kryger Pedersen 071024)
Sport Studies Barbara Bell London: Sage Publications 2009 (Owe Stråhlman 140509)
Sport Teams, Fans, and Twitter: The Influence of Social Media on Relationships and Branding Brandi Watkins Lanham, MD: Lexington Books 2019 (review in English by Lise Joern, published 200318)
Sport Tourism Douglas Michele Turco, Roger S. Riley & Kamilla Swart Morgantown, West Virginia: Fitness Information Technology 2002 (Bosse Carlsson 040518)
Sport Tourism and Sustainable Destinations Brent D. Moyle, Tom D. Hinch & James E. S. Higham (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (review by Aage Radmann, published 190905)
Sport Tourism Destinations: Issues, Opportunities and Analysis James Higham (red) Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2004 (Mia Larson 060412)
Sport Tourism Development Thomas Hinch & James Higham Clevedon: Channel View 2004 (Bo Carlsson 041109)
Sport Tourism: Interrelationships, Impacts and Issues Brent W. Ritchie & Daryl Adair (red) Clevedon: Channel View 2004 (Bo Carlsson 041109)
Sport under  Communism: Behind the East German ‘Miracle’ Mike Dennis & Jonathan Grix Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2012 (Kristian Gerner 121211)
Sport’s Relationship with Other Leisure Industries: Historical Perspectives Dion Georgiou & Benjamin Litherland (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (review in English by Anne Tjønndal, published 210209)
A Sport-Loving Society: Victorian and Edwardian Middle-Class England at Play J. A. Mangan (red) London: Routledge 2005 (Åsa Änghede 060517)
Sport—Commerce—Culture: Essays on Sport in Late Capitalist America David L. Andrews Bern: Peter Lang Publishing Group 2006 (Daniel Arvidsson 090520)
(Sporten): En idéhistorisk studie Rune Slagstad Oslo: Pax Forlag 2008 (Arve Hjelseth 090429)
Sportens forførende skønhed – en antologi om sport og æstetik Verner Møller & Jørgen Povlsen (red) Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2003 (Helle Winther 031009)
Sportig ABC-bok Åsa Sandell & Malin Norlander (bild) Lerum: Idus Förlag 2020 (review in Swedish by Emma Tornborg, published 210122)
Sporting Cultures: Global Perspectives Nick Piercey & Samantha-Jayne Oldfield (eds.) Manchester, UK: MMU Sport and Leisure History 2019 (review in English by Björn Sandahl, published 200924)
Sporting Dystopias: The making and meanings of urban sports culture Ralph C. Wilcox et al Albany, N.Y.: University of New York Press 2003 (Mats Franzén 040127)
The Sporting Exception in European Union Law Richard Parrish & Samuli Miettinen Haag: TCM Asser Press 2008 (Bo Carlsson 090520)
Sporting Females: Critical issues in the history and sociology of women’s sports Jennifer Hargreaves Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (1994) (review in Swedish by Christian Widholm, published 191121)
Sporting Gender: Women Athletes and Celebrity-Making during China’s National Crisis, 1931–45 Yunxiang Gao Vancouver, BC: UBC Press 20113 (Hans Bolling 140827)
Sporting Lives: Metaphor and Myth in American Sports Autobiographies James W. Pipkin Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press 2008 (John Hellström 091125)
Sporting Lives Dave Day (red) Crewe, Ches.: MMU Institute for Performance Research 2011 (review in English by John S. Hellström, published 210421)
Sporting Realities: Critical Readings of the Sports Documentary Samantha N. Sheppard & Travis Vogan (red) Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press 2020 (review in English by Garry Whannel, published 210618)
Sporting Sounds: Relationships Between Sport and Music Anthony Bateman & John Bale (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (David Cardell 091125)
Sportista: Female Fandom in the United States Andrei S. Markovits & Emily K. Albertson Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press 2012 (Lise Joern 140214)
Sportsmanagement: Ledelse og kommercialisering i sportsbranchen Kenneth Cortsen, Michael Hehr & Renate Nielsen København: Hans Reitzels Forlag 2021 (review in Danish by Allan Bennich Grønkjær, published 220120)
Sports, Inc.: 100 Years of Sports Business Phil Schaaf Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books 2004 (Peter Dahlén 051005)
Sports, Virtues and Vices: Morality Plays Mike McNamee Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Bo Carlsson 091216)
Sports: The First Five Millennia Allen GuttmannAmherts, Boston: University of Massachusetts Press 2004 (Anders Östnäs 050517)
Sports: Why People Love Them! Tim Delaney & Tim Madigan Lanham, MD: University Press of America 2009 (Jan O. Tangen 110608)
Sports and City Marketing in European Cities Leo van den Berg & Alexander H.J. Otgaar Aldershot: Ashgate 2002 (Bosse Carlsson 030819)
Sports and Recreational Activities Dale Mood, Frank Musker & Judith Rink Dubuque, IA: McGraw Hill 2006 (Jan-Eric Ekberg 070328)
Sports and Christianity: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives Nick J. Watson & Andrew Parker (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2013 (Erkki Vettenniemi 140226)
Sports and the Racial Divide: African American and Latino Experience in an Era of Change Michael E. Lomax (red) Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi 2011 (Halvdan Haugsbakken 111123)
Sports and Their Fans: The History, Economics and Culture of the Relationship Between Spectator and Sport Kevin G. Quinn Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2009 (Lise Joern 091111)
The Sports Book: The sports, the rules, the tactics, the techniques Ray Stubbs (red) London: DK Books 2011 (Mikael Londos 111123)
Sports Charity and Gendered Labour Catherine Palmer Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing 2021 (review in English by Solveig Straume, published 230614)
Sports Cinema – 100 Movies: The Best of Hollywood’s Athletic Heroes, Losers, Myths, and Misfits Randy Williams Pomton Plains, NJ: Limelight Editions 2006 (Peter Dahlén 081112)
The Sports Coach as Educator: Re-conceptualising Sports Coaching Robyn L. Jones (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2006 (Claes Annerstedt 071212)
Sports Coaching Cultures: From Practice to Theory Robyn Jones, Kathleen Armour & Paul Potrac London: Routledge 2004 (Per Göran Fahlström 041214)
Sports Crazy: How sports are sabotaging American schools Steven J. Overman Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi 2019 (review in English by Marie Larneby, published 220427)
Sports Culture: An A–Z guide Ellis Cashmore London: Routledge 2003 (Bosse Carlsson 031111)
Sports Development: Policy, Process and Practice (Second Edition) Kevin Hylton & Peter Bramham (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Paul Sjöblom 090311)
Sports Diplomacy: Origins, Theory and Practice Stuart Murray Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (Kristian Gerner 190130)
