Accuracy of a Peer Process Assessment Performed by Elementary Physical Education Students
Andrew E. Alstot
Effect of Pairing by Ability on Performance, Physical Activity, and Time-on-Task During Reciprocal Peer Teaching in Swimming
Tom Madou, Peter Iserbyt
Measuring Rhythmic Ability: Validation of a Digital Rhythmic Ability Evaluation Tool (DRAET)
Dimitrios Kyriazis, Eva Pavlidou, Vassilis Barkoukis, Eleni Fotiadou
Student Coaches in Sport Education: A Case Study Examination of Their Influence on the Perceptions and Experiences of Their Players
Dana Perlman, Greg Forrest
Accessible Golf Courses: Web-based Accommodation Communication
Elizabeth A. Wanless, Jeffrey C. Petersen, Lindsay K. Pursglove, Logan Desmond, Lawrence W. Judge
Improving Teacher Effectiveness in Physical Education Teacher Education Through Field-Based Supervision
Kason O’Neil, Barbara Ann Boyce
Interrogating Assumptions of a Curriculum: Queensland Senior Physical Education Syllabus
Brendan SueSee, Shane Pill, Ken Edwards
Physical Education Teachers’ Use of Mosston and Ashworth’s Teaching Styles: A Literature Review
Constantine C. Chatoupis
What’s Going on Out There? An exploration of K–12 PE Curricular Models and Content Taught in Public Schools
Michael Hodges, Michael Laughlin, Timothy Brusseau