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Research Articles
Bentzen, Marte & Kristin Vindhol Evensen “I bow down in awe of them…”: Sports awards for Paralympic athletes and Olympic athletes Published in Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum Vol. 12, 2021 (210419)
Dahlén, Peter Idrottskapitalismens genombrott i Kina (080606)
Gerner, Kristian Inför sommar-OS i Beijing 2008: En historisk betraktelse (080606)
Hansen, Jørn Fra OL i Moskva til OL i Beijing: En diskussion om boykot som politikkens moralske erstatning (080606)
Hasselgård, Anders & Andreas Selliaas Norwegian Human Rights Organisations and the Olympic Games (published 140128 in Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum Vol. 5, 2014)
Imbrišević, Miroslav Is there a Future for Olympic Karate? (210818)
Jönsson, Kutte Fascistisk estetik och olympiska ideal (140114)
Lindfelt, Mikael Idrott, människosyn och religion: En tolkning av Pierre de Coubertins idrottsreligion med utblick på postmoderna höjder (050503)
Lindkvist, Jonas Bland idrottare och idrottningar (090211)
Lu, Chunlei How China Plays the Game: A Cultural Perspective on Sports in China (published inScandinavian Sport Studies Forum Vol. 2, 2011)
Nordlund, Madelene, Kim Wickman, Staffan Karp& Lotta Vikström Equal Abilities – The Swedish Parasport Federation and the Inclusion Process (published in Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum, Vol. 13, 2022, 221012)
Nordsetrønningen, Alf-Ivar Rabben Norge, Italia og de andre: En analyse av åpningsseremonien i Torino OL 2006 på NRK1 (061011)
Sandahl, Björn Hur dopningen blev ett samhällsproblem: En gestaltning av dopningsfrågan i de olympiska spelen utifrån två fallstudier (080606)
Storm, Rasmus & Klaus Nielsen Det bedste OL i nyere tid? Dansk eliteidræt falder tilbage (081029)
Tolvhed, Helena Vacker, löjlig eller seriös? Den kvinnliga olympiern i veckotidningen Se’s bevakning från sommarolympiaderna 1948–1964 (040518)
Vettenniemi, Erkki Notes on Nordic Nostalgia: Stockholm 1912 and Helsinki 1952 Revisited (121031)
Widholm, Christian Släggkastaren, trestegshopparen och japanen: Meningsfixeringar av maskuliniteter sammanflätade med etnicitet i dagspressen vid Stockholmsolympiaden 1912 (040309)
Wijk, Johnny Om idrott, kropp, diskurser och nationell identitet: Vilken verklighet är det vi studerar i massmedias konstruktioner av verkligheten? (091125)
Yrlid, Rolf Med ”Bang” till Berlinolympiaden 1936 (080606)
Yttergren, Leif ”Avskaffa OS-Vinter-OS!” Edström, Vinter-OS och Skidlärarkonflikten (050118)
Yttergren, Leif J. Sigfrid Edström, antisemitismen och Berlin-OS 1936 (071024)
Feature Articles
Andersen, Michael Which sports nation is best in Scandinavia? A new report from SNE (170812)
Andersen, Michael Which nation is best in Nordic elite sport? The 2018 report from SNE now available (180801)
Apitzsch, Erwin Gör ett OS-guld till något unikt! (140401)
Apitzsch. Erwin Stoppa inflationen av OS-guld (160809)
Bentzen, Marte, Danielle Alexander, Gordon A. Bloom & Göran Kenttä What do we know about research on parasport coaches? A scoping review | A summary (210506)
Bolling, Hans Sic transit gloria mundi | Idrottshistoriskt symposium med särskild betoning på OS i Stockholm 1912 (120606)
Donnelly, Michele K. Behind the rhetoric: Olympic gender equality beyond the numbers (240702)
Donnelly, Peter & Marcus Mazzucco With Olympics approaching, it’s time to recognize children as a protected class in sport (240702)
Eliasson, Annika Vilken roll spelar idrotten inom politiken? En betraktelse över OS- och VM-våren 2014 (140516)
Hutchins, Brett A(nother) Failure of Olympic Leadership Amidst Japan’s COVID-19 Crisis (210704)
Hägerstrand, John Olympiska spel – en politisk arena? (170224)
Jönsson, Kutte En filosofisk blick OS (121031)
Lutdal, Håkon Legg ned de olympiske leker! (180410)
Lutdal, Håkon Abolish the Olympics 180417)
Madsen, Henrik & Jens Boe Nielsen Skal en bladerunner kunne deltage i OL? (210609)
Majumdar, Boria The agony of PT Usha: A second national heartbreak decades after Milkha Singh (240720)
Majumdar, Boria When Indian athletes refused to “Heil Hitler” at Berlin Olympics (240728)
