AIESEP Flash Newsletter #102 February 2014


aiesepA I E S E P, Association Internationale des Ecoles Superieures d’Education Physique / International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education, is a multilingual and multicultural organization of universities, colleges, institutes of physical education (PE) and sport and individuals who support and contribute to the advancement of sport pedagogy research and scholarship. For further information, please visit the AIESEP homepage. The AIESEP Flash Newsletter aims to establish contact with people from around the world potentially interested in sport pedagogy.

Objectives of AIESEP:

  • To promote and contribute to the development of future specialists and researchers in the field of physical education and sport.
  • To engage in scientific research, professional preparation and professional practice in physical education and sport.
  • To organize scientific meetings and information dissemination mechanisms which facilitate the sharing of new knowledge with the international community.
  • To establish, strengthen and maintain relationships between institutions which share common concerns.
  • To cooperate with international bodies of physical education and sport so as to promote physical education and sport.
  • To provide consultation to government and international institutions with regard to higher education in the field of physical education and sport.

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