Guest editorial
Tim Ströbel, Maximilian Stieler, Pascal Stegmann
Digitalization in organized sport – usage of digital instruments in voluntary sports clubs depending on club’s goals and organizational capacity
Peter Ehnold, Eric Faß, Dirk Steinbach, Torsten Schlesinger
“What’s next? Calling beer-drinking a sport?!”: virtual resistance to considering eSport as sport
Anne Tjønndal
Mediating effect of esports content live streaming in the relationship between esports recreational gameplay and esports event broadcast
Wooyoung William Jang, Kevin K. Byon, Thomas A. Baker III, Yosuke Tsuji
Stadium visitors’ smartphone usage and digital resource integration
Chris Horbel, Christoph Buck, Sören Diel, Riccardo Reith, Yannic Walter
Club fan shop or not? A conjoint analysis of online jersey purchase behavior
Dominic Habenstein, Katharina Kirchhoff, Torsten Schlesinger