Gaze Behaviors During Serve Returns in Tennis: A Comparison Between Intermediate- and High-Skill Players
Camilo Sáenz-Moncaleano, Itay Basevitch, and Gershon Tenenbaum
The Development and Psychometric Properties of the Multidimensional Assessment of Teamwork in Sport
Desmond McEwan, Bruno D. Zumbo, Mark A. Eys, and Mark R. Beauchamp
Disguise and Deception of Action Outcomes Through Sports Garment Design Impair Anticipation Judgments
Nicholas J. Smeeton, Matyas Varga, Joe Causer, and A. Mark Williams
Quiet Eye and Motor Performance: The Longer the Better?
André Klostermann, Ralf Kredel, and Ernst-Joachim Hossner
The Relationship of Explicit–Implicit Evaluative Discrepancy to Exercise Dropout in Middle-Aged Adults
Tanya R. Berry, Wendy M. Rodgers, Alison Divine, and Craig Hall
Mediating Mechanisms in a Physical Activity Intervention: A Test of Habit Formation
Navin Kaushal, Ryan E. Rhodes, John T. Meldrum, and John C. Spence