Tag: integration
Call for Papers | “Transgressing Boundaries: Migration and Sport”, a SiNAFE Conference | March 3-4, 2023, at Istanbul Bilgi University. Call ends February 8, 2023
In this project, we try to preserve a simple but crucial idea: having equal conditions in sports is a human right. With the idea that “sport is a human right,” the project wants to promote social inclusion and help make sure that everyone has equal opportunities in sports, with a particular focus on migrants. Sport is oftentimes cited as the perfect tool for upward mobility, and many young athletes attach their hopes and dreams to sport, particularly football, to ascend socially. Still, migrant athletes continue to suffer from social exclusion.
Vacancies | Doctoral students in Sports Science specialising in the humanities and social sciences, to Malmö University. Apply no later than January 16, 2023
At the Department of Sport Sciences, the contribution of sport to society is studied on the basis of problem complexes such as sport regulation and normativity, state, market and civil society relation to sport, sport’s own selection mechanisms, space and place, as well as the way societal structures and social categories, such as gender, ethnicity, sexuality, dis/ability, generation and social class, affect and are affected by sport and within the school subject (PE).
Three free virtual workshops sharing best practices for using soccer to create belonging for Afghan youth
Soccer Without Borders and Laureus Sport for Good, with support from the Center For Healing and Justice Through Sport, are excited to present 3 free virtual workshops sharing best practices for using soccer to create belonging for Afghan youth. The workshops are designed for a wide audience: Refugee service providers, resettlement agencies, community based youth programs, club soccer directors and coaches and anyone else interested in learning more about supporting Afghan arrivals.
Public defence of doctoral thesis | Decolonial re-existence and sports: Stories of Afghan youth in Sweden | Sepandarmaz Mashreghi, Malmö University, September 3, 2021
Grounded in Indigenous, borderland, Chicana and Black feminist knowledges as well decolonial thought, Sepandarmaz Mashreghi’s thesis contributes both theoretically and methodologically to the field of sport and exercise in relation to young asylum seekers and migration research. The participatory analysis demonstrates that for the Afghan youth in this study, sport and physical activity was not a distinct entity, rather it was intertwined with various aspects of their lives.
Call for Papers | “Sport and Refugees: Displacement, Migration, and Settlement Journeys”, Special Issue of Sport in Society | Call ends October 31, 2020
This special issue aims to provide new knowledge and insights into refugees’ lived experiences and journeys across all levels of sport – from grassroots to elite, and will also provide a platform to better understand and showcase the contributions by refugees to local and global sports cultures, and to highlight the relevance of sport as a lens through which it is possible to reveal, interrogate, and address practices, narratives, and policies regarding forced migration.
Call for Papers | 7th International Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) Conference | University of Worcester, UK, July 28–30, 2020. Call ends February 3, 2020
We invite abstracts of papers to be presented at the conference. There are several ways to present your work at TGfU2020 and the various options available to you are outlined here. Your abstract must be aligned either to one of the three major themes and/or to one of the four sub-themes which together form the focus areas of the conference. The three major themes are inclusion, integration and implementation.
Arbetar du med frågor som rör inkludering, integration och nytänkande inom/genom idrotten?
Då ska du vika den 6 september i din kalender. I samband med att The European Sport Management Conference hålls på Malmö Live erbjuds ett särskilt program för verksamma inom idrotten och dess organisationer. Temat för detta program är:
Rethinking ”sport for all” kl. 13:00-17:00: Inclusion and integration
Under en halvdag kommer temat att belysas av olika aktörer. Ni kommer...
Call for Papers | Sociolinguistic Dynamics in Sport, an International Conference | Siena, Italy, November 15–17, 2018. Call ends July 22, 2018
Sport promotes a shared sense of belonging and participation and may therefore also be an important tool for the integration of immigrants. The link between language and sport is, therefore, a very interesting issue which pushes one unto reflecting about identitarian expressions and to rethink integration of immigrants and all citizens.
Do you have to deal with sport issues in a changing world? Don’t miss the event of the year!
Visit the 26th EASM – The European Sport Management Conference in the exciting city of Malmö, Sweden! The theme of this year’s conference is Managing Sport in a Changing Europe. The conference attracts several hundred delegates from universities and sport-related organizations at different levels in Sweden, Europe and the rest of the world.
Arbetar du med frågor som rör inkludering, integration och nytänkande inom/genom idrotten?
Boka in den 6 september i din kalender! I samband med att The European Sport Management Conference hålls på Malmö Live erbjuds den dagen ett särskilt eftermiddagsprogram (kl. 13-17) för verksamma inom idrotten och dess organisationer på följande aktuella tema: Rethinking ”sport for all”: Inclusion and integration(?)