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    Call for Papers | Decolonizing Fitness: An anthology on Women of Color, Feminism, and the Politics of “Fit” Bodies

    Decolonizing Fitness: Women of Color, Feminism, and the Politics of “Fit” Bodies Deadline for Abstracts: May 25, 2014 Notifications: May 30, 2014 First Draft Due: October 1, 2014 Editor: Larissa M. Mercado-López, Ph.D., Women’s Studies, California State University, Fresno Several works have broken ground in critical feminist approaches to fitness, including Leslie Heywood’s Bodymakers: A Cultural Anatomy of Women’s Bodybuilding, Shari L. Dworkin and Faye Linda...

    Call for Book Chapters: Daughters of Candace – Tracking Black Women’s Sport History (deadline June 1, 2014)

    Black Women's Bodies Can Be Defined As Locations Of Victory Editors of a forthcoming book, Daughters of Candace: Tracking Black Women's Sport History, seek to explore the contours of African American women's participation in physical contests. This project will illuminate the legacy of several dynasties of Nubian queens known as Candace, or Kandake, and unearth the buried legends of victory...

    Call for Chapters | Fighting Women: Women’s Boxing in the Americas

    The editors of this anthology invite previously unpublished papers on women’s boxing in Canada, the United States, Latin America, and the Caribbean. We are seeking proposals for research papers (maximum 6,000 words) and case studies of current or former pugilists (maximum 4,000 words). Chapters may use historical, contemporary, comparative, or interdisciplinary perspectives. Topics may include: Historical Legacies of Early Women’s Boxing The Policing or...

    Call for Authors: Olympic Studies Reader 2013, Volume 2, An International and Multidisciplinary Research Guide

    CALL FOR AUTHORS Olympic Studies Reader 2013, Volume 2, An International and Multidisciplinary Research Guide – Special homage to Pierre de Coubertin’s 150th Birthday  What is the book about? This book is about Olympic Studies, an area of knowledge still little studied especially because of the difficulties in understanding cross-cultural sport experiences, among other pitfalls of international sport relationships. However, this status has been...

    Call for Papers: Anthology on bicycling in literature and film

    Abstracts due:  August 1st (250-300 words; include contact info and short bio or CV) Final essays due: February 2014 The American author Christopher Morley once said: “The bicycle, the bicycle surely, should always be the vehicle of novelists and poets.” As Morley’s quote suggests, many people have perceived an intimate connection between cycling and literature, and this edited collection aims to...

    Call for manuscripts: “Bodies in Motion” – The Politics/Poetics of Movement and Stillness

    The Nordic Network: Gender, Body, and Health invites scholarly contributions to an anthology with the provisional title of “Bodies in Motion”: The Politics/Poetics of Movement and Stillness. The Nordic Network gathers researchers and practitioners from a number of fields such as philosophy, sociology, anthropology, clinical and social psychology, medicine, comparative literature, cultural geography, sports- and health sciences, psychiatry, and history of...
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