On behalf of the organising committee of TGfU2020, we are delighted to invite abstracts of papers to be presented at the conference. There are several ways to present your work at TGfU2020 and the various options available to you are outlined here. Your abstract must be aligned either to one of the three major themes and/or to one of the four sub-themes which together form the focus areas of the conference.
The three major themes are inclusion, integration and implementation.
Inclusion is a universal human right and compels individuals and institutions to embrace all people irrespective of, for example, disability, gender, race or religion. At the heart of an inclusive practitioner lies the desire to give equal access, parity of opportunity and to eliminate discrimination at all levels. Inclusion represents one of the most pressing contemporary challenges for practitioners across the globe and is particularly pertinent in the fields of physical education and sport.
Integration necessitates consideration of how TGfU and Games-Centred Approaches (GCA) can be helpful models across different contexts and cultures. This theme explores how TGfU and GCA models have been integrated into established systems such as formal coach education provision and into increasingly diverse cultural applications. This theme explores how such approaches have been put into operation, the benefits that have been enjoyed and the challenges involved with embedding what are often quite radical changes to pedagogic practice. This theme considers how these models have been applied and further suggests how the reach and influence of TGfU and GCA might continue to grow across the global sports pedagogy community.
The implementation of TGfU and GCA continues to feature strongly within the pedagogic literature. This theme builds on two areas of contemporary work which have resonated strongly across the discipline in recent years. The first addresses the connection between complexity thinking, ecological systems and TGfU/GCA. The second area considers the increasing focus on the cognitive, affective and physical activity-related benefits of deploying a TGfU/GCA approach. The global shift towards physical education and competitive sport as a medium through which to enhance participant mental health and tackling the widespread deficit in physical activity ensure that such areas of focus will grow substantially in the coming years.
In addition to these major themes, the sub-themes for the conference comprise:
- Scientifically-informed approaches
- Technologically-advanced practice
- Teacher and coach education
- Cross-cultural domains
In order to submit your abstract, please complete the relevant TGfU2020 submission form including an abstract of up to 500 words and email it to tgfu2020@worc.ac.uk by 4pm GMT on Wednesday 18th December 2019.
Following submission, each abstract will be peer-reviewed by two members of the scientific committee and you will be notified by email of our decision.