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    Tag: Dana Perlman

    The Physical Educator, Vol. 75, 2018, No. 5

    Originally published in 1940 by Phi Epsilon Kappa as a quarterly publication for its fraternity members, The Physical Educator is one of the longest standing journals providing research-based articles relating to physical education, health, recreation, and related areas. Read TPE if you are interested in physical education, health, recreation, dance, exercise science, sports medicine, and sports management.

    World Leisure Journal, Volume 59, 2017, Issue 3

    As the official journal of the World Leisure Organisation, the purpose of the World Leisure Journal is to stimulate and communicate research, theory, and critical thought in all areas that address leisure, including play, recreation, the arts and culture, sport, festivals, events and celebrations, health and fitness, and travel and tourism.
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