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    Stipendiatstilling i idrettsfysiologi ved Seksjon for fysisk prestasjonsevne, Norges idrettshøgskole

    Norges idrettshøgskole (NIH) er en vitenskapelig høgskole med et nasjonalt ansvar for utdanning og forskning i idrettsvitenskap. Idrettsvitenskap er et bredt fagfelt med ulike perspektiv knyttet til mennesker i bevegelse. Vi tilbyr utdanning på bachelor-, master- og doktorgradsnivå. Våre studieprogrammer skal dekke samfunnets behov for kompetanse innen idrettsfeltet. Høgskolen har rundt 1500 studenter og 220 ansatte fordelt på fem...

    Two vacant positions as Postdoctoral research fellows at the Department of Physical Performance, The Norwegian School of Sport Sciences

    The Norwegian School of Sport Sciences (NSSS) is a specialized university with a national responsibility to provide higher education, scientific research and dissemination of knowledge in specialist areas of Sport Sciences and Physical Education. NSSS was established in 1968 and has today approximately 220 staff members and 1.500 students. A wide range of national and international R&D activities are...

    Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Sociology of Sport | Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen

    At the Section of Human and Social Sciences at the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports (Copenhagen University) a position as assistant professor (tenure track) is available. The position includes research and teaching in the sociology of sport. Ability to combine sociological and health research methods will be beneficial. Applicants from general sociology that want to specialize in sport sociology are also invited to apply. The...

    Associate professorships in sport biology at Section for Sports Science at the Department of Public Health, Aarhus University

    Two associate professorships at Section for Sports Science at the Department of Public Health, Aarhus University are vacant for employment with starting date 1 January 2015. The Department of Public Health comprises a number of sections, including Section for Sport Science. In addition to offering a Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree Programme in Sport Science, the Section carries out research in...

    Call for Editor of the Sociology of Sport Journal (SSJ)

    The North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS) is seeking applications for the position of Editor of the SSJ. Deadline for Applications: September 8, 2014 The Sociology of Sport Journal (SSJ) SSJ is the official journal of NASSS and thus, it is governed by the NASSS board. As the journal services a diverse membership, it publishes articles on diverse topics,...

    Two Assistant/Associate Professors in Sport Management and Sport/Event Management respectively, to Molde University College, Norway

    Applications are invited for the following two openings in Sport and Event Management at Molde University College, Specialized University in Logistics in Norway. Assistant/Associate Professor in Sport Management (with responsibilities towards our Bachelor Programme in Sport Management taught in a combination of Norwegian and English courses) (50 per cent employment). Assistant/Associate Professor in Sport/Event Management (with responsibilities towards our Master’s Programmes in Sport...

    Vacancy: Professor position at the University of Waikato, New Zealand (critical, qualitative socio-cultural research)

    The Department of Sport and Leisure Studies consists of sixteen full-time academic staff who teach both undergraduate and post-graduate programmes in sport, recreation, leisure studies, health and physical education. The Department is seeking an established researcher to add to the Department’s expertise in critical, qualitative socio-cultural research and teaching in the areas of performance and participation in community and/or high performance...
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