Head, Toes, Knees, SKIP! Improving Preschool Children’s Executive Function Through a Motor Competence Intervention
Kelly Lynn Mulvey, Sally Taunton, Adam Pennell, and Ali Brian
Effects of the Timing of Acute Exercise and Movement Complexity on Young Adults’ Psychomotor Learning
Phillip D. Tomporowski and Daniel M. Pendleton
In the Zone: An Exploration of Personal Characteristics Underlying Affective Responses to Heavy Exercise
Leighton Jones, Jasmin C. Hutchinson, and Elizabeth M. Mullin
The Need-Relevant Instructor Behaviors Scale: Development and Initial Validation
Eleanor Quested, Nikos Ntoumanis, Andreas Stenling, Cecilie Thogersen-Ntoumani, and Jennie E. Hancox
A Test of Perfectionistic Vulnerability Following Competitive Failure Among College Athletes
Thomas Curran and Andrew P. Hill
“The Thrill of Victory . . . and the Agony of Defeat”: Passion and Emotional Reactions to Success and Failure Among Recreational Golfers
Jérémie Verner-Filion, Benjamin J. I. Schellenberg, Maylys Rapaport, Jocelyn J. Bélanger, and Robert J. Vallerand