Sports Diplomacy: Sports in the Diplomatic Activities of States and Non-State Actors Michał Marcin Kobierecki Lanham, MD: Lexington Books 2020 (review in English by Kristian Gerner, published 220908)
Sports Economics: Theory, Evidence and Policy Paul Downward, Alistair Dawson & Trudo Dejonghe Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2009 (Björn Anders Larsson 091021)
Sports Economics for Non-Economists Wray Vamplew Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Mads Skauge, published 230516)
Sports Economics Uncut Brian Goff Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar 2018 (review in English by Harry Arne Solberg, published 210924)
Sports Ethics. An Anthology John Boxill (red) Oxford: Blackwell 2002 (Kutte Jönsson 030819)
Sports Facilities and Technologies Peter Culley & John Pascoe Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (Sven-Åke Wikers 110126)
Sports Fan Violence in North America Jerry M. Lewis Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2007 (Torbjörn Andersson 081015)
Sports Fans, Identity and Socialization: Exploring the Fandemonium Adam C. Earnheardt, Paul M. Haridakis & Barbara S. Hugenberg (red) Lanham, MD: Lexington Books 2010 (Lise Joern 121214)
The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance David Epstein New York: Current (The Penguin Group) 2013 (Håvard Bergesen Dalen 150416)
Sports Geography (2nd ed.) John Bale London: Routledge 2003 (Annika Eliasson 031209)
Sports Heroines on Film: A Critical Study of Cinematic Women Athletes, Coaches and Owners Viridiana Lieberman Jefferson, NC: McFarland  (Susan Bandy 160915)
Sports History: A Practical Guide Martin Polley Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2007 (Mats Greiff, Daniel Arvidsson 070418)
Sports in American Life: A History Richard O. Davies Oxford, Oxon.: Blackwell Publishers 2007 (Johnny Wijk 071212)
Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies (Tenth Edition) Jay Coakley Dubuque, IA: McGraw Hill (Higher Education) 2009 (Bill Sund 100310)
Sports Innovation Management Vanessa Ratten Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (Anne Tjønndal 171219)
Sports Journalism: A Multimedia Primer (Second Edition) Rob Steen Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Marit Stub Nybelius 151111)
Sports Journalism: A Practical Introduction Phil Andrews London: SAGE Publications 2005 (Knut Helland 060315)
Sports Journalism: Context and Issues Raymond Boyle London: Sage Publications 2006 (Knut Helland 070502)
Sports Law Michael Beloff, Tim Kerr & Marie Demetrion London: Hart Publishing 1999 (Bosse Carlsson 030622)
Sports Law Simon Gardiner et al London: Cavendish Publishing 1998 (Bosse Carlsson 030622)
Sports Law: 4th Edition Simon Gardiner et al Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Lotta Wendel 130128)
Sports Law and Policy in the European Union Richard Parrish Manchester: Manchester University Press 2003 (Bo Carlsson 040406)
Sports Mania: Essays on Fandom and the Media in the 21st Century Lawrence W. Hugenberg, Paul M. Haridakis & Adam C. Earnheardt (red) Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2008 (James R. Walker 090923)
Sports Marketing Sam Fullerton Dubuque, IA: McGraw Hill 2006 (Björn Anders Larsson 070502)
Sports Media: Reporting, Producing and Planning Brad Schultz Burlington, MA: Elsevier Focal Press 2005 (Marit Nybelius 060315)
Sports Media: Transformation, Integration, Consumption Andrew C. Billings (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Marit Nybelius 120919)
Sports Mega-Events: Social Scientific Analyses of a Global Phenomenon John Horne & Wolfram Manzenreiter (red) Oxford: Blackwell Publishing 2006 (Karin Book 070502)
Sports Officials and Officiating: Science and Practice Clare MacMahon & et al Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Bente Ovèdie Skogvang 160330)
Sports on Television Alvin H. Marill Westport, CT: Praeger 2009 (Knut Helland 091007)
Sports Psychology: Concepts and Applications S. K. Mangal & Shuhra Mangal Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2024 (review in English by Stuart Carrington, published 240516)
Sports Publicity: A Practical Approach Joseph Favorito Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2007 (Marit Nybelius 081126)
The Sports Show: Athletics as Image and Spectacle David E. Little Minneapolis: Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2012 (Linda Fagerström 130531)
Sports Stories and the Bible Stan Nix Carlsbad, CA: Magnus Press 2003 (Dagmar Dahl 050118)
Sports Talent: How to Identify and Develop Outstanding Athletes Jim Brown Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2001 (Sanna Nordin 090923)
Sports Through the Lens of Economic History Richard Pomfret & John K. Wilson (red) Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar 2016 (Susanna Hedenborg 170301)
Sports Tourism: Participants, Policy and Providers Mike Weed & Chris Bull Oxford: Elsevier 2003 (Bo Carlsson 041109)
Sports-Based Youth Development Daniel F. Perkins & Suzanne Le Menestrel (red) San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass 2007 (Kristin Fransson 081126)
Sports-Talk Radio in America: Its Context and Culture John Mark Dempsey (red) Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Press 2006 (Peter Dahlén 080903)
Sportswomen at the Olympics: A Global Content Analysis of Newspaper Coverage Toni Bruce, Jorid Hovden & Pirkko Markula (red) Rotterdam: Sense Publishers 2010 (Christian Widholm 110511)
SportsWorld: An American Dreamland Robert Lipsyte New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press 2018 (review in Swedish by Anders Östnäs, published 190522)
Sporty Business Anders Hall Grøterud & Geir Jordet Oslo: Hegnar Media 2005 (Magnus Lindwall 060215)
Spring för livet: Löpningsguide för den medvetna kvinnan Sam Murphy (Översättning Mats Andersson) Hestra: Isaberg Förlag 2006 (Katarina Schenker 070314)
Spår: Om brädsportkultur, informella lärprocesser och identitet Åsa Bäckström Stockholm: HLS Förlag 2005 (Kalle Danielsson 051102)
Stadion och Zinkensdamm: Stockholms idrottspublik under två sekler Mats Hellspong Stockholm: Stockholmia förlag 2013 (Jesper Fundberg 150517)
Stadium Design Anja Llorella (red) Köln: Daab 2006 (Jan O. Tangen 061115)
Stakeholder Analysis and Sport Organisations Anna-Maria Strittmatter, Josef Fahlén & Barrie Houlihan (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by H. Thomas R. Persson, published 240919)
Stars, Stripes and Diamonds: American Culture and the Baseball Film Marshall G. Most & Robert Rudd Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2006 (Peter Dahlén 091216)
Statens stöd till idrotten: Uppföljning 2012 Johan R. Norberg Stockholm: Centrum för idrottsforskning 2013 (Jonny Hjelm 130911)
