Tag: Brian Culp
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, Volume 28, 2023, Issue 5
The purpose of PESP is to provide a forum for high quality educational research for a national and international readership. We intend this research to have a high impact on both policy and practice. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: A longitudinal examination of the influence of winning or losing with motivational climate as a mediator on enjoyment, perceived competence, and intention to be physically active in youth basketball by María T. Morales-Belando, Jean Côté & José L. Arias-Estero.
The Physical Educator, Vol. 80, 2023, No. 3
TPE is one of the longest standing journals providing research-based articles relating to physical education, health, recreation, dance, exercise science, sports medicine, and sports management. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: If You Build It, They Will Come: Physical Educators’ Perceptions Regarding How to Design an Optimal Online Physical Education Resource by Jaimie McMullen, Mark Urtel, Collin Webster, Isa Granados, Brian Culp, Emily D'Agostino.
Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, Volume 40, 2021, Issue 2
The purpose of JTPE is to communicate national and international research and stimulate discussion, study, and critique of teaching, teacher education, and curriculum as these fields relate to physical activity in schools and sport. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: High-Intensity Interval Training and Health Optimizing Physical Education: Achieving Health and Educative Outcomes in Secondary Physical Education—A Pilot Nonrandomized Comparison Trial by Dean Dudley, Nathan Weaver, John Cairney.
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, Volume 92, 2021, Issue 1
JOPERD is a peer-reviewed, four-color, professional journal. JOPERD serves as an authoritative, professional source for educators in physical education, sport, recreation, and dance in all settings.The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: MOTIVATING HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS WITH PRAISE by Ken Murfay, Aaron Beighle & Heather Erwin.
Quest, Volume 73, 2021, Issue 1
Quest is the official journal of the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education (NAKHE). It is the leading journal for interdisciplinary scholarship for professionals in kinesiology in higher education. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Volunteer Bias and Female Participation in Exercise and Sports Science Research by James Nuzzo.
International Sport Coaching Journal, Volume 8, 2021, Issue 1
International Sport Coaching Journal is a venture of the International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE). Its mission is to advance the profession of coaching. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: COPING AMONGST ELITE-LEVEL SPORTS COACHES: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW by Maja Gunhild Olsen, Jan Arvid Haugan, Maria Hrozanova, Frode Moen.
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, Volume 91, 2020, Issue 9
JOPERD is a peer-reviewed, four-color, professional journal. JOPERD serves as an authoritative, professional source for educators in physical education, sport, recreation, and dance in all settings. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: FOSTERING RESILIENT LEARNERS BY IMPLEMENTING TRAUMA-INFORMED AND SOCIALLY JUST PRACTICES by Jennifer L. Walton-Fisette.
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, Volume 91, 2020, Issue 6
JOPERD is a peer-reviewed, four-color, professional journal. JOPERD serves as an authoritative, professional source for educators in physical education, sport, recreation, and dance in all settings. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: DEVELOPING KINESTHETIC CLASSROOMS TO PROMOTE ACTIVE LEARNING by Brian Culp, Mia Oberlton & Kandice Porter.
Quest, Volume 72, 2020, Issue 2
Quest is the official journal of the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education (NAKHE). It is the leading journal for interdisciplinary scholarship for professionals in kinesiology in higher education. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: THE EMOTIONALITY OF WHITENESS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHER EDUCATION | 2020 National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education Hally Beth Poindexter Young Scholar Address by Mara Simon.
Quest, Volume 69, 2017, Issue 2
Quest is the official journal of the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education (NAKHE). It is the leading journal for interdisciplinary scholarship for professionals in kinesiology in higher education. Quest provides a public forum for scholarship, creative thought, and research relevant to a broad range of interests held by faculty and leaders in higher education today.