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    Call for Papers | NASSM 2019 – The North American Society for Sport Management Annual Conference | New Orleans, Louisiana, May 29–June 1, 2019. Call ends November 1, 2018

    NASSM invites individuals to submit abstracts, including empirical, methodological, conceptual, and teaching-related types. Submissions will begin to be accepted on October 1, 2018. Both completed research and research in progress is acceptable. All abstracts will be subjected to a blind review. No preference will be given to longer abstracts.

    Arbetar du med frågor som rör inkludering, integration och nytänkande inom/genom idrotten?

    Då ska du vika den 6 september i din kalender. I samband med att The European Sport Management Conference hålls på Malmö Live erbjuds ett särskilt program för verksamma inom idrotten och dess organisationer. Temat för detta program är: Rethinking ”sport for all” kl. 13:00-17:00: Inclusion and integration Under en halvdag kommer temat att belysas av olika aktörer. Ni kommer...

    Do you have to deal with sport issues in a changing world? Don’t miss the event of the year!

    Visit the 26th EASM – The European Sport Management Conference in the exciting city of Malmö, Sweden! The theme of this year’s conference is Managing Sport in a Changing Europe. The conference attracts several hundred delegates from universities and sport-related organizations at different levels in Sweden, Europe and the rest of the world.

    Arbetar du med frågor som rör inkludering, integration och nytänkande inom/genom idrotten?

    Boka in den 6 september i din kalender! I samband med att The European Sport Management Conference hålls på Malmö Live erbjuds den dagen ett särskilt eftermiddagsprogram (kl. 13-17) för verksamma inom idrotten och dess organisationer på följande aktuella tema: Rethinking ”sport for all”: Inclusion and integration(?)

    Call for Papers | “Managing Sport in a Changing Europe”, The European Sport Management (EASM) Conference 2018 | Malmö (Sweden), September 5–8 2018. Call ends April 20, 2018

    The Malmö 2018 conference theme is “Managing Sport in a Changing Europe”. To that end, submissions that particularly, but not exclusively, relate to the conference theme are encouraged. Contributors have the opportunity to present in Parallel Sessions, Workshops, and attractive Poster Sessions during the conference.

    Call for Papers | 3rd International Conference | “Sport Economics & Sport Management” (SESM) | May 10–11, 2018, in Vienna, Austria. Call ends December 31, 2017

    In line with IASE's mission, the conference seeks to further the interdisciplinary dialogue between sport economics, sport management, sport governance and related fields. A list of suggested topics may be found on the conference web site. However, any relevant subject is welcome as well as suggestions of entire sessions.

    Call for Papers | Annual Stadium Managers Association Seminar | February 4-8, 2018, Huntington Beach CA. Call ends December 1, 2017

    We cordially invite all academicians to submit sport business research proposals for consideration as either an oral (20 minute) or poster presentation, to the Annual Stadium Managers Association Seminar. A focus on Stadium Management is encouraged and can encompass a number of facets relating to stadium management, sponsorship, marketing, outsourcing, social media, etc.

    Call for Papers | 2018 North American Society for Sport Management Conference | Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 5–9, 2018. Call ends November 1, 2017

    North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) invites individuals to submit abstracts, including empirical, methodological, conceptual, and teaching-related types. Submissions will begin to be accepted on October 1, 2017. Both completed research and research in progress is acceptable.

    Call for Workshop Proposals | 26th EASM – The European Sport Management Conference | Malmö (Sweden), 5–8 September 2018. Call ends November 30, 2017

    The Scientific Committee of the EASM 2018 Conference invites sport management scholars and practitioners to organise Workshops on various sub-themes of sport management at our upcoming conference. The conference is organised by the Department of Sport Sciences, Malmö University, in cooperation with the European Association for Sport Management (EASM).

    Call for Papers | Managing Sport – Special Interest Group at EURAM 2018 | School of Business, University of Iceland, June 20–23, 2018. Call ends January 10, 2018

    The EURAM 'Managing Sport' SIG aims to promote research and education in the fields of sports business and management in Europe, with special emphasis on international comparisons, and to foster an understanding of the role of professionalisation and commercialisation of sport on European economy and society.
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