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<i>Topic:</i> Fandom, supporter culture and hooliganism
Fandom, supporter culture and hooliganism
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(Shutterstock/Jacob Lund)
Research Articles
Alsiö, Martin
The Hooligans’ Death List: A global search for accountability between accidents and intentions
Alsiö, Martin
Why Hooligans Love Their Soccer
Alsiö, Martin
Tre fördömda män
Alsiö, Martin
Lära för läktarlivet – om hur Sveriges första hejarklack firade 100 år
Alsiö, Martin
Suggestions on hooliganism: Global Inspirations and a Theory of Non-Violence
Dahlén, Peter
Fotbollsfans i televisionsåldern
Dolles, Harald,
Hallgeir Gammelsæter
Oskar Solenes
& Solveig Straume
The Janus-faced relationship value of professional sports clubs: A study of Molde Football Club, Norway
(published 2016-05-09, in
Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum
Vol 7, 2016)
Haugsbakken, Halvdan
Frykt og avsky for casuals i norsk offentlighet: Et antropologisk essay om casuals
Havelund, Jonas, Neil Williams, Anders Almgren & Filip Lundberg Verendel
“Decidedly frosty”: Conflict and cooperation in the management of Swedish elite football matches
Hellspong, Mats
Stockholms idrottspublik. Några reflektioner med anledning av en pågående undersökning
Lippe, Gerd
von der
An Orgy of a Masculine Scandal in Media: The 1954 Football World Cup
( 040518)
Madsen, Erik, Sammyh Khan, Neil Williams & Jonas Havelund
Swedish Supporter Liaison Officers in Action
Porsfelt, Dan
Supporterrock i Sverige
Radmann, Aage
Att äga en (huligan-)berättelse: Mediers konstruktion av fotbollsvåld
(publicerad i
Scandinavian Sport Studie
s Forum
Vol 3, 2012
Feature Articles
Alm, Jens, Anna Maria Hellborg, Joakim Ingrell,
Marie Larneby
& Gabriella Thorell
Idrottsforskning i tiden. Konferensrapport från SVEBI:s årskonferens 20-21 november, 2013
Carlsson, Bo
Digital Sport – behöver vi bekymra oss?
Franzén, Mats
Matti Goksøyr
Mette Andersson
Innstilling fra sakkyndig komité som har vurdert Arve Hjelseths avhandling Mellom børs, katedral og karneval. Norske supporteres forhandlinger om kommersialisering av fotball for graden dr.polit ved Universitetet i Bergen
Hellborg, Anna Maria
Konferensrapport | Women’s Football. Played. Watched. Talked About. | København 21–22/6 2013
Jönsson, Kutte
”Huliganismen” och fotbollens hjärta
Karlén, Sara
The Role and Function of Tifos in the Swedish Football Supporter Culture
Jönsson, Kutte
Om idrottens förlorade själ
[The lost soul of sports] (SWE 211012)
Scott, Carl-Gustaf
Bajen, Gnaget och Bananerna
Skauge, Mads
Football Fanatics: Explanatory Hypotheses, Developments, and Possible Threats for The Beautiful Game
Book Reviews
Africa’s World Cup: Critical Reflections on Play, Patriotism, Spectatorship, and Space
Peter Alegi & Chris Bolsmann
(red) Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 2013 (Maria Zuiderveld 131104)
Aggression in the Sports World: A Social Psychological Perspective
Gordon W. Russell
Oxford: Oxford University Press 2008 (Lise Joern 081001)
American Sport in the Shadow of a Pandemic: Communicative Insights
Andrew C. Billings, Lawrence A, Wenner & Marie Hardin
(ed.) Oxford, Oxon: Peter Lang Publishing
2022 (review in English by Britt-Marie Ringfjord, published 230509)
Anatomy of Sports Fans: Reflections on Fans & Fanatics, The
Pierre D. Bognon
Charleston, SC: BookSurge 2008 (Lise Joern 100331)
The Art of Tifo: Identity, Representation, and Performing Fandom in Football/Soccer
Jeffrey W. Kassing & Lindsey J. Meân
New York: Peter Lang Publishing 2022
(review in English by Sara Karlén, published 221214)
Capitalism and Sport: Politics, Protest, People and Play
Michael Lavalette
(red) London: Bookmarks Publication 2013 (Russell Holden 140923)
Casuals: Football, Fighting and Fashion – the Story of a Fashion Cult
Lytham: Milo Books 2003 (Torbjörn Andersson 040323)
Collective Action and Football Fandom: A Relational Sociological Approach
Jamie Cleland, Mark Doidge, Peter Millward & Paul Widdop
Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2018 (Arve Hjelseth 181024; in Norwegian)
Collective Action and Football Fandom: A Relational Sociological Approach
Jamie Cleland, Mark Doidge, Peter Millward & Paul Widdop
Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2018 (Arve Hjelseth 181115; in English)
Consuming Football in Late Modern Life
Kevin Dixon
Aldershot, Hamps.: Ashgate Publishing 2013 (Arve Hjelseth 140917)
Cultural History of Association Football in Scotland, 1865-1902: Understanding Sports as a Way of Understanding Society
Matthew L. McDowell
Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press 2013 (Torbjörn Andersson 140206)
English National Identity and Football Fan Culture: Who Are Ya?
