Tag: Conferences: Sport management
Call for Papers | 2021 Virtual ASMA Conference | February 24–26, 2021. Call ends November 15, 2020
The Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) aims to build strong connections between scholars studying sport and practitioners working in the sport industry. We do this through our annual conference and our official journal—the Journal of Applied Sport Management. In particular, ASMA seeks to foster a supportive environment in which emerging scholars and aspiring professionals can exchange ideas and strengthen relationships.
Call for Papers | “Relentless Change: Innovation in Sport Business” – the 28th EASM European Sport Management Conference 2020 | Loughborough University, London, September 16–19, 2020. Call ends April...
The London 2020 conference theme is “Relentless Change: Innovation in Sport Business”. Contributors have the opportunity to present in Parallel Sessions, Workshops, and attractive Poster Sessions during the conference. The main aim of all conference sessions is to encourage participants from across fields to share knowledge, provide new insights and inspire the future of sport management.
Call for Papers | EURAM Strategic Interest Group Managing Sport | Dublin, Ireland, June 10–12, 2020. Call ends January 14, 2020
You are cordially invited to submit papers to the Strategic Interest Group Managing Sport for the 20th EURAM conference that will take place in Dublin 10–12 June at the Trinity Business School. We would very much appreciate if you could share this call for papers with colleagues who might also be interested in contributing to the Managing Sport tracks at EURAM 2020.
Call fo Papers | The 2020 Applied Sport Management Association Conference | Baylor University, Waco, TX, February 29–29, 2020. Cll ends November 15, 2019
The Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) aims to build strong connections between scholars studying sport and practitioners working in the sport industry. ASMA invites scholars, practitioners, and students to submit their work to be considered for the 2020 ASMA Conference. Submissions may include empirical research, case studies, conceptual/theoretical work, and teaching-related presentations.
Call for Papers | Sport Economics & Sport Management (SESM), 5th International Conference | May 28–29, 2020, Pars, France. Call ends December 31, 2019
The conference will provide a platform for exchanging innovative thoughts and creating cooperation between researchers in the fields of sport management and economics. We are inviting proposals for paper presentations as well as complete sessions consisting of three papers/presenters. The conference will be organized in cooperation with the International Association of Sports Economists (IASE).
Call for Papers | “Connecting Sport Practice & Science” | The 27th EASM European Sport Management Conference, Seville (Spain), September 3–6, 2019. Call ends April 19. 2019
The Seville 2019 conference theme is “Connecting Sport Practice and Science”. To that end, submissions that particularly, but not exclusively, relate to the conference theme are encouraged. Contributors have the opportunity to present in Parallel Sessions, Workshops, and attractive Poster Sessions during the conference.
Call for Abstracts | “The World Voice of Sport Management” | World Association for Sport Management Conference (WASM), Santiago de Chile, October 16–19, 2019. Call ends March 1, 2019
Through the theme of “The World Voice of Sport Management,” WASM will bring together students, scholars, practitioners, and professionals from around the world to share expertise and knowledge about the global venture of sport business. The idea behind the theme is a focus on advocating for inquiries into sport business theories, practices, issues, networking, collaborations, and cooperation in a globalized world.
Call for Abstracts | “The World Voice of Sport Management” | The Third World Association for Sport Management (WASM) Conference | Santiago, Chile, October 16–19, 2019. Call ends March...
The idea behind the theme, “The World Voice of Sport Management,” is a focus on inquiries into sport business theories, practices, issues, networking, collaborations, and cooperation in a globalized world. The conference will serve as a platform for cross-national and cross-regional exchange of ideas and best practices, and bring together students, scholars, practitioners, and professionals from around the world.
Call for Papers | 4th International Conference on Sport Economics & Sport Management (SESM) | Berlin, Germany, May 16–17, 2019. Call ends December 31, 2018
The Sport Economics & Sport Management conference will provide a platform for exchanging innovative thoughts and creating cooperation between researchers in the fields of sport management and economics.. We are inviting proposals for paper presentations as well as complete sessions consisting out of three papers/presenters.
Call for Papers Reminder | The Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) 2019 Conference | February 14–16, 2019, Nashville, TN. Call ends October 19, 2018
The Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) aims to build strong connections between scholars studying sport and practitioners working in the sport industry. In particular, ASMA seeks to foster a supportive environment in which emerging scholars and aspiring professionals can exchange ideas and strengthen relationships