Statens stöd till idrotten: Uppföljning 2017 Johan Norberg Stockholm: Centrum för idrottsforskning 2018 (Jesper Fundberg 181002)
Statens stöd till idrotten: Uppföljning 2021 Johan R. Norberg Stockholm: Centrum för idrottsforskning 2022 (review in Swedish by Björn Anders Larsson, published 221102)
Statens stöd till idrotten: Uppföljning 2022 Johan R. Norberg & Lina Wahlgren Stockholm: Centrum för idrottsforskning 2023 (review in Swedish by Björn Anders Larsson, published 231129)
Stjärnor på flykt: Historien om Hakoah Wien Gunnar PerssonStockholm: Norstedts 2004 (Torbjörn Andersson 050517)
Stockholm United Fotbollsklubb Patrik Asplund Stockholm: Hjalmarsson & Högberg 2002 (Torbjörn Andersson 031111)
Stockholmsolympiaden 1912: Tävlingarna – människorna – staden Hans Bolling & Leif Yttergren (red) Stockholm: Stockholmia förlag 2012 (Jørn Hansen 130206)
The Story of the Giro d’Italia: A Year-by-Year History of the Tour of Italy. Volume One 1909–1970 Bill & Carol McGann Cherokee Village, AR: McGann Publishing 2011 (Bill Sund 120215)
Strategic and Performance Management of Olympic Sport Organisations Jean-Loup Chappelet & Emmanuel Bayle Champaigne, Ill.: Human Kinetics 2004 (Gun Normark 051102)
Strategic Sport Communication Paul M. Pedersen, Kimberly S. Miloch & Pamela C. Laucella Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2007 (Marit Nybelius 080903)
Strategic Sport Marketing (2nd ed.) David Shilbury, Shayne Quick & Hans Westerbeek St Leonard, NSW: Allen & Unwin (Gun Normark 050419)
Strategic Sports Event Management: An International Approach Guy MastermanOxford: Butterworth-Heinemann 2004 (Hans Lundberg 050405)
Strategic Sports Event Management: Olympic Edition Guy Masterman Oxford, Oxon: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2009 (Gun Normark 110330)
Strategies for Inclusion: A Handbook for Physical Educators Lauren J. Lieberman & Cathy Houston-Wilson Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2009 (Anne-Merete Kissow 110126)
Stress, Well-Being, and Performance in Sport Rachel Arnold & David Fletcher (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021 (review in English by Henrik Gustafsson, published 220616)
Striking Distance: Bruce Lee and the Dawn of Martial Arts in America Charles Russo Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press 2016 (Brian Burmeister 160907)
Strong, Beautiful and Modern: National Fitness in Britain, New Zealand, Australia and Canada, 1935–1960 Charlotte Macdonald Vancouver, BC: UBC Press 2013 (Matthew L. McDowell 140514)
Strong Women, Deep Closets: Lesbians and Homophobia in Sport Pat Griffin Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 1998 (Julia Rönnbäck 110921)
Structures Beyond the Frameworks of the Rink: On Organization in Swedish Ice Hockey Josef Fahlén Umeå: Umeå University, University Library 2006 (Ingemar Wedman 070214)
The Struggle for Clean Sports: Anti-doping strategies from 1960 to 2009 Ulrik Wagner København: Institut for Idræt 2009 (David Hoff 110126)
Study Skills for Sports Studies Tara Magdalinski Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2013 (Pia Lundquist Wanneberg 140508)
Studying Football Ellis Cashmore & Kevin Dixon (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2016 (Torbjörn Andersson 180221)
Stå upp när det blåser: Hur lagidrotten kan verka för inkludering mot homofobi och våld Sofia B. Karlsson Saltsjö-boo: Pintxo förlag 2017 (Marie Larneby 171019)
Success and Failure of Countries at the Olympic Games Danyel Reiche Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2016 (Björn Sandahl 170207)
Sudden Death: Dikter Tom Malmquist Stockholm: Wahlström & Widstrand 2007 (Ingrid Elam 070516)
Sundhed i bevægelse: Udfordringer til et begreb Thomas Gjelstrup Bredahl & Charlotte Svendler Nielsen (red) København: Frydenlund 2007 (Håkan Larsson 080423)
Sundhedsapostlen J.P. Müller: Bind 1: Det kropsligt moderne gennembrud 1864–1904 Hans Bonde Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2020 (review in Swedish by Pia Lundquist Wanneberg, published 210218)
Supporter Ownership in English Football: Class, Culture and Politics Chris Porter London: Palgrave Macmillan 2019 (review in English by Arve Hjelseth, published 200221)
Surfing, Sex, Genders and Sexualities lisahunter (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (review in English by Anna Adlwarth, published 210622)
Surfing and the Philosophy of Sport Daniel Brennan Lanham, MD: Lexington Books 2021 (review in English by Gunnar Breivik, published 210624)
Surfing Life: Surface, Substructure and the Commodification of the Sublime Mark Stranger Aldershot, Hamps.: Ashgate Publishing 2011 (Åsa Bäckström 121010)
Sustainability and Sport Jill Savery & Keith Gilbert (red) Champaign, IL: Common Ground 2011 (Karin Book 141010)
Sustainable Olympic Design and Urban Development Adrian Pitts & Hanwen Liao Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (Karin Book 100512)
Svennis krig Peter Wennman Stockholm: Big Bok 2006 (Tobias Olsson 060606)
Svenska hockeyadeln: Hjältarna, händelserna och lagen under 5 decennier Stickan Kenne Saltsjö-Boo: Nygren & Nygren 2017 (review in Swedish by Tobias Stark, published 231004)
Svenska Mästerskapen i friidrott 1896–2005: Medaljörerna, historierna, bilderna Erik Wiger Trångsund: TextoGraf Förlag 2006 (Lennart Persson 070516)
Den svenska sporthjälten: Kontinuitet och förändring i medieberättelsen om den svenska sporthjälten från 1920-talet till idag John S. Hellström Malmö: Bokförlaget 2014 (Ansgar Molzberger 160318)
Swim, Bike, Run, Laugh!: A Lighthearted Look at the Serious Sport of Triathlon and the Ironman Experience Dan Madson Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse 2006 (Camilla Lindholm 061129)
The Swimsuit: Fashion from Poolside to Catwalk Christine Schmidt Oxford: Berg Publishers 2012 (Malcolm MacLean 130523)
Så blir du världens bästa coach för barn- och ungdomsidrott Jim Thompson (Översättning Anette Glad) Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2009 (Per Göran Fahlström 100310)
Så funkar ungdomsfotboll: Om gemenskap och konflikter i världens roligaste sport Fredrik Sundqvist Solna: Svenska FotbollFörlaget 2013 (Thomas Westerberg 140905)


T.T. på språng: En vänbok om Torsten Tegnér Arne Argus (red) Linköping: Hedéns 2007 (Eva Queckfeldt 070829)
Tag på fælleden: Idrættens huse Claus Bøje & Søren Riskjær (red) København: Lokale og Anlægsfonden 2014 (Henning Eichberg 150226)
Take Me Out to the Ball Game: The Story of the Sensational Baseball Song Amy Whorf McGuiggan Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press 2009 (Peter Dahlén 101215)
Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Bioethical Issues Carol Levine (red) Dubuque, IA: McGraw Hill 2006 (Lena Halldenius 061115)
