
    Book Reviews

    Kraftfull jubileumsskrift om idrott och civilsamhälle i Danmark.

    I antologin Idrættens og civilsamfundets knaster: Kritiske samfundsvidenskabelige analyser (Syddansk Universitetsforlag) tar de olika författarna en närmare titt på några av de frågor inom idrott och civilsamhälle som ofta diskuteras. Varje avsnitt tar upp aktuella samhällsvetenskapliga frågor från en kritisk vinkel med syftet att skapa nya insikter som kan hjälpa till att övervinna "knastar" och skapa förändringar i civilsamhället och idrotten. Antologin ges ut med anledning av 20-årsjubileet för Center for forskning i Idræt, Sundhed og Civilsamfund.


    That Was The Week That Was, February 3–9, 2025’s weekly newsletter gives you the past week’s on-site activities in your mailbox every Monday morning, in the form of a letter with a link to a web page presentation of new publications. Click below to access that page, which also offers you a chance to subscribe to the Monday morning mail in case you’re not already a subscriber. And do tell friends and colleagues about this invaluable service.

    Call for Participation | “Inclusive events: gender, placemaking & human-environmental relationships”, CCSE Talk | Free online seminar, February 26, 2025, 2–3pm CET

    CCSE Talks is back, and our first free online seminar for 2025 will be on Wednesday 26th of February from 1-2pm (GMT). Our two speakers, Barbara Grabher an Nourhan Bassam will talk on the theme “Inclusive events: gender, placemaking & human-environmental relationships”.

    Call for Papers | “Breaking Barriers 2025: Advancing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Sports” Conference | Leeds, Weetwood Hall Estate, June 12, 2025. Call...

    In today’s evolving sports landscape, the need for equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) remains crucial. This conference focuses on examining EDI in sports, with a renewed emphasis on gender and sustainability. Our goal is to challenge and disrupt existing norms in the sports industry while exploring the intersection of EDI, gender dynamics, and sustainability. We aim to unravel complexities and pave the way for transformative change within the sports arena.

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