Book Reviews
En invitation til idrætslærere/-undervisere: Giv medindflydelse og skab rum for kreativitet
Den 27 september 2024 försvarade Matilda Lindberg sin doktorsavhandling Exploring ways of empowering pupils in physical education through circus: An action research project (Malmö University Press), i vilken hon argumenterar för förändringar i skolämnet idrott och hälsa – mer cirkus i undervisningen. Boken recenseras här av Stine Degerbøl som är tidigare akrobat och har en doktorsavhandling om nycirkus bakom sig. Stine delar författarens övertygelse om cirkusaktiviteters potential att förnya idrott och hälsa-ämnets konventionella struktur.
The All England Lawn Tennis Club Announces the 2025 Alan Little Bursary for Research into Tennis History | Closing date is April 21, 2025
The All England Lawn Tennis Club is pleased to announce that applications are now open for the 2025 Alan Little Bursary for research into tennis history. We are asking anyone wishing to apply for the Bursary to submit a proposal of around 1,000 words outlining the nature of their research, the value it will provide to the tennis history community, and how the bursary will help them to complete the project. The Bursary can be used to start a new project or complete an existing one, however we do ask that the project should be completed within one year.
Introducing ATHLETICA – a new journal of sports philosophy in Portuguese
The editors, Constantino Pereira Martins and Luísa Ávila da Costa, are proud to presents the first volume of ATHLETICA, a journal of Sports Philosophy in Portuguese. This first volume features a majority of articles dedicated to surfing, a sport so beloved in Brazil and Portugal. This happy occurrence coincides with a much more lamentable one, the passing of the leading Portuguese sport philosopher, Professor Manuel Sérgio (1933–2025).
Call for Papers | The Tennis History Conference: ‘Trailblazers in Tennis’ | AELTC Wimbledon, December 9, 2025. Call ends April 4, 2025
To mark the fiftieth anniversary of Arthur Ashe and Billie Jean King’s historic victories at Wimbledon in 1975, the All England Lawn Tennis Club is delighted to announce The Tennis History Conference: ‘Trailblazers in Tennis’. This theme celebrates individuals, innovations, and movements that have reshaped the sport of tennis and left an enduring legacy. We invite proposals for papers and sessions that explore the concept of trailblazing in tennis from a variety of perspectives. The conference will take place at the All England Lawn Tennis Club, Wimbledon on Tuesday 9 December 2025.