Topic: Talent

The topical pages gather articles, book reviews and other material from about a particular topic of sport studies, such as ”action sports”, “sport history”, “gender, sex and sports” or “tennis”. The topical page contains links to published texts relevant to the topic in question.

Research Articles

Agergaard, Sine & Lars Tore Ronglan Player Migration and Talent Development in Elite Sports Teams: A comparative analysis of inbound and outbound career trajectories in Danish and Norwegian women’s handball (published 150428  in Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum, Vol 6, 2015)
Andersson, Filip Landslagskarriär/-barriär: P15-landslaget, 10 år av åldersdiskriminering (190415)
Fürst, Henrik From Talent to Qualification: A Sociological and Methodological Discussion of Player Talent Identification (Published in English in Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum Vol. 15, 2024, 240506)
Granerud, Øivind Drømmen om å bli topputøver i idrett: Momenter som påvirker muligheten til å realisere drømmen [Dreaming of becoming a top performer in sports: Circumstances that affect the ability to realize the dream] (NOR 200420)
Holm, Claus & Jens Christian Nielsen Rousseau som modsvar til en forceret talentudvikling (151015)
Kilger, Magnus & Mats Börjesson Searching for Talent: The Construction of Legitimate Selection in Sports (published 151013 in Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum Vol. 6, 2015)
Kilger, Magnus From Hard Work to Grit: On the discursive formation of talent (published 190403 in Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum Vol. 10, 2019)
Nordin, Sanna Whatever “It” is, it’s Not Simple: A Review of Four Books on Talent (090923)
Peterson, Tomas Swedish Soccer is Searching for Talent but Finding Age (090429)
Rosenkilde, Nicolai, Nikolaj Christiansen & Niels Nygaard Rossing At være på det rigtige sted på det rigtige tidspunkt: Ressourcer og barrierer i overgangen fra ungdoms- til førstehold i en dansk elitefodboldklub (181109)
Rosenkilde, Nicolai, Nikolaj Christiansen & Niels Nygaard Rossing Being in the right place at the right time: Resources and barriers in the transition from youth to senior in a Danish elite football club (190129)
Sæther, Stig Arve Identification of Talent in Soccer – What Do Coaches Look For? (140319)
Sæther, Stig Arve Spilletid for talenter i norsk toppfotball: Status for tippeligasesongen 2009 (101124)
Söderström, Tor, Peter Brusvik & Stefan Lund Factors underlying competitive success in youth football: A study of the Swedish national U15 football talent system (published in Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum Vol. 10, 2019 (ENG 190909)

Feature Articles

Augestad, Pål, Mats Bruu & Frode Telseth ‘You create your own luck, in a way’. About Norwegian footballers’ understanding of success, in a world where most fail | A summary (210409)
Bjørndal, Christian Thue & Lars Tore Rongdal Engaging with uncertainty in athlete development – orchestrating talent development through incremental leadership | A summary (210330)
Erichs, Johan Ny revolution inom dansk fotboll (060606)
Halldorsson, Vi∂ar The Black Swan of elite football: The case of Iceland | A summary (210901)
Martensen, Carsten Kraushaar & Simon Riis Talent i dansk fodbold – medfødt eller hårdt arbejde? (130412)
Nyberg, Robert Toppning, nivåindelning eller nivåanpassning inom ungdomsfotbollen? (160812)
Redelius, Karin This is why it is problematic to select children in sports (201026)

Book reviews

Demystifying Talent Management: A Critical Approach to the Realities of Talent Billy Adamsen Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2016 (Inge Kryger Pedersen 160608)
Early Specialising Aesthetic Performance: An investigation of conceptualisation, motivation, and context Charlotte Downing Stockholm: Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH 2023 (review in English by Joe Baker, published 230613)
Elite-Bildung: An Existential-Phenomenological Study of Talents Developing in Football Kenneth Aggerholm Århus: Århus University 2012 (Gunnar Breivik 140318)
Gör det bättre själv om du kan! Forskning och praktiska råd till föräldrar med idrottande barn Johan Fallby Saltsjö-boo: Pintxo förlag 2015 (Thomas Westerberg 160825)
Inspiration til talentudvikling: Et psykologisk perspektiv Kristoffer Henriksen (red) Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2008 (Joakim Ingrell 081029)
“Local Heroes”: The influence of place of early development in Danish handball and football talent development Niels Nygaard Rossing Aalborg: Aalborg University Press 2018 (review in English by Tor Söderström, published 201211)
Talangutveckling: Motiverande och målinriktad träning för barn och ungdom Britta Riis & Per Boldt Jørgensen (red) (Översättning från danskan av Britt Marie Öland) Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2006 (Torsten Buhre 061115)
Talentudvikling og elitesport i skolen Jens Christian Nielsen & Jesper Stilling Olesen Århus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2019 (review in Swedish by Magnus Ferry, published 200211)
Sports Talent: How to Identify and Develop Outstanding Athletes Jim Brown Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2001 (Sanna Nordin 090923)
Talangutveckling eller talangavveckling? Tomas Peterson Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker 2011 (Mette Krogh Christensen 120328)
Talent Development, Existential Philosphy and Sport: On becoming an elite athlete Kenneth Aggerholm Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Gunnar Breivik 150910)
Talent Identification and Development in Sport: International Perspectives Joseph Baker, Steve Cobley & Jörg Schorer (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Rune Dall Jensen 140611)
Talent is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else Geoff Colvin London & Boston, MA: Nicholas Brealey Publishing 2008 (Sanna Nordin 090923)
Talented Teenagers: The Roots of Success and Failure Mihaly Csikszentymihalyi, Kevin Rathunde & Samuel Whalen Cambridge, Cambs: Cambridge University Press 1997 (Sanna Nordin 090923)
The Tyranny of Talent: How it compels and limits athletic achievement… and why you should ignore it Joe Baker Toronto, ON: Aberrant Press 2022 (review in English by Leah Monsees, published 230303)