Call for Papers | 2018 North American Society for Sport Management Conference | Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 5โ€“9, 2018. Call ends November 1, 2017


NASSM invites individuals to submit abstracts, including empirical, methodological, conceptual, and teaching-related types. Submissions will begin to be accepted on October 1, 2017. Both completed research and research in progress is acceptable.

Submission Guidelines

Presentations may be proposed in any of the following formats:

  1. A 20-minute oral presentation (including 5 minutes of Q & A)
  2. A poster
  3. A 60-minute full session symposium, roundtable, forum, or workshop

Authorsโ€™ names may not appear on more than two (2) abstracts/proposals of any kind (i.e., authors are limited to two possible presentations regardless of co-authorship or type of presentation). The only exception to this limit is for an advisor to a student who is submitting an abstract. In this case, the advisor position must be clearly indicated in the author section of the submission and the first author must be a registered student at their institution at the time of the abstract submission deadline.

Abstracts submitted to NASSM should not be concurrently submitted for consideration to another conference or have been previously presented at another conference, and submitted abstracts should not be of work published prior to November 1, 2017.

Abstract Format and Submission

All abstracts must be submitted online. Specific instructions for the submission process are posted at Abstracts must include the following information and conform to the following requirements:

  1. Up to two pages maximum (8.5 x 11 inch paper with 1-inch margins) using a 12-point Times New Roman font (60 minute session abstracts may not exceed 3 pages);
  2. Presentation title;
  3. Abstract should include text only. Figures and tables are not acceptable.
  4. Author(s), institution(s) name(s), and contact information. Those abstracts selected for presentation will be reprinted and published in the Conference Abstracts as submitted. Some editorial corrections will be made by the Program Chair, but there will not be an opportunity for authors to revise their abstract.
  5. Authors cannot be added after the abstract submission deadline.

Submission Procedure

The submission site will require you to supply the following information:

  1. Research Type (i.e., empirical, conceptual, teaching, methodology);
  2. Presentation Category (i.e., method, management, finance/economics, socio-cultural, governance/policy, teaching/learning, facilities/events, marketing, law, communication, sport development, sport for development);
  3. Presentation Sub-Category (list specific to presentation category, which can be viewed on the bottom of theย abstract submission page);
  4. Context Area (i.e., amateur sport, college sport, community sport, disability sport, elite sport, immigrant sport, international sport, Olympic sport, online community, physical activity, professional sport, school sport, sport clubs volunteers, youth sport, other);
  5. The type of presentation desired (i.e., 20-minute oral; poster; 60-minute symposium, roundtable, forum, or workshop);
  6. The principal authorโ€™s primary contact information.

Abstract(s) submission indicates the intent of the presenter(s) to register for and attend the 2018 NASSM conference. At least one presenter must register by the conference early bird registration deadline or his/her paper will be withdrawn.

Submission Deadline

Abstracts can not be submitted prior to October 1, 2017, and MUST be received no later than NOVEMBER 1, 2017 (11:59 PM, PST). Submissions received after this date and time will not be accepted or reviewed.

Review Process

All abstracts will be subjected to a blind review. No preference will be given to longer abstracts. The review criteria will be based on the presentation category. For more information on the criteria, please consult the NASSM abstract review criteria, or contact the Program Chair.


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