Taking Sport Seriously: Social Issues in Canadian Sport Peter Donnelly (red) Toronto, ON: Thompson Educational Publishing 2011 (Anders Östnäs 110921)
Taking the Field: Women, Men, and Sports Michael A. Messner Minneapolis, MN.: University of Minnesota Press (Peter Dahlén 040620)
Talangutveckling: Motiverande och målinriktad träning för barn och ungdom Britta Riis & Per Boldt Jørgensen (red) (Översättning från danskan av Britt Marie Öland) Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2006 (Torsten Buhre 061115)
Talangutveckling eller talangavveckling? Tomas Peterson Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2011 (Mette Krogh Christensen 120328)
Talent Development, Existential Philosphy and Sport: On becoming an elite athlete Kenneth Aggerholm Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Gunnar Breivik 150910)
Talent Identification: (Un)conscious gold diggers, goldsmiths and gold creators Niels Nygaard Rossing & Christian Meedom Wrang Aalborg: Aalborg University Press 2023 (review in English by Magnus Ferry, published 241029)
Talent Identification and Development in Sport: International Perspectives Joseph Baker, Steve Cobley & Jörg Schorer (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Rune Dall Jensen 140611)
Talent is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else Geoff Colvin London & Boston, MA: Nicholas Brealey Publishing 2008 (Sanna Nordin 090923)
Talented Teenagers: The Roots of Success and Failure Mihaly Csikszentymihalyi, Kevin Rathunde & Samuel Whalen Cambridge, Cambs: Cambridge University Press 1997 (Sanna Nordin 090923)
Talentudvikling og elitesport i skolen Jens Christian Nielsen & Jesper Stilling Olesen Århus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2019 (review in Swedish by Magnus Ferry, published 200211)
Tall Tales and Short Shorts: Dr. J, Pistol Pete, & the Birth of the Modern NBA Adam J. Criblez Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2017 (review in Swedish by Hans Bolling, published 200226)
Tankar från baslinjen: Humanister om idrott, kropp och hälsa Jesper Fundberg, Klas Ramberg & Dan Waldetoft (red) Stehag: Brutus Östlings Bokförlag Symposion 2005 (Peter Dahlén 060301)
Teaching Dance as Art in Education Brenda Pugh McCutchen Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2006 (Helle Winther 070606)
Teaching Physical Education: Contemporary Issues for Teachers, Educators and Students Gary Stidder Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2023 (review in English by Håkan Larsson, published 230907)
Teaching Sports Economics and Using Sports to Teach Economics Victor A. Matheson & Aju J. Fenn (ed.) Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar 2022 (review in English by Kjetil Haugen, published 230425)
Team: Udvikling og læring Reinhard Stelter & Morten Bertelsen (red) Virum: Dansk Psykologisk Forlag 2005 (Magnus Lindwall 060830)
Technical Merit: A History of Figure Skating Jumps Ryan Stevens Halifax, NS: Independently published 2023 (review in English by Anna Maria Jennerheim Hellborg, published 230605)
The Temple Of Perfection: A History of the Gym Eric Chaline London: Reaktion Books 2015 (Gary Heath 151016)
Tennis: Off the Record Jonas Arnesen, Patrik Cederlund & Magnus Norman Västerås: Sportförlaget 2005 (Birger Hedén 060118)
Tennis Philosophy: What the Racket Is All About David Baggett (red) Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky 2010 (Birger Hedén 130214)
Terrorism and the Olympics: Major Event Security and Lessons for the Future Anthony Richards, Pete Fussey & Andrew Silke (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Magnus Norell 110420)
Tester och mätmetoder för idrott och hälsa Helena Bellardini, Anders Henriksson & Michail Tonkonogi Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2009 (Torsten Buhre 091125)
Testing for Athlete Citizenship: Regulating Doping and Sex in Sport Kathryn E. Henne New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press 2015 (Anna Efverström 160316)
”The Body is Made to Move”: Gym and Fitness Culture in Sweden Christina Hedblom Stockholm: Stockholm University 2009 (Kasper Lund Kirkegaard 100310)
The Geopolitical Economy of Sport: Power, Politics, Money, and the State Simon Chadwick, Paul Widdop & Michael M. Goldman (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2023 (review in English by Harald Dolles, published 241018)
The Juice: The Real Story of Baseball’s Drug Problem Will Carroll & William L. Carroll Chicago: Ivan R. Dee 2007 (Ask Vest Christiansen 080507)
The New Sport Management Reader John Nauright & Steven Pope (red) Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2009 (Cecilia Stenling 110309)
The Numbers Game: Why Everything You Know About Football is Wrong Chris Anderson & David Sally New York, NY: Viking 2013 (Ørnulf Seippel 140507)
The Olympic Games and Cultural Policy Beatriz Garcia Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Christian Widholm 140819)
The Political Economy of Sport John Nauright & Kimberly S. Schimmel (red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2005 (Annika Eliasson 060215)
The Political Football Stadium: Identity Discourses and Power Struggle Başak Alpan, Albrecht Sonntag & Katarzyna Herd (ed.) London: Palgrave Macmillan 2023 (review in English by Alan Bairner, published 240118)
The Politics of Football Christos Kassimeris Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2024 (review in English by Mads Skauge, published 240521)
The Politics of Physical Activity Joe Piggin Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (review in English by Karin Redelius, published 211013)
The Politics of Sport: Community, Mobility, Identity Paul Gilchrist & Russell Holden (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Mats Franzén 121031)
The Politics of the Male Body in Global Sport: The Danish Involvement Hans Bonde Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Björn Sandahl 120215)
The Science of Esports Craig McNulty, Remco Polman, Matthew Watson & Kabir Bubna Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2024 (review in English by Leonardo Colares Castro, published 241030)
The Telegraph Book of the Tour de France Martin Smith (red) London: Aurum Press 2012 (Duncan R. Jamieson 130910)
The Tiger Woods Phenomenon: Essays on the Cultural Impact of Golf’s Fallible Superman Donna J. Barbie (red) Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2012 (Jens Ljunggren 130821)
This Sporting Life: Sport and Liberty in England, 1760–1960 Robert Colls Oxford: Oxford University Press 2020 (review in English by Dave Day, published 210420)
The United States of Sport: Media Framing and Influence of the Intersection of Sports and American Culture Kenon A. Brown, Joshua Dickhaus & Mia Long Anderson Oxford, Oxon: Peter Lang Publishing 2022 (review in English by Steph Doehler, published 240510)
