The Physical Educator, Vol. 76, 2019, No. 1


Pedometer Accuracy and Metabolic Cost in Elementary School Children While Walking, Skipping, Galloping, and Sliding
John D. Smith, Cynthia Schroeder, Rosalyn M. Smith

Aligning Critical Physical Education Teacher Education and Models-Based Practice
Glenn Fyall, Michael W. Metzler

Measured Effectiveness and Decision-Making Processes of National Board and Non-Board Certified Physical Education Teachers
Jennifer E. Houston, Pamela Kulinna, Hans van der Mars, Kent Lorenz

A Qualitative Investigation of PE Teachers Perceptions of Introductory/Warm-up Activities in K-12 PE
David C. Barney, Teresa Leavitt

Combining Attentional Focus Strategies: Effects and Adherence
Cheryl Coker

Unleashing the Powers Within: Delving Into Our Own Talents to Provide Effective CPD
Rosemary Keegan

Integrating the Pedometer Into Physical Education: Monitoring and Evaluating Physical Activity, Pedagogical Implications, Practical Considerations, and Recommendations
Andreas Fröberg, Anders Raustorp

An Interdivision Mentoring Program: Doctoral Students as Mentors for Preservice Teachers
K. Andrew R. Richards, Oleg A. Sinelnikov

Comparison of the Command and Inclusion Styles of Physical Education Lessons to Teach Volleyball in Middle School
Fatih Özgül, Tülin Atan, Murat Kangalgil

Exploring Secondary Science Teachers’ Use of Classroom Physical Activity
Shane Warehime, Kailey Snyder, Connie Schaffer, Matthew Bice, Megan Adkins-Bollwit, Danae Dinkel

Active Families at Home: The Development of a Let’s Wiggle With 5-2-1-0 App
Alexandra P. Venezia, Christopher K. Wirth, Debra M. Vinci

Infusing Physical Activity Leadership Training in PETE Programs Through University–School Partnerships: Principals’ and Graduate Students’ Experiences
Tan Leng Goh, Collin Webster, Timothy Brusseau, James Hannon

Perceptions of Physical Activity Tracking Devices: A Survey Analysis
Selen Razon, Alex Wallace, Jorge Ballesteros, Nicole Koontz, Lawrence W. Judge, Alexander H.K. Montoye

Examining the Relationship Between High School Physical Education and Fitness Outcomes in College Students
Allison Burner, Melissa Bopp, Zack Papalia, Alison Weimer, Christopher M. Bopp

You and the Law: School Compliance to a Physical Education Lawsuit Settlement
David Kahan, Thomas L. McKenzie


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