Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Vol. 50, September 2020


Research Articles

The impact of social relationships on initiation in adapted physical activity for individuals with acquired disabilities
Dragana Javorina, Celina H. Shirazipour, Veronica Allan, Amy E. Latimer-Cheung

How do people interpret and respond to self-report sitting time questionnaires? a think-aloud study
Benjamin Gardner, Ioanna Louca, Danai Mourouzis, Alessandra Calabrese, Aeysha Fida, Lee Smith

Group cohesion and relatedness as predictors of self-determined motivation and burnout in adolescent female athletes
Christine E. Pacewicz, Alan L. Smith, Thomas D. Raedeke

The effect of a virtual reality environment on gaze behaviour and motor skill learning
David J. Harris, Gavin Buckingham, Mark R. Wilson, Jack Brookes, Faisal Mushtaq, Mark Mon-Williams, Samuel J. Vine

Specific internal and external attentional focus instructions have differential effects on rowing performance
David L. Neumann, Nicholas Walsh, Robyn L. Moffitt, Thomas E. Hannan

Exploring perceptions about the feasibility of educational video resources as a strategy to support parental involvement in youth soccer
John Kwon, Sam Elliott, Stefania Velardo

Increasing help-seeking for eating pathology among collegiate athletes: An examination of a novel, customized intervention
Shelby J. Martin, Kevin G. Saulnier, Sarah A. Horvath, Timothy Anderson

Self-compassion, social rank, and psychological distress in athletes of varying competitive levels
Courtney C. Walton, John Baranoff, Paul Gilbert, James Kirby

How socialization tactics relate to role clarity, cohesion, and intentions to return in soccer teams
Francisco M. Leo, Miguel A. López-Gajardo, Inmaculada González-Ponce, Tomás García-Calvo, Alex J. Benson, Mark Eys

Development of a mental skills training intervention for the Canadian Special Operations Forces Command: An intervention mapping approach
C. Paige Mattie, Kimberly Guest, Suzanne Bailey, Jamie Collins, Daniel F. Gucciardi

Perception and action in a far-aiming task: Inhibition demands and the functionality of the Quiet Eye in motor performance
André Klostermann

Choice of practice-task order enhances golf skill learning
Jongseong An, Rebecca Lewthwaite, Seungmin Lee, Gabriele Wulf

Perceived anger profiles in table tennis players: Relationship with burnout and coping
Higinio González-García, Guillaume Martinent

Dyadic coping in coach-athlete relationships: A grounded theory
Helen R. Staff, Faye F. Didymus, Susan H. Backhouse

Efficacy of a 7-week dance (RCT) PE curriculum with different teaching pedagogies and levels of cognitive challenge to improve working memory capacity and motor competence in 8–10 years old children
Luca Oppici, James R Rudd, Tim Buszard, Sharna Spittle

Knowledge is power? Outcome probability information impairs detection of deceptive intent
Robin C. Jackson, Hayley Barton, Daniel T. Bishop

Development and validation of the Eating Disorders Screen for Athletes (EDSA): A brief screening tool for male and female athletes
Vivienne M. Hazzard, Lauren M. Schaefer, Allison Mankowski, Traci L. Carson, Sarah M. Lipson, Claire Fendrick, Ross D. Crosby, Kendrin R. Sonneville

Open Acess
Elite golfers are characterized by psychomotor refinement in cognitive-motor processes
Kuo-Pin Wang, Ming-Yang Cheng, Tai-Ting Chen, Chung-Ju Huang,Thomas Schack, Tsung-Min Hung

Slow and fast chess performance across three expert levels
Angel Blanch, Aleix Ayats, Maria Pau Cornadó

Open Acess
Overweight and obese men’s experiences in a sport-based weight loss intervention for men
Timothy Budden, James A. Dimmock, Brett Smith, Mark Beauchamp, Michael Rosenberg, Ben Jackson

Female and male soccer players recruited different cognitive processes when generating creative soccer moves
Christian Rominger, Daniel Memmert, Ilona Papousek, Corinna M. Perchtold-Stefan, Elisabeth M. Weiss, Mathias Benedek, Andreas R. Schwerdtfeger, Andreas Fink

Review Articles

A comprehensive analysis of the integration of team research between sport psychology and management
Kyle J. Emich, Kurt Norder, Li Lu, Aman Sawhney

The constraint-led approach to enhancing team synergies in sport – What do we currently know and how can we move forward? A systematic review and meta-analyses
Ana Ramos, Patrícia Coutinho, José Carlos Leitão, António Cortinhas, Keith Davids, Isabel Mesquita

Article 101754

Articles from Special issue on Physical Activity Assessment edited by Claudio Nigg

Best practices and future research directions: Consensus from the 2nd International Workshop of theCenter for the Assessment of Physical Activity (CAPA)
Claudio R. Nigg, Alexander Woll

Assessing physical activity through questionnaires – A consensus of best practices and future directions
Claudio R. Nigg, Reinhard Fuchs, Markus Gerber, Darko Jekauc, Theresa Koch, Janina Krell-Roesch, Sonia Lippke, Carina Mnich, Bernhard Novak, Qianqian Ju, Matteo C. Sattler, Steffen C.E. Schmidt, Mireille van Poppel, Anne K. Reimers, Petra Wagner, Catherine Woods, Alexander Woll

Ambulatory assessment for physical activity research: State of the science, best practices and future directions
Markus Reichert, Marco Giurgiu, Elena D. Koch, et al.


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