Thomi Keller: A Life In Sport David Owen Auckland: Independent Publishing Network 2018 (Göran R. Buckhorn 181011)
Ti kast’ varpe: Varpan, fastlandet och den gotländska identiteten under 1900-talet Leif Yttergren Stockholm: HLS 2002 (Jan Olsson 031125)
TIFO: Visionärerna i Hammarby Per Cornell Stockholm: Supportrarnas Matchprogram 2023 (review in Swedish by Sara Karlén, published 230612)
Till häst: Ridundervisningen vid Uppsala universitet 350 år Marianne Andersson & Johan Sjöberg (red) Uppsala: Uppsala universitet 2013 (Susanna Hedenborg 140204)
Time-out: Idrott som liv och sanning Mikael Lindfelt & Kaj Kunnas Helsinfors: Fontana Media 2004 (Kutte Jönsson 040620)
Title IX Linda Jean Carpenter & R. Vivian Acosta Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics 2005 (Bo Carlsson 050914)
Toppfotball – et felt i forandring Bente Ovèdie Skogvang Oslo: Norges Idrettshøgskole 2006 (Jørn Hansen 070418)
Toppidrettens formel: Olympiatoppen som alkymist Pål Augestad & Nils Asle Bergsgard Oslo: Novus forlag 2007 (Stefan Lindeberg 080305)
Tor! The Story of German Football Ulrich Hesse-Lichtenberger London: WSC Books 2003 (Jan Olsson 031009)
Torkildsen’s Sport and Leisure Management: Sixth edition Peter Taylor (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Hans Lundberg 121205)
Touch in Sports Coaching and Physical Education: Fear, risk and moral panic Heather Piper (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Eystein Enoksen 151202)
Tour de France: Historien om världens största cykellopp Joakim Jakobsen (Translated by Elisabet Fredholm & Thomas Andersson) Stockholm: Natur & Kultur 2014 (Bill Sund 151125)
Towards a Social Science of Drugs in Sport Jason Mazanov (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (David Hoff 120606)
Traditional Sports and Games in the Conemporary World: The New Face of Sport? Bartosz Prabucki Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2022 (review in English by Helge Chr. Pedersen, published 240229)
Transgender Athletes in Competitive Sport Eric Anderson & Ann Travers (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Jesper Fundberg 181123)
The Transformation of European Football: Towards the Europeanisation of the National Game Arne Niemann, Borja García & Wyn Grant (red) Manchester: Manchester University Press 2011 (Arve Hjelseth 121031)
Transnational and Comparative Research in Sport: Globalisation, Governance and Sport Policy Ian Henry & The Institute of Sport and Leisure Policy Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (Hallgeir Gammelsæter 081126)
Transnational Sport: Gender, Media, and Global Korea Rachael Miyung Joo Durham, NC: Duke University Press 2012 (Anders Östnäs 130405)
Travet i våra hjärtan: En antologi om sporten och spelet genom tiderna Mats Fransson (red) Stockholm: Nationella stiftelsen för hästhållningens främjande 2006 (Leif Yttergren 090211)
Trends and Advances in Sport and Leisure Management: Expanding the Frontiers Vassilios Ziakas (ed.) Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2022 (review in English by Hans Lundberg, published 230530)
Trenerroller Stig Arve Sæther (red) Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2015 (Robert Svensson 150521)
Treningslære for idrettene: 2. utgave Jostein Hallén & Lars Tore Ronglan Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2022 (review in English and Swedish by Stephen Garland, published 231006)
Triathlon Joe Baker & Whitney Sedgwick Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2005 (Camilla Lindholm 060830)
Träna är livet: Träning, utbildning och vetenskap i svensk friidrott, 1880–1995 Leif Yttergren Malmö: 2012 (Torsten Buhre 130226)
Tränaretik Kutte Jönsson Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2020 (review in Norwegian by Christian Thue Bjørndal, published 211215)
Träning som medicin Åsa B. Tornberg & Stephen Garland Lund: Studentlitteratur 2022 (review in Swedish by Tommy Lundberg, published 230619)
Træningsfysiologi Jens Bangsbo København: Frydenlund 2008 (Torsten Buhre 090606)
Träningslära för rullstolsåkning Kennet Fröjd & al Bollnäs: Svenskt Utvecklingscentrum för Handikappidrott (SUH) 2007 (Oskar Krantz 080319)
Tröjorna i taken: Hissade tröjor och pensionerade tröjnummer i SHL, Hockeyallsvenskan, Hockeyettan och NHL Lars Ingels Västerås: Sportförlaget 2016 (Tobias Stark 171108)
Two Wheels Good: The History and Mystery of the Bicycle Jody Rosen London: The Bodley Head 2022 (review in English by Duncan R. Jamieson, published 221130)
The Tyranny of Talent: How it compels and limits athletic achievement… and why you should ignore it Joe Baker Toronto, ON: Aberrant Press 2022 (review in English by Leah Monsees, published 230303)
Tävla tillsammans: Vuxenpåverkan inom ungas lagidrottande Erik Andersson Malmö: Bokförlaget 2020 (review in Swedish by Thomas Westerberg, published 210318)


The UEFA European Football Championships: Politics, Media Spectacle and Social Change Jan Andre Lee Ludvigsen & Renan Petersen-Wagner Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2023 (review in English by Björn Horgby, published 240423)
Ultimate Book of Sports Movies, The Ray Didinger & Glen Macnow Philadelphia, PA: Running Press 2009 (Peter Dahlén 100606)
Ultras: The passion and performance of contemporary football fandom Mark Doidge, Radosław Kossakowski & Svenja Mintert Manchester: Manchester University Press 2020 (review in English by Lise Joern, published 201126)
Understanding American Sports Gerald R. Gems & Gertrud Pfister Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (Tobias Stark 110511)
Understanding Esports: An Introduction to the Global Phenomenon Ryan Rogers (red) Lanham, MD: Lexington Books 2019 (review in English by Anne Tjønndal, published 200514)
Understanding Lifestyle Sports: Consumption, Identity and Difference Belinda Wheaton (red) Oxford: Routledge (Critical Studies in Sport Series) 2004 (Kalle Danielsson 050322)
Understanding Sport Management: International Perspectives Trish Bradbury & Ian O’Boyle (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Josef Fahlén 180327)
Understanding Sport Organizations: The Application of Organization Theory Trevor Slack & Milena M. Parent Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2006 (Joakim Åkesson 070829)
Understanding Sports Culture Tony Schirato London: Sage Publications 2007 (Göran Eriksson 080319)
Understanding the Olympics John Horne & Garry Whannel Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Jørn Hansen 120328)
Understanding the Sociology of Health: 3rd edition Anne-Marie Barry & Chris Yuill London: Sage Publications 2012 (Inge Kryger Pedersen 130124)
