Factors influencing a physical education teacher’s pedagogical games practices with pupils experiencing social, emotional and mental health issues
Nick O’Leary, Carl Longmore, and Richard Medcalf
A major review of stakeholder perspectives on the purposes of primary physical education
Déirdre Ní Chróinín, Tim Fletcher, Mike Jess, and Méabh Corr
‘The world is a happier place’: Celebration in a whole-of-school physical activity initiative
Déirdre Ní Chróinín and Jaimie McMullen
Giving birth to a supervisory identity built upon pedagogical perspectives on teaching: The case of a novice physical education cooperating teacher
Mariana Amaral-da-Cunha, Amândio Graça, Paula Batista, and Ann MacPhail
Self-regulated learning strategies and achievement goals among preservice physical education teachers
Jiling Liu, Ping Xiang, Ron E McBride, and Han Chen
Intergenerational touch in physical education in relation to heteronormativity: Female students’ perspectives
Annica Caldeborg and Marie Öhman
Implementing the REACH after-school programme for youth in urban communities: Challenges and lessons learned
Risto Marttinen, Ray N Fredrick, III, Kelly Johnston, Sharon Phillips, and Debra Patterson
Diversity in teachers’ approaches to movement integration: A qualitative study of lower secondary school teachers’ perceptions of a state school reform involving daily physical activity
Henrik Taarsted Jørgensen, Sine Agergaard, Michalis Stylianou, and Jens Troelsen
Classroom teachers’ and administrators’ views of teaching health and physical education
Dominique Banville, Ben Dyson, Pamela H Kulinna, and Michalis Stylianou
Changes in healthy behaviour knowledge of rural pupils
Kent A Lorenz, Michalis Stylianou, and Pamela Hodges Kulinna
Singapore teachers’ attitudes towards the use of information and communication technologies in physical education
Nien Xiang Tou, Ying Hwa Kee, Koon Teck Koh, Martin Camiré, and Jia Yi Chow
The development of US physical education teachers’ motivating styles: A socialization perspective
Nicholas S Washburn, K Andrew R Richards, and Oleg A Sinelnikov
Another platform and a changed context: Student experiences of developing spontaneous speaking in French through physical education
Penny Lamb and Graham King
Gendered trends in young people’s participation in active lifestyles: The need for a gender-neutral narrative
Sarah Nicola Metcalfe and Iain Lindsey
Student health-related fitness testing in school-based physical education: Strategies for student self-testing using technology
Xiaofen Keating, Xiaolu Liu, Rachyl Stephenson, Jianmin Guan, and Michael Hodges
Playing to our strengths: Generalist teachers’ experiences of class swapping for primary physical education
Liam Clohessy, Richard Bowles, and Déirdre Ní Chróinín
School-based physical education: Physical activity and implementation barriers in Vietnamese elementary schools
Quyen G To, Lee Wharton, Danielle Gallegos, Michalis Stylianou, Dung V Do, Kien G To, Hanh TM Tran, and Stewart G Trost