Call for Papers | Social Innovation in Sport, a new anthology edited by Anne Tjønndal, to be published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Call ends September 20, 2018

TRI, Latin for three, is an emerging sport played by three teams at the same time on a doughnut shaped field, competing for the highest score by controlling a newly patented ball. It was designed to change the way we think about sports, challenging barriers and focusing on social individual growth. It is a cultural equalizer able to bridge between international sports and athletes. Both the game and the patented TRIball were designed as training instruments to continuously challenge athletes to refine their coordination, fitness, mental awareness and communication. TRI is the world’s perfect training sport for any athlete. Click image to support this experiment!

Dr. Anne Tjønndal, Faculty of Social Science at Nord university, Bodø, Norway, is developing a book project to be published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing addressing social innovation in sport. The anthology highlights social innovation and social entrepreneurship both as an individual and at an organizational level in sport.

Innovation plays a vital role in sports. Through new ideas, change and renewal, innovation shapes how a sport is played, viewed and organized. Despite its importance for the development of sport, sport innovation has not received the scholarly attention it deserves. As a research field, sport innovation is still new and relatively under-developed. The majority of research on sport innovation and entrepreneurship has been concerned with management perspectives on innovation in sport, focusing on marketing, business strategies, and commercialized sport innovation. This project seeks to contribute to the existing literature on sport innovation by providing a comprehensive overview of current perspectives of social innovation in sport, by including both empirical and conceptual papers on social innovation in sport.

Possible topics for book chapters include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • Social innovation in sport
    • Social entrepreneurship in sport
    • The role of technological innovation for social improvement in sport
    • Innovations in sport organizations and the organizing of sport
    • Social change and social improvement in sport
    • Case studies of new and innovative inclusion projects in sport
    • The emergence of new sports and the inclusion/exclusion potential of new sports
    • The social impact of innovations in sport technology, products, and clothing
    • Innovation, entrepreneurship and social change in commercialized, grassroots and elite sport

Please submit abstracts as Microsoft Word documents approximately 200-600 words to by September 15, 2018 for feedback and further submission information. Full drafts of papers are due December 20, 2018. Please feel free to contact Anne about submission details or with any questions.

Duret, P., & Angue, K. (2015). Two norms for innovation in outdoor sports: Technical and social innovation. Society and Leisure, 38, 372–382. doi: 10.1080/07053436.2015.1083756
Peterson, T. & Schenker, K. (2018). Social entrepreneurship in a sport policy context, Sport in Society, vol. 21, issue 3: 452-467.
Ratten, V. (2011). Social entrepreneurship and innovation in sports, International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation, vol. 1. Issue 1: 236-251.
Tjønndal, A. (2018). Sport Innovation: Developing a typology. European Journal for Sport and Society, vol. 15, issue 1: 1-17. DOI:
Tjønndal, A. (2017). ‘I don’t think they realise how good we are’: Innovation, inclusion and exclusion in women’s Olympic boxing. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. DOI: 10.1177/1012690217715642
Tjønndal, A. (2016). Sport, Innovation and Strategic Management: A Systematic Literature Review. Brazilian Business Review, vol.13, special issue, 38-56.
Tjønndal, A. (2016). Innovation for social inclusion in sport. in V.Ratten & J.Ferreira (eds.). Sport Entrepreneurship and Innovation. London: Routledge.



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