Tag: CfP Anthology
Open Call for Chapter Proposals | The Bloomsbury Academic Handbook of Language and Sport | Call ends May 6, 2024
Bloomsbury Academic have commissioned the Handbook of Language and Sport. Through this handbook, readers will get a state-of-the-art account of the research missions, methodological approaches, the settings or domains of language use being studied, social issues in sport in which language is implicated, and the application of linguistic research to the world of sport that have emerged as foundational to this area of research. We also consider the future of research in this space that scholars might pursue.
Call for Book Chapters | Global Perspectives on Soccer and the Media and Entertainment Industry | Call ends March 17, 2024
This book is aimed at providing different perspectives on the interactions between political football and global media and entertainment industries. These perspectives may be historical, religious, socio-cultural and political among others. The book equally seeks to explore representations of football politics in diverse media notably cinema, television, games, magazines, comics, photojournalism, advertising and online platforms among others.
Call for Chapters | Football Politics and Cultural Production in Africa: Issues and Discourses | Edited collection for Palgrave Macmillan. Call ends April 30, 2024
The political dimension of the football competitions on the continent tends to accentuate the inspiring nature and the news-worthiness of football events in Africa. How political football has interacted with the media and the creative industries in African countries is a very interesting question. This issue and many related ones have not really attracted the attention of scholars. Against this background, the present project focuses on engaging academics in various disciplines to interrogate the interaction between political football and cultural institutions in Africa.
Call for Chapter Contributions | Critical Pedagogies in Sport: Examining Higher Education | Edited Collection Proposal for Routledge. Call ends February 29, 2024
The relationship between HE courses in sport and the sports industry is permeable, each relying on the other to transform and challenge social injustice. This book will be both theoretical and practical providing a useful teaching and learning resource for fellow scholars. Social justice will be at the heart of the text underpinning discussions and recommendations. The textbook aims to be global in terms of authorship, application and content to highlight the diversity of sport and sports-based HE teaching and learning.
Call for Chapters | Criminology, Leisure, and Sport: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, en edited collection for Routledge | Call ends February 29, 2024
We are seeking chapters for an edited book entitled Criminology, Leisure, and Sport: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. The book brings together criminology with socio-cultural analysis of leisure and sport to provide an interdisciplinary collection of work. Crime, deviance, and sport have an established history within the sociology of sport. However, criminology, leisure, and sport are yet to be explored fully in terms of co-creating methodologies, theories, concepts, and new knowledge.
Call For Papers | Social Class, Physical Education and Community Sport, Edited Collection (Routledge 2025) | Call ends October 31, 2023
We already have 10 excellent chapters included in the proposal exploring social class using the following: Gramscian theory, Archer’s ‘morphogenic’ approach, Bourdieusian sociology, Eliasian & figurational sociology, grounded theory, Foucauldian approaches, Nel Noddings’ ‘ethics of care’, and Freirian approaches. However, we would like to complement these chapters with 2-4 additional chapters through this open ‘call for papers’.
Call for Book Chapters | A Critical Muslim Study of Arab and Middle Eastern Sport, for the Emerald Book Series Research in the Sociology of Sport | Call ends...
Our objective is to bring together a diverse community of scholars, both established and emerging, who represent and write about sport and/or physical cultures in the Arab World and Middle East about communities from these regions who are living in diaspora in the West. We are interested in chapter submissions that utilize intersectional, postcolonial, and/or decolonial epistemologies.
Call for Chapter Contributions | Innovative Pedagogical Practices in Sport Management Education | Call ends October 31, 2023
This book seeks to provide current and future sport academicians with a wide array of pedagogical practices to help move the academic discipline forward, addressing the diverse and global nature of a changing world, industry, and academic landscape. The work is intended to support the knowledge and deepening of a wide array of teaching techniques to meet the changing needs of the industry and to provide platforms that resonate with a variety of teaching and learning styles.
Call for Book Chapters | Digital Transformations in Sports | A Title in the Applied Data Analytics Series by Taylor and Francis. Call ends October 31, 2023
This book will consider the digital transformation of the sports industry. This book will elaborate on the forthcoming digital and technological changes that will shape the sports industry for years to come. Topics will include digital innovations, artificial intelligence, machine learning, optimization, data privacy and security, organizational behavior, and globalization. This book provides a platform to collate the most important contemporary issues for a global audience of scholars and practitioners.
Call for Chapters | 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup Anthology | Call ends September 1, 2023
In 2021, sport media scholars Danielle Coombs and Molly Yanity edited and published a 15-chapter collection entitled 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup: Media, Fandom, and Soccer’s Biggest Stage- As the Women’s World Cup is wrapping up South of the equator for the first time as Australia and New Zealand have hosted one wild mega-event, Coombs and Yanity believe the tournament is a perfect palette for the study of women’s sport, media, and fandom -- and they want your chapter pitches.