Ung i Norge: Skole, fritid og ungdomskultur Åse Strandbu & Tormod Øia (red) Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk Forlag 2007 (Ingela Kolfjord 070829)
Unga och föreningsidrotten: En studie om föreningsidrottens plats, betydelser och konsekvenser i ungas liv Mats Trondman Stockholm: Ungdomsstyrelsen 2005 (Lars B. Dahlin 060830)
Ungdom og idrett Ørnulf Seippel, Mari Kristin Sisjord & Åse Strandbu (red) Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk  2016 (Karin Redelius 170504)
Ungdomarna och idrotten: Tonåringars idrottande i fyra skilda miljöer Bengt Larsson Stockholm: Pedagogiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet 2008 (Anders Östnäs 081126)
Upplevelser och lärande i äventyrssport och skola Johan Arnegård Stockholm: HLS Förlag 2006 (Gunnar Breivik 060830)
The Urban Geography of Boxing: Race, Class, and Gender in the Ring Benita Heiskanen Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Anne Tjønndal 160331)
Urban Politics of a Sporting Mega Event: Legitimacy and Legacy of Euro 2012 in Anthropological Perspective Malgorzata Zofia Kowalska London: Palgrave Macmillan 2017 (review in English by Christian Tolstrup Jensen, published 191002)
Urheilujournalismin Suomi–Ruotsi-maaottelu: Vertaileva tutkimus suomalaisten ja ruotsalaisten iltapäivälehtien Ateenan 2004 ja Torinon 2006 olympiauutisoinnista Antti Laine Helsinki: Editia 2011 (Erkki Vettenniemi 120606)
The Use of Video Technologies in Refereeing Football and Other Sports Manuel Armenteros, Anto J. Benitez & Miguel Ángel Betancor (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2020 (review in English by Marcio Telles, published 211005)
Utafor sporet?: Idrett, identiteter og regionalisme i nord [Off the beaten track: Sports, identity and regionalism in the north] Helge Chr. Pedersen & Eivind Å. Skille (red) Vallset: Oplandske Bokforlag 2016 (reviewed by Daniel Svensson, published 170209)
Utan bromsar: Tommy Jansson – legenden som dog ung Magnus Nyström Västerås: Sportförlaget 2005 (Kutte Jönsson 060118)
Ute! Friluftsliv – pedagogiske, historiske og sosiologiske perspektiver André Horgen et al (red) Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2016 (Erik Backman 170216)


Va för jävla pack e ni?: Berättelsen om Stockholms fotbollsklackar Magnus Hagström, Peter Johansson & Carl Jurell Stockholm: Imperial Publishing 2010 (Torbjörn Andersson 101124)
Vad betyder OK+? En studie om lärares dokumentationsarbete i ämnet idrott och hälsa Rickard Håkanson Stockholm: Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH 2015 (Lena Larsson 161111)
Values in Sport: Elitism, Nationalism, Gender Equality and the Scientific Manufacturing of Winners Torbjörn Tännsjö & Claudio Tamburrini (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2000 (review in Swedish by Hans-Eric Olson, published 030726)
En vandring längs välviljans väg: En studie om idrott och internationellt utvecklingsarbete genom de skandinaviska exemplen LdB FC For Life i Sydafrika och Open Fun Football Schools i Moldavien Niklas Hafen Malmö: Bokförlaget 2016 (Ulf Jonsson 171018)
Vanvid og virkelighed: En økologisk omtænkning John Holten-Andersen Højbjerg: Hovedland 2007 (Henning Eichberg 080319)
Vasaloppet: 90 kvinnor och män i fäders spår Henrik Lenngren Stockholm: Louise Bäckelin Förlag 2021 (review in Swedish by Isak Lidström, published 211207)
Vasaloppet – resan från skidtävling och skidlöpare till produkter och kunder: En studie om kommersialisering och professionalisering Joacim Larsson von Garaguly Stockholm: Handelshögskolan i Stockholm 2016 (Isak Lidström 161028)
Venner på tur: Naturguiding som relasjonell kunnskap Thomas Vold Oslo: Norges idrettshøgskole 2015 (Henning Eichberg 160421)
Vi och de andra: Om idrott, genus och normer på en idrottsprofilerad högstadieskola Marie Larneby Malmö: Malmö universitet 2020 (review in Norwegian by Mari Kristin Sisjord, published 211028)
Vi som är från Göteborg åker aldrig hem med sorg Anders Kjäll, Mathias Henriksson (red), John Pettersson & Johan Elisson Göteborg: Supporterklubben Änglarna 2014 (Torbjörn Andersson 150319)
Vilka har Sveriges bästa hejarklack Robert Lindberg, Patrik Persson & Peo Ek Göteborg: Bakaou Produktion 2012 (Torbjörn Andersson 130918)
Vilka stannar kvar och varför?: En studie om ungas föreningsidrottande under uppväxtåren Britta Thedin Jakobsson Stockholm: Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH 2015 (Louis Palmgren 161027)
Vilka vill spola kröken? En studie av idrott och alkohol från mellankrigstid till millennieskifte Lennart Johansson Eget förlag 2010 (Åke Andrén-Sandberg 120125)
Villains: The Inside Story of Aston Villa’s Hooligan Gangs Danny Brown & Paul Brittle Wrea Green, Lancs: Milo Books 2006 (Halvdan Haugsbakken 081029)
Vinter-Ol i skisportens vugge: De VI Olympiske vinterlekarne i Oslo 1952 og De XVII Olympiske vinterlekerne i Lillehammer, 1994 Gaute Slåen Heyerdahl Oslo: Norges idrettshøgskole 2014 (Leif Yttergren 151022)
Violence and Racism in Football: Politics and Cultural Conflict in British Society, 1968–1998 Brett Bebber London: Pickering & Chatto 2012 (Lise Joern 130904)
Virtual(ly) Women Athletes: A Study of Gendered Power Relations and Inequality in Sports-Themed Esports Egil Trasti Rogstad Bodø, Norway: Nord University 2023 (review in English by Sanna Erdoğan, published 240529)
Virtues in Action: New Essays in Applied Virtue Ethics Michael W. Austin (red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2013 (Mikael Lindfelt 140409)
Visions of a Better World: Football in the Cameroonian Social Imagination Bea Vidacs Münster: LIT Verlag 2011 (Peter Alegi 111102)
Visual Economies of/in Motion: Sport and Film C. Richard King & David J. Leonard (red) Bern: Peter Lang Publishing Group 2006 (Peter Dahlén 100127)
The Visual in Sport Mike Huggins & Mike O’Mahony (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Leif Yttergren 121206)
VM-boken Jesper Högström & Gunnar Persson (statistik) Stockholm: Offside Norstedt 2006 (Birger Hedén 060606)
Von spielenden Soldaten und kämpfenden Athleten: Die Genese des Modernen Fünfkamps Sandra Heck Göttingen: V & R unipress 2013 (Ansgar Molzberger 140924)
Våldsamma teorier: Därför slåss killar i klubbarnas namn Patrik  Asplund & Jonas Hållén Stockholm: Hjalmarsson & Högberg 2013 (Aage Radmann 140416)
Vägen till vinnarcirkeln: Travhästen och dess människor mellan sport och spel Sara Berglund Hedemora: Gidlunds Förlag 2006 (Leif Yttergren 090225)
Vägledning till Solskensolympiaden Åke Jönsson Stockholm: Klocktornet Media AB 2012 (Jørn Hansen 130206)
Värmlands guld: Mer än 100 år med värmländsk idrottshistoria Håkan Kamp med flera Karlstad: Värmlands udrottshistoriska sällskap 2021 (review in Swedish by Anders Östnäs, published 220615)


