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    Call for Papers | “(Re)claiming Leisure: Rights, Responsibilities, and Resistance” | Leisure Studies Association Conference 2024, University of the West of Scotland, July 10–12, 2024. Call ends March 1,...

    The LSA 2024 Conference seeks to bring together inter and multidisciplinary perspectives on leisure, events, tourism and sport and, to explore their relationship to global challenges. Specifically, it aims to initiate discussion on the importance of Rights, Responsibilities, and Resistance as they play out in the transformation of society. The Scientific Committee now invites researchers, educators and practitioners, amongst others, to submit abstracts for papers, posters, workshops, panels and productions such as performances, short-films, and other artistic expressions.

    Call for Papers | “Social Class, Sport, and Physical Activity”, Special Issue of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal | Call ends March 1, 2024

    The purpose of this special issue is to explore the link among social class, sport, and physical activity. We seek quantitative, qualitative, and conceptual papers that investigate the ways that wealth, social class background, and power intersect to influence the opportunities people have to consume sport, their chances to be physically active, their experiences as sport consumers, and how they experience work in sport organizations.

    Three free virtual workshops sharing best practices for using soccer to create belonging for Afghan youth

    Soccer Without Borders and Laureus Sport for Good, with support from the Center For Healing and Justice Through Sport, are excited to present 3 free virtual workshops sharing best practices for using soccer to create belonging for Afghan youth. The workshops are designed for a wide audience: Refugee service providers, resettlement agencies, community based youth programs, club soccer directors and coaches and anyone else interested in learning more about supporting Afghan arrivals.

    Free Virtual Lecture | Biofeminism: The Epistemic Politics of Inclusion in Women’s Sport, by Madeleine Pape | Annual Donald Macintosh Memorial Lecture, January 27, 2022

    We are pleased to welcome this year's lecturer, Dr. Madeleine Pape, who is a sociologist and Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. She obtained her PhD in the Department of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2019. Dr. Pape's current work examines feminist and scientific debates over biological sex and how claims about sex difference shape the pursuit of gender equity in sport and biomedical research.

    Call for Papers | “Sport for everybody?! – Limitations and barriers on the way to this ideal” | 13th Annual Meeting of the Transnational Scholars for the Study of...

    This conference raises the question of how it will be possible to open up sport to everybody, regardless of the diversity of backgrounds, e.g. their gender, origin or social status, whether with or without disabilities, etc. Are there any examples we can learn from in an international context? What barriers for participation in sport and physical activity on an equal footing do still exist and how can they be broken down? How can underrepresented groups (e.g. women or persons with a LGBTIQ background) be specifically involved.

    Call for Papers | “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Sport Marketing”, Special Issue of International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship. Call ends January 31, 2022

    The objective of this IJSMS special issue is to bring together scholarship that seeks to advance our collective knowledge on diversity and inclusion in sport marketing. We acknowledge that diversity may include a myriad of characteristics that distinguish individuals and groups of people. However, this special edition focuses on diversity as it pertains to the following equity seeking groups: Race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability.

    Call for Papers | “Diversity and Inclusion in Sport Management Education”, Special Issue of Sport Management Education Journal. Call ends December 1, 2020

    Sport scholars have consistently advocated for more diverse and inclusive sport organizations, but identity-related inequities and injustices continue to prevail in sport organizations and sport management classrooms as well. Hence, in addition to calls for more diversity, it is important to advocate for inclusion and social justice efforts. Cunningham (2014) argued that all sport management academicians have “a stake in ensuring sport is inclusive and socially just”.

    Call for Papers | “Children and young people with disabilities in sport, physical activity and physical education”, Special issue of Sport, Education and Society. Call ends April 1, 2020

    This special edition seeks to bring together voices from social science and educational research, concerned with constructing theoretical and empirical knowledge about children and young people with disabilities in sport, physical activity and physical education. Studies from the perspective of children and young people with disabilities themselves would be particularly welcome as part of a broader endeavour to ‘give voice’ to a notably marginalised group.

    Call for Papers | 7th International Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) Conference | University of Worcester, UK, July 28–30, 2020. Call ends February 3, 2020

    We invite abstracts of papers to be presented at the conference. There are several ways to present your work at TGfU2020 and the various options available to you are outlined here. Your abstract must be aligned either to one of the three major themes and/or to one of the four sub-themes which together form the focus areas of the conference. The three major themes are inclusion, integration and implementation.

    Arbetar du med frågor som rör inkludering, integration och nytänkande inom/genom idrotten?

    Då ska du vika den 6 september i din kalender. I samband med att The European Sport Management Conference hålls på Malmö Live erbjuds ett särskilt program för verksamma inom idrotten och dess organisationer. Temat för detta program är: Rethinking ”sport for all” kl. 13:00-17:00: Inclusion and integration Under en halvdag kommer temat att belysas av olika aktörer. Ni kommer...