Using Paralympic School Day as a Model for an Adapted Physical Education Professional Development for Physical Educators
Marie Leake, Martin Block, Cathy McKay
Physical Education Skill Development of Individuals With Visual Impairments: A Preliminary Study
T. N. Kirk, Justin A. Haegele, Xihe Zhu
The Effect of an Intentional Functional Movement Warm-Up on Ninth Graders’ Movement Quality
Lynda Butler-Storsved, Pamela Kocher Brown, Diane Gill, Christopher Rhea
Using Digital Video Analysis to Develop Elementary Education Majors’ Noticing Skills in Elementary Physical Education
David C. Barney, Keven Prusak, Zack Beddoes
If You Build It, They Will Come: Physical Educators’ Perceptions Regarding How to Design an Optimal Online Physical Education Resource
Jaimie McMullen, Mark Urtel, Collin Webster, Isa Granados, Brian Culp, Emily D’Agostino
Justification of a Deficit Mentality in a Division I Intercollegiate Athletic Department
Shannon Powers, Lawrence W. Judge, Selen Razon