Tom Gibbons
Aldershot, Hamps.: Ashgate Publishing 2014 (Torbjörn Andersson 150929)
An ethnography of English football fans: Cans, cops and carnivals
Geoff Pearson
Manchester: Manchester University Press 2012 (Lise Joern 131113)
Female Fans, Gender Relations and Football Fandom: Challenging the Brotherhood Culture
Honorata Jakubowska, Dominik Antonowicz & Radosław Kossakowski
Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021
(review in English by Payam Ansari & Gary Sinclair, published 230404)
Female Football Players and Fans: Intruding into a Man’s World
Gertrud Pfister & Stacey Pope
(red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2018 (Lise Joern 180906)
The Feminization of Sports Fandom: A Sociological Study
Stacey Pope
Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Aage Radmann 171221)
Fodbold uden grænser: Om transnationale passioner
Jakob Genz & Jonas Havelund
(red) Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2015 (Arve Hjelseth 161109)
Fodboldhæren: Englands hooligankultur set og fortalt indefra
Peter Grønlund
Danmark: Herreværelset 2013 (Aage Radmann 140416)
Football, Fandom and Consumption
Oliver Brooks
Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019
(review in English by Andy Fuller, published 191218)
Football, Power, and Politics in Argentina
Eugenio Paradiso
Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2024
(review in English by Torbjörn Andersson, published 250204)
Football and Supporter Activism in Europe: Whose Game Is It?
Borja García & Jinming Zheng
(red) London: Palgrave Macmillan 2017 (Daniel Alsarve 190206)
Football Fandom, Protest and Democracy: Supporter Activism in Turkey
Dağhan Irak
Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019
(review in English by Lise Joern, published 200225)
Football Fandom and Migration: An Ethnography of Transnational Practices and Narratives in Vienna and Istanbul
Nina Szogs
London: Palgrave Macmillan 2017 (Lise Joern 190228)
Football Fans, Rivalry and Cooperation
Christian Brandt, Fabian Hertel & Sean Huddleston
(red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Lise Joern 171205)
Football Fans Around the World: From Supporters to Fanatics
Sean Brown
(red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (Arve Hjelseth 081126)
Football Hooliganism in Europe: Security and Civil Liberties in the Balance
Anastassia Tsoukala
Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2009 (Aage Radmann 110216)
Football Murals: A celebration of soccer’s greatest street art
Andy Brassell
London: Bloomsbury 2022
(review in English by Jacob Kimvall, published 230410)
Foreign Players and Football Supporters: The Old Firm, Arsenal, Paris Saint-Germain
David Ranc
Manchester: Manchester University Press 2012 (Arve Hjelseth 131015)
Fotboll från Mielke till Merkel: Kontinuitet, brott och förändring i supporterkultur i östra Tyskland
Joakim Glaser
Malmö: Arx Förlag 2015 (Arve Hjelseth 160407)
Från norra ståplats till cyberspace: En beskrivning av en diskussion på internet om ishockey utifrån ett offentlighetsperspektiv
Anders Svensson
Göteborg: JMG, Institutionen för journalistisk och masskommunikation, Göteborgs universitet 2007 (Arve Hjelseth 071024)
Global Sports Fandom in South Korea: American Major League Baseball and Its Fans in the Online Community
Younghan Cho
London: Palgrave Macmillan 2020
(review in English by Mark Brooke, published 211216)
Hockey as Religion: The Montreal Canadians
Olivier Bauer
Champaign, IL: Common Ground 2011 (Tobias Stark 131001)
Homo Fanaticus: Passionerede fodboldssupportere
Lise Joern
Slagelse: Bavnebanke 2006 (Rasmus Storm 061129)
Hooligan – de danske broderskaber: Respekten, æren, rusen
Jonas Nyrup & Tom Carstensen
København: Lindhardt og Ringhof 2011 (Martin Alsiö 110921)
Huliganlandskapet: Medier, våld och maskuliniteter
Aage Radmann
Malmö: Malmö högskola 2013 (Hans Kristian Hognestad 130320)
Den hårda kampen: Fotboll i Sverige, särskilt Göteborg, före första världskriget
