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    Call for Book Chapter Proposals | World Cup! History, Politics, and Art of the Beautiful Game (Vernon Press). Call ends November 1, 2023

    We invite submissions that discuss the Soccer “World Cups” as a historical, political, and aesthetic unit of analysis. How do World Cups shape a certain sense of national identity; how it is used for political purposes (as a state machine as well as resistance); what kind of artistic production surrounds them and what are their intended and non-intended meanings (from songs to advertisements to posters and poems, etc.); how are class, race, and gender relevant (or not) in all these processes.

    Call for Papers | Setting the Table: Essays at the Intersection of Sport and Food, edited by Maria J. Veri, PhD | Call ends August 15, 2023

    Seeking contributions for a forthcoming anthology on sports and food (University of Arkansas Press), a first of its kind collection to feature perspectives on the myriad ways that sport and food are intertwined in media, cultural spaces, material culture, and everyday practices. This interdisciplinary project will explore topics at the intersection of sport and food from social, cultural, and historical perspectives.

    Call for Book Chapters | A Critical Perspective on Parents and Under-Fives Pre-School Sport and Physical Activity | Abstract submission deadline July 14, 2023

    This book will provide a socio-cultural lens on the expanding market for pre-school sport and physical activity. This text comes at a significant time in the context of a growing marketplace for commercialised and franchised sport and PA in the UK and elsewhere for the under-fives. To date much of this research has focused on the development of children or on physiological measures of childhood activity. This ignores the social and cultural context in which children take part in Sport and PA.

    Call for Book Chapter Proposals | World Cup! History, Politics, and Art of the Beautiful Game | Call ends November 1, 2023

    We invite submissions that discuss the Soccer “World Cups” as a historical, political, and aesthetic unit of analysis. How do World Cups shape a certain sense of national identity; how it is used for political purposes (as a state machine as well as resistance); what kind of artistic production surrounds them and what are their intended and non-intended meanings (from songs to advertisements to posters and poems, etc.); how are class, race, and gender relevant (or not) in all these processes.

    Call for Abstracts | Skateboarding and Philosophy: A Brief History of Grind, to be published by McFarland. Call ends August 7, 2023

    Abstracts are sought for a collection of essays on any philosophical topic related to skateboarding (i.e., vert, street, or any other form of skateboarding) to be published with McFarland and Company, Inc. Publishers. Abstracts and eventual essays should be written for a broad, educated but non-specialized audience (essays with an approximate length of 3,000–4,000 words).

    Call for Chapters | Bodies, Gender, Identities, an edited Open Access volume. Abstract submission deadline is May 14, 2023

    The aim of this publication is to establish a dialogue between different approaches to its titular theme, Bodies, Gender, Identities, with a focus on all Asian cultures and societies as well as their diasporic manifestations. We welcome contributions that address any issue related to the theme, such as the governance of life; embodiment and affect; gendered experiences; gender diversity and sexualities; performance and the construction of identities; social and cultural practices concerning birth and death, food, spirituality, love and intimacy, pain, etc.

    Call for Chapters | Body, Politics, and Nation: Intersections of (Post)Modernity. Call ends February 28, 2023

    Taking the timely but historically-rooted entanglements between the three – body, politics and nation seriously, we are particularly interested in submissions that highlight how the state and capitalism in their neoliberal iterations seek to control, mould, and discipline the body along the axes of gender, caste, race, sexuality, income etc. in their pursuit of power and profit.

    Call for Paper | Diversity, Equality, and Inclusivity in the Global Sport Community, edited collection | Call ends June 1, 2023

    The hunger and thirst for sport physical activities of all kinds among diverse populations globally have been demonstrated via the increasing numbers in highly structured competitions such as the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Special Olympics, Gay Games, and Senior Games to name a few. Yet, others choosing less competitive sport and physical activities seek inclusion as well. This book provides an opportunity for scholars to contribute to our theoretical and applied understanding of the many ways in which sport and physical activities can be engaged in by diverse groups globally.

    Call for Papers | On Horses – A Philosophy of Sports Anthology | Call ends March 31, 2023

    A tribute is a celebration. And in this anthology, we seek to celebrate the beauty of the horse, its freedom, its strength, kindness, character and all the symbolic attributes and characteristics that we admire in its indomitable spirit. Celebrating the horse and the horse culture means trying to dialogue with all the worlds it inhabits, from the pastures where it still works, to sport, therapy, in a word, to think and research in all its multidimensionality.

    Call for Contributors | Other Everests: New Perspectives on the World’s Highest Mountain | Open-Access (OA) edited collection of essays. Abstract submission deadline November 14, 2022

    The Other Everests Research Network calls for contributions as chapters to a collected volume of essays to reassess the historical and cultural significance of Mount Everest in the modern world.  Everest has become a well-known site for mountaineers in search of the ‘third pole’, high-altitude adventure, or individual dreams and desires. The centenary of the British expeditions in the 1920s is an opportune moment to reassess the social, political, economic, and environmental dynamics at work in this longer history.
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