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    Tag: social entrepreneurship

    Call for Papers | Frontiers Research Topic: “The Growth of Social Entrepreneurship in the Global Sport Industry”. Call ends December 1, 2022

    As social entrepreneurship continues to evolve in the sport industry, there is a need for conducting and disseminating research to further this emerging area, as well as educate those unfamiliar with the importance of this concept. The goal of this call is to publish research that identifies the characteristics and models of social entrepreneurship and how those concepts apply to the sport industry.

    Disputation | Idrott som medel – inte som mål: Förutsättningar för socialt entreprenörskap inom idrott av Daniel Bjärsholm, Malmö universitet, den 7 februari 2020

    The aim of this compilation thesis is to examine and analyze the preconditions for conducting social entrepreneurship in sport. In sum, the thesis contributes with empirical examples of social entrepreneurial sport organisations; a theoretical understanding of the “social” dimension of social entrepreneurship in sport; an ethical discussion on the role of researchers; and a starting point when discussing the Swedish government support for sport.

    Call for Papers | “Sport and Livelihoods” | Special Issue of Journal of Sport for Development. Call ends September 15, 2019

    This special issue seeks to bring together empirical and conceptual work on the area of sport and livelihoods within the sport for development field. For this special issue, all papers that discuss, explore, and/or expand knowledge about the relationship between sport and livelihoods in various local, national, and international contexts are welcome. Papers from different disciplines are invited.

    Call for Papers | “Organizational Innovation in Sport for Development and Peace” | Special issue of Managing Sport and Leisure. Deadline extended until November 30, 2018

    This issue aims to focus on innovative practices and empirical findings. Additionally, it hopes to serve as an outlet for uniquely designed organizations and programming that have received limited attention previously in sport management journals. Thus, the purpose of this special issue is to encourage scholarly attention to the nature of organizational innovation in SDP.

    Call for Papers | Social Innovation in Sport, a new anthology edited by Anne Tjønndal, to be published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Call ends September 20, 2018

    Innovation plays a vital role in sports. Through new ideas, change and renewal, innovation shapes how a sport is played, viewed and organized. Despite its importance for the development of sport, sport innovation has not received the scholarly attention it deserves. As a research field, sport innovation is still new and relatively under-developed.

    Research Seminar Series in Sport Sciences, Malmö University | 1 June 2015: “Socialt entreprenörskap – en begreppsdiskussion”

    This is the latest installment of the Malmö Research Seminar Series in Sport Sciences, Malmö University, Spring 2015. The seminars will take place at the Orkanen building (Nordenskiöldsgatan 10) in Room E121c, between 13:15 to 15:00. This seminar is in Swedish.

    Call for Contributions to new anthology: Sport Entrepreneurship and Innovation by Vanessa Ratten & Joao Ferreira, eds.

    Sport Entrepreneurship and Innovation, edited by Vanessa Ratten and Joao Ferreira, will be published by Routledge in 2016. Abstracts are due on September 30th 2015; final papers due on December 15th 2015.

    Doktorand i idrottsvetenskap till Linnéuniversitetet, i samarbete med Malmö högskola

    Ämnesområde för befattningen Linnéuniversitetet i samarbete med Malmö Högskola söker en forskarstuderande till utbildning på forskarnivå i idrottsvetenskap fram till licentiatexamen. Arbetet ska utföras inom ramen för projektet ”Socialt entreprenörskap inom idrotten”, finansierat av Familjen Kamprads stiftelse. Det övergripande syftet för projektet är att studera socialt entreprenörskap med idrotten som medel och där målet är social utveckling och en levande...
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