Owton, Helen Paralympians makes waves on the world stage but disability reform is badly needed (Conversation piece 151028)
Rowe, David Mixing politics and play: Russian protests and sporting boycotts (130827)
Sund, Bill Gör om OS i grunden och förlägg spelen till Aten! (080606)
Varney, Wendy Cinematic Salutation. A review of Salute: The True Story of an Unsung Australian Hero(080903)
Östergren, Frank Olympiska radiominnen (080606)
Book Reviews
The 1908 Olympics: The First London Games Keith Baker Cheltenham, Glos: SportsBooks 2008 (Frank Östergren 080606)0
The 1936 Berlin Olympics: Race, Power, and Sportswashing Jules Boykoff Champaign, IL: Common Ground 2023 (review in English by Martin Friis Andersen, published 230901)
The 1940 Tokyo Games: The Missing Olympics: Japan, the Asian Olympics and the Olympic MovementSandra Collins Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (Björn Sandahl 081112)
‘A Proper Spectacle’: Women Olympians 1900–1936 Stephanie Daniels & Anita Tedder Houghton Conquest, Beds.: ZeNaNA Press 2000 (Åsa Änghede 070418)
Action Sports and the Olympic Games: Past, Present, Future Belinda Wheaton & Holly Thorpe Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Anna-Maria Strittmatter, published 231205)
The Ancient Olympics Nigel Spivey Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012 (Paavo Roos 121213)
Athletics and Philosophy in the Ancient World: Contests of Virtue Heather L. Reid Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (Gunnar Breivik 120328)
Before the Eyes of the World: Mexico and the 1968 Olympic Games Kevin B. Witherspoon DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press 2008 (Jon Helge Lesjø 091216)
Beijing 2008: Preparing for Glory – Chinese Challenge in the ‘Chinese Century’ J.A. Mangan & Dong Jinxia(red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Jørn Hansen 091007)
Beijing’s Games: What the Olympics Mean to China Susan Brownell Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2008 (Marina Svensson 080606)
Bidding for the 1968 Olympic Games: International Sport’s Cold War Battle with NATO Heather L. Dichter Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press 2021 (review in English by Kristian Gerner, published 230309)
Black Mercuries: African American Athletes, Race, and the Modern Olympic Games David K. Wiggins, Kevin B. Witherspoon & Mark Dyreson Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2023 (review in English by Christoph Wagner, published 240430)
Boken om vinterspelen: Del 1, Från Chamonix 1924 till Calgary 1988; Del 2, Från Albertville 1992 till Pyeongchang 2018 Lars Ingels Stockholm: Sportförlaget i Norden 2017 (Anders Östnäs 180209)
Britain’s Olympic Women: A History Jean Williams Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021 (review in English by Gerd von der Lippe, published 230118)
The British Olympics: Britain’s Olympic Heritage 1612–2012 Martin Polley Swindon, Wilts: English Heritage 2011 (Björn Sandahl 120509)
Celebration Capitalism and the Olympic Games Jules Boykoff Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Christian Widholm 131210)
The Cold War and the 1984 Olympic Games: A Soviet-American Surrogate War Philip A. D’Agati Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2013 (Kristian Gerner 140221)
Cold War Games: Propaganda, the Olympics, and U.S. Foreign Policy Toby C. Rider Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2016 (Kristian Gerner 170913)
Dagbok från Berlinolympiaden 1936: Redigerad och kommenterad av Rolf Yrlid Barbro Alving Stockholm: Atlantis 2008 (Emma Tornborg 080606)
Dark Sides of Sport Jörg Krieger & Stephan Wassong (eds.) Champaign, IL: Common Ground 2019 (review in English by Mark Brooke, published 200930)
De kalde lekene: Norge, skisporten og de olympiske vinterlekene Halvor Kleppen Oslo: Akilles 2014 (Daniel Svensson 190320)
De nordiska lekarna: Grannländer i pressen under olympiska vinterspel Martin Johansson Huddinge: Södertörns högskola 2023 (review in Swedish by Peter Dahlén, published 231220)
De Paralympiske Lege – set med danske øjne Jens Boe Nielsen Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2021 (review in Swedish by Björn Sandahl, published 220907)
