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    Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Vol. 64, January 2023

    Psychology of Sport and Exercise is an international forum for scholarly reports in the psychology of sport and exercise, broadly defined. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Gritting One’s way to success – Grit explains skill in elite youth soccer players beyond (deliberate) practice by Paul Larkin, Dijana Cocić, David T. Hendry, A. Mark Williams, Donna O’Connor, Merim Bilalić (open access):

    Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, Volume 11, 2022, Issue 2

    SEPP publishes papers in all areas of sport, exercise, and performance psychology for applied scientists and practitioners that supports the application of psychological principles. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Emotion dysregulation mediates the relationship between psychological distress, symptoms of exercise addiction and eating disorders: A large-scale survey among fitness center users by Bernadette Kun, Róbert Urbán, Attila Szabo, Anna Magi, Andrea Eisinger & Zsolt Demetrovics.

    Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, Volume 10, 2021, Issue 2

    SEPP publishes papers in all areas of sport, exercise, and performance psychology for applied scientists and practitioners that supports the application of psychological principles. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Think, see, do: Executive function, visual attention, and soccer penalty performance. by Jack Brimmell, Elizabeth J. Edwards, Martin Smith, Robert S. Vaughan.

    Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Volume 42, 2020, Issue 1

    The Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP) publishes peer-reviewed research articles by leading world scholars that explore the interactions between psychology and exercise and sport performance, editorials about contemporary issues in the field, abstracts of current research on sport and exercise psychology, and book reviews. JSEP is an official publication of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA).

    Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Volume 41, 2019, Issue 4

    The Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP) publishes peer-reviewed research articles by leading world scholars that explore the interactions between psychology and exercise and sport performance, editorials about contemporary issues in the field, abstracts of current research on sport and exercise psychology, and book reviews. JSEP is an official publication of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA).

    Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Volume 40, 2018, Issue 2

    The Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP) is designed to stimulate and communicate research theory in all areas of sport and exercise psychology. JSEP emphasizes original research reports that advance our understanding of human behavior as it relates to sport and exercise. 
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