Research Papers
Dynamic vision training transfers positively to batting practice performance among collegiate baseball batters
Sicong Liu, Lyndsey M. Ferris, Susan Hilbig, Edem Asamoa, John L. LaRue, Don Lyon, Katie Connolly, Nicholas Port, L. Gregory Appelbaum
Processing deceptive information in sports: Individual differences for responding to head fakes depends on the attentional capability of the observer
Iris Güldenpenning, Matthias Weigelt, Daniel Memmert, Stefanie Klatt
Approach-achievement goals and motivational context on psycho-physiological functioning and performance among novice basketball players
Mairi Mulvenna, James W. Adie, Luke D. Sage, Nigel E. Wilson, Douglas Howat
Psycho-perceptual-motor skills are deemed critical to save the penalty corner in international field hockey
Khaya Morris-Binelli, Fleur E.C.A. van Rens, Sean Müller, Simon M. Rosalie
Maximizing data quality and shortening survey time: Three-form planned missing data survey design
E. Whitney G. Moore, Kyle M. Lang, Elizabeth M. Grandfield
High school student-athletes’ perceptions and experiences of leadership as a life skill
Scott Pierce, Karl Erickson, Mustafa Sarkar
Psychological mechanisms underlying the relationship between commercial physical activity app use and physical activity engagement
Jasmine M. Petersen, Eva Kemps, Lucy K. Lewis, Ivanka Prichard
Motivational climate, psychological needs, and personal and social responsibility in youth soccer: Comparisons by age group and competitive level
Lindsay E. Kipp, Nicole D. Bolter
Achievement motive, autonomous motivation, and attendance at fitness center: A longitudinal prospective study
Philipp M. Kopp, Veit Senner, Hugo M. Kehr, Peter Gröpel
When in doubt, it’s not out: Match format is associated with differences in elite-level cricket umpires’ leg-before-wicket decisions
Joshua M. Adie, Ian Renshaw, Remco Polman, Matthew B. Thompson, David L. Mann
The experiences of high-performance coaches in the management of difficult athletes
William J. Heelis, Jeffrey G. Caron, Gordon A. Bloom
To act or not to act? Student-athlete perceptions of social justice activism
Andrew Mac Intosh, Eric M. Martin, Yannick Kluch
Why do new members stop attending health and fitness venues? The importance of developing frequent and stable attendance behaviour
Matthew Rand, Elizabeth Goyder, Paul Norman, Robert Womack
Does students’ self-determined motivation toward Physical Education influence the effectiveness of a fitness teaching unit? A cluster-randomized controlled trial and cluster analysis
Santiago Guijarro-Romero, Daniel Mayorga-Vega, Carolina Casado-Robles, Jesús Viciana
Higher inhibitory control is required to escape the innate attraction to effort minimization
Boris Cheval, Marcos Daou, Daniel A.R. Cabral, Mariane F.B. Bacelar, Juliana O. Parma, Cyril Forestier, Dan Orsholits, David Sander, Matthieu P. Boisgontier, Matthew W. Miller
Factors associated with adherence to the muscle-strengthening activity guideline among adolescents
Jordan J. Smith, Thierno M.O. Diallo, Jason A. Bennie, Grant R. Tomkinson, David R. Lubans
Does game pressure affect hand selection of NBA basketball players?
Bruno Giovanini, Alexandre Jehan Marcori, Pedro Henrique Martins Monteiro, Victor Hugo Alves Okazaki
Effects of visualized PETTLEP imagery on the basketball 3-point shot: A comparison of internal and external perspectives
Frank J.H. Lu, Diane L. Gill, Yu-Chen Lee, Yi-Hsiang Chiu, Sean Liu, Hong-Yu Liu
Presence and search for meaning in sport: Initial construct validation
Matteo Luzzeri, Graig M. Chow
Online public shaming of professional athletes: Gender matters
Ellen MacPherson, Gretchen Kerr
A dynamic view of coach transformational leadership: How leadership perceptions relate to task cohesion and team potency
Noelle Baird, Luc J. Martin, Alex J. Benson
The effectiveness of psychological skills training and behavioral interventions in sport using single-case designs: A meta regression analysis of the peer-reviewed studies
Jamie B. Barker, Matthew J. Slater, Geoff Pugh, Stephen D. Mellalieu, Paul J. McCarthy, Marc V. Jones, Aidan Moran
Does learning a skill with the expectation of teaching it impair the skill’s execution under psychological pressure if the skill is learned with analogy instructions?