Delivering Olympic and Elite Sport in a Cross Cultural Context: From Beijing to London Fan Hong & Lu Zhouziang (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Jon Helge Lesjø 170119)
Det stora sveket: Den olympiska rörelsen i diktaturens tjänst Sverker Lindström Stockholm: Atlas 2008 (Lars-Erik Alkvist 080606)
Discourses of Olympism: From the Sorbonne 1894 to London 2012 Dikaia Chatziefstathiou & Ian P. Henry Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2012 (Jon Helge Lesjø 140605)
The Economics of Staging the Olympics: A Comparison of the Games 1972–2008 Holger PreussCheltenham, Glos.: Edward Elgar 2004 (Tommy Andersson 060201)
Eros and Greek Athletics Thomas F. Scanlon Oxford: Oxford University Press 2002 (Lena Halldenius 030921)
Female Olympian and Paralympian Athlete Activists: Breaking Records, Glass Ceilings, and Social Codes Linda K. Fuller Oxford, Oxon: Peter Lang Publishing 2023 (review in English by Alan Bairner, published 240607)
The Forgotten Legacy of Stella Walsh: The Greatest Female Athlete of Her Time Sheldon Anderson Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2017 (Sarah Teetzel 190328)
From Bonn to Athens Single and Return: The Diary of John Pius Boland, Olympic Champion Athens 1896 Heiner Gillmeister (red) St. Augustin: Academia Verlag 2008 (Björn Sandahl 090311)
The Gay Games: A History Caroline Symons Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Björn Sandahl 110309)
The Global Impact of Olympic Media at London 2012 Andrew C. Billings & Marie C. Hardin (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Henk Erik Meier 151209)
Globetrotting: African American Athletes and Cold War Politics Damion L. Thomas Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2017 (Anders Östnäs 171011)
The Gold in the Rings: The People and Events that Transformed the Olympic Games Stephen R. Wenn & Robert K. Barney Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2020
(review in English by Martin Friis Andersen, published 210323)
GB United: British Olympic Football and the End of the Amateur Dream Steve Menary Worthing, SX: Pitch Publishing 2010 (Arve Hjelseth 111214)
Gullracet: Medaljer, makt og mysterier i norsk langrenn Lars Backe Madsen Oslo: Gyldendal 2017 (Arve Hjelseth 171219)
Hyllade kroppar: Idrotten i arkiven Åsa Karlsson (red) Stockholm: Riksarkivet 2012 (Poul Porskær Poulsen 130605)
The Ideals of Global Sport: From Peace to Human Rights Barbara J. Keys (red) Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press 2019 (review in English by Andreas Tullberg, published 200325)
Iscensättandet av Solskensolympiaden: Dagspressens konstruktion av föreställda gemenskaper vid Stockholmsolympiaden 1912 Christian Widholm Umeå: h:ström 2008 (Jørn Hansen 100217)
The Impact and Evaluation of Major Sporting Events Holger Preuss (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (Karin Book 091021)
Ingen lek utan eld: En olympisk krönika från Aten till Aten Åke Stolt Stockholm: Albert Bonniers Förlag 2004(Jan Larsson 041123)
International Diplomacy and the Olympic Movement: The New Mediators Aaron Beacom Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2012 (Björn Sandahl 140305)
Japanese Women and Sport: Beyond Baseball and Sumo Robin Kietlinski London: Bloomsbury 2013 (Anders Östnäs 170124)
Jews and the Olympic Games: The Clash Between Sport and Politics (With a Complete Review of Jewish Olympic Medallists) Paul Taylor Brighton: Sussex Academic Press 2004 (Björn Sandahl 060412)
Law of the Olympic Games, The Alexandre Miguel Mestre Haag: TMC Asser Press 2009 (Jyri Backman 100512)
Le sport et la guerre: XIXe et XXe siècles Luc Robène (red) Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes 2012 (Kristian Gerner 130912)
Makten og æren: I toppidrettens kulisser Bjørge Stensbøl Oslo: Kagge Forlag 2010 (Dag Vidar Hanstad 111102)
Marketing of Olympic Sport Organisations Alain Ferrand & Luggino Torrigiani Champaigne, Ill.: Human Kinetics 2005 (Gun Normark 051102)
Med kroppen ind i kulturen: Idrætshistoriske strejflys Hans Bonde, under medverkan av Stanis Elsborg Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2020 (review in Danish by Martin Friis Andersen, published 210930)
