Onsdagen den 12 februari 2025 försvarar Maria Howding sin avhandling i idrottsvetenskap vid Malmö universitet, Möten i friluftsliv: Lärarutbildare utforskar den egna undervisningspraktiken. Disputationen äger rum i Orkanen, sal D138, Malmö universitet, Nordenskiöldsgatan 10, kl 13:15 och ett par timmar framöver. Disputationen livesänds också. En länk publiceras här på disputationsdagen.
Avhandlingsarbetet har bedrivits med stöd av huvudhandledaren docent Joacim Andersson och bihandledaren FD Helen Hasslöf, Malmö universitet.
Docent Susanna Geidne, Örebro universitet, är fakultetsopponent, och betygsnämnden utgörs av professor Suzanne Lundvall, Göteborgs universitet; docent Krister Hertting, Högskolan i Halmstad; samt Associate Professor Annette Bischoff, Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge. Ersättare i betygsnämnden är docent Daniel Svensson, Malmö universitet.
Avhandlingen är utgiven av Malmö universitet och ingår i serien Malmö Studies in Sport Sciences som volym 50. Den kan kostnadsfritt laddas ned här.
The dissertation aims to explore the conditions that fosters change in the teaching approach to friluftsliv in Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE). These conditions pertain to how teaching to teach friluftsliv can be improved to better support students in teaching friluftsliv in their future professional work as physical education (PE) teachers in schools. The study utilizes action research and the Theory of Practice Architectures (TPA) to enhance friluftsliv teaching in PETE. Conducted from 2020 to 2022, the action research project generated empirical data from focus group discussions, a research diary, and notes taken during teaching sessions and workshops, all aimed at fostering conversations about friluftsliv teaching in diverse outdoor settings. The action research process focuses on dialogue and reflection to drive change based on participants’ insights.
The theory of practice architectures offers a framework to understand practices through their sayings, doings, and relatings within social contexts, examining the cultural-discursive, material-economic, and social-political arrangements that shape practices. The concept of ecology of practices places the local improvement project in a broader context.
Key findings emphasize the importance of time, trust, and ethical considerations in facilitating project engagement and development. The project fostered reflective practices among teacher educators, leading to deeper didactic understanding and revitalizing the integration of local environments into teaching. The study identifies six key arrangements that shape the practice architecture of friluftsliv, with reflective practice and communicative spaces being particularly influential.
This dissertation concludes that local conditions for friluftsliv should play a more significant role in the educational content of PETE. It emphasizes the need to highlight both general aspects of friluftsliv and local conditions to transform the subject into a heterogeneous school practice. Experiences in, about, and through friluftsliv can support students in making informed didactic choices as future teachers. Creating a supportive learning environment where future teachers can grow personally and professionally is crucial. Teacher educators are pivotal in this process, fostering critical reflection on what it means to teach friluftsliv. The study shows that even if arrangements in friluftsliv practice architecture cannot be changed, itis movable and there are ways to create room for action and drive improvement in teaching. The dissertation contributes to understanding how development work can be implemented in teacher education and highlights the importance of critically examining teaching practices. The study calls for continued efforts in development work and discussions on teaching friluftsliv, especially in the context of urbanization and digitalization, where well-trained teachers are essential for fostering interest in nature-based learning.