Lennart K Persson
Lindome: Bricoleur Press 2011 (Hans Bolling 121010)
Jag hör till de få som kan leva: En bok om supporterkultur
Katarina Kuick & Björn Qvarfordt
Stockholm: Ordblandning Förlag 2013 (Torbjörn Andersson 141007)
Kampen om tribunen: Fotball, identitet & makt
Hans K. Hognestad & Arve Hjelseth
(red) Trondheim: Akademika Forlag 2012 (Rasmus Storm 131009)
Liverpoolhjerter: Hva fotball gjør med fansen
Ragnhild Lund Ansnes
Trondheim: Trinity Mirror Sport Media 2010 (Arve Hjelseth 110309)
Mellom børs, katedral og karneval: Norske supporters forhandlinger om kommersialisering av fotball
Arve Hjelseth
Bergen: Universitetet i Bergen 2006 (Rasmus Storm 070502)
Rethinking Aggression and Violence in Sport
John H. Kerr
Oxford: Routledge 2004 (Bo Carlsson 050419)
Sport, Violence and Society
Kevin Young
Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (David Wästerfors 121010)
Sport and Violence: A Critical Examination of Sport
Lynn M. Jamieson & Thomas J. Orr
Oxford, Oxon: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2009 (David Cardell 101103)
Sport Teams, Fans, and Twitter: The Influence of Social Media on Relationships and Branding
Brandi Watkins
Lanham, MD: Lexington Books 2019
(review in English by Lise Joern, published 200318)
Sportista: Female Fandom in the United States
Andrei S. Markovits & Emily K. Albertson
Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press 2012 (Lise Joern 140214)
Sports and Their Fans: The History, Economics and Culture of the Relationship Between Spectator and Sport
Kevin G. Quinn
Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2009 (Lise Joern 091111)
Sports Fan Violence in North America
Jerry M. Lewis
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2007 (Torbjörn Andersson 081015)
Sports Fans, Identity and Socialization: Exploring the Fandemonium
Adam C. Earnheardt, Paul M. Haridakis & Barbara S. Hugenberg
(red) Lanham, MD: Lexington Books 2010 (Lise Joern 121214)
Sports Mania: Essays on Fandom and the Media in the 21st Century
Lawrence W. Hugenberg, Paul M. Haridakis & Adam C. Earnheardt
(red) Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2008 (James R. Walker 090923)
Stadion och Zinkensdamm: Stockholms idrottspublik under två sekler
Mats Hellspong
Stockholm: Stockholmia förlag 2013 (Jesper Fundberg 150517)
TIFO: Visionärerna i Hammarby
Per Cornell
Stockholm: Supportrarnas Matchprogram 2023
(review in Swedish by Sara Karlén, published 230612)
Ultras: The passion and performance of contemporary football fandom
Mark Doidge, Radosław Kossakowski & Svenja Mintert
Manchester: Manchester University Press 2020
(review in English by Lise Joern, published 201126)
Vilka har Sveriges bästa hejarklack
Robert Lindberg, Patrik Persson & Peo Ek
Göteborg: Bakaou Produktion 2012 (Torbjörn Andersson 130918)
Villains: The Inside Story of Aston Villa’s Hooligan Gangs
Danny Brown & Paul Brittle
Wrea Green, Lancs: Milo Books 2006 (Halvdan Haugsbakken 081029)
Violence and Racism in Football: Politics and Cultural Conflict in British Society, 1968–1998
Brett Bebber
London: Pickering & Chatto 2012 (Lise Joern 130904)
Våldsamma teorier: Därför slåss killar i klubbarnas namn
Patrik Asplund & Jonas Hållén
Stockholm: Hjalmarsson & Högberg 2013 (Aage Radmann 140416)
We Love to Hate Each Other: Mediated Football Fan Culture
Roy Krøvel & Thore Roksvold
(red) Gothenburg, Sweden: Nordicom 2012 (Henk Erik Meier 121031)
Winning the Double: The Story of Leamington Town’s 1912–13 Season
Wyn Grant
Leamington: Leamington FC Vice-Prersidents Club 2013 (Hans Bolling 140205)
Women Sport Fans: Identification, Participation, Representation
Kim Toffoletti
Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Aage Radmann 180920)
Miscellaneous Resocurces
Soccer & Society
Volume 14, Issue 2, March 2013 | Special Issue:
Fan Culture in European Football and the Influence of Left Wing & Progressive Ideology
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