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    International Platform on Sport & Development e-Newsletter / Issue No. 92, June 2013

    In the latest newsletter, sportanddev lets you benefit from the attendance at the 3rd UN-IOC International Forum on Sport, Peace and Development in New York. It also features a report by Active Communities Network from the Sport for Urban Development event in London which took place at the beginning of the month. In the commentary section, read about why sport...

    International Platform on Sport & Development e-Newsletter / Issue No. 91, June 2013

    The International Platform on Sport & Development has been hard at work for a decade, and the present eNewsletter celebrates ten years of service in the field of sport and development.

    International Platform on Sport & Development e-Newsletter / Issue No. 90, May 2013

    Dear Readers, Welcome to Issue 90 of the sportanddev e-Newsletter! Whether new or old to the S&D sector, this edition has something for you. We bring you interesting commentaries on the importance of leadership skills training, sport as a tool for prisoner reintegration and a look at start-up funding resources and opportunities. In the latest from the community section you will find...

    International Platform on Sport & Development e-Newsletter / Issue No. 89, May 2013

    Dear Readers, Next to providing you with a number of events that can fill your agenda in the weeks to come, this Newsletter recaps the key points of the IOC conference on Sport for All and highlights the IOC guide to managing Sport for All initiatives. It also provides you with a number of articles focusing on organisational improvements and internal...

    International Platform on Sport & Development e-Newsletter / Issue No. 88, May 2013

    Dear Readers, Welcome to Issue 88 of the sportanddev e-Newsletter! "The challenges of fundraising a sport and development project into reality open a series of articles exploring project financing. A coach shares his experience of overcoming another common obstacle in S&D projects - communication - and I outline the benefits of incorporating more physical activity into our working lives to reduce...

    International Platform on Sport & Development e-Newsletter / Issue No. 87, April 2013

    Dear Readers, Welcome to Issue 87 of the sportanddev e-Newsletter! "If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change." As we celebrate World Health Day 2013, these inspirational words from Mahatma Gandhi are an important reminder of individual change affecting wider social change. High blood pressure is this year's theme, a major global health issue causing over 9...

    International Platform on Sport & Development e-Newsletter / Issue No. 86

    Dear Readers, Welcome to Issue 86 of the sportanddev e-Newsletter! Concerned with quality coaching standards, the East Africa Community Coach Education System (EACCES) is now launching a regional initiative, making sure that standards are defined, coaches benefit from increased support and communities thrive because of better project delivery. Focusing first on the organisations participating in the East Africa Cup and closely...

    International Platform on Sport & Development e-Newsletter / Issue No. 85

    Dear Readers, Welcome to Issue 85 of the sportanddev e-Newsletter! Following International Women's Day, this edition focuses on the role sport can play in enabling equal opportunities and promoting gender issues. Addressing these issues demands "a deep cultural shift in which past stereotypes and prejudices must be broken down," according to Steffi Biester, Director of KICKFAIR. Taking a critical look at...

    Issue 84 of the sportanddev e-Newsletter!

    Dear Readers, Welcome to Issue 84 of the sportanddev e-Newsletter! "It's difficult for them to get together," said Football Coach Malefane Nkoko, referring to the infrastructural challenges facing football players in South Africa. Getting together through sport is at the heart of S&D initiatives aimed at peace-building, and yet this simple idea is confronted with numerous physical and social barriers. We bring...
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