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    Tag: Diane L. Gill

    Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Vol. 67, July 2023

    Psychology of Sport and Exercise is an international forum for scholarly reports in the psychology of sport and exercise, broadly defined. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Predictors of changes in running and smoking identity among individuals in the Run to Quit smoking cessation program by Colin M. Wierts, Mark R. Beauchamp, Carly S. Priebe, Bruno D. Zumbo, Ryan E. Rhodes, Guy Faulkner.

    International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Volume 21, 2023, Issue 3

    IJSEP publishes empirical and theoretical contributions in the science of physical activity, human movement, exercise, and sport. The journal’s Editors and Editorial Board encourage researchers and scholars worldwide to submit their work for publication. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: The mediating effect of parental warmth on the association of parent pressure and athlete perfectionism in adolescent soccer by Daniel J. M. Fleming, Travis E. Dorsch & Jenna C. Dayley.

    Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Vol. 65, March 2023

    Psychology of Sport and Exercise is an international forum for scholarly reports in the psychology of sport and exercise, broadly defined. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Creating the conditions for psychological safety and its impact on quality coach-athlete relationships by Sophia Jowett, Jose Roberto Andrade Do Nascimento-Júnior, Chen Zhao, Jyoti Gosai (open access).

    Kinesiology Review, Volume 11, 2022, Issue 3

    Kinesiology Review is a peer-reviewed publication whose mission ir is to advance the field of Kinesiology by publishing evaluative, insightful, and integrative scholarly reviews of kinesiology research, both basic and applied. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Aristotle’s Conception of Arete and the Meaning of Records in Sport by Gregg Twietmeyer, Tyler G. Johnson.

    Recreational Sports Journal, Vol. 46, 2022, Issue 1

    The Recreational Sports Journal is the scholarly, peer-reviewed publication of the NIRSA Foundation. Its purpose is to provide a source of empirical, theoretical, and applied research to the field of recreational sports. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Comparison of the Development of Character and Skills between Club and Varsity Athletes by Zachary Beldon, Joseph T. Walker, and John Collins.

    Kinesiology Review, Volume 11, 2022, Issue 1 | Kinesiology‘s Social Justice Imperative

    Kinesiology Review is a peer-reviewed publication whose mission ir is to advance the field of Kinesiology by publishing evaluative, insightful, and integrative scholarly reviews of kinesiology research, both basic and applied. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Kinesiology: Moving Toward Social Justice? by Diane L. Gill.

    Kinesiology Review, Volume 10, 2021, Issue 3 | Commemorating George Brooks’s Perspectives on the Academic Discipline of Physical Education (Open Access)

    Kinesiology Review is a peer-reviewed publication whose mission ir is to advance the field of Kinesiology by publishing evaluative, insightful, and integrative scholarly reviews of kinesiology research, both basic and applied. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: From Sport Psychology to Sport and Exercise Psychology: A 40-year Update by Diane L. Gill, Erin J. Reifsteck, Leilani Madrigal.

    Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Vol. 51, November 2020

    Psychology of Sport and Exercise is an international forum for scholarly reports in the psychology of sport and exercise, broadly defined. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: PSYCHO-PERCEPTUAL-MOTOR SKILLS ARE DEEMED CRITICAL TO SAVE THE PENALTY CORNER IN INTERNATIONAL FIELD HOCKEY by Khaya Morris-Binelli, Fleur E.C.A. van Rens, Sean Müller, Simon M. Rosalie.

    Journal of Athlete Development and Experience, Volume 2, 2020, Issue 2

    JADE was founded to publish and promote research that focuses on people over profits. Editor’s pick from the current issue: The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: STUDENT-ATHLETES AT AN HISTORICALLY BLACK UNIVERSITY (HBU): EXAMINING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STUDENT-ENGAGEMENT ON CAMPUS AND CAREER SITUATION AWARENESS by Gregg Rich, Kenneth Kungu, and Ali Boolani.