Understanding Positive Youth Development in Sport Through the Voices of Indigenous Youth
Leisha Strachan, Tara-Leigh McHugh, and Courtney Mason
The Effects of Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviors on Emotion, Attention, and Performance During a Competitive Basketball Task
Ali Al-Yaaribi, Maria Kavussanu, and Christopher Ring
Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Associations Between Athlete Burnout, Insomnia, and Polysomnographic Indices in Young Elite Athletes
Markus Gerber, Simon Best, Fabienne Meerstetter, Sandrine Isoard-Gautheur, Henrik Gustafsson, Renzo Bianchi, Daniel J. Madigan, Flora Colledge, Sebastian Ludyga, Edith Holsboer-Trachsler, and Serge Brand
A Qualitative Exploration of LGBTQ+ and Intersecting Identities Within Physical Activity Contexts
Shannon S.C. Herrick and Lindsay R. Duncan
The Effect of Acute Exercise on Encoding and Consolidation of Long-Term Memory
Jeffrey D. Labban and Jennifer L. Etnier