Tag: Conferences: Physical education
Call for Papers | “Emerging Horizons: bridging the borders between Physical Education Research and Practice“, the 2023 AIESEP International Conference | Santiago de Chile, July 4–7, 2023. Call ends...
Emerging Horizons is a call for AIESEP members to share how our complex and interdisciplinary research is being taken up by all of those people who have a vested interest in physical education (PE), physical activity (PA), health, physical education teacher education (PETE) and sport pedagogy. While each theme offers a distinct area of interest, we also see each theme offering an opportunity to explore the holistic nature of our work and invites all to consider how their presentations may fit within one or more themes.
Call for Papers | Spaces in Between: Bridging Movement Meaning Research & Practice | Dansk bevægelses- og idrætspædagogisk forskningsnetværk, den 10 november 2022, Købehavns Universitet. Deadline för abstracts den 3...
Hermed indbydes der til den femte konference i Dansk bevægelses- og idrætspædagogisk forskningsnetværk, BRIDGING. Målet er at bygge bro mellem alle som arbejder kvalitativt med idræt og bevægelse og mellem forskning, udvikling og praksis. Igen i år vil konferencen give mulighed for, at deltagerne kan få inspiration og deltage i spændende præsentationer og udviklende diskussioner med kollegaer fra de forskellige institutioner.
Call for Papers | Kroppsøvingskonferansen 2021 | Norges idrettshøgskole, Oslo, 3–4 juni, 2021. Abstract frist 10. mars, 2021
Kroppsøvingskonferansen gjennomføres 3. og 4. juni 2021. Konferansen gjennomføres digitalt p.g.a. koronasituasjonen. Hensikten med konferansen er å samles rundt ny forskning, utveksle erfaringer og etablere nye nettverk. Målgruppe for konferansen er lærere som underviser i kroppsøving og idrettsfag og ansatte og studenter ved høgskoler og universitet. Du er velkommen til å sende inn ditt abstrakt på norsk, svensk eller dansk.
Call for Participation | Registration of ISHPES 2020 Online Congress is now open | August 22–23, 2020
The spread of COVID-19 has affected everyone’s overall daily and social life. Our duty in securing people’s health and safety became not only the issue for the congress organizer but also all over the world where international participants live. The original idea of ISHPES 2020 was to provide the opportunity to discuss ‘sport history and interdisciplinary relations’ in the year of the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games and Paralympic Games.
Call for Papers | “Global Health and Well-Being for All”. International Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Dance and Sport (IAHPEDS) World Congress | San Antonio, Texas, July 23-25, 2020. Call...
The International Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Dance and Sport (IAHPEDS) will be hosting a World Congress (WC) in San Antonio, Texas, USA from July 23-25, 2020. The theme of the WC is Global Health and Well-Being for All. The deadline to submit an abstract is May 15, 2020. Once an abstract has been received, authors will hear of the status within 14 days. There will also be WC Proceedings published on our website.
Call for Papers | Kroppsøvingskonferansen 2020 | Norges idrettshøgskole, Oslo, 4–5 juni, 2020. Abstract frist 21 februar, 2019
Vi har gleden av å invitere deg til den niende Kroppsøvingskonferansen på Norges idrettshøgskole. Konferansen retter seg mot forskere, lærere i høyere utdanning og i skoler, stipendiater, master-studenter og andre som er opptatt av Kroppsøving/Idrettsfag/Idrott och hälsa/Idræt i et forsknings- og utviklingsperspektiv. Du er velkommen til å sende inn ditt abstrakt på norsk, svensk eller dansk.
Call for Papers | “Sport History and Interdisciplinary Relations in the Year of the Tokyo Games 2020” | 21st ISHPES Congress, August 20–23, Sapporo, Japan. Call ends March 15,...
For the ISHPES Congress Sapporo 2020 scholars are invited to submit proposals for sessions which include three papers and abstracts related to the main topic “Sport History and Interdisciplinary Relations in the Year of the Tokyo Games 2020” or individual abstracts on a subtopic. Each author can only submit one abstract. The oral presentations will each be 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes for discussion.
Call for Papers | 7th International Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) Conference | University of Worcester, UK, July 28–30, 2020. Call ends February 3, 2020
We invite abstracts of papers to be presented at the conference. There are several ways to present your work at TGfU2020 and the various options available to you are outlined here. Your abstract must be aligned either to one of the three major themes and/or to one of the four sub-themes which together form the focus areas of the conference. The three major themes are inclusion, integration and implementation.
Call for Papers | 2020 AIESEP International Conference | Chinese University of Hong Kong, June 17–20, 2020. Call ends January 15, 2020
On June 17-20, 2020, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) will host the next AIESEP International Conference. The theme is “Developing research-informed and practice-led innovation in curriculum, pedagogy and assessment for physical education and sport”. The priorities are to share current research on the following four axes: quality physical education and sport, promoting physical literacy, assessment praxis, innovation in teacher preparation and professional development.
Call for Participation | Seminar: Rethinking physical education for the future | Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo, October 17–18 2019
In this seminar, we will discuss the relationship between philosophy and empiricism in the subject of physical education. We will also investigate ways of renewing the subject of PE in schools using epistemological and research-based methods that are both relevant and culturally sensitive. Another focus of the seminar will be the relationship between school politics and the ways in which physical education promotes bodily learning.