Waikīkī Dreams: How California appropriated Hawaiian beach culture Patrick Moser Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2024 (review in English by Michael J. Roberts, published 241216)
Walk of Ages: Edward Payson Weston’s Extraordinary 1909 Trek Across America Jim Reisler Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press 2015 (Duncan R. Jamieson 150917)
Walt Whitman’s Guide to Manly Health and Training Walt Whitman Emeryville, CA: Ten Speed Press 2017 (Duncan Jamieson 180308)
Wanderlust: A History of Walking Rebecca Solnit London: Granta Books 2014 (review in English by Jörgen Andersson, published 220210)
Wanderlust: Att gå till fots Rebecca Solnit (Translated by Helena Hansson & Djordje Zarkovic) Göteborg: Bokförlaget Daidalos 2019 (review in Swedish by Jörgen Andersson, published 220210)
The War of the Wheels: H. G. Wells and the Bicycle Jeremy Withers Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press 2017 (Duncan Jamieson 171026)
The War on Drugs in Sport: Moral Panics and Organizational Legitimacy Vanessa McDermott Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2016 (Anna Efverström 160316)
Watching Sport: Aesthetics, ethics and emotion Stephen Mumford Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Ørnulf Seippel 120509)
Watching the Olympics: Politics, Power and Representation John Sugden & Alan Tomlinson (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Jon Helge Lesjø 120328)
Ways of knowing in ways of moving: A study of the meaning of capability to move Gunn Nyberg Stockholm: Stockholm University 2014 (Charlotte Svendler Nielsen 170309)
“We can make new history here”: Rituals of producing history in Swedish football clubs Katarzyna Herd Lund University: Lund 2018 (Birgitta Svensson 190123)
“We just knew that we had to be a part of it”: The Youth Olympic Games as a catalyst for social innovation Roald Undlien Elverum: Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences 2020 (review in English by Daniela Schwarz, published 211014)
We Love to Hate Each Other: Mediated Football Fan Culture Roy Krøvel & Thore Roksvold (red) Gothenburg, Sweden: Nordicom 2012 (Henk Erik Meier 121031)
We Skate Hardcore: Photographs from Brooklyn’s Southside Vincent Cianni New York: New York University Press 2004 (Kalle Danielsson 050606)
Welcome to the Terrordome: The Pain, Politics, and Promise of Sports Dave Zirin Chicago, IL: Haymarket Books 2007 (Peter Dahlén 090211)
What does it take to be successful here? A longitudinal study of achievement motivation in youth sport Joakim Ingrell Malmö: Malmö University 2019 (review in English by Frank Eirik Abrahamsen, published 191107)
What You Think You Know About Football is Wrong: The Global Game’s Greatest Myths and Untruths Kevin Moore London: Bloomsbury 2019 (review in English by Hans Bolling, published 201029)
What’s My Name, Fool? Sports and Resistance in the United States Dave Zirin Chicago, IL: Haymarket Books 2005 (Peter Dahlén 090211)
Wheelchair Sport: A Complete Guide for Athletes, Coaches, and Teachers Vicky Goosey-Tolfrey (red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2010 (Oskar Krantz 110330)
Wheelchair Warrior: Gangs, Disability and Basketball Melvin Juette & Ronald J. Berger Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press 2008 (Kim Wickman 081212)
Wheels on Ice: Stories of Cycling in Alaska Jessica Cherry & Frank Soos (ed.) Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press 2022 (review in English by Duncan R. Jamieson, published 230306)
When Boxing Was a Jewish Sport Allen Bodner Albany, NY: Excelsior Editions (Suny Press) 2011 (Birger Hedén 111214)
When Running Made History Roger Robinson Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press 2018 (Christian Widholm 190118)
When Women Rule the Court: Gender, Race, and Japanese American Basketball Nicole Willms New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press 2017 (review in English by Mark Brooke, published 191030)
When Women Stood: The Untold History of Females Who Changed Sports and the World Alexandra Allred Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2023 (review in English by Katie Taylor, published 240209)
Who Owns Football? The Governance and Management of the Club Game Worldwide David Hassan & Sean Hamil (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Torbjörn Andersson 120215)
Who Owns Sport Andrew Adams & Leigh Robinson (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (review in English by Mark Brooke, published 200219)
The Whole World was Watching: Sport in the Cold War Robert Edelman & Christopher Young (eds.) Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press 2020 (review in English by Kristian Gerner, published 220323)
Whose Game? Gender and Power in Fantasy Sports Rebecca Joyce Kissane & Sarah Winslow Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press 2020 (review in English by Richard Tacon, published 210909)
Why England Lose: And Other Curious Football Phenomena Explained Simon Kuper & Stefan Szymanski London: HarperSport 2010 (Magnus Forslund 100922)
Why Sports Morally Matter William J. Morgan Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2006 (Bo Carlsson 070829)
Why We Kneel, How We Rise Michael Holding London: Simon & Schuster 2021 (review in English by Russell Holden, published 211209)
Why Would Anyone Do That? Lifestyle Sport in the Twenty-First Century Stephen C. Poulson New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press 2016 (Åke Nilsén 170322)
Wide Open Fairways: A Journey Across the Landscapes of Modern Golf Bradley S. Klein Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press 2013 (Erik Jönsson 150313)
Wimbledon: En skön grön dröm Sune Sylvén Malmö: Arx Förlag 2016 (Birger Hedén 160525)
Wink: The Incredible Life and Epic Journey of Jimmy Winkfield Ed HotalingMaidenhead, Berks.: McGraw Hill Educational Europe 2004 (Susanna Hedenborg 051116)
Winning the Double: The Story of Leamington Town’s 1912–13 Season Wyn Grant Leamington: Leamington FC Vice-Prersidents Club 2013 (Hans Bolling 140205)
Winter’s Children: A Celebration of Nordic Skiing Ryan Rodgers Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2021 (review in English by Daniel Svensson, published 230124)
Wisden Cricketers’ Almanack 2022 Lawrence Booth (ed.) London: Bloomsbury 2022 (review in English by Russell Holden, published 220622)
Women and Exercise: The Body, Health and Consumerism Eileen Kennedy & Pirkko Markula (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Suzanne Lundvall 111214)
Women and Martial Art in Japan Kate Sylvester Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2023 (review in English by Anna Kavoura, published 240403)
Women and Sport in Brazil: Many Roles, a Single Struggle Katia Rubio (ed.) São Paulo: Editora Laços 2021 (review in English by Alan Bairner, published 221208)