Mega-Events, City and Power Nelma Gusmão de Oliveira Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Christian Tolstrup Jensen, published 230222)
Mega-Events and Globalization: Capital and spectacle in a changing world order Richard Gruneau & John Horne (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Christian Tolstrup Jensen 181129)
Munich 1972: Tragedy, Terror, and Triumph at the Olympic Games David Clay Large Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2012 (Björn Sandahl 130528)
National Identity and Global Sports Events: Culture, Politics, and Spectacle in the Olympics and the Football World Cup Alan Tomlinson & Christopher Young (red) Albany, NY: State University of New York Press 2006 (Johnny Wijk 061129)
Nationen på spel: Kropp, kön och svenskhet i populärpressens representationer av olympiska spel 1948–1972 Helena Tolvhed Umeå: h:ström 2008 (Johnny Wijk 090225)
NOlympians: Inside the Fight Against Capitalist Mega-Sports in Los Angeles, Tokyo and Beyond Jules Boykoff Black Point, Nova Scotia: Fernwood Publishing 2020 (review in English by Jens Ljunggren, published 210727)
NOlympics: Tokyo 2020/1 in der Kritik Steffi Richter, Andreas Singler & Dorothea Mladenova (red) Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2020 (review in English by Jens Ljunggren, published 210727)
The ‘Olympic and Paralympic’ Effect on Public Policy Daniel Bloyce & Andy Smith (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Jon Helge Lesjø 170119)
Olympic Cities: City Agendas, Planning, and the World’s Games, 1896–2012 John R. Gold & Maragret M. Gold (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (Karin Book 080606)
Olympic Collision: The Story of Mary Decker and Zola Budd Kyle Keiderling Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press 2016 (Pam R. Sailors 170222)
Olympic Dreams: China and Sports, 1895–2008 Guoqi Xu Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2008 (Daniel Arvidsson 081126)
Olympic Education Roland Naul Oxford, Oxon: Meyer & Meyer Sport 2008 (Anders Östnäs 090429)
Olympic Event Organization Eleni Theodoraki Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2007 (Hallgeir Gammelsæter 080606)
Olympic Games, Mega-Events and Civil Societies: Globalization, Environment, Resistance Graeme Hayes & John Karamichas (red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2012 (Simon Junström 130218)
The Olympic Games: A Social Science Perspective (Second Edition) Kristine Toohey & A. J. Veal Wallingford, Oxon: CABI 2007 (Jørn Hansen 080606)
The Olympic Games and Cultural Policy Beatriz Garcia Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Christian Widholm 140819)
The Olympic Games and the Environment John Karamichas Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2013 (Erik Jönsson 140902)
Olympic Industry Resistance: Challenging Olympic Power and Propaganda Helen Jefferson Lenskyj Albany, NY: State University of New York Press 2008 (Peter Dahlén 090606)
Olympic Laws: Culture, Values, Tensions Mark James & Guy Osborn Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2023 (review in English by Jan Andre Lee Ludvigsen, published 241105)
Olympic Media: Inside the Biggest Show on Television Andrew C. Billings Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Knut Helland 080606)
The Olympic Odyssey: Rekindling the True Spirit of the Great Games Phil Cousineau Wheaton, IL.: Quest Books – Theosophical Publishing House (Kutte Jönsson 040620)
Olympic Tourism Mike Weed Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2008 (Mia Larson 080606)
Olympic Victor Lists and Ancient Greek History Paul Christesen Cambridge, Cambs: Cambridge University Press 2007 (Paavo Roos 140609)
Olympic Visions: Images of the Games Through History Mike O’Mahoney London: Reaktion Books 2012 (Birger Hedén 140117)
Olympic Women and the Media: International Perspectives Pirkko Markula (red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2009 (Helena Tolvhed 100922)
The Olympics: A Critical Reader Vassil Girginov (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Jon Helge Lesjø 110921)
