The WISE 2021 conference is taking place online between 19th and 22nd April 2021. This multidisciplinary four-day virtual event is being hosted by the University of Worcester and will cover all aspects of women’s involvement in sport.
This conference is the third annual conference of the Women in Sport Academic Network (WiSEAN). Academics and practitioners from fields including psychological, physiology, strength and conditioning, coaching and performance but also from a sociological, cultural and leadership and management perspective are expected.
This conference in April 2021 will have an international focus and aims to bring together practitioners and academics from range of disciplines to allow discussion and debate issues surrounding women’s participation in sport, exercise and physical activity. The conference has been titled ‘Redressing the Balance’ and the purpose of the conference is to raise awareness and address inequalities from both an academic and practitioners as well as share areas of good practice. There will an emphasis on redressing the balance through both assessing impact highlighting future implications for practice.
Additionally, there will be a parallel virtual conference, on day four, as part of a European Commission funded Eramus+ project which the University is leading with six other international partners. The project is entitled the Gender Equity Toolkit for Generation Z (an educational online resource via a MOOC) which aims to educate Generation Z in issues of equity in sport with the aim of increasing the number of women and girls in all forms of sport leadership and management. The impact and implications for practice from this three-year project will be shared along with key research studies focusing on gender perceptions, communication and GenerationZ.
Abstract Submission Invitation
We warmly welcome abstract submissions for the Redressing the Balance: Women in Sport and Exercise Conference in 2021. Abstracts will be selected to either give an oral presentation, a Twitter poster, or for the ‘5 in 5’ format.
The content of the abstract should fit into the main themes of the Conference:
- Redressing the Balance through specific issues influencing performance, physical activity, exercise and health.
- Redressing the Balance through the equity of representation in sport via leadership, governance, media and active participation.
- Redressing the Balance by promoting inclusion, identity and empowerment through sport, physical activity, exercise and health.
- Redressing the Balance through assessing impact and implications for practice.
Oral Presentations
Oral presentations will be organised in parallel sessions of three to four presentations per session. The presentations will be 15 minutes and 5 minutes for questions. If multiple authors present for a single presentation, the time allotted must be split between those presenters.
Twitter Posters
Twitter posters are a unique and innovative way for delegates to disseminate their research findings to a wider audience. Please click here for more information about Twitter posters.
‘5 in 5’
The 5 slides in 5 minute presentations will provide an overview of a topic in a quick, clear and insightful manner. Presentations will last for 5 minutes with 5 minutes available for questions.
Before submitting, please read the following guidelines for submitting an abstract for the 2021 WISE Conference below.
Abstract Submission Dates
The call for abstracts is open and the deadline for submission is 5pm GMT on Friday 19th March 2021.
The online submission form is open.
Guidelines for submitting an abstract for the 2021 WISE Conference
These guidelines are intended to help you submit a clear and concise abstract for oral presentations, Twitter posters or 5 in 5 presentations at the Women and Sport and Exercise Conference 2021 for consideration by the Review Panel.
General Abstract Information
- On submission of an abstract you are agreeing to attend the WISE Conference and present your oral presentation/Twitter poster/5 in 5 at whatever time is scheduled within the Conference Programme.
- All authors must have contributed to the abstract.
- The presenting author for each abstract submitted must be the first author of the submission so it is clearly identifiable at the time of abstract submission.
- All content of the abstract is in the sole responsibility of the author(s) of the abstract.
- Multiple abstracts can be submitted.
Please follow the instructions below when submitting an abstract
- Abstracts must be typed into the Abstract Submission Form.
- Abstracts are restricted to 250 words
- Adhere to the following format where applicable:
i. title,
ii. author(s) name(s) and affiliation(s),
iii. Presenting author,
iv. Background of research or impact or implications of practice including background, aim(s), methods, results, conclusion - Use UK English spelling and punctuation
- Use Ariel font size 11, single-line spacing
- Use the APA style of referencing, but keep referencing to a minimum
How are the abstracts judged and when will I be informed of the outcome
- All abstracts will be reviewed by the WISE reviewing panel. After undergoing the review process, corresponding authors will be informed about the acceptance of their submission by Friday 26th March 2021.
- All abstracts will be reproduced in the Conference Programme and submission of an abstract constitutes consent for publication.
- Authors may state their preferred presentation format, however the final decision will lie with the WISE Review Panel, based on the nature of the abstract and its content.