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    Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, Vol. 93, 2022, Issue 3

    RQES publishes research in the art and science of human movement that contributes significantly to the knowledge base of the field. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Effects of Core Strength Training on Skiing Economy in Elite Junior Cross-Country Skiers by Terese Therell, Daniel Jansson & Apostolos Theos (open access).

    International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Volume 20, 2022, Issue 6

    IJSEP publishes empirical and theoretical contributions in the science of physical activity, human movement, exercise, and sport. The journal’s Editors and Editorial Board encourage researchers and scholars worldwide to submit their work for publication. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Desired coaching behaviours of elite divers during competition by Siobhan Henderson, Gordon A. Bloom & Danielle Alexander.

    International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Volume 20, 2022, Issue 2

    IJSEP publishes empirical and theoretical contributions in the science of physical activity, human movement, exercise, and sport. The journal’s Editors and Editorial Board encourage researchers and scholars worldwide to submit their work for publication. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Conscious processing and rowing: a field study by Katherine V. Sparks, Maria Kavussanu, Rich S.W. Masters & Christopher Ring.

    Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, Volume 41, 2022, Issue 1

    The purpose of JTPE is to communicate national and international research and stimulate discussion, study, and critique of teaching, teacher education, and curriculum as these fields relate to physical activity in schools and sport. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: “I’m Not Scared Anymore”: Impact of an Out-of-School Swimming Program on Children and Youth From an Underserved Community by Daniela M. Susnara, Matthew Curtner-Smith, Stefanie A. Wind.

    Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, Volume 40, 2021, Issue 4

    The purpose of JTPE is to communicate national and international research and stimulate discussion, study, and critique of teaching, teacher education, and curriculum as these fields relate to physical activity in schools and sport. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Physical Education Teachers and Competing Obesity Discourses: An Examination of Emerging Professional Identities by Dean Barker, Mikael Quennerstedt, Anna Johansson, Peter Korp (open access).

    Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, Volume 39, 2020, Issue 3 | Don Hellison’s Life and Legacy

    The purpose of JTPE is to communicate national and international research and stimulate discussion, study, and critique of teaching, teacher education, and curriculum as these fields relate to physical activity in schools, communities, higher education, and sport. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: THE MAN BEHIND THE TEACHING PERSONAL AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY MODEL: A LIFE HISTORY OF DON HELLISON by Jenn M. Jacobs and Thomas Templin.

    European Physical Education Review, Vol. 25, 2019, No. 2

    European Physical Education Review is a journal that stimulates and presents scholarly enquiry in the broad field of physical education, including sport and leisure issues and research, bringing together contributions from a wide range of disciplines across the natural and social sciences and humanities.

    Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, Volume 36, 2017, Issue 3

    The purpose of the Journal of Teaching in Physical Education is to communicate national and international research and stimulate discussion, study, and critique of teaching, teacher education, and curriculum as these fields relate to physical activity in schools, communities, higher education, and sport.
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