An Examination of the Relationship Between Instruction Type and Course Outcomes in Sport Management Courses
Megan B. Shreffler, Adam R. Cocco, Jacob R. Shreffler
Page: 53 – 62
DOI: 10.1123/smej.2018-0014
You Study Like a Girl: Experiences of Female Sport Management Students
Erin Morris , Ryan Vooris , Tara Q. Mahoney
Page: 63 – 72
DOI: 10.1123/smej.2018-0020
Creating Ethical Decision Makers: The Influence of Education on Perceptions of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault
Elizabeth A. Taylor , Gareth J. Jones , Kristy McCray , Robin Hardin
Page: 73 – 82
DOI: 10.1123/smej.2019-0004
Testing the Learning Styles Hypothesis: An Assessment of the Learning Styles, Learning Approaches, and Course Outcomes in the Sport Management Classroom
Megan B. Shreffler , Adam R. Cocco , Regina G. Presley , Chelsea C. Police
Page: 83 – 91
DOI: 10.1123/smej.2019-0028
Examining Job Postings in Sport Management Academia
Robyn Lubisco , Genevieve F.E. Birren , Ryan Vooris
Page: 92 – 99
DOI: 10.1123/smej.2018-0029
College Coaching and Salary Restrictions: Using Law to Teach Current Events in the Classroom
Evie Oregon , Lauren McCoy , Lacee’ Carmon-Johnson , Angel Brown-Reveles
Page: 100 – 104
DOI: 10.1123/smej.2018-0002
Integrating Blended Learning Within Sport Event Management Curriculum
Leeann M. Lower-Hoppe , Liz A. Wanless , Sarah M. Aldridge , Daniel W. Jones
Page: 105 – 116
DOI: 10.1123/smej.2018-0024
Protecting Our Students: Title IX, Sexual Harassment, and Internships
Michael A. Odio , Patty Raube Keller , Dana Drew Shaw
Page: 117 – 125
DOI: 10.1123/smej.2019-0007