Tag: sport media
Forskarprofil | Marit Stub Nybelius, Högskolan Dalarna
Doktorand i idrottsvetenskap Malmö högskola
Universitetsadjunkt Idrott- och hälsovetenskap (inriktning medier och kommunikation), Högskolan Dalarna
Mediehuset, Regementet, 791 88 Falun
Medier, kommunikaiton, PR och idrott
Pågående projekt
Medialiseringen av ett internationellt idrottsförbunds idrottsgrenar
”The Southtyrolean Identity in the Mirror of the Press and Language” i Heritage Island, in the Ocean of culture Arkhangelsk: Pomor University 2006 (ISBN: 5-88086-587-8)
"Do the...
2nd Call for Papers: Sport, media and regional identity
Conference Dates: Wednesday, 19 June 2013
Location: Chester, UK
Submission Deadlines: 1 March 2013 (Abstracts)
Symposium announcement and call for papers
Sport, media and regional identity
19 June 2013
Warrington Campus, University of Chester
The relationship between sport, the media and national identity has featured in numerous academic and political debates in recent years: in contrast, the links between sports media and regional identity have received relatively little attention. This seems a curious...
Communication & Sport Vol. 1, No. 1-2, March 2013
Communication & Sport (C&S) is a new, peer-reviewed quarterly journal that publishes research to foster international scholarly understanding of the nexus of communication and sport. C&S publishes research and critical analysis from diverse disciplinary and theoretical perspectives to advance understanding of communication phenomena in the varied contexts through which sport touches individuals, society, and culture.
Aage Radmann disputerar på avhandling om fotbollshuliganer i medierna
Det är med största nöje som idrottsforum.org härmed kan tillkännage att Aage Radmann, vars betydelse för forumets uppkomst och utveckling inte kan överskattas, nu ska disputera! Den 8 mars 2013, kl. 13.15, i sal D 138, Malmö högskola Orkanen, Nordenskiöldsgatan 10, framlägger han, med vederbörligt tillstånd av Fakulteten för lärande och samhälle vid Malmö högskola, sin doktorsavhandling
Medier, våld och maskuliniteter
för att...
Call for Papers: Mapping the Terrain – Communication Studies of Sport
Ny tidskrift från Sage Publications: Communication & Sport
Communication & Sport (C&S) is a new, peer-reviewed quarterly journal that publishes research to foster international scholarly understanding of the nexus of communication and sport. C&S publishes research and critical analysis from diverse disciplinary and theoretical perspectives to advance understanding of communication phenomena in the varied contexts through which sport touches individuals, society, and culture.
Play the Game 2013 returns to Denmark
When the Play the Game conference 2013 opens its doors, it will be in Play the Game’s home town Aarhus, Denmark, from 28-31 October 2013. More than 300 experts and stakeholders are expected to join this 8th edition of the world communication conference on sport and society.
When scandals of doping, match-fixing and corruption in sport hit the news and...
International Journal of Sport Communication Volume 5, Issue 4, December 2012
Introduction to This Special Issue of IJSC on Twitter
Jimmy Sanderson
Student Research
#WorldSeries: An Empirical Examination of a Twitter Hashtag During a Major Sporting Event
Matthew Blaszka, Lauren M. Burch, Evan L. Frederick, Galen Clavio, Patrick Walsh
Industry Interviews
Interview With Kathleen Hessert, Founder and President of BuzzMgr and SportsMediaChallenge
Betsy Emmons
Interview With Pat Donahue, Coordinator of Digital Media, Los Angeles Kings
Matthew H. Zimmerman
Original Research
International Journal of Sport Communication Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2012
Scholarly Commentary
The Medium of the Future: Top Sports Writers Discuss Transitioning From Newspapers to Online Journalism
Edward M. (Ted) Kian, Matthew H. Zimmerman
Student Research
Activism in Women’s Sports Blogs: Fandom and Feminist Potential
Dunja Antunovic, Marie Hardin
Industry Interview
Interview With Chris Willis, Head of the NFL Films Research Library
Travis Vogan
Original Research
Perceptual Biases and Behavioral Effects Among NFL Fans: An Investigation of First-Person, Second-Person,...