The venue for this seminar is Orkanen, Nordenskiöldsgatan 10, room E121c, on Monday, March 30, 13:15–15:00. The seminar will be in English.
The association and democracy – changing ideals and practices in Örebro Sportklubb 1908-89
Daniel Alsarve
Örebro University
This seminar will discuss the conditions of and changes in associative democracy processes at sports club level. One club is studied, Örebro Sportklubb (ÖSK), from its foundation in 1908 up to 1989. The main sources are club minutes, member magazines and annual reports. Democracy, and its twofolded relation to sport and economic processes, is the main problem area of the study. The specific question is how aspirations for economic effectiveness and sporting success influenced the democracy processes in ÖSK between 1908 and 1989.
Please read Chapter Two, pp. 36-67, in Daniels dissertation before the seminar (NB! in Swedish).