The Olympics: The Basics Andy Miah & Beatriz García Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Christian Widholm 130207)
The Olympics That Never Happened: Denver ’76 and the Politics of Growth Adam Berg Austin, TX: University of Texas Press 2023 (review in English by Jørn Hansen, published 230928)
Olympiske kvinder: Om topsport og kvindeliv gennem 100 år Else Trangbæk Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2018 (review by Martin Friis Andersen, published 190607)
Olympiske sommerleker 1896-2004 Åge Dalby, Jan Greve & Per Jorsett Olso: Akilles 2006 (Jørn Hansen 090606)
Olympiske vinterleker 1924-2006 Åge Dalby, Jan Greve & Per Jorsett Olso: Akilles 2006 (Jørn Hansen 090606)
Olympiske værdier og konflikter: Ivar Vind, en dansk frontkæmper Else Trangbæk, Søren Riiskjær & Morten Mølholm Hansen Brøndby: Danmarks Idrætsforbund 2021 (review in Norwegian by Jon Helge Lesjø, published 220125)
Olympism: The Global Vision: From Nationalism to Internationalism Boria Majumdar & Sandra Collins(red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Björn Sandahl 080606)
On the Wrong Side of the Track? East London and the Post Olympics Phil Cohen London: Lawrence & Wishart 2013 (Malcolm MacLean 141121)
Onward to the Olympics: Historical Perspectives on the Olympic Games Gerald P. Schaus & Stephen R. Wenn(red) Waterloo, ON: Wilfried Laurier University Press 2007 (Leif Yttergren 071003)
OS: Historia och statistik Sune Sylvén & Ove Karlsson Stockholm: Norstedts 2008 (Frank Östergren 080606)
Owning the Olympics: Narratives of the New China Monroe E. Price & Daniel Dayan (red) Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 2008 (Marina Svensson 080606)
The Oxford Handbook of Hip Hop Dance Studies Mary Fogarty & Imani Kai Johnson (eds.) Oxford: Oxford University Press 2023 (review in English by Jacob Kimvall, published 240615)
The Palgrave Handbook of Olympic Studies Helen Jefferson Lenskyj & Stephen Wagg (red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2012 (Jon Helge Lesjø 130319)
Paralympic Games: Empowerment or Side Show?, The Keith Gilbert & Otto J. Schantz (red) Maidenhead, Berks.: Meyer & Meyer Sport 2008 (Oskar Krantz 100331)
Paralympic Legacies David Legg & Keith Gilbert (red) Champaign, IL: Common Ground 2011 (Oskar Krantz 130515)
Path Lit by Lightning: The Life of Jim Thorpe David Maraniss New York, NY: Simon & Schuster 2022 (review in English by Hans Bolling, published 241003)
The Pentathlon of the Ancient World Frank Zarnowski Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2013 (Paavo Roos 131023)
Post-Olympism? Questioning Sport in the Twenty-first Century John Bale & Mette Krogh Christensen (red) Oxford: Berg Publishers 2004 (Anders Östnäs 040620)
Reflections on Mexico ’68 Keith Brewster (red) Oxford, Oxon.: Wiley Blackwell 2010 (Jørn Hansen 110608)
Reframing Disability? Media, (Dis)Empowerment and Voice in the 2012 Paralympics Daniel Jackson, Caroline E. M. Hodges, Mike Molesworth & Richard Scullion (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Elisabet Apelmo 160615)
(Re)Presenting Wilma Rudolph Rita Liberti & Maureen M. Smith Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press 2015 (Grace Butcher 151113)
The Revolt of the Black Athlete: 50th Anniversary Edition Harry Edwards Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2017 (Jorid Hovden 181128)
Rethinking Olympic Legacy Vassil Girginov Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (Jon Helge Lesjø 181207)
Rethinking the Olympics: Cultural Histories of the Modern Games Robert K. Barney (red) Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2010 (Jørn Hansen 101013)
The Rise and Fall of Olympic Amateurism Matthew P. Llewellyn & John Gleaves Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2016 (Susan J. Rayl 170223)
Routledge Handbook of Sports Event Management Milena M. Parent & Jean-Loup Chappelet (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (review in English by Christian Tolstrup Jensen, published 190215)
Rule Britannia: Nationalism, Identity and the Modern Olympic Games Matthew P. Llewellyn Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Jon Helge Lesjø 121010)