Women and Sport: Continuing a Journey of Liberation and Celebration Ellen J. Staurowsky (red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2016 (Anna Maria Jennerheim Hellborg 171116)
Women and Sports in the United States: A Documentary Reader Jean O’Reilly & Susan K. Cahn (red) Boston, MA: Northeastern University Press/University Press of New England 2007 (Tobias Stark 071212)
Women in Action Sport Cultures: Identity, Politics and Experience Holly Thorpe & Rebecca Olive (red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2016 (Åsa Bäckström 171123)
Women in Snowboarding Mari Kristin Sisjord Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2023 (review in English by Greta Bladh, published 240514)
Women in Sports Coaching Nicole M. LaVoi (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2016 (Anne Tjønndal 181213)
Women in Sports History Carol A. Osborne & Fiona Skillen (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (review in Swedish by Susanna Hedenborg, published 120307)
Women in Sports History: Ten Years On Carol A. Osborne & Fiona Skillen (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Susanna Hedenborg, published 241203)
Women on the Move: The Forgotten Era of Women’s Bicycle Racing Roger Gilles Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press 2018 (review by Duncan Jamieson, published 190422)
Women Sport Fans: Identification, Participation, Representation Kim Toffoletti Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Aage Radmann 180920)
Women, Football and Europe: Histories, Equity and Experiences Jonathan Magee et al (red) Oxford, Oxon: Mayer & Meyer Sport 2007 (Jonny Hjelm 081126)
Women, Horse Sports, and Liberation: Equestrianism and Britain from the 18th to the 20th Centuries Erica Munkwitz Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Petra Andersson, published 230601)
Women, Horseracing and Gender: Becoming ‘One of the Lads’ Deborah Butler Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (Susanna Hedenborg 181017)
Women, Soccer and Transnational Migration Sine Agergaard & Nina Clara Tiesler (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Jonny Hjelm 161014)
Women, Sport and Modernity in Interwar Britain Fiona Skillen Bern: Peter Lang Publishing Group 2013 (Therese Nordlund Edvinsson 141128)
Women, Sport, Society: Further Reflections, Reaffirming Mary Wollstonecraft Roberta J. Park & Patricia Vertinsky (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Jonny Hjelm 111214)
Women’s Artistic Gymnastics: An (Auto-)Ethnographic Journey Natalie Barker-Ruchti Basel: edition gesowip 2011 (Julia Rönnbäck 120606)
Women’s Football in Africa Chuka Onwumechili Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2024 (review in English by Maria  Zuiderveld, published 241219)
Women’s Football in the UK: Continuing with Gender Analysis Jayne Caudwell (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Jonny Hjelm 120919)
Women’s sport and transgender inclusion: The counter biological argument Helen E. Parker, Beth Hands & Elizabeth Rose Champaign, IL: Common Ground 2024 (review in English by Lotta Wendel, published 241024)
Women’s Sport in Africa Michelle Sikes & John Bale (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Anders Östnäs 160210)
The Work of Professional Football: A Labour of Love? Martin Roderick Oxford: Routledge 2006 (Rasmus Storm 061101)
Workplace Learning in Physical Education: Emerging teachers’ stories from the staffroom and beyond Tony Rossi, lisahunter, Erin Christensen & Doune Macdonald Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Mikael Londos 161118)
Worksite Health Promotion David H. Chenoweth Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2007 (Erwin Apitzsch 070912)
The World Anti-Doping Code: Fit for Purpose? Lovely Dasgupta Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (review in English by Anna Qvarfordt, published 200611)
A World History of Long Distance Running Roberto L. QuercetaniRoma: SEP Editrice 2002 (Erwin Apitzsch 050222)
World of Hockey: Celebrating a Century of the IIHF Szymon Szemberg & Andrew Podnieks (red) Bolton, ON: Fenn Publishing 2007 (Tobias Stark 081029)
Writing the Prizefight: Pierce Egan’s Boxiana World David Snowdon Bern: Peter Lang Publishing Group 2013 (Birger Hedén 150104)


Young, Black, Rich and Famous: The Rise of NBA, the Hip Hop Invasion and the Transformation of American Culture Todd Boyd New York & London: Doubleday 2003 (Peter Dahlén 040224)
Young People, Physical Activity and the Everyday Jan Wright & Doune Macdonald (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Suzanne Lundvall 120418)
Young People’s Voices in Physical Education and Youth Sport Mary O’Sullivan & Ann MacPhail (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Mikael Londos 130612)
Your Dieting Daughter: Antidotes Parents can Provide for Body Dissatisfaction, Excessive Dieting, and Disordered Eating Carolyn Costin Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2013 (Gisela Nyberg 131205)
Youth, Sport and Active Leisure: Theory, Policy and Participation Anne Flintoff, Jonathan Long & Kevin Hylton (red) Eastbourne: Leisure Studies Association 2005 (Kristin Fransson 071107)
Youth Culture and Sport: Identity, Power, and Politics Michael D. Giardina & Michele K. Donnelly (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Kristin Fransson 080521)
The Youth Olympic Games Dag Vidar Hanstad, Milena M. Parent & Barrie Houlihan (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Björn Sandahl 151007)
Youth Soccer: From Science to Performance Gareth Stratton, Thomas Reilly, A. Mark Williams & Dave Richardson London: Routledge 2004 (Lars B. Dahlin 041123)
Youth Sport, Migration and Culture: Two football teams and the changing face of Ireland Max Mauro Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (review in English by Dilwyn Porter, published 211020)


Zá-to-pek! Zá-to-pek! Zá-to-pek! The Life and Times of the Greatest Distance Runner Bob PhilipsManchester: The Parrs Wood Press 2002 (Erwin Apitzsch 050222)
lidstromZorn, kyrkloppen och idrottsrörelsen: Kampen om längdskidåkningen i Vasaloppets förhistoria Isak Lidström Mora: Zornmuseet 2015 (Eivind Å. Skille 151104)


Årets bästa texter om sport: Goda nyheter 2006 Annika Greder-Duncan, Eva af Geijerstam, Björn af Kleen & Annina Rabe (red) Stockholm: Atlas 2007 (Daniel Arvidsson 071121)
Århus som idrætslandskab: Topografiske fortællinger og analyser Sine Agergaard & Niels Kayser Nielsen (red) Århus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2007 (Mats Franzén 070912)


Är idrott nyttigt? En antologi om idrott och samhällsnytta Johan Hvenmark (red) Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2012 (Johan Carlsson 141001)