- Fil dr i Utbildningsvetenskap med inriktning praktiska kunskapstraditioner. Lektor i idrotts- och hälsovetenskap
- Idrott och hälsa, kunskap, lärande, rörelsekunnande / Physical Education, knowledge, learning, knowing in moving
Pågående projekt
- Kunskap och lärande i ämnet idrott och hälsa
Publikationer i urval
Nyberg, Gunn & Larsson, Håkan (2016) “PE teachers’ content knowledge of capability to move.” (accepted for publication june 25, 2016) Journal of Teaching in Physical Education.
Larsson, Håkan & Nyberg, Gunn (2016) “It doesn’t matter how they move really, as long as they move.” Physical education teachers on developing their students’ movement capabilities. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. Published online 16 mars 2016
Nyberg, Gunn & Meckbach, Jane (2015): “Exergames ‘as a teacher’ of movement education: exploring knowing in moving when playing dance games in physical education”, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, Published online 20 nov 2015. DOI: 10.1080/17408989.2015.1112778
Carlgren Ingrid & Nyberg, Gunn (2015) “Från ord till rörelser och dans – en analys av rörelsekunnandet i en dansuppgift”. Forskning om undervisning och lärande, nr 14
Nyberg, Gunn (2015) ”Innebörden av att kunna ‘house hop’ – rörelsekunnande som kroppslig förståelse”. Forskning om undervisning och lärande, nr 15
Carlgren, Ingrid, Ahlstrand, Pernilla, Björkholm, Eva & Nyberg, Gunn (2015), “The meaning of knowing what is to be known”, Didactique and Education, Vol. 9 (1) 143-160 (
Nyberg, Gunn (2014). Ways of knowing in ways of moving : A study of the meaning of capability to move, Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Gender Studies, Stockholm Univeristy, 2014. PhD Thesis. Doktorsavhandling.
Nyberg, Gunn (2014). Exploring ‘knowings’ in human movement : The practical knowledge of pole-vaulters, European Physical Education Review, 2013. Artikel : refereegranskat.
Nyberg, Gunn, Larsson, Håkan (2012). Exploring ‘what’ to learn in physical education, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, Artikel: refereegranskat.
Nyberg, Gunn, Carlgren, Ingrid (2014). Exploring capability to move – somatic grasping of house-hopping, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. Artikel: refereegranskat.
Nyberg, Gunn (2014). Developing a ‘somatic velocimeter’ – the practical knowledge of freeskiers, Qualitative research in Sport, Exercise and Health. Artikel: refereegranskat.
Pedagogy and Human Movement: Theory, practice, research Richard Tinning Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (recension 120215)
“Shaking or Stirring”?: A case-study of physical education teacher education in Norway Kjersti Mordal Moen Oslo: Norges idrettshøgskole 2011 (recension 121010)
Sport Education: International Perspectives Peter Hastie (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (recension 131031)
Kroppsøving, læreren og eleven: Pedagogiske emner og forskningsinnsikter Knut Skjesol & Idar Lyngstad (ed.) Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2021 (review in Swedish by Gunn Nyberg, published 220505. Book in Norwegian)
Publicerad 2014-09-97 | Uppdaterad 2022-05-05