Perfectionistic tipping points: Re-probing interactive effects of perfectionism.
Hill, Andrew P
Questioning stereotypes disrupts the effects of stereotype threat.
Rees, Tim; Salvatore, Jessica
Attentional and perceptual capabilities are affected by high physical load in a simulated soccer decision-making task.
Klatt, Stefanie; Smeeton, Nicholas J.
Nonergodicity in protective factors of resilience in athletes.
Hill, Yannick; Meijer, Rob R.; Van Yperen, Nico W.; Michelakis, Georgios; Barisch, Simon; Den Hartigh, Ruud J. R.
Do it for the team: Youth perceptions of cohesion and role commitment in interdependent sport.
Coleman, Taylor; Godfrey, Michael; López-Gajardo, Miguel A.; Leo, Francisco M.; Eys, Mark
Sport psychology professionals’ perceptions of the roadblocks to cultural sport psychology.
Quartiroli, Alessandro; Vosloo, Justine; Schinke, Robert J.; Anderson, Shelby N.; Fisher, Leslee A.; Giffin, Cole E.
Domain-specific grit, identity, and self-compassion in intercollegiate athletes.
Mosewich, Amber D.; Dunn, John G. H.; Causgrove Dunn, Janice; Wright, Kelsey S
An in-situ examination of cognitive processes in professional and amateur golfers during green reading.
Shaw, Matthew; Birch, Phil D. J.; Runswick, Oliver R.
Think, see, do: Executive function, visual attention, and soccer penalty performance.
Brimmell, Jack; Edwards, Elizabeth J.; Smith, Martin; Vaughan, Robert S.
A qualitative examination of the developmental networks of elite sport coaches.
Lefebvre, Jordan S.; Bloom, Gordon A.; Duncan, Lindsay R.
A thematic analysis of social identity and injury in CrossFit®.
Beasley, Vista L.; Arthur, Rosie; Eklund, Robert C.; Coffee, Pete; Arthur, Calum