The Sexual and Gender Politics of Sport Mega-Events: Roving Colonialism Heather Sykes Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (Maria Zuiderveld 181212)
Six Minutes in Berlin: Broadcast Spectacle and Rowing Gold at the Nazi Olympics Michael J. Socolow Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2016 (Christian Widholm 170928)
The Sochi Predicament: Contexts, Characteristics and Challenges of the Olympic Winter Games in 2014 Bo Petersson & Karina Vamling (red) Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2013 (Jørn Hansen 141023)
Sport under Communism: Behind the East German ‘Miracle’ Mike Dennis & Jonathan Grix Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2012 (Kristian Gerner 121211)
Sport, Revolution and the Beijing Olympics Grant Jarvie, Dong-Jhy Hwang & Mel Brennan Oxford: Berg Publishers 2008 (Daniel Arvidsson 080606)
Sport, Coaching and Intellectual Disability David Hassan, Sandra Dowling & Roy McConkey (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Anders Östnäs 150923)
Sportswomen at the Olympics: A Global Content Analysis of Newspaper Coverage Toni Bruce, Jorid Hovden & Pirkko Markula (red) Rotterdam: Sense Publishers 2010 (Christian Widholm 110511)
Stockholmsolympiaden 1912: Tävlingarna – människorna – staden Hans Bolling & Leif Yttergren (red) Stockholm: Stockholmia förlag 2012 (Jørn Hansen 130206)
Strategic and Performance Management of Olympic Sport Organisations Jean-Loup Chappelet & Emmanuel Bayle Champaigne, Ill.: Human Kinetics 2004 (Gun Normark 051102)
Strategic Sports Event Management: Olympic Edition Guy Masterman Oxford, Oxon: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2009 (Gun Normark 110330)
Success and Failure of Countries at the Olympic Games Danyel Reiche Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2016 (Björn Sandahl 170207)
Sustainability and Sport Jill Savery & Keith Gilbert (red) Champaign, IL: Common Ground 2011 (Karin Book 141010)
Sustainable Olympic Design and Urban Development Adrian Pitts & Hanwen Liao Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (Karin Book 100512)
Terrorism and the Olympics: Major Event Security and Lessons for the Future Anthony Richards, Pete Fussey & Andrew Silke (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Magnus Norell 110420)
Understanding the Olympics John Horne & Garry Whannel Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Jørn Hansen 120328)
Vinter-Ol i skisportens vugge: De VI Olympiske vinterlekarne i Oslo 1952 og De XVII Olympiske vinterlekerne i Lillehammer, 1994 Gaute Slåen Heyerdahl Oslo: Norges idrettshøgskole 2014 (Leif Yttergren 151022)
Von spielenden Soldaten und kämpfenden Athleten: Die Genese des Modernen Fünfkamps Sandra Heck Göttingen: V & R unipress 2013 (Ansgar Molzberger 140924)
Vägledning till Solskensolympiaden Åke Jönsson Stockholm: Klocktornet Media AB 2012 (Jørn Hansen 130206)
Watching the Olympics: Politics, Power and Representation John Sugden & Alan Tomlinson (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Jon Helge Lesjø 120328)
“We just knew that we had to be a part of it”: The Youth Olympic Games as a catalyst for social innovation Roald Undlien Elverum: Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences 2020 (review in English by Daniela Schwarz, published 211014)
The Youth Olympic Games Dag Vidar Hanstad, Milena M. Parent & Barrie Houlihan (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Björn Sandahl 151007)
On the Forum blog
MacLean, Malcolm Reclaiming the 1976 Montreal Boycott from Olympic marginalisation (220315)
Rowe, David The Brisbane Olympics are a leap into an unknowable future (210802)
(More to come)
Sport films
Peter Dahlén Jim Thorpe – All American: Den första internationella friidrottsstjärnan (Peter Dahlén om sportfilm XXIII, 111123)
Wendy Varney Cinematic Salutation. A review of Salute: The True Story of an Unsung Australian Hero (080903)
Olympika: The International Journal of Olympic Studies (University of Western Ontario) Homepage
Journal of Olympic Studies (University of Illinois Press) Homepage