Daniel A.R. Cabral, Marcos Daou, Mariane F.B. Bacelar, Juliana O. Parma, Matthew W. Miller
Unpacking the debate: A qualitative investigation of first-time experiences with interval exercise
Matthew J. Stork, Toni L. Williams, Kathleen A. Martin Ginis
Promoting positive development among youth from refugee and migrant backgrounds: The case of Kicking Goals Together
Matthew A. Pink, John W. Mahoney, John E. Saunders
Achievement goal theory-based psychological skills training session buffers youth athletes’ psychophysiological responses to performance stress
Candace M. Hogue
Key players in sport teams. An exploratory study on the effects of attachment styles on intra-team relational networks
Helga Dizdari, Roland Seiler
Similar improvements in inhibitory control following low-volume high-intensity interval exercise and moderate-intensity continuous exercise
Takeshi Sugimoto, Tadashi Suga, Hayato Tsukamoto, Thomas A. Calverley, Daichi Tanaka, Saki Takenaka, Keigo Tomoo, Kento Dora, Damian M. Bailey, Tadao Isaka, Takeshi Hashimoto
Objective aerobic fitness level and neuropsychological functioning in healthy adolescents and emerging adults: Unique sex effects
Natasha E. Wade, Christine M. Kaiver, Alexander L. Wallace, Kelah F. Hatcher, Ann M. Swartz, Krista M. Lisdahl
Motivation and physical activity levels in bariatric patients involved in a self-determination theory-based physical activity program
David González-Cutre, Alejandro Jiménez-Loaisa, Manuel Alcaraz-Ibáñez, María Romero-Elías, Inês Santos, Vicente J. Beltrán-Carrillo
Review Papers
Psychological and physiological stress in non-competitive and competitive esports settings: A systematic review
Oliver Leis, Franziska Lautenbach
Community sport and physical activity programs as sites of integration: A meta-synthesis of qualitative research conducted with forced migrants
Thierry.R.F. Middleton, Brennan Petersen, Robert J. Schinke, San Fu Kao, Cole Giffin
Effects of school-based interventions on motivation towards physical activity in children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Anne Kelso, Stephanie Linder, Anne K. Reimers, Stefanie J. Klug, Marianna Alesi, Lidia Scifo, Carla Chicau Borrego, Diogo Monteiro, Yolanda Demetriou
Short Communication
“The threat is in the head, not in the legs”: Activating negative age stereotypes generates extra cognitive load during walking
Aïna Chalabaev, Estelle Palluel, François Ruchaud
Confinement during Covid-19 outbreak modifies athletes’ self-based goals
Nicolas Mascret
Selfie-posting on social networking sites, body surveillance, and exercise for weight control among Chinese young women with low body mass index
Liangshuang Yao, Gengfeng Niu, Xiaojun Sun, Changying Duan, Yueli Zheng
“Not performing worse but feeling older !” the negative effect of the induction of a negative aging stereotype
Maxime Deshayes, Corentin Clément-Guillotin, Frédéric Chorin, Olivier Guérin, Raphaël Zory
Articles from the special section of Social identity Leaders Edited by Jamie Barker, Katrien Fransen, Alex Haslam, Matt Slater, Niklas Steffens
Coach identity leadership behaviours are positively associated with athlete resource appraisals: The mediating roles of relational and group identification
Anthony J. Miller, Matthew J. Slater, Martin J. Turner
The impact of identity leadership on team functioning and well-being in team sport: Is psychological safety the missing link?
Katrien Fransen, Desmond McEwan, Mustafa Sarkar
All for us and us for all: Introducing the 5R Shared Leadership Program
Katrien Fransen, S. Alexander Haslam, Niklas K. Steffens, Kim Peters, Clifford J. Mallett, Niels Mertens, Filip Boen