All articles are open access as of September 9, 2020
Sport and the Coronavirus Crisis Special Issue: An Introduction
Brody J. Ruihley and Bo Li, Guest Editors
Pages: 289–293
Interview With Josh Krulewitz, ESPN Vice President, Communications
Chris Hanna
Pages: 294–299
Managing Social Media Content During a Global Crisis: Interview With Ben Read, Social Media Manager at World in Motion
Charles Mountifield and Stirling Sharpe
Pages: 300–306
Role of Sport Public Relations for the COVID-19 Outbreak: Interview With Kwon Heo, Public Relations Manager at Kia Tigers
Sungwook Son, Antonio S. Williams and Yoon Heo
Pages: 307–312
COVID-19 and Youth Sports: Psychological, Developmental, and Economic Impacts
Jimmy Sanderson and Katie Brown
Pages: 313–323
The Fractured Messaging of the National Collegiate Athletic Association and Its Members in Response to COVID-19
Timothy Mirabito, Robin Hardin and Joshua R. Pate
Pages: 324–334
Making an Impact: An Initial Review of U.S. Sport League Corporate Social Responsibility Responses During COVID-19
Danielle K. Smith and Jonathan Casper
Pages: 335–343
Professional Tennis’s Constellational Response to COVID-19
Kyle R. King
Pages: 344–351
A Post-COVID-19 Lifestyle Sport Research Agenda: Communication, Risk, and Organizational Challenges
William Roth Smith
Pages: 352–360
Just a Fantasy? Examining Fantasy Sport in a Time Without Sport
Brody J. Ruihley and Jacob Chamberlin
Pages: 361–369
Rebooting Content: Broadcasting Sport and Esports to Homes During COVID-19
Michael M. Goldman and David P. Hedlund
Pages: 370–380
The Show Must Go On: The Strategy and Spectacle of Dana White’s Efforts to Promote UFC 249 During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Ted M. Butryn, Matthew A. Masucci and jay a. johnson
Pages: 381–390
Gendering the Coronavirus Pandemic: Toward a Framework of Interdependence for Sport
Madeleine Pape and Fiona McLachlan
Pages: 391–398
The Elephant in the Room: How COVID-19’s Financial Impact Further Threatens Title IX Compliance
Karen L. Hartman
Pages: 399–407
Exploring Narratives of Scarcity, Uncertainty, and Opportunity in Women’s Sports Coverage During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ellen J. Staurowsky, Benjamin Koch, Grace Dury and Cooper Hayes
Pages: 408–418
The Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on a Major Event Legacy: The 2020 National Collegiate Athletic Association Men’s Basketball Final Four
Beth A. Cianfrone and Timothy Kellison
Pages: 419–426
When Sport Event Work Stopped: Exposure of Sport Event Labor Precarity by the COVID-19 Pandemic
R. Dale Sheptak Jr. and Brian E. Menaker
Pages: 427–435
Fan Engagement in 15 Seconds: Athletes’ Relationship Marketing During a Pandemic via TikTok
Yiran Su, Bradley J. Baker, Jason P. Doyle and Meimei Yan
Pages: 436–446
COVID-19 and Soccer Teams on Instagram: The Case of Corporate Social Responsibility
Samuel López-Carril and Christos Anagnostopoulos
Pages: 447–457
From ESPN to Instagram LIVE: The Evolution of Fan–Athlete Interaction Amid the Coronavirus
Lillian Feder
Pages: 458–464
Through the Perilous Fight: A Case Analysis of Professional Wrestling During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Nicholas P. Davidson, James Du and Michael D. Giardina
Pages: 465–473
The Social Media Response From Athletes and Sport Organizations to COVID-19: An Altruistic Tone
Stirling Sharpe, Charles Mountifield and Kevin Filo
Pages: 474–483
Behind the Scenes: COVID-19 Consequences on Broadcast Sports Production
Roxane Coche and Benjamin J. Lynn
Pages: 484–493
“It Has Changed Completely”: How Local Sports Broadcasters Adapted to No Sports
Kevin Hull and Miles Romney
Pages: 494–504
Fake News Travels Fast: Exploring Misinformation Circulated Around Wu Lei’s Coronavirus Case
Bo Li and Olan Scott
Pages: 505–513
Football Without Football: Creativity in German Football Coverage by TV Broadcasters and Clubs During the Coronavirus Crisis
Christiana Schallhorn and Jessica Kunert
Pages: 514–522
The Norwegian Football Family and Strategic Crisis Communication
Elsa Kristiansen, Therese Dille and Simon Tærud Day
Pages: 523–532
Australian Football in America During COVID-19
James Bingaman
Pages: 533–540
Everyday Things Change: Australian Athlete Communication During the Coronavirus Lockdown
Lewis Whales, Stephen Frawley, Adam Cohen and Natalia Nikolova
Pages: 541–550
Talking Baseball When There Is No Baseball: Reporters and Fans During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Alexander L. Curry and Tiara Good
Pages: 551–558
Critiquing Anthropocentric Media Coverage of the COVID-19 Sport “Hiatus”
Samuel M. Clevenger, Oliver Rick and Jacob Bustad
Pages: 559–565
Sports Television and the Continuing Search for Alternative Programming
Branden Buehler
Pages: 566–574
Making Sense of Coach Development Worldwide During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Bettina Callary, Abbe Brady, Cameron Kiosoglous, Pekka Clewer, Rui Resende, Tammy Mehrtens, Matthew Wilkie and Rita Horvath
Pages: 575–585
Do We Really Want Sports Public Relations to Return to Normal?
Christie M. Kleinmann
Pages: 586–592